WWE: No More Chair Shots To The Head

Turd Ferguson

- WWE has updated the wellness policy, to update the Impact Concussion Management Program. Basically, no chair shots to the head. Here is how it reads…

WWE has eliminated using folding metal chairs to "strike" an opponent in the head. The WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension the following:

- The intentional use of a folding metal chair to "strike" an opponent in the head.

- Any blow to the head that is deemed an INTENTIONAL act

- The Fine and/or Suspension will be directed by the EVP of Talent Relations (John Laurinaitis).

This is good, and I'm glad the WWE is implementing it. There need to be more measures in place for guys to leave the wrestling world without having the brain of an old man at the age of 40. Concussions are obviously, very dangerous, and we know the extreme case of what happens when a wrestler takes too many shots to the head. The previous rules were "No unprotected chair shots", and now they're doing away with them as a whole.

The only thing is that it's going to be awkward to see how someone gets hit with a chair now, and I'm sure there is a way they could have gimmicked the chairs like they do with the rest of their weapons. Either way, the WWE is taking steps to protect their wrestlers, and hopefully the trend continues where more measures are taken for these guys to live long lives after departing from the WWE. It seems that too many guys die too young, and I'm sure taking chair shots to the head night in and night out takes years off of someone's life.
I think that this is a great policy, and falls in line with what other major "contact" sports are doing, as the NHL is getting ready to institute a new policy banning head shots, the NFL has banned the "head slap" maneuver and has done as much as it can to limit helmet contact.
So no more chair shots to the head. How long is it gonna be when they can no longer even fake punch a guy in the head. How long until they ban the Pedigree for a guy possibly landing on his head. What abotu Sweet Chin Music. Hit him in the head insted of the chin (which happens quite a lot) and it's a similar situation. Do we ban that too? Look I get the chairshot thing to an extent. It was people like Benout who was known for taking hard shots to the back of the head for years that brought this on. I don't see an issue with a chair shot if they guy is smart enough to put his hands up to block it. We know it's fake and no one sits there and goes "He put his hand up! Match is ruined!" Look at Mick Foley. Guy took god knows how many chair shots to the brain and he's no doubt a bit screwey but he's not a psycho killer like they make it seem that every person who takes a chair shot is gonna be.
Good for the wrestler's health I suppose, but shitty for the wrestling fans who like more hardcore side of wrestling. I hope the E knows that none of us are gonna buy into a chair shot to the back knocking someone out. Pretty soon WWE is gonna be like collegiate wrestling.
So no more chair shots to the head. How long is it gonna be when they can no longer even fake punch a guy in the head. How long until they ban the Pedigree for a guy possibly landing on his head. What abotu Sweet Chin Music. Hit him in the head insted of the chin (which happens quite a lot) and it's a similar situation. Do we ban that too? Look I get the chairshot thing to an extent. It was people like Benout who was known for taking hard shots to the back of the head for years that brought this on. I don't see an issue with a chair shot if they guy is smart enough to put his hands up to block it. We know it's fake and no one sits there and goes "He put his hand up! Match is ruined!" Look at Mick Foley. Guy took god knows how many chair shots to the brain and he's no doubt a bit screwey but he's not a psycho killer like they make it seem that every person who takes a chair shot is gonna be.

Geez... God forbid they take some of the danger out of pro-wrestling while keeping the art alive.

The WWE has been trying to get back to its 80's roots for the past few years now in order to erase all of the damage that the Attitude Era and wrestlers' deaths have done to their reputation. They are trying to keep pro-wrestling as pure as it can be while protecting the well-being of their wrestlers.

Chair shots have been known to product more damage than good. They are brutal and violent, whether a wrestler puts his hand up to block it or not. Once again, the WWE is trying to keep their wrestlers healthy for you, and yet you still complain about it. Would you rather they continued to utilize blood and chairs so the wrestlers can all drop dead before their 40th birthdays?

If you start thinking about the business like a chess game and think 5 moves ahead, you'll see that in the long run, this decision is extremely beneficial towards the WWE's product.
I don't even know how to reply because this just sounds so...dumb. I mean, how do you have such policies to prevent a spot that is scripted to begin with? I can understand in a sport like football with intentionally going for the helmet would be ruled against, but pro wrestling, while being dangerous, isn't a sport. Pro wrestling is to sports what Hurt Locker is to the Army; while it may appear real, it is merely an imitated reflection of reality. So how much sense would it make for the movie industry to say no more blowing up vehicles because someone could get hurt? It wouldn't make sense because it's a planned spot in which it can be made sure that no one gets hurt.

I didn't care when they decided to have guys stop bleeding because that's logical and I personally don't like seeing guy's bleeding everywhere, it's a bit nasty to me and adds nothing tot he match that great selling can't. But it's so easy to fake a great chair shot that this policy seems like it was implemented for the sake of some storyline where someone is gonna break this rule.
Oh my! They're saved now!

Honestly, I think the wrestlers take harder shots during the match from bumps. Far more than from a steel chair. They don't whack eachother over the head with it in every single match you know.

Eh, I don't like this. Sure, sure, it's "to improve their health" but gosh darn it I feel like it's a move to show the people .. "See? We care about our guys!", while in reality it's "Damn, I need to fake some concern. Stupid Benoit is ruining my business even when he's dead".

Not a good idea. They don't die from Chair Shots they die because of PLENTY of other reasons. If you chose to land on your head for a living - that's your business. They know the risks and if they're willing to take them they'll keep a job.

No blood, no chair shots. What's next? No bumps?
I find this pretty disappointing. Not that I want guys risking their well-being just for my entertainment, but come on, it's wrestling. Actual sports like hockey and football should have regulations, the goal of those games isn't to hurt your opponent. Plus spots in a wrestling match are predetermined, it's a little different than getting popped in the head in a football game or something.

I think it should be up to the individual wrestlers to decide if they are willing to do things like that or not.

At this rate I really am gonna end up watching TNA more often.

Surprised to see how many people have replied to this with an attitude of support, acting all righteous as if they care so much about this issue, when in reality a little bit of the wrestling fan in us all just died.
so no more ever "con-chairto"? come on i was hoping E&C would someday just start knocking peeps in the head again... oh well... a fake sport just got a little more real or a little more fake? im not so sure
Surprised to see how many people have replied to this with an attitude of support, acting all righteous as if they care so much about this issue, when in reality a little bit of the wrestling fan in us all just died.

What a bullshit statement. I actually DO care about this issue. I don't like my pro-wrestlers getting permanently injured and leaving the sport prematurely. And I sure as fuck don't watch pro-wrestling for the chair shots... I watch it for the WRESTLING.

Don't speak on others' behalfs... you're in no position to.
Shame on the WWE for trying to keep their wrestlers healthy and preventing brain damage or anything of the like. Look at boxers and how many shots they took to the head and the damage it caused. You don't need chair shots to the head to have a great match. There are plenty of ways a match can be violent and brtual without any shots to the head. WWE is doing this for the benefit of the wrestlers and are trying to keep them healthy and safe but if you want your favorite wrestler to die at 35 from repeated chair shots to the head, then that is your prerogative.
I find this pretty disappointing. Not that I want guys risking their well-being just for my entertainment, but come on, it's wrestling. Actual sports like hockey and football should have regulations, the goal of those games isn't to hurt your opponent. Plus spots in a wrestling match are predetermined, it's a little different than getting popped in the head in a football game or something.

I think it should be up to the individual wrestlers to decide if they are willing to do things like that or not.

At this rate I really am gonna end up watching TNA more often.

Surprised to see how many people have replied to this with an attitude of support, acting all righteous as if they care so much about this issue, when in reality a little bit of the wrestling fan in us all just died.

How's that? Don't TNA have that policy too? There was someoen a few months back fined for taking a chair shot to the head without using his hands. So this is in play in TNA too.

I think this is great. There's been a clamp down on drugs, now I'm glad there's a clamp down on potential brain damage here, I'd rather see this than someone snap and kill their wife and kid again.
Wow, people are being very ignorant about this. This is not only a good business decision, it is a good move for the performers in general. It'll save money from medical bills, and will keep their performers healthy and keep them from developing dangerous brain injuries.

Although i will say this, if they can make ladders that are more light-weight and less painfull, why can't they make chairs like that as well? That's what doesn't make sense to me.

Oh my! They're saved now!

Honestly, I think the wrestlers take harder shots during the match from bumps. Far more than from a steel chair. They don't whack eachother over the head with it in every single match you know.

Eh, I don't like this. Sure, sure, it's "to improve their health" but gosh darn it I feel like it's a move to show the people .. "See? We care about our guys!", while in reality it's "Damn, I need to fake some concern. Stupid Benoit is ruining my business even when he's dead".

Not a good idea. They don't die from Chair Shots they die because of PLENTY of other reasons. If you chose to land on your head for a living - that's your business. They know the risks and if they're willing to take them they'll keep a job.

No blood, no chair shots. What's next? No bumps?

Yes they may take more damage from bumps, but you usually protect your head during bumps, which is safer in the long run. And people DO develop complications from concussions, which can lead to death, which can be caused by chair shots, especially to the head, and even more especially to the back of the head. Benoits death, like it or not, changed WWE forever. They really have to watch their own ass to make sure something like that doesn't happen again.
I think its for the best. How many times have you seen wrestlers come out of the ring holding the backs of their heads? That's not always a work. I've seen matches where both the winner and the loser are wincing holding the backs of their heads. I'm sure these guys can learn to work around the restrictions.
I actually don't think it's a good idea... Now I understand the health benefits of doing this, but I also feel that a worker should be able to decide whether or not if he wants to do something like that. These are grown men, not little kids. Let them be the artists and paint how they want to paint, and if something bad happens, let that responsibility fall on them.
I have zero problems with this. There is nothing wrong with having the boys be safe. Not a damn thing. This is for their own good and it's not like other areas can be hit, as in the back. This isn't bad at all and in the end it's going to help things a lot. To those people being critical, chill the hell out and grow up.
Well this is fucking awful news. No blood, no chairshots? What the fuck am I watching, WCW from 20 years ago? Are they going to ban moves from the top rope next as well while we're at it?

Look, I get how this is beneficial to the wrestlers, as many people have had long term consequences from concussions and post-concussion syndrome in both he wrestling business and the sports world, but this is just absurd. This is professional wrestling, NOT an actual sport, both men should be professional enough to know how to perform these moves (including chairshots) without actually hurting them long-term, that's kind of the point of why they train. Sometimes mistakes are made or passion gets out of hand and guys go all-out in a match, but if they themselves WANT to do that, I see no problem with that. Fuck guys like Mick Foley made their careers out of being willing to do the crazy shit like that, and we all know how beloved Foley is by just about every wrestling fan on the planet.

I get the safety idea, but this is just going to far. Where are they going to hit them now, in the chest? Just the back? Come the fuck on, we're watching professional wrestling here not Olympic Greco-Roman. This sucks for both the fans, and the guys that were willing to take those bigger bumps and who because of that were able to get their feet in the door (guys like Foley). Awful news.
I thought they had this already happened apart from on certain occassions. Wrestlers tend to put their arms/hands in the way of the head to soften and certainly stop any impact to the head. It is rare to see a full on contact with a chair. Last time I can remember is Mayweather against the Big Show. So I guess they could just prevent a full contact and make it that every wrestler must put their arms in the way. Thats the way around it, that or they use a softer material that looks the same (which at the moment I don't think is available)
People have to remember and its been said for years The Attitude Era is dead, wrestling has changed get use to it. Stop the non stop whining and just enjoy it for what it is. If you cant I question why you bother with the product
Some of you guys i know really dont care about the saftey of these performers. But others do. These ppl risk there lives to do this. Someone said its no teven a real sport. Wrestling is a real freaking sport. the only thing is they added an entertainmment aspect to it. If concussions are getting serious in every sport like the NFL why is it so hard for you guys to expect Vince doing something to make it safer here. too many wrestlers have died to young. From overdose of drugs to ease the pain etc. so many have retired due to concussions. I recently heard wwe didnt sign Desmond Wolfe(Nigel) cuz he had a head issue i think he would have been a risk to get concussions easily or something like that
Oh well, not a huge fan of it but I can totally understand why they did it. In this PG era it doesn't really bother me too much I guess, their matches are better these days without too much violence (especially since opening a guy up will result in a bunch of refs frantically running to the ring to stitch him up), also with all the lovely publicity the WWE has gotten ever since June 07 it probably helps with their image, not to mention it cuts down on concussions and helps to the longevity of a wrestlers career.

Still not a big fan of it, chair shots aren't a weekly thing anymore and its not like this will be an end to head injuries. If it was me I would make the wrestlers get their head scanned 3-4 times a year as part of the wellness program but that's just me. A chair shot to the back doesn't have the impact on the fans as a shot to the head, but in WWE's defense they had to do something with all the heat they've gotten over the last few years, but they should really take better measures to stopping concussions because 1 little rule like this ain't gonna do it (like I said, just make the guys get their heads scanned as part of the wellness program, that would do a lot more than eliminating chair shots to the head, and IMO a chair shot to the back doesn't have as much impact)
I feel like i need to add something here: THis is NOT a ban on chair-shots, this is banning intentional shots to the head.

There are other places to hit, there are other weapon to use. This also, i believe, doesn't affect things like the Con-chair-to, where you are hitting the ground next to their head. Why is banning something dangerous bad, it isn't just the wrestlers that it affects, it's the company. When someone dies via concussion or brain damage, even years and years after, it still falls on the company.
Lets see the piledriver is gone except for UT's tombstone and even that left for a while ad he used the last ride, I don't think I ever really see a ddt except for Randy Orton's version , which by the way he nailed on HHH on the floor. I know wrestling is predetermined but they are wrestlers they know how to protect themselves at this point in the game. let them wrestle and quit with the shitty story lines and the kiddie crap. Omg I hope TNA does turn around for the better with all their talent theirs no reason they shouldn't.
Look, I am all for protecting the wrestlers, but there comes a point when you have to look back and say "What business are we in again?" You can't continue to ban things that are a basis of your product. It is almost if they are slowly but surely eliminating the physical aspect of wrestling all together and morphing it to a variety/reality show. How about you fine the individuals that take an unprotected chair shots. Or if you are really upset about it, why not create gimmicked chairs, in the same fashion that garbage cans are just semi hardened aluminum?

But eliminating chair shots to the head completely is again taking something away that is a basis of wrestling. Kind of like banning moves like the piledriver because a small handful of wrestlers can't protect themselves. As far as the WWE goes, I am tuning into Wrestlemania 26 for Undertaker vs HBK but after that, I am sure I am done. I have defended the WWE through this entire transformation to the PG/John Cena led era, and I stuck through it because there is still some good quality entertainment on the programs, but this might be it for me. More and more, what I am watching is not a wrestling program, but a reality/variety show. TNA and ROH has my viewership for the time being in hopes that they see some success if for no other reason then to push change in the WWE similar to the change that was sparked by WCW and ECWs success.
I guess that means no more hardcore matches huh? Not that they ever had many latley, anyway just more of the WWE's trying to stick with the PG rating. I think it's a terrible move, I mean aren't the wrestlers trained on how to take a chair shot? I always thought they put up their arms before the chair makes contact with their head to soften the blow. Regardless with this new rule wrestling won't be the same hopefully TNA does not follow suite because they have potiental to over take the WWE in the future with WWE's new rules, PG rating etc..
Anyone on here that is against this policy obviously doesn't give a damn about any of the wrestlers' personal lives. We've seen the results of prolonged brain trauma (do the names Test and Benoit ring any bells?) Wrestlers need to be protected, and I think it's a complete sham that they give years and years of their life dedicated to the business, and what are they rewarded with? According to some of you, permanent brain damage from unnecessary head shots.

We've gotten rules in the past few years in the NFL that have banned intentional shots to the head, and now we're finally getting rules against head shots in the NHL. If anyone doesn't think that head shots (whether in wrestling or other contact sports) are dangerous, go look up Matt Cooke's pussy cheap shot to Marc Savard's head on youtube. See how Savard had to be carried off the ice on a stretcher?

This isn't banning moves like running the opponent's head into the ring post or attack's like HHH's sledgehammer shot. Those moves can be done safely and without any reasonable risk involved. But anyone who thinks that concussions aren't serious or chair shots are "fake," needs to get their head of out their ass

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