Orton & Bryan Fined by WWE


Dark Match Winner
WWE announced today that Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan were fined by the promotion for using chairshots to the head during their Streetfight on Monday.
WWE did not disclose the amount of the fines. The company has outlawed planned shots to the head as a way to battle concussions.

WWE fined Triple H and Undertaker for a similar offense at Wrestlemania 27. -
- PWInsider

As a kid I loved the chair shot to the head but obviously now that I understand the repercussions of shots to the head I agree with the banning and the enforcing of banning of chair shots to the head by fining its superstars.
If HHH and The Undertaker get fined or warned for this then it should apply to everyone. I guess you could argue that the more experienced guys should get away with it because they know what they are doing but than yet again it shouldn't be one rule for the top stars and another rule for the others.
I didn't think he really hit him in the head but better to be safe than sorry. It is probably just a slap on the wrist for publicity reasons.

I didn't actually notice it myself, but indeed better being safe than sorry and reminding its superstars not to do anything near the head.

If HHH and The Undertaker get fined or warned for this then it should apply to everyone. I guess you could argue that the more experienced guys should get away with it because they know what they are doing but than yet again it shouldn't be one rule for the top stars and another rule for the others.

Agreed, but also on that note, should Undertaker be allowed to do the Tombstone? I know he is the only guy who is allowed to use it but is it fair? Not that it really matters but still, experienced or not, its still a head and neck at risk of being damaged.
It was not even a big of a deal, however right after the spot I thought they would be fined and I understand it. I enjoy the fact that those shots are now limited to when only a wrestler feels it's necessary for them. It's more rational way to give us a good storyline, instead of some years ago when chairshots to the head were as common as slang.

Now every time that happens, I react and it is powerful, just because it is rare. I though they did great and they took care of each other, I mean, Orton asked Daniel Bryan twice if he was okay. I sincerely hope their fine was a small amount and that neither one of them got heat from the officials for that mini-spot. I think that they are earning the main event picture again, and nobody will take that from them.
When I saw the shot, I thought that Bryan got his hands up and blocked it. From the angle of the camera, that's how it looked to me. However, I'm sure they went back over the footage from different angles and it showed something different.

Triple H issues a statement saying:

"We don't allow chair shots to the head in WWE," said Paul "Triple H" Levesque, WWE's Executive Vice President, Talent and Live Events. "We understand it was in the heat of the moment but we take this very seriously and as a result, [Orton and Bryan] were fined."

In the heat of the moment, stuff does happen. For instance, during their match on Raw several months back, Vince, allegedly, damn near shit himself when CM Punk performed a piledriver on Cena. If I'm not mistaken, they were both fined because of it. I remember reading something in which Punk said it was just one of those spur of the moment deals in front of an electric crowd and that he & Cena simply went for it.

But yeah, I do agree with where they're coming from. If all time greats like HBK & Taker get fined for it, and top headliners like Cena & Punk, then it's something that definitely is being applied to everyone in the locker room.
come on this is WRESTLING i understand the safety part but if its a street fight anything is allowed. is like saying in boxing not shots to the head i mean what the hell!
come on this is WRESTLING i understand the safety part but if its a street fight anything is allowed. is like saying in boxing not shots to the head i mean what the hell!

You're fucking ******ed. Anyone who still has this mindset despite all of the research that has gone into head injuries/concussions over the past few years is ******ed. Your comparison just drives the nail home too. It was a fixed "street fixed" in a fake sport. Did you think they actually went out there with the intent to injure one another?
I know the chair shot to the head rule has been in place for a while now, however in this case I feel that it was necessary to fine them both and secondly make it public that they were doing it. There has been if I'm counting correctly 4 accounted for concussions recently in WWE and now more then ever it is necessary to protect against negative concussion publicity. Fining them both for that spot at least gives the vibe that they are trying to prevent concussions. Sure there's a bit of BS in the fact that they had Ziggler take all those "head shots" and make it look like one of their stars is picking on another star who had a concussion. It's a bit hypocritical however at the end of the day that was planned and this wasn't. Fining them for something unplanned is justified as there's no need for top stars to be risking those shots.
You're fucking ******ed. Anyone who still has this mindset despite all of the research that has gone into head injuries/concussions over the past few years is ******ed. Your comparison just drives the nail home too. It was a fixed "street fixed" in a fake sport. Did you think they actually went out there with the intent to injure one another?

Agree!! I for one am with the whole no head shots. I'd rather be watching my favourite wrestlers performing in the next ten years (and beyond) and not either die or go insane.
we can see the wwe slowly turning its product more and more into what they do with saturday morning slam. next they will, like the aforementioned show, cut away camera angles that show any impact or people even hitting the mat. I see the risks, but if the performers want to take them, i don't see why not. i'm sorry but this is getting rediculous. even the chair and cane shots to the body looked as if orton was trying to not pop a balloon or something. like a half swing at your 4 year olds pitch.
wtf, they shouldnt have been fined. this is what makes wwe more intense, the chair shots, the blood, the intensity, every fucking thiing.

remember wrestlemania - stone cold vs bret hart?? that was an intense intense match. not only be acuse of the amazing storytelling, but because of the blood.

whether wwe marks want to admit it or not, blood = intensity, intensity = better feuds, better feuds = better RATINGS!
wtf, they shouldnt have been fined. this is what makes wwe more intense, the chair shots, the blood, the intensity, every fucking thiing.

remember wrestlemania - stone cold vs bret hart?? that was an intense intense match. not only be acuse of the amazing storytelling, but because of the blood.

whether wwe marks want to admit it or not, blood = intensity, intensity = better feuds, better feuds = better RATINGS!

Yeah! Fuck all of those crippled old bastards who can't even remember their names anymore, we need to see guys hit other in the head with chairs and watch them bleed!!!!

Jesus Christ, you're a moron. Blood can be and still is used to tell great stories. Just look at the fantastic match between Lesnar and Cena at Extreme Rules a while back. No one had to take any head shots with chairs or risk their future to do it. And the fact that it's so rare to see blood these days made it that much better.

If blood and guts are really the draw that you think they are, ECW wouldn't have folded.
Yeah! Fuck all of those crippled old bastards who can't even remember their names anymore, we need to see guys hit other in the head with chairs and watch them bleed!!!!

Jesus Christ, you're a moron. Blood can be and still is used to tell great stories. Just look at the fantastic match between Lesnar and Cena at Extreme Rules a while back. No one had to take any head shots with chairs or risk their future to do it. And the fact that it's so rare to see blood these days made it that much better.

If blood and guts are really the draw that you think they are, ECW wouldn't have folded.

Blood, combined with good feuds, can help draw a lot. why do u think ratings were so high in the atittude era? it was because of the intensity of the feuds and the blood. oh wait, u dont know what the attitude era is ? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:lmao::lmao::lmao:

little kid, please do some research before you post. u clearly dont know shit. rememb er rated rko? edge and rnady orton? the reason they were so fucking over was because they took all the top fucking faces (HBK, HHH, undertaker, cena) and hit their fucking heads with a steel chair. they did it to everybody and it caused a lot of worry. chair shot to heads = more intense. more intensity = more ratings. do u not get this? why dont u get simple things, u fucking dumb piece of shit?
Blood, combined with good feuds, can help draw a lot. why do u think ratings were so high in the atittude era? it was because of the intensity of the feuds and the blood. oh wait, u dont know what the attitude era is ? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:lmao::lmao::lmao:

little kid, please do some research before you post. u clearly dont know shit. rememb er rated rko? edge and rnady orton? the reason they were so fucking over was because they took all the top fucking faces (HBK, HHH, undertaker, cena) and hit their fucking heads with a steel chair. they did it to everybody and it caused a lot of worry. chair shot to heads = more intense. more intensity = more ratings. do u not get this? why dont u get simple things, u fucking dumb piece of shit?

Think that is a bit inappropriate and blowing this completely out of proportion.

Ratings were big in the Attitude era because they were at war with another big company and they pushed all boundaries. Yes this includes chair shots.

If it weren't for head shots and moves such as the pile driver then

Benoit may have still been alive and in a bit of a better state.
Yes I know there was more to his condition before you say.

Stone Cold maybe would have still been wrestling. Remember that piledriver by Owen Hart?

Then there is Edge as well.
Think that is a bit inappropriate and blowing this completely out of proportion.

Ratings were big in the Attitude era because they were at war with another big company and they pushed all boundaries. Yes this includes chair shots.

If it weren't for head shots and moves such as the pile driver then

Benoit may have still been alive and in a bit of a better state.
Yes I know there was more to his condition before you say.

Stone Cold maybe would have still been wrestling. Remember that piledriver by Owen Hart?

Then there is Edge as well.

yes, but wwe is a business. they knew what they were getting into because they knew wwe was dangerous. wwe is a business = u must do anything to increase ratings, even if it means ur own wrestlers health. this is why attitude era was so successful..

yeah i knew they compete against WCW, but what did this competition lead to? it led to better feuds, more intensity, and more chair shots. THIS is the reasno why did they do so sooooo well in ratings.
Blood, combined with good feuds, can help draw a lot. why do u think ratings were so high in the atittude era? it was because of the intensity of the feuds and the blood. oh wait, u dont know what the attitude era is ? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah, I'm more inclined to believe that you don't know anything about the Attitude Era. It wasn't the hardcore brutality that drew in the fans, those matches were always low on the card. It was the great characters like The Rock, Austin, and DX that made that Era work. Now go back and look at all the people who started during that era and see how many are still breathing today.

little kid, please do some research before you post. u clearly dont know shit. rememb er rated rko? edge and rnady orton? the reason they were so fucking over was because they took all the top fucking faces (HBK, HHH, undertaker, cena) and hit their fucking heads with a steel chair. they did it to everybody and it caused a lot of worry. chair shot to heads = more intense. more intensity = more ratings. do u not get this? why dont u get simple things, u fucking dumb piece of shit?


During the Rated RKO era, the ratings might have been a smidge higher than they are right now. They averaged around 3.5 while today they're around 3.2 or so, but the funniest part about you bringing this up is the fact that neither of those guys were the draws at that time. That honor belongs to Cena and Batista.

You know what the low point in the WWE ratings were in the past decade? Go check out mid to late 2007. You know, right after Benoit, a guy who's brain was that of an 80 year old Alzheimer's patient from all of the head injuries he sustained in the ring, murdered his wife and child. The ratings took a big hit. I'd say staying away from the headshots will do more for business in the long run.
Yeah, I'm more inclined to believe that you don't know anything about the Attitude Era. It wasn't the hardcore brutality that drew in the fans, those matches were always low on the card. It was the great characters like The Rock, Austin, and DX that made that Era work. Now go back and look at all the people who started during that era and see how many are still breathing today.


During the Rated RKO era, the ratings might have been a smidge higher than they are right now. They averaged around 3.5 while today they're around 3.2 or so, but the funniest part about you bringing this up is the fact that neither of those guys were the draws at that time. That honor belongs to Cena and Batista.

You know what the low point in the WWE ratings were in the past decade? Go check out mid to late 2007. You know, right after Benoit, a guy who's brain was that of an 80 year old Alzheimer's patient from all of the head injuries he sustained in the ring, murdered his wife and child. The ratings took a big hit. I'd say staying away from the headshots will do more for business in the long run.

whjat the fuck? ratings are not 3.2 right now, dumb shit. pleaes do some fucking research. the average rating right now is like fucking 3.0... not even close to 3.2 man.

rated Rko was a big draw beacuse they were the top fucking heels. how hard is it to understand ? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Blood, combined with good feuds, can help draw a lot. why do u think ratings were so high in the atittude era? it was because of the intensity of the feuds and the blood. oh wait, u dont know what the attitude era is ?

little kid, please do some research before you post. u clearly dont know shit. rememb er rated rko? edge and rnady orton? the reason they were so fucking over was because they took all the top fucking faces (HBK, HHH, undertaker, cena) and hit their fucking heads with a steel chair. they did it to everybody and it caused a lot of worry. chair shot to heads = more intense. more intensity = more ratings. do u not get this? why dont u get simple things, u fucking dumb piece of shit?

It would be pretty sad if those guys needed chair shots to the head to get over. Anyone could hit a guy in the head with a chair. No talent there. Why didn't I ever (or at least very rarely) see Randy Savage, Rick Rude, Ted Dibiase, or Mr. Perfect hit anyone in the head with a chair? They got over just fine without it.

yes, but wwe is a business. they knew what they were getting into because they knew wwe was dangerous. wwe is a business = u must do anything to increase ratings, even if it means ur own wrestlers health. this is why attitude era was so successful..

Further proof of what I said in your bitch thread in the GSD. You are an asshole. These guys already put their bodies on the line enough without having to take unnecessary risks to satisfy bloodthirsty assholes like you. You truly are pathetic if you think your dose of weekly entertainment is more valuable than someone's health. These aren't stuntmen using special effects. The rule was put in place to protect the wrestlers. Deal with it.
It would be pretty sad if those guys needed chair shots to the head to get over. Anyone could hit a guy in the head with a chair. No talent there. Why didn't I ever (or at least very rarely) see Randy Savage, Rick Rude, Ted Dibiase, or Mr. Perfect hit anyone in the head with a chair? They got over just fine without it.

Further proof of what I said in your bitch thread in the GSD. You are an asshole. These guys already put their bodies on the line enough without having to take unnecessary risks to satisfy bloodthirsty assholes like you. You truly are pathetic if you think your dose of weekly entertainment is more valuable than someone's health. These aren't stuntmen using special effects. The rule was put in place to protect the wrestlers. Deal with it.

Yeah, i am an asshole for wanting more entertainment? Get real fucking idiot.

Put their bodies on the line? i fucking put my body on the line by wrestling with my friends, does that count? NO, because if you are going to be on television, you have to take it to a whole other level. you have to go to the extremes, which is usage of weapons and blood. and no, of course one person's weekly entertainment isnt more important than someone's health. but MILLIONS of people's weekly entertainment is about equal to someone's health in my opinnion. they knew what they were signing up for anyways. wrestlers knew it was going to be dangerous, so they will understand the risks. look at fucking ric flair and hulk hogan, they were 60 years old and they took chair shots to head and bleeded monthly. it was really common for them. i dont understand ur logic man. get real, do u not want entertainment?? what the fuck is wrong with ur brain, because u clearly dont have one, contradictory to your name.
Yeah, i am an asshole for wanting more entertainment? Get real fucking idiot.

Put their bodies on the line? i fucking put my body on the line by wrestling with my friends, does that count? NO, because if you are going to be on television, you have to take it to a whole other level. you have to go to the extremes, which is usage of weapons and blood. and no, of course one person's weekly entertainment isnt more important than someone's health. but MILLIONS of people's weekly entertainment is about equal to someone's health in my opinnion. they knew what they were signing up for anyways. wrestlers knew it was going to be dangerous, so they will understand the risks. look at fucking ric flair and hulk hogan, they were 60 years old and they took chair shots to head and bleeded monthly. it was really common for them. i dont understand ur logic man. get real, do u not want entertainment?? what the fuck is wrong with ur brain, because u clearly dont have one, contradictory to your name.

So are you really stupid or is this your way of getting the responses that you crave? It's not the wrestlers complaining about the chairshots. They are the ones being punished for it. The office put the rule in place to protect the wrestlers because the wrestlers would be willing to take the shots despite the harm it would cause. It's like a coach pulling a football player out of a game when he suffers a concussion. The player would damn sure go back out on the field but it is not in his best interest so the coach has to step in. For you to say millions of people's entertainment is worth seriously risking someone's health makes you an asshole. I don't need someone getting a chair wrapped around his head to be entertained. I'm sorry that you do.
So are you really stupid or is this your way of getting the responses that you crave? It's not the wrestlers complaining about the chairshots. They are the ones being punished for it. The office put the rule in place to protect the wrestlers because the wrestlers would be willing to take the shots despite the harm it would cause. It's like a coach pulling a football player out of a game when he suffers a concussion. The player would damn sure go back out on the field but it is not in his best interest so the coach has to step in. For you to say millions of people's entertainment is worth seriously risking someone's health makes you an asshole. I don't need someone getting a chair wrapped around his head to be entertained. I'm sorry that you do.

u can change the fucking camera view, or better yet use your hands to block it. it still looks more legit than a fucking chair shot to the ribs (i can easily see their hands covering the end of the chair) and then a chair shot to the back. that looks fucking ******ed.
u can change the fucking camera view, or better yet use your hands to block it. it still looks more legit than a fucking chair shot to the ribs (i can easily see their hands covering the end of the chair) and then a chair shot to the back. that looks fucking ******ed.

A chair shot to the back looks fucking ******ed? Remember your favorite match? Check out 2:30


Looked good to me. Do you think WWE banned the head shots just to annoy you? The have their reasons. Business and medical reasons that your selfish immature mind does not understand. I believe WWE does care about the health of their superstars but I'm not going to award them humanitarians of the year. If they didn't fear the consequences their business may suffer the head shots would probably still be allowed. They can't afford another Benoit. If something like that happens again not only will you not have your chairshots, you may not have any WWE at all.
A chair shot to the back looks fucking ******ed? Remember your favorite match? Check out 2:30


Looked good to me. Do you think WWE banned the head shots just to annoy you? The have their reasons. Business and medical reasons that your selfish immature mind does not understand. I believe WWE does care about the health of their superstars but I'm not going to award them humanitarians of the year. If they didn't fear the consequences their business may suffer the head shots would probably still be allowed. They can't afford another Benoit. If something like that happens again not only will you not have your chairshots, you may not have any WWE at all.

thats because its fucking stone cold.. stone cold is fucking intense, of course he can execute a chair shot well.

however, i dont trust the rest of the roster if they know how to execute a back chair shot correctly..

it doesnt have to be a legit chair shot to the head. like i said, they can change the fucking camera, or block it with their fucking hands, or BOTH.
I bet theres plenty of old school tough guy wrestlers out there that heard this and just laughed like crazy.Back in the day they took chair shots like real men and gave them back 10 fold. Now in todays WWE you may as well give the wrestlers pillows.

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