WWE Monday Night RAW LD 6/10/13

Wow all this Trish drew. What about lita the hardy boys would not have been as popular without her. In fact she was one of the first women to bring Mexican style wrestling to American tv. She pretty much showed us that women can think of this who was more over before lita's affair with edge Trish or lita. In fact when they main evented raw in 2003 who was that story mostly centered around lita, who won lita. Lita was a draw per edge even bigger than Trish. Has Trish main evented raw without lita hmmm no. Lita main evented 2 times on raw in her career .

I'm with you. Always thought Lita was the better of the two and moreso, I always felt that people viewed Trish as a good in ring talent solely because of what Lita brought out of her. To this day, I maintain that Trish is a barely passable wrestler in the realm of most girls today and was likely the worst in ring of her time, but because she was the most popular and had some pretty good girls to work with, she got this reputation of being way better than she was. Lita was the best of that time though, I do agree. I still don't think either do a thing without Sable happening first though.

They can't REALLY end the Triple H storyline over the last few weeks with what happened last night. Can they? I mean...I wouldn't put it past them...but...WOW.
A better question to ask is why the hell isn't Lou Thesz in the HOF?

Since he's not a WWE guy, they're never going to make a big deal out of him. Charlie probably isn't going to let him be inducted unless she feels he's being properly honoured - and even then only maybe.

It'll happen eventually since the WWE is inducting names to the HOF considerably faster than its generating talent worthy of admission, but probably not until either

a) Someone in the WWE makes time to do a similar quantity of courting as was required with Sammartino


b) Everyone relevent who gives a shit passes away.

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