A real Chair Shot Reality for you

I can absolutely believe it. Good for wwe and good for vince!

WWE is a business and it's wrestlers and part of the employee staff, and i'm pretty sure at every job it's safety first! I work construction and safety is #1 here. No if ands or buts.

Concussions are very real and very serious. Even for the "Deadman"

He was legitamately hurt from that match and I stand by that.
I watched that match at least 10 times now and at the end he murmured to himself several times, "c'mon damnit." "get up" "get up."
They were giving him concussion tests! And the look on hhh's face was definitely concern and not astonishment or apart of the story. That's why it ended like it did. He was hurt and hurt bigtime. From diving out of the ropes and landing on his head, to the chair shot, to the spinebuster on the table when he landed on the back of his head, from the second pedigree when he was dumped on his head, the the tombstone wich is what i think was the final straw.

These guys are human, they should be treated like it.
No longer are the days of rock handcuffing mick foley and bashing him in the head 457 times. was it cool to see? maybe a couple of times, but now, seeing as i've suffered 3 concussions from my football career, it is nothing to play around with.

As a fan of the sport i would much rather see Taker wrestle another mania or 2 then have his career ended cause people wanna see chair shots to the head.

Disagree if you want, imagine if that were you, or a family member out there getting demolished in the head. I bet you'd think a bit differently.

Stop being so damn selfish and keep in mind that these are real people, and like stone cold said, "once the adrenaline wears off and i go back to being my regular self, it hurts, i'm in pain."

it's simple. think about it
L.O.L. I love it. Whenever someone resorts to calling you a mark or using the phrase sheep you can truly tell you've hit a nerve. You know, we could have had a simple discussion/debate over what is going on here, but you just had to start in with your smarky ass comments like you actually have any more insight into any situation than the rest of us.

Who was the gtuy who jumped into the topic dropping F-bombs like they knew it all? That'd be you. Don;t act surprised when hostility begets hostility.

Truth is, I've already acknowledged the fact this could all be a front. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised a bit if it is. But for you to act as if it's absolute fact holds no more merit than me saying it could be legitimate. In fact, there is a statement claiming my argument is correct, while you really have nothing but pretentious bullshit to hold up your end. The odds seem to be in my favor.

What odds would that be? Only the ones in your head and your parents' basement. The fact is that they had to break everything they could to get to a match that the sheep would deem as passable. That includes the chair. There's all the evidence anyone with a mid-level IQ needs.

Who's to say that Triple H didn't think that he could get away with a chair shot to the head without clearing it? There has been evidence to the size of his ego in the past, it isn't a far stretch to suggest not a lot has changed. Maybe Vince finally decided to put his foot down in this instance. How do we know what is actually happening? Surely the image of his company is more important than whether or not Triple H is happy. Hunter is a smart guy, he could probably understand.

And what does it cost anyone to send out a ramdom e-mail saying they did it, all the while doing nothing. You mean to tell me that if Ziggler and Morrison did the same that they'd get an imaginary 'fine' too?

All I'm saying is that there are 2 sides to this and several different plausible situations here. For you to state outright that what you're saying is what is really going on is no more absurd than me suggesting that you're full of shit.

Hey, you can believe whatever you want, that's your right. It's my right to do the same.

But, despite our opposing viewpoints and a bit of back-and-forth, I appreciate the debate.
Who was the gtuy who jumped into the topic dropping F-bombs like they knew it all? That'd be you. Don;t act surprised when hostility begets hostility.

Not really hostility, I swear a lot. Just the way I operate. But fair enough.

What odds would that be? Only the ones in your head and your parents' basement.

Lulz. If only it was a year ago, you'd actually be right. But I lucked up and got a well off chick pregnant, so I'm living in a decent place these days. Obviously someone doesn't know when they're being trolled.

The fact is that they had to break everything they could to get to a match that the sheep would deem as passable. That includes the chair. There's all the evidence anyone with a mid-level IQ needs.

I'm not going to lie and say that they could actually go out and put on a good pure wrestling match. Both dudes are in their mid 40s, they did the best they could and it turned out great. That being said, the chair shot wasn't necessary. I don't see how any of this is relevant to disproving that they did it on their own, just a lot of banter with no foundation.

And what does it cost anyone to send out a ramdom e-mail saying they did it, all the while doing nothing. You mean to tell me that if Ziggler and Morrison did the same that they'd get an imaginary 'fine' too?

No, they'd probably get a real fine as well. Or since these guys are easily expendable, they might have been let go.

Hey, you can believe whatever you want, that's your right. It's my right to do the same.

Precisely what I have been saying the whole time.

But, despite our opposing viewpoints and a bit of back-and-forth, I appreciate the debate.

Ditto. Though unfortunately, I highly doubt either of our viewpoints will be proven to be true, what, with the way everyone there gets so tight lipped about everything when it comes to things like these. But if somehow the word ever gets out that it was all just a front, I'll gladly kiss your ring.
First of all, they "busted every piece of furniture" because it was a 'No Holds Barred' Match (since they didn't want to bill it as the same 'Street Fight' from their previous WM encounter).

And why exactly was it a No-Holds Used Match? Because one guy couldn't perform due to injury and the other simply can't perform. The stipulation was added to cover-up that fact. Mission accomplished apparently...

Second, "neither guy can wrestle" ?!?!?!?!?!?! Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Maybe i'm just a fan of 'old-school' wrestling...but these guys can TELL A STORY in the ring...(I go back to the initial "Promo", not a word was said, but EVERYONE in the arena, and at home knew EXACTLY what was 'said' by both guys)...in the ring, you could see the "WTF do i have to do to beat this guy" from HHH...to the 'realization' that he couldn't...it could be seen...and felt!

Glad you liked it. Good thing for WWE that some have low standards. First they don't have to talk to 'tell their story', secondly, they don't have to wrestle either. They have it made with some of you.

As someone who has studied this business & works mildly on the Indy circuit, i'm appauled at the fact that you 'think' they cant 'wrestle'...Wrestling is not about "Spots" (thats the key moves in a match that happen nearly every time a performer is out there...), but is about telling the story of the match...and furthering the storyline as a whole...

Sounds like you need more 'study time'. It continues to amaze me how the son-in-law has not only the McMahons, but so many of the masses fooled into thinking that he can 'work a match' or 'tell a story'. The whole thought of this match was a 'fallback plan'. Nothing more, nothing less. They couldn't get the performers they actually wanted, so they (and you appraently) settled for this.

its "Fans" like you that PISS ME OFF, you're so worried about getting your short little adrenaline rush from seeing the *YAWN* 'Five-knuckle Shuffle'...that you miss the fact that as HHH & Taker were 'destroying furniture'...that they were actually building interest & intrigue into the match...nevermind the fact that you can look back into the match & neither guy hit a 'signature' move for about 10 minutes...nevermind the fact that they continued to build each little moment like a house of cards...stacking each moment (not just moves, but 'emotion') on top of each other...from the chair shots, to the Pedigree(s)...and the Last Ride(s), Tombstones, etc...It was a modern day CLASSIC, that both men should be applauded for!! And the fact that they CONTINUED the story POST MATCH was genius...did anyone (including myself) actually think Taker was going to leave on a stretcher?!?!

When did the son-in-law hit the spinebuster? One of the 5 moves he actually knows? Laying on your back isn't 'telling a story', it's taking a break because you can't handle the pace. Sounds liek you must have loved the Hogan/Warrior stuff too...

As far as the Chair shot to the head...do i think it was "known" ahead of time...maybe...but does it really matter? Think about baseball...do pitchers throw at opposing batters heads? is it allowed...but do they get away with it? Did WWE "Corporate" do the right thing & 'fine' HHH/Taker...yes...but as so many people are quick to point out...they change the rules to meet their needs in the moment...at the end of the day, its ENTERTAINMENT... Was the "Shooting Star Press" barred for a while after Brock messed it up against Angle at Mania? Yes...but its a regular move for Bourne now...

That's the part about it that bothers me.

They had a rule in place but ignored it when it suited them. They had a match between two guys who couldn't physically perform so they covered it up with extreme spots. And it sounds like plenty bought it.

Many people may not know this...but Evan had to perform that move REPEATEDLY...at different angles, at different distances...and NOT MISS...BEFORE being allowed to do the move live on tv...to show that he wouldn't injure the other wrestler...

Two 'old-school' performers like HHH/Taker KNOW how to give & take a true 'chair shot' to the head...did they do it safely, looked that way to me...did they deserve to be 'fined' by the letter of the law...yes...

but using the fact that they took the basis of the match (No Holds Barred) and trying to use that against them, saying its a 'cover up' for them not being able to wrestle is RIDICULOUS!

So is your point that the 'No Holds Used' coverup for lousy wrestling supercedes the company's own rules?

Is that your excuse for them ignoring their own rules when it suited them?

What's the excuse for Austin's middle fingers during a PG show?

How about for the Rock cursing during a PG show?

I'd love to hear your excuses for those.

Wait, maybe both of them will get their own fake fines behind the scenes too, huh?

I don't know guys. I would tend to believe that this news is true. I'll give you how I would imagine this situation went down:

Triple H and Undertaker are sitting there putting together parts of the match. At some point, they discuss using a chair to the back to hurt Taker. It doesn't seem like enough though, so one of them says "hey, let's do one shot to the head".

They know it's illegal, yet they want to do it. Someone tells them "you guys know the rules, and if you are going to do it, you are going to get fined". The amount is something they can afford, so they decide to go ahead and do it. Internet fans are up in arms as they are the ones who know about the rules and then the fact that they were fined comes out and these same people go back to their other thought of "this is the son-in-law and the legend, they didn't REALLY get fined!"

My guess is that they did but they didn't care. They wanted to make this match special and they decided to go with the chair shot. It's not something that's going to happen every day, nor is it the return to those days. We know the dangers behind it and it's never coming back as a regular thing. This was a one time thing where I would guess that these two guys knew the consequences but went ahead with the action anyway.

To give you a comparison, it's like Mark Cuban at basketball games. He knows that if he goes on the court, he's going to get fined, but it hasn't stopped him yet. Every time he does so, the league fines him and he pays it. As long as he can afford it, it's not really stopping the behavior.

Now, don't take this as me knowing more than the rest of you, this is just my guess. I'm just saying that I don't buy conspiracy theories and I don't think this is a mythical fine. I believe they were fined and they knew they would be fined, but given how they felt the spot would come off, a miniscule fine was not their concern. They wanted to add to the show and a little less money in their pocket meant less than having a special match.
I agree with Army JB on this one. They actually told a story which is what is missing in every match that we watch other than the spotfests that we see all over the tv. Did you really see a story in the Cena/Miz match....No, not until the Rock screwed JC over but most people are happy with it and now we have to wait a year to see what will happen at next years WM. There was no real heat between Miz/Cena it was all overshadowed by the Rock/Cena. Miz was just a stand by during this whole war of words.

But to answer the original question. None of work at WWE HQ so none of us know if its true or a work. I lean towards the work to show that they are acknowledging their own created fake rules so others lower on the totem pole won't just do one on their own.

If the fine was actually handed down I applaud the WWE for doing it, if they didn't I still applaud them since I have had to listen since Jan living in the land of the Pittsburgh Penguins and Sidney Crosby's concussion. We have people calling him a wuss for not playing since some football players are back on the field in one week, while he has been off since Jan. A concussion is not something that you can ever predict how it will heal or how you will respond to it as not everyone responds to the same things the same way.

For Example: If you eat Mcdonald's every day for next 4 months you might become as big as Yokozuna, where I could stay trim and lean. While you are packing on the pounds you arteries could be fine, while mine become clogged and I suffer a Heart Attack the day after I stop eating them. Everyone responds differently to different things in different ways!!!!!
And so what about the TLC PPV? Get the C out? I mean it was a real treat to see Taker and Trips go at it in a hardcore match. That element made it MOTN at WM27. I watch wrestling because of the violence, but I guess the WWE is telling me to go watch UFC or MMA instead...

I guess so, if you wanna see guys who aside from putting their lives on the line on just about every move, you wanna see somebody get absolutely destroyed? It's WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT, not world wrestling KILL THE GUY WITH CHAIRS AND DESTROY HIS BODY SO YOU CAN GET SATISFACTION.

Go watch ufc or mma, or go watch backyard wrestling, or just go hang out with jeff hardy.

As a true fan, i care about a great match, great storytelling, and keeping it kayfabe, but i care about the safety of the guys, so i can enjoy their NEXT match too. not just the one at the present time so i can go ooooohhh what a chair shot. not chokeslam him off the top of the set through six tables. then go beat him with chairs and then set him on fire. you're a moron. :lmao:
In Jericho's new book Undisputed (New York Times bestseller, available at all good retailers) he talks about no showing an event to be with son on his first birthday and he was told he was to be fined $1000. Then Vince talked to him and asked him why he didn't turn up blah blah blah - Jericho then says that when he got his paycheck for that month not only did he NOT get fined but he actually got PAID for being there that night.

Aside from being a mistake, he thinks it might of been Vince respecting his honesty.

tl;dr, HHH and Taker are not getting fined.
Yeah surely they knew about it. Brutal physical chair shots, tables crashes and whatever makes a good ole no hold bar match was the only way this match would work anyway. Two guys how haven`t seen much of action lately, peak probably behind them (in term of youth at least), the alternative would have been one boring match.
They know it's illegal, yet they want to do it. Someone tells them "you guys know the rules, and if you are going to do it, you are going to get fined". The amount is something they can afford, so they decide to go ahead and do it. Internet fans are up in arms as they are the ones who know about the rules and then the fact that they were fined comes out and these same people go back to their other thought of "this is the son-in-law and the legend, they didn't REALLY get fined!"

You are missing the issue. Who cares how real or severe the fine is? The issue is that WWE made a HUGE deal out of BANNING the headshots. Both the talent and management were doing this. Now even under your scenario there clearly is not any real fully agreed upon ban and everyone was complicit in saying if you can afford it then do not worry about the rules. If management was aware at all then this is pretty damning. If the biggest names in the company are going to use such a thing to get over their match on the biggest stage of them all then what kind of message does that send to the rest of the guys? The fake ban was a reactionary pr move, just like this report is as well.

If any of you were curious, this is SD's way of saying he has no problem with wrestlers smashing each other over the skull with steel chairs, mostly because it's still allowed in TNA. Not because it makes sense, but due to TNA's not giving a shit.

If any of you were curious this is the same Nick that thinks I always change the subject to another company to detract from the flaws of the one I am defending.

Did the company know, in advance, that Triple H would do this? Who knows. Is the penalty real, or just a PR play? Who knows. Either way, this not being the normal way they go about things is fine with me.

If you were further curious this is the same nick that constantly posts his "educated" conjecture surrounding things he admittedly does not know.

No one is saying headshots are some great important thing that should be done all the time. FYI Anderson said something about TNA and getting rid of headshots a few month ago. Many wrestlers have stated what I said about headshots not being as big a source of concussions as other stuff that they still do. I'd imagine something like the last ride is just as dangerous.
Yea, what morons. Wanting to have a great public image after the media raped them post benoit. What morons, wanting to please stockholders. What morons, wanting to make a good business decision.

Fining these guys isn't anything serious BTW. I guarantee that HHH and Taker had it okayed. WWE just has to fine them to keep the public image going. If you REALLY think that the locker room leader and Vince's right hand man are getting fined to punish them then YOU'RE a moron.

To the guy above, you're right, chair shots don't cause that many concussions. taking a top rope cross body does more actually. It's hard to keep your head tucked so it whips off the mat. Plus it's the back of your head. They ban head shots because that's what the media shows. the media is stupid and will try to "expose" anything they can, even if it's total bullshit. They ban it so the media has no ammunition to say "WHAT SAVAGES!!!" If you show a clip of a cross body it's not going to make the everyday idiot go "well that's just insane".
I could see this being like the Hart/Piper thing. They planned (by themselves) a way for Bret to blade during their wrestlemania match. They weren't allowed to blade back then, but no one but them knew (until just a few years ago). So why couldn't Taker/HHH have done the same? I think only HHH/Taker knew about it and its not like it would be hard to keep this a secret til Mania.

But I am glad that the WWE is taking this seriously. It shows that they really do care about safety and that everyone has to play by the rules.

And why exactly was it a No-Holds Used Match? Because one guy couldn't perform due to injury and the other simply can't perform. The stipulation was added to cover-up that fact. Mission accomplished apparently...[/QUOTE]
I'm not disputing that the stipulation was a way to cover up an INJURY...but to say that HHH cant wrestle is preposterous...

Glad you liked it. Good thing for WWE that some have low standards. First they don't have to talk to 'tell their story', secondly, they don't have to wrestle either. They have it made with some of you. [/QUOTE]

well...the simple answer is, my standards are anything BUT low...(if you'd read my ENTIRE post, rather than pick & choose things here & there, you would see that someone like Cena, who is a 3 move guy, annoys me to know end! Again, i go back to the fact that the HHH/Taker match TOLD A STORY, as its SUPPOSED TO!!!

Sounds like you need more 'study time'. It continues to amaze me how the son-in-law has not only the McMahons, but so many of the masses fooled into thinking that he can 'work a match' or 'tell a story'. The whole thought of this match was a 'fallback plan'. Nothing more, nothing less. They couldn't get the performers they actually wanted, so they (and you appraently) settled for this.[/QUOTE]

As a 32 year old, thats been studying the business for 20 years...and actually IN it for the past 7...i dont think you're in any position to tell me i need more 'Study Time'...
yes, they wanted Sting for the match...fine, so HHH was the back up plan...who cares?!

Let me tell you how i judge a performer...whether WWE, TNA, Indy...doesn't matter...if i can be entertained, good...BUT, if i can UNDERSTAND the story they're trying to tell...with no 'help' from an announcer...then the guy can WORK!! I can & have watched both HHH & Taker work a match with the sound off...and still know the point they're trying to make...then turn the sound back on, and have the announcers affirm what i was seeing...

THEY ALL WORK TOGETHER FOR THE COMMON GOOD, of ENTERTAINMENT!! Have you seen HHH work a bad match with a "Big Man"? With a "Technician"? With a "High-Flyer"? No...because the guy can tell a story in the ring...PERIOD!

When did the son-in-law hit the spinebuster? One of the 5 moves he actually knows? Laying on your back isn't 'telling a story', it's taking a break because you can't handle the pace. Sounds liek you must have loved the Hogan/Warrior stuff too...[/QUOTE]

Granted, one move......and laying on your back, in the overall context IS part of telling the story...is it a break...maybe, sometimes...but you have to look at more than just the 'laying on your back'...theres the body language...the facial expressions...its a TOTAL PACKAGE DEAL!!!

They had a rule in place but ignored it when it suited them. They had a match between two guys who couldn't physically perform so they covered it up with extreme spots. And it sounds like plenty bought it.[/QUOTE]

If they'd 'ignored' it, we all wouldn't be having this discussion, obviously with the posting of the 'fine'...its not being 'ignored'...Second; what you call 'perform', is two guys at 100% (never)...that can do 1000 moves (Not likely) but are 'spot kings'...instead; i see two guys that whether they do 500 moves, or the same one 500 times...they draw the crowd in, the feed off the emotion...and feed INTO the emotion...THAT is a PERFORMER...in an ENTERTAINMENT business!!!

So is your point that the 'No Holds Used' coverup for lousy wrestling supercedes the company's own rules?[/QUOTE]

Absolutely not...i'm saying that the 'No Holds Barred' was a good TOOL for two story-tellers to do their job!

Is that your excuse for them ignoring their own rules when it suited them?[/QUOTE]

again, if they had 'ignored' it, we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we?

What's the excuse for Austin's middle fingers during a PG show?[/QUOTE]

?? Old habits are hard to break for Steve?? (They did try to use creative camera angles to cover it up...)

How about for the Rock cursing during a PG show?[/QUOTE]
It was after most kids bedtimes...at least the ones with responsible parents :) And i'm sure you heard worse back in middle school than what Rock had to say...

I'd love to hear your excuses for those.[/QUOTE]

No excuses...just observations...

If you have such a problem with it...why do you watch?

Look, my bottom line is this...Whether they did it or not is irrelevant...the fact that the company acknowledged the wrong-doing & reported the fine is an example that they are TRYING to do the right thing...whether a work or not...
If I can just take this quote and.........yep.........just.......there. Done.

"I know wrestling is about trying to make things as real as possible but you have to draw the line somewhere".

Would you rather the people who worked for your entertainment fell to pieces because of it or took one less bump and had another year of life down the road? If your answer is the first option you really need to consider how much you really care you your idols. Don't bay for blood, just be satisfied that you got a match as good as that at all.

true it was a good match but how often does the wwe do this for us fans now? The fact is wwe turned their back on the loyal fans that stood beside them so they could beat wcw. so how do they think us for our loyalty? you can't see me. the fact is simple Vince don't care about us all we aare is another 55 dollars every month and we are stupid enough to pay for this. I have been watching wrestling since i was 3 years old. would i let my 4 year old son watch the aggression era yes I would. Why? Because i watched with my grandfather and It is simple they say don't try this at home and as parents it is our job to make sure our kids know right from wrong not the wwe. so vince get over yourself you are not everyone's daddy and give your loyal fans what we want more matches like taker vs triple H
You are missing the issue. Who cares how real or severe the fine is? The issue is that WWE made a HUGE deal out of BANNING the headshots. Both the talent and management were doing this. Now even under your scenario there clearly is not any real fully agreed upon ban and everyone was complicit in saying if you can afford it then do not worry about the rules. If management was aware at all then this is pretty damning. If the biggest names in the company are going to use such a thing to get over their match on the biggest stage of them all then what kind of message does that send to the rest of the guys? The fake ban was a reactionary pr move, just like this report is as well.

Yea, I am not missing the issue. There is an obvious reason that chairshots were banned, one I support 110 percent. Given the fact that I have actually had a concussion, I do know the ramifications of such and support anything that can be done to help athletes from getting them.

Still, concussions are not 100 percent preventable, far from it. I got mine on a soccer field in a freak sort of accident. I made an aggressive play and it cost me. On Sunday, Miz got a concussion from taking that fall over the rail and landing on his head. Obviously his concussion wasn't planned, but it happens.

The reason chair shots to the head were banned was because this is a situation where a large piece of steel is being swung at your skull. Doing this puts pressure on said skull and can cause a concussion from an action that was predetermined to strike the skull. Something like Miz's accident or someone over-rotating on a back body drop or whatever will happen sometimes. Wrestling is a contact "sport" and people do get hurt. You've seen the videos that air before every show. The point is that chair shots were taken away as a preventative measure for concussions and the rate at which performers are getting them is very down which is a very good thing.

As for Taker and Triple H, you actually used the words "fake ban". No, it is a real ban. In catholic schools, there is a real ban on couples touching each other, even holding hands. Do you think that 100 percent of kids refrain from such activities? It happens, and sometimes even on school properties. If those individuals are caught, a punishment is set forth to them. Those kids know damn well that they are going to be punished but they do the act anyway. Let's not apply that to this match.

Triple H and Undertaker know the rules better than anyone. They are the locker room leaders, the veterans, the guys EVERYONE looks up to. Thus, if they were going to break a rule, they would know about it beforehand. They aren't green performers who would let emotions get the best of them. I don't think it's a stretch at all to say that they and management knew exactly what was going to happen. You say shame on them, I say we don't know the whole story.

What if Taker and H approached the locker room beforehand and said "guys, we want to inform you of something. In our match, Taker will be taking a chair shot to the head. As you know, this is a banned offense in this company and is not recommended. Due to the nature of our contest, we are going to use it ONCE and only ONCE to push the severity of the story. Under no circumstances do we recommend you follow suit. You will be punished just as we will be. We are willing to take that punishment and are doing so in order to try and up the ante for this show. You will never see it again from us, so let's make this the only time it happens."

For all we know, a speech like that was given and the vets were educating the young guys on what was going on. I agree that it's still not a great idea and that under no circumstance in today's day and age should a chair shot to the head be used given what we know about it, but these veterans chose to do so. You know they made that choice in an educated manner and you know that they trusted each other to run the spot right so that the least possibility of a head injury was possible. It still doesn't make it right, but that's what happened.

The company would know damn well it was happening but they would tell the guys that if they want to go through with it, they will be punished like everybody else. These guys make the best salaries in the company so a fine is something they will deal with for their one spot. Again I refer to Cuban. He is a billionaire, so when he gets fined 50K for arguing with refs, what does he care? That's chump change for him! Actually, every time he gets fined, he matches the fine with a charitable donation! This situation is different, but the point about knowing you will be punished going in stands.

You need to stop talking in absolutes when you make points. I'm arguing that I believe the fine is real. You are arguing that it is fake. Fact is, we have a report saying that a fine was issued and that's all the information we have. Thus, my point by virtue of matching said information is more valid. Still, I'm not arguing that there's no possibility of you being right. I can't speak in absolutes because I wasn't backstage to hear these conversations. I am merely suggesting a way that this happened that isn't a conspiracy theory. To be clear, I am basing my opinion on the standing of the men in question and how I believe men of this caliber would act. It's not much of a stretch, but I could be right or wrong.

Look, we agree that chair shots ARE wrong, correct? This was a one time thing and I sincerely hope we are right in saying that. It wasn't a great thing to do and I'm sure it won't happen again. However, to suggest that this was either a spur of the moment action or that these guys aren't actually fined for it when reports say they have been are a little short sided. We aren't talking about rookies here, we are talking about legends. These guys are mature adults who know the consequences of their actions. I have to believe they knew exactly what would happen to them and they still did what they did. I just hope that they also did what I suggested and spoke with the locker room about what was going to go down.
When did I argue the fine wasn't real? Sure seemed like I was saying it is irrelevant. The real issue is that the fine failed to do what it supposedly does. It would be one thing if it was a spur of the moment thing. Like you, I find this to be quite unlikely. Thus, management was complicit in the act. This, along with the stage it was on and the stature of the wrestlers involved, undermines the entire policy.

I say shame on the wrestlers regardless of any hypothetical speeches. There is no way this doesn't send the wrong message. Further amusing is that if you "unintentionally" hit someone in the head you are not even punished under this rule. Hooray for dangerous accidents! All I have been arguing is that the policy isn't as great as what the WWE sold it as initially. The whole point is supposedly to protect the wrestlers from themselves. It failed to do that miserably here and set the precedent for further such temptations. It likely even set the precedent of management supporting such decisions.
Wrestlemania man! Gotta pull out all the stops.

I personally would like to see both HHH and Taker laugh at the fine.

Their pay out will be SO massive for Mania, I'm sure they wont miss 5-10 grand.
I heard both guys knew that the chairshot was going to happen during the match. To be honest it shows me whether or not blood or whatever makes a good wrestling match it proves that both guys will do something for the fans to make the match seem good or to get the crowd pumped. They obviously saw W.M. as a huge event and the fine as something small and they said what the hell and ran with it. It reminded me back at Bragging Rights when the crowd started to chant "we want blood" during the buried alive match and pretty much right away, 'taker started to throw chairs into the ring just to make the fans happy. Yes, the rules apply to everyone and thats a good thing but then you come to the "rules are meant to be broken" line. Heh, good for them.
Wrestlemania man! Gotta pull out all the stops.

I personally would like to see both HHH and Taker laugh at the fine.

Their pay out will be SO massive for Mania, I'm sure they wont miss 5-10 grand.
Why is there this belief that Taker and Triple H and the office wouldn't agree over this? Why are people upset? Why is this even a post.

Just a little thought will bring you to the conclusion that this is a non issue. Pretty sure Triple H is Vince's senior advisor, Undertaker is the backstage general. They both probably have closer relationships with Vince than anyone else on the roster. The fine is just for looks so their public image stays up. Triple H and Taker won't laugh at the fine because they probably helped plan out the company's course of action.
If the WWE had really banned chairshots, and never wanted them to happen again, then they wouldn't keep having folding chairs at ringside. Plain and simple.

Think about it. The tv play-by-play announcers all get leather office chairs to sit in. But the ring announcer has to sit on an uncomfortable folding card table chair? The only reason those chairs are still at ringside, is for them to be available for chairshots.

WWE puts a phoney announcement on their website that HHH and Taker got fined. And shareholders and media types are happy because the company is "taking a stand". Bullshit! :suspic:
They didn't ban chairshots, they banned chairshots to the Head. We always see them using chairs on each others backs and legs so that tells you they aren't banned all together which is why they still have chairs at ring-side. I believe the fine is real but I don't think its a big deal and won't turn into a big deal.
The fine is stupid. It's good that no one is above the rules, but it's still stupid. I understand chairshots to the head prevents concussions, etc and there have been tradegies such as Chris Benoit, but it's not THAT serious. There's hundreds and hundreds of wrestlers that are living a perfectly capable life so that argument is irrelevant.

It's mind boggling that this is what the wwe has come down to. :disappointed:
There are two points:

Should there be a fine for this? Yes, there should be. Using chairshot straight to head should not be allowed. Being professional might help you to minimze the pain, but not necessarily the harm to your body. There is a reason why there are a hundred of wrestlers died before the age of 40. If HHH and Taker do not care, then they should care! I want to see a wrestling match and i can live without a chairshot straight to head.

Is fining them for X amount of dollars be the right move? No. I am not saying ban them from wrestling :) but if you really don't want anyone to do it, then you make sure everyone understands it can not happen. i.e. do they bring a knife to extreme rules? so there are things that everyone knows that simply can't happen. Hitting straight to head should be one of them. Benoit didn't become like that because of the chair shot he got from the previous night. It happens on time, so Taker might not saw it's affect today, but it can become serious in time. That's why those sort of shots should not happen in wrestling
Should there be a fine for this? Yes, there should be. Using chairshot straight to head should not be allowed. Being professional might help you to minimze the pain, but not necessarily the harm to your body. There is a reason why there are a hundred of wrestlers died before the age of 40. If HHH and Taker do not care, then they should care! I want to see a wrestling match and i can live without a chairshot straight to head.

Is fining them for X amount of dollars be the right move? No. I am not saying ban them from wrestling but if you really don't want anyone to do it, then you make sure everyone understands it can not happen. i.e. do they bring a knife to extreme rules? so there are things that everyone knows that simply can't happen. Hitting straight to head should be one of them. Benoit didn't become like that because of the chair shot he got from the previous night. It happens on time, so Taker might not saw it's affect today, but it can become serious in time. That's why those sort of shots should not happen in wrestling
they banned chairshots to the head not to prevent concussions, but to prevent the media from using the footage and saying "DAMN WWE AND THEIR CHILD POISONING WAYS". The media hates wrestling. A simple back bump does minute brain damage according to a harvard? study. Pro wrestlers suffer similar brain damage as NFL linemen.

Here's a true story. I attended the harley race wrestling academy, I wanted to be a wrestler. First day I'm taking good bumps, they want me to take one more, I fling myself down and when I land, I'm dizzing. I start puking, I go home, still dizzy, still puking, nauseating headache for a week. I didn't want them to think I'm a pussy so I went back the next week, did a 10 bump drill, rolled out of the ring and fell unconcious. Woke up 12 hours later, catheter in my penis, tube down my throat, and 2 tubes in my arms. They weren't sure I'd be able to function again. I suffered a subdural hematoma. something that has a 75% mortality rate. I'm lucky to be alive and lucky to be pretty much normal minus awful headaches once every few months.

Point is, wrestling in general is dangerous and hurts. It turns out I've had 2 fused vertebre in my neck since birth, because of that I can't tuck as far as I need to when I bump, causing my brain to rattle around more. Head injuries occur from bumping too much. It doesn't look like it hurts much because the ring bounces, but it does. Watch cena bump, he doesn' bump as flat and crisp as he did before his neck injury because it probably hurts and scares him shitless.

the fine is nothing more than something to show "hey, we're continuing this thing". It's away to keep public image good. Wrestling is rough with or without charishots, the media will never admit that, but it is. Vince just took away head chairshots so they wouldn't have a graphic clip to run when bashing his wonderful product.

One more thing, Benoit took unprotected chairshots to the back of his head. Which is about as dumb as it gets. The back of your head is much more sensitive and believe it or not, the chairs are hard.
There are two points:

Should there be a fine for this? Yes, there should be. Using chairshot straight to head should not be allowed. Being professional might help you to minimze the pain, but not necessarily the harm to your body. There is a reason why there are a hundred of wrestlers died before the age of 40. If HHH and Taker do not care, then they should care! I want to see a wrestling match and i can live without a chairshot straight to head.

Is fining them for X amount of dollars be the right move? No. I am not saying ban them from wrestling :) but if you really don't want anyone to do it, then you make sure everyone understands it can not happen. i.e. do they bring a knife to extreme rules? so there are things that everyone knows that simply can't happen. Hitting straight to head should be one of them. Benoit didn't become like that because of the chair shot he got from the previous night. It happens on time, so Taker might not saw it's affect today, but it can become serious in time. That's why those sort of shots should not happen in wrestling
seriously dude how long have you been watching wrestling? chair shots have been going on as long as i have been watching it and that has been 25 years. this is what they get paid to do so quit being a hippie and let them do their damn job

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