A real Chair Shot Reality for you

they banned chairshots to the head not to prevent concussions, but to prevent the media from using the footage and saying "DAMN WWE AND THEIR CHILD POISONING WAYS". The media hates wrestling. A simple back bump does minute brain damage according to a harvard? study. Pro wrestlers suffer similar brain damage as NFL linemen.

Here's a true story. I attended the harley race wrestling academy, I wanted to be a wrestler. First day I'm taking good bumps, they want me to take one more, I fling myself down and when I land, I'm dizzing. I start puking, I go home, still dizzy, still puking, nauseating headache for a week. I didn't want them to think I'm a pussy so I went back the next week, did a 10 bump drill, rolled out of the ring and fell unconcious. Woke up 12 hours later, catheter in my penis, tube down my throat, and 2 tubes in my arms. They weren't sure I'd be able to function again. I suffered a subdural hematoma. something that has a 75% mortality rate. I'm lucky to be alive and lucky to be pretty much normal minus awful headaches once every few months.

Point is, wrestling in general is dangerous and hurts. It turns out I've had 2 fused vertebre in my neck since birth, because of that I can't tuck as far as I need to when I bump, causing my brain to rattle around more. Head injuries occur from bumping too much. It doesn't look like it hurts much because the ring bounces, but it does. Watch cena bump, he doesn' bump as flat and crisp as he did before his neck injury because it probably hurts and scares him shitless.

the fine is nothing more than something to show "hey, we're continuing this thing". It's away to keep public image good. Wrestling is rough with or without charishots, the media will never admit that, but it is. Vince just took away head chairshots so they wouldn't have a graphic clip to run when bashing his wonderful product.

One more thing, Benoit took unprotected chairshots to the back of his head. Which is about as dumb as it gets. The back of your head is much more sensitive and believe it or not, the chairs are hard.
I agree with you 100% about vince. I just wonder what happened to the man he use to be where he would tell the media to shove it
well to be fair the rules are the rules and WWE says no chair shots to the head and it doesn't matter who you are. WWE did what they had to to and as for triple h and taker they will happily take the fine why because it was WM and they two are old pros and they know they have to give us a show and give us fans what we want and they want to give us a good show. If breaking a rule like no head shots with a chair is what it takes they will do it everyday of the week.
I'm so glad that the WWE was outraged enough by this chair shot to head to show a replay of it. I'm so glad we have old Hardcore matches to watch, I mean how much would Mick Foley get fined if he was wrestling for WWE today? He wouldn't make any money.

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