News: TNA bans chair shots to the head

if they are going to ban chair shots, might as well ban piledrivers, powerbombs, steel cage matches, sleeperholds, etc. Some people here, ahem, i can't get over how dumb some people are whining about concussions like they're experts in the know cause they read something somewhere from some supposed authority. You put a real sleeperhold on someone you could kill them, you REALLY piledriver someone you could kill them, you REALLY punch someone hard enough in the gut and you could kill them. You REALLY smash someone in the head with a chair they could die or have a concussion. The thing with chair shots is that in the heat of the moment a chair can hit someone so hard it could really do damage. But seriously, a properly executed chair shot should hurt a wrestler a million times less than a power bomb from the top rope and a whole lot less than a lot of regularly executed moves.

My thoughts on this are that TNA is going to do PG stuff for the next couple months only to have Hogan's stable break all the rules including this new pansy ass shit. The whole point is to expose just how stupid WWE PG crap is and putover TNAs heels. I'm looking forward to watching this angle play out.
you sir are stupid sorry to say
This is a great thing, It means we won't have as many wrestlers on the DL and tragic ends to carrers, very happy about this move. Weapons strikes to the head are very dangerous moves, and I for one can do without seeing another. unless they ban them on my games :suspic:
I dont think they are banning them completely. Just the unprotected chair shots which have been, what 2 all year? There will still be chair shots to the head only if the wrestler puts his hands up first.
EXCELLENT point. You know, that reminds me of something. Some people say that last week's story about Morgan and the concussions was a shot at WWE and Chris Benoit, and I disagreed. Now that I think about it, it COULD'VE been a shot at the WWE but not Benoit. Remember Bischoff talking about how this isn't ballet and people are sometimes paid to get hurt? Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but it seemed as if he was mocking people who are over-protective of their wrestlers. The Trainer being the voice of WWE.

Even if I'm wrong about that, you still brought up a good point. They won't start doing unprotected chair shots because that's more of a in-ring stuff thingy, but they could "break the rules" like you stated. I'd like to see that.

On topic -- I'm also happy that they banned unprotected chair shots to the head. Good thing they didn't ban blood and all the other goodies. That gash on Anderson's head was ... yugh.

HMMMMM????? so when the WWE decided to protect their wrestlers by banning chairshots the IWC was posting shit like..."WWE sucks now! and "i'm a TNA fan now" and other stupid bullshit! but lo and behold TNA is now banning chairshots to the head and now the IWC is up in arms in happiness over the chair shot ban in wrestling! and YOU of all people is elated that CRAPnA decided to ban headshots(chairshots) but when the E decided to do it you was pissed! i guess you was hit in the head by a chair in the head or hogan's cock! OH BTW: your little .gif about " everytime you bash TNA you will get kicked by AJ pele" or some other stupid shit you said well TNA sucks! they will be extinct by 2012! (bank on it!) and i have just cut off aj pele's legs and arms just like vince will cut off dixie's arms and legs!
all of the IWC needs their head examined because you guys are full of shit and you can't enjoy anything to save your wittle basement dwelling,on your mommy and daddy's pc, too fucking scared to protest or boycott or confront vince or dixie wittle lives!

THE IWC SUCKS!!!! THEIR MAIN GOAL IS TO SEE THE WWE FAIL SO THEIR WITTLE TNA COULD TAKE THE TOP SPOT!!!!! keep dreaming!!!!LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!:lmao: give it 2-10 years and TNA will either be extinct,wwe will buy them and they will be another "BRAND" or another company like this so-called WWP will buy them! and when that happens i will post these words 50 times
"I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! and WHAT YOU WEE-N-A or IWC MARKS GOT TO SAY NOW!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
if they are going to ban chair shots, might as well ban piledrivers, powerbombs, steel cage matches, sleeperholds, etc. Some people here, ahem, i can't get over how dumb some people are whining about concussions like they're experts in the know cause they read something somewhere from some supposed authority. You put a real sleeperhold on someone you could kill them, you REALLY piledriver someone you could kill them, you REALLY punch someone hard enough in the gut and you could kill them. You REALLY smash someone in the head with a chair they could die or have a concussion. The thing with chair shots is that in the heat of the moment a chair can hit someone so hard it could really do damage. But seriously, a properly executed chair shot should hurt a wrestler a million times less than a power bomb from the top rope and a whole lot less than a lot of regularly executed moves.

My thoughts on this are that TNA is going to do PG stuff for the next couple months only to have Hogan's stable break all the rules including this new pansy ass shit. The whole point is to expose just how stupid WWE PG crap is and putover TNAs heels. I'm looking forward to watching this angle play out.
No you moron, they are banning chair shots to the head because it costed them a PPV main event and the development of Mr. Anderson. Anderson had a huge gash and that's what it took for TNA to step in and ban this. He was cut open badly and received a concussion. Or would you prefer him dying as a reason to implement this practice?

I'll be frank. This whole safety thing is utter bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for safety where it's needed. If a wrestler gets hurt....give them the time they need to come back from it. You don't have to ban it! This sorta frustrates me I mean this kinda turned me off when wwe did it I mean chair shot to the back just...they sorta look dull to me. I mean if i knew they were going to do more chair shots to like an arm or a leg I wouldn't mind as much I think but would still be a bit bothered. Okay yea I mean I guess it's entertainment and at the end of the day they really don't need to put they're body on the line as they aren't really competing. Are they really looking at the audience they're trying to appeal to? This is not wwe. Okay maybe this isn't a step towards being more like wwe but still I mean I liked good ol' chair shots to the head every now and then when a feud calls for it....dreamer v raven at hardcore justice comes to mind. i Really hope I can still get the same feeling I got when I saw a chair shot to the head, but that's rare. I guess this leaves me a bit disappointed but I can see the reason I guess. As long as they continue to have great wrestling...I won't complain much..... Alternative my ass
Brain cell's don't reproduce. We don't need to ban blood because it's not something that leaves you with terrible headaches and head trauma and we don''t need to ban Piledriver maneuvers because #1 the only way to become a professional wrestler is to learn to perform one properly and #2 NOBODY USES THEM.
there is nothing wrong with a chair shot to the head if you know how to take it. the one Mr Anderson took should of never taken place. A chair shot to the back of the head is a big no no..And then you have a horrible wrestler giving it. It was Hardys fault. In watching and being a performer i have never seen someone give a chair shot to the back of the head, to the back sure to the front where you can protect yourself yea but that was ridiculous.



That last one drove Lance Storm away from watching TNA.

I dont think they are banning them completely. Just the unprotected chair shots which have been, what 2 all year? There will still be chair shots to the head only if the wrestler puts his hands up first.
No. No shots to any part of the head.
One thought that being on the WZ forum has instilled in me is how dangerous pro-wrestling is to the wrestlers. I have started cringing at botched german suplexes even.

I laud this move by TNA. I admire the PG era compared to the previous era just coz there are less crazy spots, just for the heck of it. Doesn't exactly mean you won't have wrestlers getting addicted to prescription drugs, but it does lessen that percentage, albeit slightly.
HMMMMM????? so when the WWE decided to protect their wrestlers by banning chairshots the IWC was posting shit like..."WWE sucks now! and "i'm a TNA fan now" and other stupid bullshit! but lo and behold TNA is now banning chairshots to the head and now the IWC is up in arms in happiness over the chair shot ban in wrestling! and YOU of all people is elated that CRAPnA decided to ban headshots(chairshots) but when the E decided to do it you was pissed! i guess you was hit in the head by a chair in the head or hogan's cock! OH BTW: your little .gif about " everytime you bash TNA you will get kicked by AJ pele" or some other stupid shit you said well TNA sucks! they will be extinct by 2012! (bank on it!) and i have just cut off aj pele's legs and arms just like vince will cut off dixie's arms and legs!
all of the IWC needs their head examined because you guys are full of shit and you can't enjoy anything to save your wittle basement dwelling,on your mommy and daddy's pc, too fucking scared to protest or boycott or confront vince or dixie wittle lives!

THE IWC SUCKS!!!! THEIR MAIN GOAL IS TO SEE THE WWE FAIL SO THEIR WITTLE TNA COULD TAKE THE TOP SPOT!!!!! keep dreaming!!!!LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!:lmao: give it 2-10 years and TNA will either be extinct,wwe will buy them and they will be another "BRAND" or another company like this so-called WWP will buy them! and when that happens i will post these words 50 times
"I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! and WHAT YOU WEE-N-A or IWC MARKS GOT TO SAY NOW!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I hope nobody red-reps you for this because you do raise a good point, albeit in a smug, assholic manner.

See buddy, first of all, once you start posting here you are the IWC as well, so address your fellow brethren with some respect.
Next, none of us, including you, are have any kind of insight, or background to put a deadline on the existence of TNA. The company is thriving actually. And if sources are to be believed Spike is more than happy with the ratings Impact! is getting. Now for some reason Panda goes bankrupt tomorrow, I think there will be others ready to buy the No#2 wrestling company in the world.

I don't think the IWC's goal is to see the downfall of WWE, but we wanna see TNA come upto the plateau of WWE. Having two top wrestling promotions duke it out, is what made the 90's so very interesting for us marks. It'd be nice if it happened again.
HMMMMM????? so when the WWE decided to protect their wrestlers by banning chairshots the IWC was posting shit like..."WWE sucks now! and "i'm a TNA fan now" and other stupid bullshit! but lo and behold TNA is now banning chairshots to the head and now the IWC is up in arms in happiness over the chair shot ban in wrestling! and YOU of all people is elated that CRAPnA decided to ban headshots(chairshots) but when the E decided to do it you was pissed! i guess you was hit in the head by a chair in the head or hogan's cock! OH BTW: your little .gif about " everytime you bash TNA you will get kicked by AJ pele" or some other stupid shit you said well TNA sucks! they will be extinct by 2012! (bank on it!) and i have just cut off aj pele's legs and arms just like vince will cut off dixie's arms and legs!
all of the IWC needs their head examined because you guys are full of shit and you can't enjoy anything to save your wittle basement dwelling,on your mommy and daddy's pc, too fucking scared to protest or boycott or confront vince or dixie wittle lives!

What are 13? Grow up, kid. For the record nobody really complained that WWE banned chairshots to the UNPROTECTED chairshots. Everyone was pissed when they banned blood. Totally different.

THE IWC SUCKS!!!! THEIR MAIN GOAL IS TO SEE THE WWE FAIL SO THEIR WITTLE TNA COULD TAKE THE TOP SPOT!!!!! keep dreaming!!!!LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!:lmao: give it 2-10 years and TNA will either be extinct,wwe will buy them and they will be another "BRAND" or another company like this so-called WWP will buy them! and when that happens i will post these words 50 times
"I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! and WHAT YOU WEE-N-A or IWC MARKS GOT TO SAY NOW!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Give it 2 years, 6 months, blah blah fucking blah. Enough with that crap. TNA was supposed to be dead already. Give it another 2-10 years WWE's product will cater to infants.
Can I just say to The Killjoy, your 1st video where Eddie is bleeding profusely from his head wasn't because of the chair shot, it was because he bladed badly. The chair shot done nothing.
Otherwise, in my eyes, I do believe they should be banned. That hole in the back of Ken's head actually was nasty.
Why wasn't this in place already? They are the last of the major American promotions to do this. WWE banned unexposed chair shots to the head a few years ago. ROH banned them early this year, even though they seem to forget that sometimes. Finally, TNA came to their senses and banned these stupid chair shots.

I've never understood what was so great about unprotected chair shots to the head. Most of the IWC wants the product to be as realistic as possible, but unprotected chair shots is about as far from realistic as one can get. If you have a 6'2 250 pound man swinging achair at your head, you're going to put your hands up to try and block it. I never understood, even when I was younger, why they would just stand there and take it.

Unprotected chair shots are a dumb risk to take and they add absolutely nothing to the product.
Blatant, scripted, no defense chair shots to the head should be banned, like the one to Rob Terry. The one that had Mr. Anderson bleeding like nothing I've ever seen was Jeff Hardy being stupid enough to swing overhand. He should have swung sideways and hit Anderson in the back and none of this would be an issue. Where I draw the line is where guys can't throw their hand up and take a shot to the head which would deaden the effect of the blow. If you're going to get hit in the head with a chair, you had better know how to deflect the impact or there is no reason you should be doing it - that's where I draw the line. I like the violence in Pro Wrestling - it really adds something to the match for me and that's one reason I like TNA so much. But when you start endangering careers because people aren't trained properly on how to use weapons and take shots, you either have to train them or cut them out completely.
if they are going to ban chair shots, might as well ban piledrivers, powerbombs, steel cage matches, sleeperholds, etc. Some people here, ahem, i can't get over how dumb some people are whining about concussions like they're experts in the know cause they read something somewhere from some supposed authority. You put a real sleeperhold on someone you could kill them, you REALLY piledriver someone you could kill them, you REALLY punch someone hard enough in the gut and you could kill them. You REALLY smash someone in the head with a chair they could die or have a concussion. The thing with chair shots is that in the heat of the moment a chair can hit someone so hard it could really do damage. But seriously, a properly executed chair shot should hurt a wrestler a million times less than a power bomb from the top rope and a whole lot less than a lot of regularly executed moves.

You really haven't put much thought into this argument, have you?

The issue is that, the sleeper holds, the punches, the pile drivers - those aren't real. Sure, accidents happen, but you're generally supposed to be pulling those punches. You can't really pull a chair shot to the head.

You can be an authority on concussions too. All you have to do is look up what it is, and how dangerous it could be. To sit here and act like concussions aren't a big deal... well, to be quite honest, you look ignorant. You are not a professional wrestler, so you're not any more of an authority on sports injuries than anyone else, especially the top brass in the company who made the decision to pull chair shots to the head.

My thoughts on this are that TNA is going to do PG stuff for the next couple months only to have Hogan's stable break all the rules including this new pansy ass shit. The whole point is to expose just how stupid WWE PG crap is and putover TNAs heels. I'm looking forward to watching this angle play out.

This is idiotic. Pulling chair shots to the head has nothing to do with a transition into PG. It's a matter of safety. Also, not everything has to be a not-so-subtle swipe at WWE programming. This is why TNA gets so much shit. It seems to ride the coattails of WWE programming in order to get itself over.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the WWE, or anything the WWE has done in the last year.
Well, TNA wrestlers (or 'Tha E for that matter) doesn't really need to bust each other up to push a storyline or make a good wrestling match. If you have a lust for violent wrestling there's always CZW or YouTube videos. Those guys are nuts. Good for Dixie and TNA management for thinking of their well-being and future. Cuncussions are the hot topic of all major sports. It makes TNA and sports entertainment look more like a wrestling league than trash wrestling.

The Marauder

Great move by TNA. Unprotected chair shots should not even be a factor in professional wrestling anymore, with everything we know about concussions and head injuries, I'm surprised TNA even allowed them as long as they did. The Anderson chair shot was obviously the final straw, it injured one of their biggest stars and on top of that it was to the back of the head. There was no chance he could have done anything, or even brace himself. Finally these chairshots have been banned, it's good for safety reasons, and it's quite a relief.

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