Orton & Bryan Fined by WWE

Was the WWE in the right in fining both Orton and Daniel? Yes they were. I understand that it was a heat of the moment kinda deal that match BTW was fucking awesome. But chair shots to the head have been illegal for a reason for quite some time now. I dont need to be entertained with repeated chair shots to the head not at all.

Yes sometimes,in the heat of the moment stuff like that is gonna happen. Hell if Undertaker and HBK get fined by something like that,then no one is immune to it. Yes it was a streetfight i get that but still chair shots to the head are a no-no regardless of any kind of stipulation. No harm no foul
Bryan took a chairshot to the head, he shouldn't have, fine is deserved.

If your so delusional that you think wrestling should be what it once was please give the fuck up and stop watching. You don't respect the peoples bodies then you don't respect what they do, and if you don't respect what they do, they don't have to respect you as a fan.
thats because its fucking stone cold.. stone cold is fucking intense, of course he can execute a chair shot well.

however, i dont trust the rest of the roster if they know how to execute a back chair shot correctly..

it doesnt have to be a legit chair shot to the head. like i said, they can change the fucking camera, or block it with their fucking hands, or BOTH.

Are you really that naive in saying only because it's Stone Cold does it look good. I could name several instances where that would look good. A chair shot to the back can be done by anyone and be sold well. I remember a few years back when The Miz broke a chair on Khali's back creating a huge cut. Anyone can do it, it's just a matter of how everyone sells it.

As for your need to have headshot a that's another story. You say just change how it's presented but the fact of te matter is WWE is trying to protect its roster as best they can. You don't need to change how it hits how it is seen you just don't need it anymore. Nobody needs to be risking themself ramming into a steel chair for the sake of making a match better. There are several other methods to make a match intense and headshots are not one.
its a risky move but its a risky buisness the problem is with blows to the head is they effect everyone differently a slight knock might make one guy mental or brain damaged or concussed example chris nowinski while another guy can have a long career filled with countless chairshots to the head and be more or less fine example mick foley.

it seems one of the main reasons for banning chairshots is the chris benoit incident from what ive read they discovered his brain resembled that of an 80 year old alzeimers patient and obviously could of been a big contributer to him doing what he did.benoit was an intense guy and apparantly one of the few guys willing to take a chairshot to the back of the head which is just a ridiculously stupid idea really and certainly didnt do him any favours.who can say why he did it though for all we know the guy could of just been a legit nutcase who finally snapped.

but anyway i can sort of understand them banning them it protects the wrestlers health therefore protecting there investment while also giving the company a better rep.as a fan though what id rather they did was limit there use to no holds barred matchs streetfights ect also to ppvs like extreme rules and hell in the cell.its not going to happen but if it did wwe should make it very clear that any wrestler receiving a chairshot does so at there own risk.
Are you really that naive in saying only because it's Stone Cold does it look good. I could name several instances where that would look good. A chair shot to the back can be done by anyone and be sold well. I remember a few years back when The Miz broke a chair on Khali's back creating a huge cut. Anyone can do it, it's just a matter of how everyone sells it.

As for your need to have headshot a that's another story. You say just change how it's presented but the fact of te matter is WWE is trying to protect its roster as best they can. You don't need to change how it hits how it is seen you just don't need it anymore. Nobody needs to be risking themself ramming into a steel chair for the sake of making a match better. There are several other methods to make a match intense and headshots are not one.

headshots ARE one. did u see how over rated Rko got when they headshotted every single fucking top star in the company? they headshotted undertaker, cena, hbk, hhh, jeff hardy, etc..

it was so fucking intense, how else would they get over? put a chairshot underneath their back and hit their back? LOL GIVE ME A BREAK U DUMB ASS!
wtf, they shouldnt have been fined. this is what makes wwe more intense, the chair shots, the blood, the intensity, every fucking thiing.

remember wrestlemania - stone cold vs bret hart?? that was an intense intense match. not only be acuse of the amazing storytelling, but because of the blood.

whether wwe marks want to admit it or not, blood = intensity, intensity = better feuds, better feuds = better RATINGS!

You're right, the blood was a huge part of the intensity of that match. But in 1997 there was hardly ever a match where someone bled, making it all the more special. If C.M. Punk busted open John Cena in a match today, we would all go nuts and it would probably be deemed as the second coming of something.

Not to mention that match by itself, without any blood, would still have been awesome because it featured two of the best performers the wrestling business has ever seen.

thats because its fucking stone cold.. stone cold is fucking intense, of course he can execute a chair shot well.

however, i dont trust the rest of the roster if they know how to execute a back chair shot correctly..

it doesnt have to be a legit chair shot to the head. like i said, they can change the fucking camera, or block it with their fucking hands, or BOTH.

Not to take anything away from him, but Stone Cold really didn't have to do anything there except swing, Bret was the one selling the shot. Also, and I think I speak for everyone here, but if you could brush up on some grammar and usage rules, that would be great.

If you go back and watch many of the matches that made that era great, they were all the same for the most part. They started in the ring and then spilled to the floor for ten minutes, then they'd come back into the ring, kick out of each other's finish and then someone would win. I agree with Brain whole-heartedly. Last Monday's Street Fight was great because it was special. We don't get to see those kinds of matches very often anymore, especially on free TV. It's the exact same logic that makes the Street Fight from 'Mania 13 special. I'm not one to say "The Attitude Era" was shit, because it was entertaining, but it got played out. For every moment that was ground-breaking and legendary, there are probably five that stunk to high hell.

Yeah, i am an asshole for wanting more entertainment? Get real fucking idiot.

Put their bodies on the line? i fucking put my body on the line by wrestling with my friends, does that count? NO, because if you are going to be on television, you have to take it to a whole other level. you have to go to the extremes, which is usage of weapons and blood. and no, of course one person's weekly entertainment isnt more important than someone's health. but MILLIONS of people's weekly entertainment is about equal to someone's health in my opinnion. they knew what they were signing up for anyways. wrestlers knew it was going to be dangerous, so they will understand the risks. look at fucking ric flair and hulk hogan, they were 60 years old and they took chair shots to head and bleeded monthly. it was really common for them. i dont understand ur logic man. get real, do u not want entertainment?? what the fuck is wrong with ur brain, because u clearly dont have one, contradictory to your name.

This takes trolling to a whole new level. You putting your body on the line at home with your friends doesn't make you anything but stupid. Any professional would tell you that.

I'm sure he probably doesn't care, but I'm offended for Brain. He's probably one of five other people on this forum that actually has interesting and intelligent things to say, unlike yourself. I know this won't affect you, but it's more for people that know me from these forums; People like you are the reason I've all but stopped posting here. There's nothing interesting to read anymore except posts from people like Brain, unless you're into countless cursing and terrible grammar that, more often than not, can't formulate a complete thought. You're obviously too young to remember someone as important to the wrestling business as Bobby Heenan, so get over yourself.

Anyways, my point is that I think wrestlers should be fined. I'm all for an entertaining wrestling match, but at what price? I don't want to have to endure another wrestling tragedy in my lifetime. Say what you will, but it bothers me that on nostalgia events like RAW 1000 we can't see the likes of a Curt Hennig or a Rick Rude or an Eddie Guerrero or a Chris Benoit; the workhorses of the WWE's lifetime that really made the business special. It's even more disheartening that someone like Punker craves the "intensity" that comes with 13 chair shots to the head that take more than their fair share in those tragedies. Even Mick Foley was pissed at The Rock that night, by the way.
You're right, the blood was a huge part of the intensity of that match. But in 1997 there was hardly ever a match where someone bled, making it all the more special. If C.M. Punk busted open John Cena in a match today, we would all go nuts and it would probably be deemed as the second coming of something.

Not to mention that match by itself, without any blood, would still have been awesome because it featured two of the best performers the wrestling business has ever seen.

Not to take anything away from him, but Stone Cold really didn't have to do anything there except swing, Bret was the one selling the shot. Also, and I think I speak for everyone here, but if you could brush up on some grammar and usage rules, that would be great.

If you go back and watch many of the matches that made that era great, they were all the same for the most part. They started in the ring and then spilled to the floor for ten minutes, then they'd come back into the ring, kick out of each other's finish and then someone would win. I agree with Brain whole-heartedly. Last Monday's Street Fight was great because it was special. We don't get to see those kinds of matches very often anymore, especially on free TV. It's the exact same logic that makes the Street Fight from 'Mania 13 special. I'm not one to say "The Attitude Era" was shit, because it was entertaining, but it got played out. For every moment that was ground-breaking and legendary, there are probably five that stunk to high hell.

This takes trolling to a whole new level. You putting your body on the line at home with your friends doesn't make you anything but stupid. Any professional would tell you that.

I'm sure he probably doesn't care, but I'm offended for Brain. He's probably one of five other people on this forum that actually has interesting and intelligent things to say, unlike yourself. I know this won't affect you, but it's more for people that know me from these forums; People like you are the reason I've all but stopped posting here. There's nothing interesting to read anymore except posts from people like Brain, unless you're into countless cursing and terrible grammar that, more often than not, can't formulate a complete thought. You're obviously too young to remember someone as important to the wrestling business as Bobby Heenan, so get over yourself.

Anyways, my point is that I think wrestlers should be fined. I'm all for an entertaining wrestling match, but at what price? I don't want to have to endure another wrestling tragedy in my lifetime. Say what you will, but it bothers me that on nostalgia events like RAW 1000 we can't see the likes of a Curt Hennig or a Rick Rude or an Eddie Guerrero or a Chris Benoit; the workhorses of the WWE's lifetime that really made the business special. It's even more disheartening that someone like Punker craves the "intensity" that comes with 13 chair shots to the head that take more than their fair share in those tragedies. Even Mick Foley was pissed at The Rock that night, by the way.

yeah, im sure headshots will cause concussions if they are hit too hard, u just have to be careful with how u execute it.. u can change the camera angle and u can also block it with ur hands to absorb the damage.

anyways i think that headshots are still necessary, and u think u are so convincing, but ur not.

wwe is a business, and to succeed as a business, u must make money and get people over. im looking at things in a business perspective, and u look at things in a personal perspective. to get superstars over and get major sympathy, u use chairshots, its that simple. remember rey mysterio in his feud with chavo guerrero? mysterio gained instant sympathy and chavo gained instant heat. thats how amazing headshots are. it fucking made chavo guerrero over. fucking CHAVO guerrero!

im not saying headshots should happen every night, i am just saying they should be used more often. like in hell in a cell, obviously they should use it. because what good is a hell in a cell match without blood? all u do is throw people onto the cage? is that intense? no its not, its bullshit, typical PG shit. Hell in a cell matches should have blood and should involve more weapons. it needs to feel intense, and last year's hell in a cell felt like shit. only 1 hell in a cell match, ryback vs punk, and no blood, just throwing people on the cage. it was bullshit man. they didnt even crash on top of the roof. why dont u just make it a fucking steel cage match then?

i believe i made my point. blood shoulddnt be used ev ery week, but should be used at certain ppvs and certain main events
yeah, im sure headshots will cause concussions if they are hit too hard, u just have to be careful with how u execute it.. u can change the camera angle and u can also block it with ur hands to absorb the damage.

What does changing the camera angle have to do with concussions? As for blocking with your hands, why take the chance of causing a concussion? There are plenty of effective ways to use a chair without targeting the head.

anyways i think that headshots are still necessary.

So necessary that the headshots Chris Benoit took throughout his career meant he would have been dead within a year had he not killed his family, right?

wwe is a business, and to succeed as a business, u must make money and get people over. im looking at things in a business perspective, and u look at things in a personal perspective. to get superstars over and get major sympathy, u use chairshots, its that simple. remember rey mysterio in his feud with chavo guerrero? mysterio gained instant sympathy and chavo gained instant heat. thats how amazing headshots are. it fucking made chavo guerrero over. fucking CHAVO guerrero!

You think that it was chairshots to the head that got Chavo over? As if that was the Holy Grail of heat he used against Rey Mysterio in order to get hated?

Mysterio gained "sympathy", as you put it, because they were in the middle of an angle involving Rey paying tribute to Eddie, a Guerrero. So when a Guerrero turned on him, costing him the World Title, no less, it gained him massive "symapthy" and got him over further.

im not saying headshots should happen every night, i am just saying they should be used more often. like in hell in a cell, obviously they should use it.

Why should they use headshots inside Hell In A Cell they can create more then enough carnage....inside the cell? The Cell itself is supposed to be hellacious, not because of gratuitous head shots that bust men open. There are plenty of ways to go about that without endangering the performers.

Above all else, even entertaining the audience, is the safety of the performers. Were the chair shots used in the Bryan and Orton match vicious? They didn't seem to be, but sometimes, innocuous blows to the head can cause much more damage then they appear to.

i believe i made my point. blood shoulddnt be used ev ery week, but should be used at certain ppvs and certain main events
There's a difference between blood and chairshots to the head. A huge difference. Blading is one thing, cracking someone over the head with a chair is another. Is there a use for blood? Sure. Chairshots to the head that cause possible risk of performers?

Why take the risk when it's far greater then the reward? If Bryan and Orton went into business for themselves, then they should have been fined.
If my argument is personal, how is yours not? It didn't hurt that people knew Chavo's ties to Rey and how close they were personally as well as professionally.
I want you guys to look at something so i can change your ignorant opinion's about chairshots. it seems to me that you guys are in love with the PG format and you despise attitude era. seems to me that you guys are cena lovers and you love corny stuff. so i want u to show something that proves how intense chair shots can be since u do not know.


this is jeff harddy's sickening headshot to brock lesnar.. im not saying headsbhots should happen daily, but this is the kind of thing that creates an OMG moment. i guess u cant understand that because u guys are PG lovers, right?

this is how u make smaller men (cm punk) stand a chance against gigantic monsters (brock lesnar). this is pretty much the only way that cm punk can beat lesnar, cuz nobody will believe his in ring skills or physique can match lesnar's.
There's a reason that chair shots to the head are banned and that's for the safety of the wrestlers. I don't think the fine was a lot of money out of either of their pockets but it didn't need to be, it just had to be a big enough statement from the company to show chair shots to the head are strictly banned. I don't think the chair shot was needed, the match was fine as it was and didn't need it. If it's banned and you do it, you should face a warning and that's what the fine was.
What does changing the camera angle have to do with concussions? As for blocking with your hands, why take the chance of causing a concussion? There are plenty of effective ways to use a chair without targeting the head.

So necessary that the headshots Chris Benoit took throughout his career meant he would have been dead within a year had he not killed his family, right?

You think that it was chairshots to the head that got Chavo over? As if that was the Holy Grail of heat he used against Rey Mysterio in order to get hated?

Mysterio gained "sympathy", as you put it, because they were in the middle of an angle involving Rey paying tribute to Eddie, a Guerrero. So when a Guerrero turned on him, costing him the World Title, no less, it gained him massive "symapthy" and got him over further.

Why should they use headshots inside Hell In A Cell they can create more then enough carnage....inside the cell? The Cell itself is supposed to be hellacious, not because of gratuitous head shots that bust men open. There are plenty of ways to go about that without endangering the performers.

Above all else, even entertaining the audience, is the safety of the performers. Were the chair shots used in the Bryan and Orton match vicious? They didn't seem to be, but sometimes, innocuous blows to the head can cause much more damage then they appear to.

There's a difference between blood and chairshots to the head. A huge difference. Blading is one thing, cracking someone over the head with a chair is another. Is there a use for blood? Sure. Chairshots to the head that cause possible risk of performers?

Why take the risk when it's far greater then the reward? If Bryan and Orton went into business for themselves, then they should have been fined.

There's a reason that chair shots to the head are banned and that's for the safety of the wrestlers. I don't think the fine was a lot of money out of either of their pockets but it didn't need to be, it just had to be a big enough statement from the company to show chair shots to the head are strictly banned. I don't think the chair shot was needed, the match was fine as it was and didn't need it. If it's banned and you do it, you should face a warning and that's what the fine was.

Yeah, we should definitely fine 2 of the very best in wwe right now, randy orton and daniel bryan.. we should definitely fine them a lot of money for trying to entertain the fans, right? we should definitely fine them for using a VERY VERY light headshot, right? how pathetic wwe PG is,...
Yeah, we should definitely fine 2 of the very best in wwe right now, randy orton and daniel bryan.. we should definitely fine them a lot of money for trying to entertain the fans, right? we should definitely fine them for using a VERY VERY light headshot, right? how pathetic wwe PG is,...

Yeah WWE should because they did something which is banned! Triple H and Undertaker got fined, so I'm guessing Bryan and Orton would get fined too. And if you actually read what I said you would see I said nothing about them being fined a lot of money.
Yeah WWE should because they did something which is banned! Triple H and Undertaker got fined, so I'm guessing Bryan and Orton would get fined too. And if you actually read what I said you would see I said nothing about them being fined a lot of money.

if u actually read what i said, i sarcastically said that they should not be banned for entertaining the fans.. all bryan and orton were trying to do was make the fans night. how can u fine them for entertaining the fans? sigh, i miss the attitude era. it was so appealing unlike this stale PG shit.
if u actually read what i said, i sarcastically said that they should not be banned for entertaining the fans.. all bryan and orton were trying to do was make the fans night. how can u fine them for entertaining the fans? sigh, i miss the attitude era. it was so appealing unlike this stale PG shit.

I understand that they were trying to entertain the fans and fair play to them as they knew they would get a fine. But at the end of the day what they did was banned. It doesn't matter why they did it, all that matters is they did something that's banned which resulted in them getting a punishment which was the fine.

If you don't like the "PG shit", don't watch it. It's wasting your time watching something that you don't find entertaining.
Yeah, we should definitely fine 2 of the very best in wwe right now, randy orton and daniel bryan.. we should definitely fine them a lot of money for trying to entertain the fans, right?

Did they go into business for themselves, even to entertain the fans? That would be a 'yes', so yeah, they should be fined. We don't know the amount, so saying "a lot" is speculative and an attempt to exaggerate your point, nothing more.

we should definitely fine them for using a VERY VERY light headshot, right?

I didn't realize you and I handed out fines!.....Anyways, it's a very simple concept, one you seem incapable of grasping. Chair shots to the head are illegal. Bryan and Orton used chairshots to the head. Hence, they were punished for it.

how pathetic wwe PG is,...

Then plug in your VCR, pull out your Attitude Era tapes, and bask in the glory of the good ol' days. Every post of yours is a complaint about "WWE PG" and how it's ruining wrestling, which shows you're simply a malcontent who comes here just to whine and complain in grammar a 4th grader would be ashamed of.

The safety of the performers should ALWAYS trump the entertainment of the fans. Always.
I never said I was a PG-lover, and I certainly never said I loved John Cena. If I want blood and guts, I'll watch Friday the 13th. I watch wrestling for wrestling, not to see wrestlers hit each other in the head with chairs. As a matter of fact, C.M. Punk is my favorite wrestler on the roster right now along with Daniel Bryan because they're excellent wrestlers. All I'm saying is that there is a time and a place for blood and cursing and hardcore wrestling.
WWE are right to have some sort of fine in place for this. I understand how cool it looks, but the repercussions are massive. Nothing in this really. As long as Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton aren't affected by this, health-wise, no harm has been done. It made for an entertaining match though.
I think fines using chair shots to the head should depend on the situation but in all fairness they really don't have any choice without it looking poorly on their part. With all the stink of the Benoit situation they either do it or risk getting negative press, its as simple as that.

At the end of the day D. Bry and Orton know the rules and the repercussions of breaking those rules. If they don't want to get fined then they shouldn't give/take chairshots to the head. Chances are neither guy cares, its not like either guy is gonna suffer from getting that fine.
Did they go into business for themselves, even to entertain the fans? That would be a 'yes', so yeah, they should be fined. We don't know the amount, so saying "a lot" is speculative and an attempt to exaggerate your point, nothing more.

I didn't realize you and I handed out fines!.....Anyways, it's a very simple concept, one you seem incapable of grasping. Chair shots to the head are illegal. Bryan and Orton used chairshots to the head. Hence, they were punished for it.

Then plug in your VCR, pull out your Attitude Era tapes, and bask in the glory of the good ol' days. Every post of yours is a complaint about "WWE PG" and how it's ruining wrestling, which shows you're simply a malcontent who comes here just to whine and complain in grammar a 4th grader would be ashamed of.

The safety of the performers should ALWAYS trump the entertainment of the fans. Always.

i love how u nitpick and u tell me to stop watching if i hate it. i watch wrestling because i have passion for it, so i am not going to stop watching. but i still am going to have to put up with the fucking bad product. even though product is bad, i will continue on watching wwe because i like wrestling.

and why the fuck would they fine orton and bryan for entertaining the fans? bryan wasnt even injured, what the fuck was the fine for? bryan continued the match and finished. i doubt anybody noticed the headshot anyways, its not that big of a fucking deal!
I'm about 99% sure you're a troll (and a try hard one at that); I hate doing the point by point shit, but I need that extra 1%.

Yeah, i am an asshole for wanting more entertainment? Get real fucking idiot.

Actually, yes, you are.

The "entertainment" you desire is also prone to crippling the wrestlers you watch. In essence, what you're saying is that you want wrestlers to cripple themselves,v for your amusement.

At best, you're extremely selfish.

Put their bodies on the line? i fucking put my body on the line by wrestling with my friends, does that count?

Let me ask you this; are you asking for your friends to take chair shots?

If you do, then sure, you can comment, but that makes you even more of an asshole, because you're also willing to put your friends body in danger. Which means you're an idiot and an asshole.

If you haven't, then you're being a hypocrite, and an asshole. Take your pick.

I'd rather it you took the chairshots, it would explain... Well, you, frankly.

NO, because if you are going to be on television, you have to take it to a whole other level. you have to go to the extremes, which is usage of weapons and blood.

Why do they need it?

Again, blood and violence doesn't lead to good television; good story does. You can do that without blood; look at just about every Hulk Hogan match, Bret Hart match, what have you.

and no, of course one person's weekly entertainment isnt more important than someone's health. but MILLIONS of people's weekly entertainment is about equal to someone's health in my opinnion.

Then you're an asshole.

they knew what they were signing up for anyways. wrestlers knew it was going to be dangerous, so they will understand the risks.

Wrestler's didn't sign up to get crippled.

Could it be a hazard of the job? Sure, but when you can decrease that chance and make your wrestlers feel more comfortable, why wouldn't you?

look at fucking ric flair and hulk hogan, they were 60 years old and they took chair shots to head and bleeded monthly. it was really common for them.

And they're shining beacons of health at a later point in life. Right.

You know who's a sign of a wrestler aging gracefully? Bruno Sammartino. He's a guy who didn't take drugs, didn't take stupid bumps, and took care of himself.

Here's what he looks like now, at seventy fucking seven:


But why look like that when you can look like this?


i dont understand ur logic man. get real, do u not want entertainment?? what the fuck is wrong with ur brain, because u clearly dont have one, contradictory to your name.

He wants entertainment, but not at the risk of crippling wrestlers.

But then again, that's why you're a cunt.
I'm about 99% sure you're a troll (and a try hard one at that); I hate doing the point by point shit, but I need that extra 1%.

Actually, yes, you are.

The "entertainment" you desire is also prone to crippling the wrestlers you watch. In essence, what you're saying is that you want wrestlers to cripple themselves,v for your amusement.

At best, you're extremely selfish.

Let me ask you this; are you asking for your friends to take chair shots?

If you do, then sure, you can comment, but that makes you even more of an asshole, because you're also willing to put your friends body in danger. Which means you're an idiot and an asshole.

If you haven't, then you're being a hypocrite, and an asshole. Take your pick.

I'd rather it you took the chairshots, it would explain... Well, you, frankly.

Why do they need it?

Again, blood and violence doesn't lead to good television; good story does. You can do that without blood; look at just about every Hulk Hogan match, Bret Hart match, what have you.

Then you're an asshole.

Wrestler's didn't sign up to get crippled.

Could it be a hazard of the job? Sure, but when you can decrease that chance and make your wrestlers feel more comfortable, why wouldn't you?

And they're shining beacons of health at a later point in life. Right.

You know who's a sign of a wrestler aging gracefully? Bruno Sammartino. He's a guy who didn't take drugs, didn't take stupid bumps, and took care of himself.

Here's what he looks like now, at seventy fucking seven:


But why look like that when you can look like this?


He wants entertainment, but not at the risk of crippling wrestlers.

But then again, that's why you're a cunt.

I see, so you think fucking headshots will cripple wrestlers. so u also think that i am a selfisher person. headshots will not injure u if u know how to utilize them correctly, which means that u have to use the right camera angles and if needed, cover it slightly with ur hand. thats how they did it back in the days and look how well it turned out. the rock took many chair shots, hhh took many, taker took many, and they all turned out healthy right now. its not like headshots are instant paralyization.

and i dont take chair shots because i have a future and a good education. i am not going to waste my talents on fucking putting my body on the line and wrestling. why owuld i do that?

good story, how many good stories did we get in wwe lol? this is why we need blood and violence to carry the feuds. because wwe creative doesnt know how to make good feuds. when is the last good feud, huh? the last good feud, hmm... i think it is triple h vs brock lesnar at wrestlemania. this is because leading up to the match, itwas very intense. it started to get stale at extreme rules, and there was no spice to it. how can u fucking have weapons, steel cage, all that intense shit, WITHOUT blood? are u fucking serious? thats why the feud sucked leading up to ER.

okay.. how the fuck am i an asshole? i guess ur calling millions of people assholes too because they all want blood as mcuh as me.

i repeat, wrestlers will NOT get crippled if they take headshots. anyways, if they hate wrestling so much, then why dont they quit? u know they dont have to do it, they can find another job. or better yet, they can retire if they are too pussy.

bruno sammurtino looks like shit. so fucking stupid how u chose a picture of him flexing and u chose a bad pic of ric flair. u should choose equal pictures man. obviously if u have a man flexing and hes not even in match and compare it to a guy who is not flexing and in the middle of a match then it will look biased.. if bruno is so good, why isnt he wrestling right now?
I see, so you think fucking headshots will cripple wrestlers.

I don't think, I know; there's precedence to it. Chris Benoit. Andrew Martin/Test. Chris Kanyon. Bret Hart.

Need I go on?

so u also think that i am a selfisher person.

Selfisher isn't a word. But yeah, pretty much.

headshots will not injure u if u know how to utilize them correctly, which means that u have to use the right camera angles and if needed, cover it slightly with ur hand. thats how they did it back in the days and look how well it turned out. the rock took many chair shots, hhh took many, taker took many, and they all turned out healthy right now. its not like headshots are instant paralyization.

Except, Chris Benoit is widely considered one of the best wrestlers of all time (which you would image means that he knows how to take a head shot), and look at his autopsy reports.

Taker is fine? Have you seen the reports? Unless he's called for his one match to work, Taker can barely walk. His hips are beyond fucked.
and i dont take chair shots because i have a future and a good education. i am not going to waste my talents on fucking putting my body on the line and wrestling. why owuld i do that?

You're grammar would insinuate otherwise?

So, what you're essentially saying is, you don't think there's a life after wrestling, and that wrestlers shouldn't strive to be healthy when they retire.

Again; asshole.

good story, how many good stories did we get in wwe lol? this is why we need blood and violence to carry the feuds. because wwe creative doesnt know how to make good feuds. when is the last good feud, huh? the last good feud, hmm... i think it is triple h vs brock lesnar at wrestlemania. this is because leading up to the match, itwas very intense. it started to get stale at extreme rules, and there was no spice to it. how can u fucking have weapons, steel cage, all that intense shit, WITHOUT blood? are u fucking serious? thats why the feud sucked leading up to ER.

How about CM Punk and The Rock? CM Punk and Taker? Rock and Cena?

Take your pick. All feuds that didn't rely on head shots.
okay.. how the fuck am i an asshole? i guess ur calling millions of people assholes too because they all want blood as mcuh as me.

Show me evidence of those millions, then we'll talk. If anything, the fact those millions still watch means the exact opposite of what you're implying.

i repeat, wrestlers will NOT get crippled if they take headshots. anyways, if they hate wrestling so much, then why dont they quit? u know they dont have to do it, they can find another job. or better yet, they can retire if they are too pussy.

Because they love what they do?

And they'd rather not do it.

Perfect example: Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat looks perfectly fine for an older man. He's only four years older than Ric Flair.

Here's Ric Flair at 64.


Here's Steamboat at 60.


Now, one episode of Raw, Ricky took a head shot from a very clumsy Skip Sheffield. It resulted in a brain aneurysm almost immediately after the shot.

But you're right. Headshots don't affect wrestlers.

bruno sammurtino looks like shit. so fucking stupid how u chose a picture of him flexing and u chose a bad pic of ric flair. u should choose equal pictures man.

Fine; Here's Bruno at 77.


Here's Flair at 64.


You really want to tell me Ric looks better?

obviously if u have a man flexing and hes not even in match and compare it to a guy who is not flexing and in the middle of a match then it will look biased.. if bruno is so good, why isnt he wrestling right now?


1. He's 77.

2. He's not that stupid.

Thanks for confirming that you're a troll.
I don't think, I know; there's precedence to it. Chris Benoit. Andrew Martin/Test. Chris Kanyon. Bret Hart.

Those are all people that are super injury prone. Chris benoit not only took the cahir shots, but he also took the diving headbutts, which hurt his head a lot. dont blame it on the fucking chair shots

Except, Chris Benoit is widely considered one of the best wrestlers of all time (which you would image means that he knows how to take a head shot), and look at his autopsy reports.

what does that have to do with anything?

Taker is fine? Have you seen the reports? Unless he's called for his one match to work, Taker can barely walk. His hips are beyond fucked.

yeah, im sure his legs and hips are damaged by headshots. *sarcasm*. #wwelogic

You're grammar would insinuate otherwise?

so instead of staying on topic, u insult my intelligence? try to be original u troll.

So, what you're essentially saying is, you don't think there's a life after wrestling, and that wrestlers shouldn't strive to be healthy when they retire.

Again; asshole.

when did i say that. can u plz stop putting words into my mouth?

How about CM Punk and The Rock? CM Punk and Taker? Rock and Cena?

cm punk and the rock sucked because it was treated as a transitional feud. it just wasnt as hyped as cena vs rock.. it didnt feel as intense because wwe wouldnt let it match up to cena vs rock. they purposely held back on the feud. cm punk and taker vs overshadowed and they had to rely on PAUL bauerers death to make it intersting. what do u think would have happened without paul bearer's death, imagine how horrible the feud would be. even with his death, it still bored me to death because punk didnt look like a legitimate threat. he lost to rock twice and cena once for gods sake. how do losses make someone credible? losses are losses, doesnt matter how protected u are, casuals dont look at how the opponent fairs, they look at the result. rock vs cena was stale as fuck after the "once in a life time" bullshit. there was just nothing new to add.. they cant pull off 2 rematches like stone cold vs rock did. its not comparable fueds.

Take your pick. All feuds that didn't rely on head shots.

and look how horrible they ended up

Show me evidence of those millions, then we'll talk. If anything, the fact those millions still watch means the exact opposite of what you're implying.

hello? use google, youtube, shitloads of people who want TV 1`4 back and blood, and headshots.

Because they love what they do?

then they should love obeying orders.

And they'd rather not do it.

Then quit the job.

Perfect example: Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat looks perfectly fine for an older man. He's only four years older than Ric Flair.

and? how the fuck do u know its the headshots that messed up his skin. dont u think it could have been a lack of sleep? ric flair wrestles more than ricky..

Here's Ric Flair at 64.


Your point? a lot of other factors affect ur face

Now, one episode of Raw, Ricky took a head shot from a very clumsy Skip Sheffield. It resulted in a brain aneurysm almost immediately after the shot.

A lot of accidents happen in wrestling.. its like saying a spear should be banned for giving bret hart a stroke. accidents happen and its not the move's fault. its usually the wrestlers fault

But you're right. Headshots don't affect wrestlers.

im not saying they dont. im saying they should be used sparingly and they are needed for the intensity. look at fucking triple h and brock lesnar. they took head shots weekly


1. He's 77.

2. He's not that stupid.

Thanks for confirming that you're a troll.

yeah, why do u keep bragging about how he looks.. how is it stupid to wrestle?
Why don't they just use aluminium for steel chairs so they can take head shots & it looks more real?

It's not like they use steel for their garbage cans, which we're supposed to believe bend so easily when someone is thrown onto one.

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