WWE Monday Night RAW LD 6/10/13

Did they call the pre-show "kickoff" just so Sheamus could make that shitty reference to his finisher? Because "Payback Kickoff" sounds stupid.
Something like that, yeah. As much as some people disliked it, the LayCool stuff actually worked in that sense. They were bullies and you were supposed to root for them to get their comeuppance. Sometimes it's that simple.

They actually made Natayla relevant for 6 months after they were defeated, which is a huge achievement.

So we just spent five weeks setting up minute long swerve to build to a match where the payoff should have come ten months ago.

Good use of TV time WWE!

To be fair the AJ/Kaitlyn angle is hinged with how well Dolph Ziggler does as the WHC, since AJ is his girlfriend - and it makes zero sense for her to hold a title without WWE doing a power couple angle - and he's been out. Now that those pieces are starting to come together again, this feud was jump started.
No, it hasn't jump started. It's the same match they've been building to for months and it's still Kaitlyn's horribleness in the ring against AJ "I skip around so I'm CRAZY!" Lee. It'll be the same Divas matches as before, as it's been for years because the females are a waste of time.
No, it hasn't jump started. It's the same match they've been building to for months and it's still Kaitlyn's horribleness in the ring against AJ "I skip around so I'm CRAZY!" Lee. It'll be the same Divas matches as before, as it's been for years because the females are a waste of time.

This, this, and this. I do think it was the best resolution to the secret admirer angle, but that doesn't make it anything other than the set up for a piss break.
Here's the worst part:

The rating will be up because there's nothing else on tonight, and the praise will go to HHH and the McMahons instead of a lack of other options, meaning MORE HHH/McMahon drama instead of the interesting stuff WWE has going on.

I mean it's 11:05 and here's Cena for the first time tonight. Think they ight have their priorities a bit screwed up?
No, it hasn't jump started. It's the same match they've been building to for months and it's still Kaitlyn's horribleness in the ring against AJ "I skip around so I'm CRAZY!" Lee. It'll be the same Divas matches as before, as it's been for years because the females are a waste of time.

That's because the angle is hitched to another angle that has had problems getting off the ground. What I meant by "jump started" is that the feud is now headed to where it should have been months ago if all the cards had fallen into place properly.
What do you want to bet someone gets upset because Vince said "I don't hug other men" with disgust? You know someone will complain. It's the world we live in now.
No, it hasn't jump started. It's the same match they've been building to for months and it's still Kaitlyn's horribleness in the ring against AJ "I skip around so I'm CRAZY!" Lee. It'll be the same Divas matches as before, as it's been for years because the females are a waste of time.

The title of the PPV is called Payback, see how that fits ? But keep whining, I'm sure things will meet your standards one day.
No, it hasn't jump started. It's the same match they've been building to for months and it's still Kaitlyn's horribleness in the ring against AJ "I skip around so I'm CRAZY!" Lee. It'll be the same Divas matches as before, as it's been for years because the females are a waste of time.

Never said it was going to be a 5 star match, but the payoff tonight was very good. What happened in that ring tonight is the best thing I've seen from women in wrestling in a long while. Felt like real emotions, you could tell who was good and who was bad and WHY, and you want to see them fight. Yeah, it took too long to get to, but tonight was excellent.
That's because the angle is hitched to another angle that has had problems getting off the ground. What I meant by "jump started" is that the feud is now headed to where it should have been months ago if all the cards had fallen into place properly.

Except that it doesn't/shouldn't have anything to do with Ziggler. It's been about them being best friends for like a month last year and now they've split. at the end of the day, this is a popcorn break match but they're treating it like something more than 8 people care about. It simply isn't important and there was no need to waste this kind of time on it.
That's because the angle is hitched to another angle that has had problems getting off the ground. What I meant by "jump started" is that the feud is now headed to where it should have been months ago if all the cards had fallen into place properly.

The feud would be better if Ziggler wasn't attached. It does nothing for it, they don't need a power couple because Ziggler isn't powerful, popular, or anything of the like, and if AJ was scorned by EVERY man and her friend was never there for her, thus making her turn on her friend, the story would make more sense.

As I've said for a while now, Dolph Ziggler ruins everything.
Never said it was going to be a 5 star match, but the payoff tonight was very good. What happened in that ring tonight is the best thing I've seen from women in wrestling in a long while. Felt like real emotions, you could tell who was good and who was bad and WHY, and you want to see them fight. Yeah, it took too long to get to, but tonight was excellent.

It was indeed good, but the payoff is what? AJ winning the title and doing what with it? The time where she should have been champion was ten months ago.
Except that it doesn't/shouldn't have anything to do with Ziggler. It's been about them being best friends for like a month last year and now they've split. at the end of the day, this is a popcorn break match but they're treating it like something more than 8 people care about. It simply isn't important and there was no need to waste this kind of time on it.

It has everything to do with Ziggler. The point of AJ getting a title is so WWE can do a Power Couple angle. If they weren't going to do this, AJ would have been champion months ago. AJ winning the title hangs on Zigglers WHC run - he's been injured so WWE did this secret admirer angle to stall AJ/Kaitlyn until Ziggler comes back. And he's returning soon, now this divas match is happening, AJ will win the title, and WWE will do their angle with Ziggler and AJ.
It was indeed good, but the payoff is what? AJ winning the title and doing what with it? The time where she should have been champion was ten months ago.

You're not wrong, but at this point, the payoff is AJ winning with Langston's help but Kaitlyn winning it back in a gimmick match at Summerslam. She has to avenge herself after her former friend has tortured her for months.
The feud would be better if Ziggler wasn't attached. It does nothing for it, they don't need a power couple because Ziggler isn't powerful, popular, or anything of the like, and if AJ was scorned by EVERY man and her friend was never there for her, thus making her turn on her friend, the story would make more sense.

As I've said for a while now, Dolph Ziggler ruins everything.

That's what WWE is obviously going for - they've stalled AJ's match with Kaitlyn, kept the title on Ziggler even though he's injured, kept the stable going even though Ziggler wasn't there, and went as far as having a #1 contenders match as a PPV main event.
It has everything to do with Ziggler. The point of AJ getting a title is so WWE can do a Power Couple angle. If they weren't going to do this, AJ would have been champion months ago. AJ winning the title hangs on Zigglers WHC run - he's been injured so WWE did this secret admirer angle to stall AJ/Kaitlyn until Ziggler comes back. And he's returning soon, now this divas match is happening, AJ will win the title, and WWE will do their angle with Ziggler and AJ.

Ignoring the fact that neither title, much like AJ, has meant anything in months and no one on the planet cares about this feud, that makes perfect sense.

The story makes sense and tonight was well executed, but it's the Divas title with a Diva well past the point of interest winning it. That's why I don't care.
It has everything to do with Ziggler. The point of AJ getting a title is so WWE can do a Power Couple angle. If they weren't going to do this, AJ would have been champion months ago. AJ winning the title hangs on Zigglers WHC run - he's been injured so WWE did this secret admirer angle to stall AJ/Kaitlyn until Ziggler comes back. And he's returning soon, now this divas match is happening, AJ will win the title, and WWE will do their angle with Ziggler and AJ.

Which just solidifies my belief that Ziggler ruins everything. Nobody cares about him and ever since AJ got paired up with him, people have lost interest in her as well. Before Ziggler, AJ was one of the most over people on the roster (men included). Now? Crickets. She's a lackey now and that's what has ruined this angle.

Now, think of if AJ simply screwed Cena over because she was mad at him but didn't align with Ziggler. She finally snaps for good, turns on Cena and the next night, turns on Kaitlyn. She's pissed that everyone has shut her out of their lives and that her friend was never there for her. This could lead to a legit match at Mania where two best friends meet to destroy one another and it matters.

It doesn't matter now because AJ is a lackey to a guy nobody cares about as WHC.
You're not wrong, but at this point, the payoff is AJ winning with Langston's help but Kaitlyn winning it back in a gimmick match at Summerslam. She has to avenge herself after her former friend has tortured her for months.

And if I had any reason to care abotu Kaitlyn whatsoever, this would be interesting. Unfortunately Kaitlyn isn't that hot (not huge on blondes), isn't interesting, and is horrid in the ring.

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