WWE General Complaints Thread

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I understand that he is the face of the company and top draw, and Ziggler is not at his status, and while I don't like Cena, I respect him as a hard worker and a guy who's life is the business. But Cena did not have to win this match. This the second week in a row that after all Dolph did to him in the match, all it takes is one AA, which look sloppier every week, and the Cena wins. Then he no sells all the stuff Dolph did to him in the match by just walking off, which Cena does quite a bit after most of his matches. Yes Dolph got the PPV win, but I feel like if the briefcase hadn't been on the line, Cena would've won yet again. Yes he is the top guy, so he needs to win, but making your opponents, and future heels of the company, look weak by getting hit by all their moves and then pinning them with 1 clumsy AA out of nowhere and then no selling after the match is what still irritates me about Cena. Dolph needs momentum otherwise his cash in will look pointless. And Dolph is over, if he gets cheered instead of boo's its only cuz the fans there know how good he is and appreciate watching him.
It is okay being a big Cena fan. But he rarely sells or loses or puts guys over. And the vast majority of his feuds suck major balls. I will bring up Kane as one example of ball licking pain. In fact it was like getting railed in the ass without the courtesy of a reach-a-around.

I freely admit that I am not a Cena fan and dislike Orton more so I am very subjective.

However, it would not hurt him to lose cleanly. That is my point. He never does so it would make Ziggler. The same with HHH and we know how stingy and douchey he was in putting guys over. Your theory on Foley is dead wrong. He went over Undertaker and then the Rock and then MADE HHH, something Trips cannot abide by today seeing as he has NEVER returned the favor. Getting a win against Foley was not a sure thing and he ultimately did what many stars refuse to do in their twilight days and that is create new stars.

The WWE needs to create new stars. Eventually the fans will really turn on Cena and it will be too late to use him to build guys. Orton will end up getting arrested for Purple Drank and raping a Tranny, so he will not be around for long either....Anyway, the reason Ziggler is getting love is partially because the fans do respect him and are sick of seeing him job to Cena and are trying to let WWE know that they are sick of it shit.

I never said he was owed anything but logic dictates that he is booked strong enough to make the feud interesting instead of just being another Cena victim. I could just throw it back at you by saying that it has been the same Cena shit for about eight years and haven't you had enough of the same thing, something that has not changed in nearly a decade? Remember Cena is not like being married. Sure when you are married it is the same pussy every night but with wrestling you are allowed to experiment and branch out and not be stuck with the same thing day in and day out.
It is okay being a big Cena fan. But he rarely sells or loses or puts guys over. And the vast majority of his feuds suck major balls. I will bring up Kane as one example of ball licking pain. In fact it was like getting railed in the ass without the courtesy of a reach-a-around.

I freely admit that I am not a Cena fan and dislike Orton more so I am very subjective.

However, it would not hurt him to lose cleanly. That is my point. He never does so it would make Ziggler. The same with HHH and we know how stingy and douchey he was in putting guys over. Your theory on Foley is dead wrong. He went over Undertaker and then the Rock and then MADE HHH, something Trips cannot abide by today seeing as he has NEVER returned the favor. Getting a win against Foley was not a sure thing and he ultimately did what many stars refuse to do in their twilight days and that is create new stars.

The WWE needs to create new stars. Eventually the fans will really turn on Cena and it will be too late to use him to build guys. Orton will end up getting arrested for Purple Drank and raping a Tranny, so he will not be around for long either....Anyway, the reason Ziggler is getting love is partially because the fans do respect him and are sick of seeing him job to Cena and are trying to let WWE know that they are sick of it shit.

I never said he was owed anything but logic dictates that he is booked strong enough to make the feud interesting instead of just being another Cena victim. I could just throw it back at you by saying that it has been the same Cena shit for about eight years and haven't you had enough of the same thing, something that has not changed in nearly a decade? Remember Cena is not like being married. Sure when you are married it is the same pussy every night but with wrestling you are allowed to experiment and branch out and not be stuck with the same thing day in and day out.

You can throw it back to me and say Cena has been doing the same shit, only difference is that same shit is still more popular than Ziggler has ever been. I wouldn't mind if he branched out, but you're trying to get me to argue a point that I was never trying to make. I'm making the point that Dolph Ziggler is getting his feet wet. He's not supposed to beat Cena. He's not supposed to replace him or threaten him. Ziggler / Cena isn't going much further so why bother extend the feud by having Cena lose if the plan isn't to continue to rivalry? Ziggler is probably going to cash in his MITB soon which is the WWE's idea of a push these days. It's the world title so it's not even a main event push.

The fans getting behind Ziggler are a drop in the bucket. People like his flashy moves and the way he takes bumps. He hasn't proven to be anything close to a force on the mic. He's built a reputation as a December / January type guy who floats into the title picture around this time every year only to get slapped down. He's not at this moment a believable threat and beating Cena should be a culmination not a beginning to his run. He's not a real life tough guy or a locker room leader. If a few internet fans respect him that's great, but I doubt anyone in the company sees him as the guy about to carry the load.

I'm sorry you feel Cena's feuds are "boring". I found the Brock Lesnar, Rock and CM Punk feuds to be entertaining. The Kane feud is a pre-Wrestlemania filler feud and btw that's what this Dolph Ziggler feud was. Cena's biggest problem is that he has so little to work with. These other guys need to get their shit together and get themselves over so Cena and actually more importantly the WWE has a reason to make them look good.
I agree with the original point, and think this is systematic of a bigger problem in WWE. They are afraid to let the guys they want to be their top faces lose. This is because there are more than a few fans out there who are already booing these guys, and making them look even a little weak could get more fans to begin disliking them. That is called not having confidence in your roster, your creative team...your entire company, really.

The same thing happened tonight with Sheamus, who actually did lose to 3MB much to my surprise. What did he do immediately after losing, though? Could 3MB actually have one night of semi-glory to build them up a tad? No, Sheamus came in and kicked all their tails again, prompting the back to play Sheamus' music like he won the freakin' match. Sheamus still looked strong at the end of the night--no back-and-forth whatsoever from week to week.

It's stupid, and completely unrealistic. And most importantly, it makes a couple guys look good and the rest look like jokes. I understand 3MB is mostly a joke, but they are still on your roster and they should be viewed as legitimate foes even if goofy.

To get back on topic with Cena/Ziggler, I was really mad at how this match went. Not because Cena won, but because of how he won and has been highlighted here a time or two. Dolph hit Cena with his finisher, and also a GREAT-looking DDT off the second rope (kudos to John also, because both of them made the move look devastating). The DDT was Jake Roberts' finisher and one of the best-damn finishers in wrestling history. And Cena kicked out of that and EVERYTHING. Ziggler went down after one AA, which is without a doubt one of the worst finishers in wrestling history (I don't care where WWE ranked in on their ridiculous Top 50 finishers DVD, it should be in the Bottom 50).

The summary is: Cena is a top star who can overcome anything, while Dolph is not capable of being a realistic adversary of Cena. That is what WWE is telling us by booking the match this way. You can all say how Dolph isn't in Cena's league and isn't as over--it's true, he's not as over and probably never will be. However, look at WWE's roster right now. There are not many big names on your full-time roster right now. The names who COULD be bigger, and Ziggler is one, need to be utilized better than losing in that fashion. He'll never be taken seriously as a champion, if he gets there, until he truly starts holding his own against the "best."

I get that Cena is still the big fish, but winning matches by overcoming that many obstacles and ultimately making Ziggler look that weak isn't healthy. That was not a rub in any way for Dolph--that was a very insecure WWE continuing to force Cena down our throats. I'm going to watch despite it, but it's lousy booking.
I am not really sure what you are trying to argue. Essentially you think that Cena should remain on top. And that Ziggler's fanbase is smaller. Um, does that matter? And I would argue that Cena has a hell of a lot more detractors than Ziggler. Ziggler has been in the WWE for a few years and so when is it time for him to get his push? five or ten more years? Cena was champ within a year or two. So why not Ziggler? He is far more talented than Cena.

I just don't get how you can be interested in maintaining the status-quo. Ziggler cannot be elevated without WWE giving him wins. He is already over as a heel and all he needs is that one big win. Why would it hurt for Cena to put him over? I guess I cannot fathom why you think he shouldn't.

Remember DDP back in 97? WCW made him the day he Diamond Cutted Hall and took out Nash. It was that simple. Then they had him feud with Savage and Savage and he worked their asses off. DDP was made. It is that easy. But WWE will give someone a mini-push and then pull the rug out from someone. The fans are conditioned to respond the way they do because heels are treated as second class and the midcard is essentially a glass ceiling. They know that Ziggler won't go over....

Don't be a lamb dude. WWE is stale as they do the same thing over and over and will not change until the fans demand it. Sure some it is good but overall they could do so much more.

And you have to be lying about the Lesnar feud. It was three weeks. They jobbed Lesnar and Cena no-sold everything. It was a travesty and sums up all that is wrong right now.
You can throw it back to me and say Cena has been doing the same shit, only difference is that same shit is still more popular than Ziggler has ever been. I wouldn't mind if he branched out, but you're trying to get me to argue a point that I was never trying to make. I'm making the point that Dolph Ziggler is getting his feet wet. He's not supposed to beat Cena. He's not supposed to replace him or threaten him. Ziggler / Cena isn't going much further so why bother extend the feud by having Cena lose if the plan isn't to continue to rivalry? Ziggler is probably going to cash in his MITB soon which is the WWE's idea of a push these days. It's the world title so it's not even a main event push.

The fans getting behind Ziggler are a drop in the bucket. People like his flashy moves and the way he takes bumps. He hasn't proven to be anything close to a force on the mic. He's built a reputation as a December / January type guy who floats into the title picture around this time every year only to get slapped down. He's not at this moment a believable threat and beating Cena should be a culmination not a beginning to his run. He's not a real life tough guy or a locker room leader. If a few internet fans respect him that's great, but I doubt anyone in the company sees him as the guy about to carry the load.

I'm sorry you feel Cena's feuds are "boring". I found the Brock Lesnar, Rock and CM Punk feuds to be entertaining. The Kane feud is a pre-Wrestlemania filler feud and btw that's what this Dolph Ziggler feud was. Cena's biggest problem is that he has so little to work with. These other guys need to get their shit together and get themselves over so Cena and actually more importantly the WWE has a reason to make them look good.

I am not really sure what you are trying to argue. Essentially you think that Cena should remain on top. And that Ziggler's fanbase is smaller. Um, does that matter? And I would argue that Cena has a hell of a lot more detractors than Ziggler. Ziggler has been in the WWE for a few years and so when is it time for him to get his push? five or ten more years? Cena was champ within a year or two. So why not Ziggler? He is far more talented than Cena.

I just don't get how you can be interested in maintaining the status-quo. Ziggler cannot be elevated without WWE giving him wins. He is already over as a heel and all he needs is that one big win. Why would it hurt for Cena to put him over? I guess I cannot fathom why you think he shouldn't.

Remember DDP back in 97? WCW made him the day he Diamond Cutted Hall and took out Nash. It was that simple. Then they had him feud with Savage and Savage and he worked their asses off. DDP was made. It is that easy. But WWE will give someone a mini-push and then pull the rug out from someone. The fans are conditioned to respond the way they do because heels are treated as second class and the midcard is essentially a glass ceiling. They know that Ziggler won't go over....

Don't be a lamb dude. WWE is stale as they do the same thing over and over and will not change until the fans demand it. Sure some it is good but overall they could do so much more.

And you have to be lying about the Lesnar feud. It was three weeks. They jobbed Lesnar and Cena no-sold everything. It was a travesty and sums up all that is wrong right now.
Here we are another Monday Night Raw which most of the dirt sheets said Austin, Shawn Michaels were basically shoe-ins to come. Where they said Taker was going to appear. But none of that happened (not that i was disappointed, on its own it actually was an enjoyable RAW if you didnt really expect any of that stuff). It though has got me asking a question. Do you think any of these dirt sheet sites actually know anything? Do they really have "sources" within the industry? Who out of the top dirt sheet writers do you believe actually have a source?
Recently (actually longer than that) we saw that wwe universe showing a reaction that is opposite of what wwe creative team are expecting.
For example the shield: they are suposed to be hated but we see they have so many fans or CM Punk not only they won't boo him but they cheer him as much as they cheer a top face like cena.
So the question is this Did wwe creative team (the storyline writers) ideas get dumb and stale or this is a reaction from the fans who are tired of wwe plans and conspiracy ?
After weeks of promoting the fact that last night's RAW would be a special 20th Anniversary edition, it turned out to be just an ordinary RAW, with the only two legends present being Ric Flair and Mick Foley.

THEY ARE IN TEXAS, THE HOME STATE OF UNDERTAKER, SHAWN MICHAELS AND STONE COLD!!! PUT SOME EFFORT IN AND MAKE IT WORTHWHILE!!! I don't want to go into the research, but there must be someother WWE 'Legends' from around the Texas area, why not bring them back

I'd feel dissapointed if I turned into a special 20th Anniversary show of say The Simpsons, South Park or Big Bang Theory and all it turned out to be was a clip show. WWE should be disgusted and ashamed with how they handled it last night.
Cena is an action figure made flesh and is booked that way.

heroes sell merchandise and superheroes sell Billions in Vinces world

ever seen Superman stay down just because he had been beat down for 76 hours straight?

No, he finds a sliver of hope and reboots to 100% HP in 1/300th of second.
Man emotions are flying everywhere around here.Touchy subject.

I like Ziggler a lot but Cena had to win.He didnt HAVE TO but it was his turn to win.Plus it was done good as Ziggler was caught off guard after striking Big E with the briefcase. I dont see what all the fuss is about.Ziggler is in a match with Cena in a steelcage.That's called a rub. Would you prefer Ziggler would still be feuding with Ryder?I wouldn't.

Have some patience and lets see where this feud goes.Plus Dolph is gonna be WHC at somepoint so he and Cena wont interact that much with eachother after that.So chillax and lets see where this ends up.
I think we were all a little guilty of over-hyping this. To be fair, WWE themselves didn't really make much of a big deal about this anniversary. In this case, it was internet hype and so called "insider sources" that got our hopes up. WWE never said anything about Stone Cold, HBK or The Undertaker making appearances. Whatever about HBK or The Undertaker showing up, but if Austin was going to be making an appearance, they would have promoted the fact that he was going to be there. I would imagine that they'll bring back Taker/Lesnar on whatever date(s) the rock isn't scheduled. Makes sense when you think about it logically.

The show itself was okay, they had The Rock, Foley and Flair which any other week of the year would have had everybody marking their smarky asses off.
The show was awful.

Wrestlezone has lost all credibility.

No undertaker,
NO Austin
No Lesnar
No Batista
No goldberg
No Y2J
No Evoultion Reniuon
No... other legends.

I'm not really pissed at Vince and WWE for treating the fans like idiots and giving us a crapy raw for the 20th anniversary. But im more pissed with Austin. He basically made the Attitude Era and brought WWE to the highest point. So he needs to the one to show up. It's his hometown for goodness sake. He missed the 1000th show due to an injury, so now that he has said hes publicly fit again, he could of at least appeared here. But he failed to. Again.

it's all looking very stale. I even skipped through the rock concert. just seems to be the same old stuff. Nothing that grabs you and makes you want to watch every week. I'll just read the raw spoilers every week from now on and then see the replays if it seems interesting
I didn't really hate RAW this week but i think it was better to celebrate with the new rather than the old.

When you look at it you had Dolph Ziggler in the main event of RAW better than wasting it on what may have been a D-X reunion which has been played out to death and you had a title change albeit a Divas Championship title change but still you had something fresh happen.

Also Ryback and the Shield continued their feud instead of having Mick Foley do his usual gimmick, he can make his speech for the Hall of Fame be more of a special moment by waiting until then to speak.

3MB as much as I'm not happy with the gimmick for Drew McIntyre he's getting showcased more often.

So in closing I don't think having the 20th Anniversary of RAW be normal was a bad thing.

Plus you've got to think about how close the Royal Rumble PPV is so it should be spent on filling the card especially since they have an open slot since the divas match will probably not happen with Eve having left the company.
Yea it was a pretty dull show.Im not one to complain about episodes as I know its meaningless and all that and that one episode can be perfect and the next day complete horse crap.

BUT being the 20th anniversary of RAW I expect a lot more.I just watched RAW ( I get it from torrents tuesday morning ) and I just skipped a lot of stuff.Even the Rock concert was pretty bad tbh.Was way too short and the only decent part was the song dedicated to vickie. Was a total letdown and I was looking forward to having my breakfast while watching some RAW.
The show was pretty good as a Raw goes but i think we all expected to much and that is in no way the WWE fault .

If anything its Wrestlezone and other such sites for pushing all these legends turning up WWE in no way advertised such things.

All know with AS mocking the 4hourse symbol i was ready for the music to hit but sadly it did not happen still a great segment with one of the greatest of all time

As for taker makes no sense if he is feuding with Punk as it would take spot lite away from Punk v Rock which is the last thing they want .

As for HBK do we really wanna see yet another DX segment

One thing i will bash WWE for is where the bloody hell was the DAMM!!
It's simple. Cena wins the title at Mania and Ziggler cashes it in, then the road begins. I'm not sure why you all don't see it as WWE is good for putting on losing streaks for soon to be champions lol.
Same happened to The Rock and Stone Cold in the attitude Era, WWE made them heels and pushed them as a heel, the fans still cheered and ended up in them once again returning to being a face! Its in no way the WWE Creative, its the Fans choosing to love the bad guy whos so damn good at what he does and recognizing it enough to cheer him no matter what!
While I never expected the Show to be as good as the 1000th Episode, I was expecting WWE to push the boat out a bit more then what they did. Sure you had The Rock, Foley and Flair all show up and while that was great, I was really expecting Austin to make a appearance at some point in the evening and deliver a stunner to some unexpecting Heel.
What do the WWE do bring back legends then get accused of not putting over the younger talent? I was disappointed not to see Taker, Austin, HBK etc...but last night gave the current crop of superstars a fantastic chance to make a name for themselves. You had Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler etc...all get plenty of air time. People moan about the part time stars stealing the spots the other stars work for each year but when these stars aren't there people still moan :banghead:

I will say however I sincerely hope Stone Cold starts to get the abuse Rock gets now. I know Rock left for 7 years and didn't want to associated with wrestling BUT at least he's making up for that. He's turned up a lot in the last couple of years now especially given his schedule. Where's the abuse for Austin not showing up? Not at Raw 1000 or the 20th anniversary. I remember people being very disappointed Rock didn't show for the 15th anniversary.

As for the show it was a solid show if it was a normal Raw but I think we were all expecting more. Ziggler was great however plus Rock/Punk was good at the end I thought. Kinda seemed strange seeing Rock brawling like that but it took the rivalry to a new level for me, loved it.
It didn't bother me in the least that the show wasn't packed with nostalgia. I'm more interested in the hear & now rather than what was going on 15 years ago.

Sure, it would've been cool to see HBK and Taker and Stone Cold, and we'll almost certainly see them at some point soon. I'm glad that WWE kept the focus on the Royal Rumble ppv and what's going on right now. Over the course of the past month or so during the holiday season, there were too many throwaway episodes of Raw.

Besides, the WWE never gave the impression that the 20th anniversary Raw would be packed with surprise appearances by former stars or that it'd be packed to the gills with a format focusing on nostalgia. I never saw anything in the advertising of the show that suggested anything other than the fact that it simply was what it was: an episode that marked 20 years of Raw on television.

I think one reason why WWE decided not to go with a nostalgia heavy show last night was because a lot of legends had other obligations. Roddy Piper is in the middle of filming a B horror flick called Wrestlers vs. Zombies, I think Kevin Nash and a few other former big WWE stars might be in that movie as well. Both Shawn Michaels & Stone Cold Steve Austin were busy with other projects out in Las Vegas according to Twitter. Since they couldn't have really gone all out with nostalgia without Austin & Michaels, they probably just decided to keep a mostly regular format.
Good point chris. I think this may be the point where fans start treating Austin differently. Where is his commitment? I would get if he only lasted a few years or was a jobber at mid card level but this is stone cold steve austin. The number 1 guy who carried the WWF into and through the Attitude era. The WWE made him into a star. We the fans made him into who he is.

Austin is no where to be seen again.... I checked his twitter and people are bombarding him with questions on if he even got asked to appear last night but he hasn't commented on any as yet.

I think the real kick in the teeth was that he made a statement about being unfit to attend the 1000th Anniversary show but he would love to do something when he was better to make up for it. Well he is back to fitness now as he has stated. Last night, being in his HOMETOWN of Texas and it being the 20th Anniversary of RAW...It was the time to do it and look at the effort....
For one, The WWE never made any promises or advertised any returns of legends.

Two, if they had packed the show with legends, most people would have complained that they were burying the current talent and giving TV time to retired guys.

All in all I thought it was a solid show. The tag title storyline went forward, it set up a likely Cesaro/Miz feud, you had the Cena/Ziggler filler feud move forward, and focus was put on Rock/Punk. You had The Shield come out and get heat by interrupting Foley. You got a new Divas champion.

As far as Austin and HBK not showing up, they had prior commitments in Las Vegas. Some sort of hunting expo. They were posting about it on Twitter. Undertaker would have had to start to show to make it to the ring by the end of the show anyway. Seriously though I'm not sure about him, but it was only six months ago that they had the star studded RAW 1000, so doing it all again so soon would have taken away from it all.
It wasn't a great show, but it's high time that they started putting their current talent over more on these 'event' shows anyways. They at least got that part right last night.

Of course, having the current talent putting over the event instead of themselves made it pretty cringe worthy at times.

The Miz/Flair segment was beyond horrible. If it leads to Flair being Miz's manager, as it seemed they planted a seed for when Flair passed the torch of the figure four to Miz, then at least something came out of it. Well as long as that something doesn't turn into more cringe worthy TV, and especially if that something means no more Miz TV... because that is just bad. Why does he use directors chairs when he has couches right behind them?

The AJ/Big E Langston RAW wedding review... again was just horrible. They saved it at the end by doing a good promo for the upcoming Ziggler/Cena cage match, but narrating the stroll down memory lane? Yeah I didn't need to see that.

Speaking of Cena... what was that dressing room promo all about? Putting over the event, but mocking that he had to do it? The guy needs to relax a little. Valium isn't part of the wellness policy is it?

Finally the Rock Show, to me at least, was the example that will be handed down through the ages of going to the well one too many times. The first Rock Show promoting his match with Goldberg... was incredible. The second last year... was fun as hell. This one? I was actually feeling bad for the Rock out there. Mix it up Rock, because so far you're just on auto pilot.
I can't see why people are angry about the lack of legends! As its been said, WWE did not advertise any of the legends you've mentioned. They said we'd get Rock & Foley and we got Rock & Foley!!

As far as the whole show went, I thought it was a solid show! Lets be honest, they didn't really bill it's as anything special! It got about 5% of the hype the raw 1000 got.

The rumble card is filling up nicely, there were some good matches including the divas! And I'm actually enjoying these Cena/Ziggler matches. Ziggler is pushing cena all the way, and there are big things in the horizon for him!

Punk vs Brodus was decent.

Flair on MiizTV was painful to watch.

Clearly they ran out of time for Bryan vs Moustache face, cos u can see the even rushed the Rock concert! But overall for me an 8/10 Raw.

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