WWE General Complaints Thread

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This is my general complaint.

I I don't like how WWE made Dolph use all his finishers and delivered perfectly and Cena kicks out one after other. And then to have Cena do his AA 1..2..3 match over. This match was fantastic but of course Super Face Super Cena gets the win and for what? To help who? This is why I can't stand Cena. Cena jokes not funny, when Cena cuts a promo its boring as hell. He needs to have someone carry him in matches. Just like past Monday. It just made Dolph finishers look weak and if he kicks out now, how would he ever get the pin in the future. And if Dolph does it won't feel the same.

I hate how these days if you say Cena can't wrestle , he's boring, has horrible entrance music, ugly attire and corney as hell " which are true" your doing it to be cool. NO! I been to WM 21,22,23 and he got booed out the arena. People been disliking Cena for years. I do admit some people do it because other people do it but . I never been one of those fans who cheer to be cool or boo because everyone else is doing it.
Wwe's 2013 pay per view schedule. In early 2012, wwe said Pittsburgh would get Survivor Series. Then because Vince McMahon is too stupid to look at the nfl schedule, pittsburgh lost Survivor Series to Indianapolis.

Now you would think since wwe took a pay per view from Pittsburgh in 2012, that wwe would be nice and give Pittsburgh a pay per view in 2013. No, Pittsburgh gets none in 2013. Thanks wwe. Its not like Pittsburgh is one of the cities that was loyal to wwe in the old wwwf territory days or anything.
Oh lord where to start. I guess I have become a so-called "smark" but I still consider myself a mark. Anyway, I will keep this short and sweet as possible: For the most part WWE sucks major unwashed donkey balls.

I stopped watching after WCW folded. Came back in early 02 and watched the nWo implode (I was a big fan back then). Then I stopped until the return of Hart in 2010. Anyway, I have been back and forth. Every time the WWE does something good they fuck it all up such as Nexus, Punk, Lesnar and so on. There is too much reliance on a couple of guys such as Cena and Orton. They trot out HHH here and there to steal the thunder from an angle to get himself over for the 10000000th time.

The WWE whines that they need new stars but then haphazardly book them. They think that losses don't matter and so bury every heel. They make every heel a coward and weak. The point of booking a heel is to make him seem like a legitimate threat. None are other than Punk. The face is supposed to chase the heel but they use heelish tactics to decimate them. It is embarrassing.

So they keep pushing overrated jack-asses like Orton who has zero mic skills. Knows five moves. Does drugs and has a shitty attitude. We get Show as champ in 2013. Bryan relegated to a tag team. Ziggler losing every match. Cena nearly ten years later in every main event. Shitty ass comedy writing. Sheamus making no sense and getting his push because he and HHH circle jerk one another, and then again there is the debacle of Jericho's return. Guys who get over with the fans are buried like Ryder and now Ziggler (WCW got accused of doing that....hmmm.).

Vince talks about change all the time but instead of doing something about it he blames everyone else, and like I said in another thread he needs to retire or die.

And yet more often than not I still watch. I am a sucker for punishment. Those few good moments outweigh the typical shit. And seeing as the Rumble is around the corner and Rock and Punk will wrestle then I will watch. God Dammit like a Browns or Pirate fan I will watch.
It happens time and time again but tonight was a particularly heinous example. Cena was hit by the Zig Zag, Superkicked, DDT'd off of the top rope and slammed in the face by the door by Big-E. He was cheated out victory four times by my count through Big-E preventing him from escaping the cell. Yet Dolph gets hit with one AA and goes down for the three count.

It's absolutely ridiculous and makes Ziggler look weak. Cena would have lost absolutely no face going down to that level of interference. Ziggler by contrast is made to look like he is miles off Cena's level through the fact that in spite of recieving such a large degree of help he failed to pick up the victory. Nonsensical booking.
And why should Dolph Ziggler win?

John Cena is the better wrestler. John Cena is the better character. John Cena is the one who took a loss to Ziggler at the last pay-per-view, hes also the same person who Ziggler, AJ and Big E. Langston have assaulted on three occasions without warrant. This is the part of the story where Cena overcomes Ziggler proving that Dolph can't better him without outside assistance. It isn't "nonsensical booking," it's called smart booking, putting your chips in your most prized face and commodity instead of placing them in a midcard heel who has issues getting heat.
Because Dolph Ziggler IS miles behind Cena, and that's the character they're building for him. Ziggler fans are going to throw their hands in the air and kick and scream about it, but that seems to be the direction WWE wants to take with Ziggler.

I'm not sure why they have Ziggler lose to Cena week in and week out, but I reckon the reason they keep putting Ziggler in the ring with Cena is to make him look somewhat competent in the ring. I'm not sure why he has lost so many times, but like I said before, it seems that this is the direction they're taking with Ziggler. Now you can either whine about it or wait to see where it's going (it might go nowhere, of course, but let's not get ahead of ourselves either). It very well could result in Ziggler having a Miz-esque world title reign.
And why should Dolph Ziggler win?

John Cena is the better wrestler. John Cena is the better character. John Cena is the one who took a loss to Ziggler at the last pay-per-view, hes also the same person who Ziggler, AJ and Big E. Langston have assaulted on three occasions without warrant. This is the part of the story where Cena overcomes Ziggler proving that Dolph can't better him without outside assistance. It isn't "nonsensical booking," it's called smart booking, putting your chips in your most prized face and commodity instead of placing them in a midcard heel who has issues getting heat.

I understand what you're saying. The point I was trying to make which may have been poorly expressed is that with the level of interference Cena overcame tonight it has also made it seem as if Dolph can't better him even with outside assistance. I would have had no real issue with Cena picking up the win but did it have to be in spite of such a tremendous degree of interference?
I understand what you're saying. The point I was trying to make which may have been poorly expressed is that with the level of interference Cena overcame tonight it has also made it seem as if Dolph can't better him even with outside assistance. I would have had no real issue with Cena picking up the win but did it have to be in spite of such a tremendous degree of interference?
To be fair in your op you named 3 things that Ziggler did that had nothing to do with interference and one that did.
When AJ got involved and distracted the ref Ziggler took out the element of interference by smashing Big E in the face with the briefcase. Only after that element was taken out did Cena win. It's classic booking in which the face overcomes the odds by a foiled interference for the heel. It's nothing new.
I understand what you're saying. The point I was trying to make which may have been poorly expressed is that with the level of interference Cena overcame tonight it has also made it seem as if Dolph can't better him even with outside assistance. I would have had no real issue with Cena picking up the win but did it have to be in spite of such a tremendous degree of interference?

But Dolph has bettered him with interference in the past, tonight was Cena's revenge so to speak. He picked up the win, Dolph messed up by striking Big E. with the briefcase. Cena overcame the odds. It's what his character does.
To be fair in your op you named 3 things that Ziggler did that had nothing to do with interference and one that did.
When AJ got involved and distracted the ref Ziggler took out the element of interference by smashing Big E in the face with the briefcase. Only after that element was taken out did Cena win. It's classic booking in which the face overcomes the odds by a foiled interference for the heel. It's nothing new.

I realise that, apologies if it wasn;t expressed very well I was trying to stress the amount of damage Cena took before flooring Ziggler with a single AA. The instances in which Cena should have won were when Big-E prevented him touching the floor with one hand during the commercial break, slammed his face with the cage door, threatened to attack him with the steel chair if he completed his descent and I've got a feeling I may be missing another but my memory is failing me...
I guess my issue with it is that Cena does it over and over and over. The same shit for nearly a decade. Longer than Hogan. You need to have strong heels. I cannot emphasize this enough: The fun of wrestling is the chase, of faces overcoming odds and ultimately prevailing. Not prevailing all the time and never losing.

Ziggler has zero credibility as he is not a threat, and will never be perceived as a threat until the WWE changes its mentality, which it never will. You know he is not going to win. You know that the only way Ziggler will ever win is through obvious cheating, thus saying that heels are never a threat and the outcome is never in doubt. Therefore the WWE has not been compelling in many years and that is unfortunate, seeing as the last strong heels were Undertaker, HHH, Brock Lesnar and Bret Hart in 97 that is all I can think of.
Because that is the formula for professional wrestling. Good guys vs bad guys. Dolph Ziggler has been getting away with doing villainous things to John Cena for the past month or two and beat him using those tactics. No one wants to see the bad guy win every time. That sucks. John Cena made a triumph over evil tonight and it was cool. Also what others have said, Ziggler sucks and Cena deserved to beat him. We're going to see this formula take place again in 2 weeks at the Rumble when Rock beats the crap out of CM Punk and wins the belt.
I agree with the OP Cena had finishers, door slammed into his face but in the match Cena overcame Big E on a tug of war over Cena, that is not at all believable. Big E jumps in and gets punches dealt by Cena. Cena then AAs Zig if Zig could have kicked out that would have been nice for Zig but he didn't then Cena walks out the cage and up the ramp in the fastest time i've seen from anyone in a cage match.

I understand that Cena wins but the point should be that one on one with no interference that's when Cena wins, Zig with interference should always win, it's a dirty win. It doesn't hurt Cena and we'll see Cena overcome him anyway...when it matters!
To answer the question - Cena wins because:
He is the big name draw... it's the smart thing to do booking wise... and if the rumors are true that WM29 will be Rock/Cena 2 then 2013 needs to show Cena building momentum every opportunity on the road to Wrestlemania.

The more important question is why does there have to be so much Cena hate? The man is a hard worker, is a proven draw, an excellent entertainer, an overall top talent, and truthfully a role model in a time and era where there are few pure role models. Give the man and the character a break.
Ziggler has beat Cena once at the PPV, all the other times that have faced each other on RAW Cena has won. It's bullshit and it's getting old and this is coming from a huge Cena fan. I thought we had gotten away from John "Hulk Hogan Jr" SuperCena, but I guess not. The match they had last week and the match they had tonight are the kinds of matches Cena should be losing to Ziggler. All the various types of interference and all that it doesn't make Cena look bad and it makes Ziggler look better. It's the same thing guys like Flair did when he had the Horsemen always helping him get victories over Dusty or whatever popular face he was fighting at the time. That way whenever the face finally got the win it really made it special. Cena beating Ziggler week in and week out does nothing for Cena, he's not gonna get any more or less over with the crowds than he already is. Ziggler losing every single week makes him look stupid and makes everyone with him look stupid by association. It's why WWE ends up in the state they are in where they have to rely on bringing back guys like Rock, Taker, HHH, and Brock to boost ratings and buyrates because they refuse to build new stars. I love wrestling and have been watching for 30 plus years now and I will continue to watch for 60 more God willing and while I enjoyed the show tonight and loved Ziggler and Cena's match tonight just like last week the wrong fucking guy won.
I have to disagree. I just got back into wrestling and had no reason to dislike the guy and had not read up on anything about him. Hell I even liked 12 Rounds.

But I immediately disliked him. His matches are mostly the same though admittedly he puts on some solid main events....His promos was God awful. I mean cringe worthy. He tells us what is going to happen on the show and then tells the same shitty jokes over and over. He has the same goofy ass look on his face. If he loses, he has the same goofy ass look. If he wins he has the same goofy ass look. But every now and again he gets "angry" and tries to curse and comes off as a middle schooler trying to fit in with the "cool" crowd. Essentially he is a robot that displays the same emotions and it hurts his feuds.

If he gets "hurt" then he is fine the next week. Look up the records: He rarely if ever loses and even less if it is clean.

Now there are rumors that he is an ass backstage and politicks the hell out of Vince to stay on top and bury others. That is fine as many others have done that before. But so many feuds either because of him and Vince have been neutered quickly such as Umaga or Nexus or whatever.

He is jeered more often than cheered and if he disappeared off of TV I don't think the ratings would be impacted. In fact like when Hogan took a hiatus from WCW their programming got better and the same goes with WWE.

Ultimately, Cena does not need to win. He does not need to be booked strong going into WM. His feud with Rock was lackluster at best. I for one don't want another one. What Cena should do is put people over every now and again. At the least reinvent his fucking character. Show some emotion, and whoever writes his shit needs to be fired. I am fine with him being a face and the stuff that six year olds want to be when they are older but for the love of Allah, it has been shoved down our faces for nearly a decade.
This feud needs to end. They really aren't fighting over anything which makes it pointless. sure theirs AJ but anybody who was somebody feuded over her in 2012 and I'm tired of it. Both of these guys are talented as well as AJ. WWE needs to give them one more match and have them stay away from each other for a few months.
I'm not a guy that cheers Cena, but Ziggler isn't in Cena's league. Outside of athleticism, Cena is better than Ziggler. Ziggler is an unproven commodity, Cena is one of the most consistent draws in pro wrestling history.

They have been trying to push Dolph for a while now and he never catches on. He feuded with Ryder and fell flat. He and Swagger feuded with Air Boom and nothing. His feud with Brodus, nothing. He feuded with Punk and didn't get over. His short feud with Sheamus, still not over. He feuded with Orton and didn't get over. He feuded with Jericho, same result. Look at those names, they are some of the most over guys on the roster and he never caught on as a heel.

For the longest time he couldn't draw heat, he needed Vickie to do it. Now they have to stick him with AJ and Big E to draw heat. He is a shitty heel. A heel's job is to make you boo him, to make you hate him, and Ziggler doesn't do that.

And it isn't like he doesn't win big matches. He has won back to back PPV matches, one over Cena, and one while captaining his team to victory at Survivor Series, when he pinned Randy Orton clean.
I hate to beat a dead horse but I will. Ziggler is over and he is FAR more athletic than Cena. The problem is WWE: They saddle him with Vickie and now AJ.

It also does not help that WWE is insistent on burying the guy. Constantly. He cannot gain a win. Orton was either just getting back from being suspended from snorting crack or about to be and they still would not put Ziggler over. When you keep jobbing a guy over and over but then swear up and down that he is a legit threat and main eventer who has a title shot whenever he wants then you have problems....I guarantee that if Ziggler dumped AJ and WWE let him be a bad-ass. Beat Cena and Orton legitimately then guess what? He would be made for life....But Vince will never do that because honestly he has no fucking clue. None.
My main problem with Cena is that he never sells after a match. He got hit with everything Ziggler had, and a few shots from Big E as well. Cena got kicked in the head and hit with a cage door in the head. Despite all that he wins, fair enough that is how a face is booked but he walks away like he isn't hurt at all, it makes Ziggler look like a minor inconvenience rather than a challenge that Cena was lucky to overcome. If Cena was laying on the ground after the match barely able to move I would like him more simply because it felt like he actually struggled for it. Instead his selling isn't much different in appearance than someone who went for a jog.
I tend to roll my eyes when Cena wins, because I agree, it's annoying HOW he wins. But at the end of the day, he's a face and as the face of the company, he has to win at some point. He just lost a huge match at TLC to Ziggles so he was due for this big win. I was okay with it, thought it was overall a good match especially with the added commentary from JR.

I actually like the fact all last year, they made Cena look somewhat human. He didn't win every big match and they weren't throwing the title on him every 2 seconds. WWE has thrown so many titles on this guy, that they clearly had to scale it back a little, because the number of times he's been champion is really absurd. All those years of throwing the WWE title on him, multiple times because he's the face of the company and "it's good for business" they could have been building up other characters that didn't fizz out and balanced things out a tad at the top.

Anyway I went off topic, but like I said before...he has to win sometimes. It is what it is...although I'll probably be bitching when he beats Rock at WM for the WWE title smh lol.:disappointed:
Why do people bitch and moan every time Cena wins a match? Ziggler is getting a bit of a rub from being in the same ring as Cena and some of you guys want to get greedy and have Ziggler win every match of the series. What is it in your minds that think the bigger star should lose to the up and comer every single time? Seriously, nothing will ever make you guys happy. Nothing short of Cena committing suicide on RAW. But then again you'd probably complain that Cena's death overshadowed Tyson Kidd's epic match with Yoshi Tatsu.
Jesus dude that is a bit melodramatic. No Ziggler should not win every match. But Cena has won cleanly two weeks in a row. In what world is that a rub? How is that a feud? Last week Ziggler blasted him with all his finishers and had help, no dice. One AA and it was all over. That is stupid, no matter how you look at it.

What good does it do when Cena rolls through the competition like me through a buffet spread? It is the same thing over and over: Cena loses only through cheating but often dominates the feuds, getting a lot more wins on TV and PPV. Kicking their ass during promos or after matches.

Ziggler should not win every match. But he is young and Cena is established. Ziggler has the MitB case too. So let's say they have a match at the Rumble and Ziggler wins cleanly, how would that hurt Cena? Then Ziggler goes on and cashes in at Elimination Chamber or even better, he chooses to cash in at WM beating Big Show cleanly, which is what Show should be doing. Putting guys over.

One last thing: When was the last time Cena ever gave anyone a rub? When was the last time he had a quality feud that did not suck ball? Okay, I will admit that he and Rock had some moments and he and Punk back in 2011.
"I guess my issue with it is that Cena does it over and over and over."

^exactly, that's where all the bitching comes from ... did you guys notice the Cena-Ziggler cage match this week

and their one on one match last week were basically mirror images of one another

Ziggler getting basically all the near falls and many big spots including ... the Super kick, his finisher the Zig Zag as well as near falls after interference from Big E Langston

both matches had all the above, and both matches end with Cena landing one AA and getting the win.

I think people are getting tired of the same thing, and a Ziggler win this week would have made the Cena-Ziggler feud a bit more interesting, cuz it's kinda boring if Ziggler's gonna get all the near falls but lose via one Cena finishing move.

it does make Ziggler look weak, and IMO not a great way to start out 2013 with back to back losses to John Cena in matches that went basically the same way
Jesus dude that is a bit melodramatic. No Ziggler should not win every match. But Cena has won cleanly two weeks in a row. In what world is that a rub? How is that a feud? Last week Ziggler blasted him with all his finishers and had help, no dice. One AA and it was all over. That is stupid, no matter how you look at it.

What good does it do when Cena rolls through the competition like me through a buffet spread? It is the same thing over and over: Cena loses only through cheating but often dominates the feuds, getting a lot more wins on TV and PPV. Kicking their ass during promos or after matches.

Ziggler should not win every match. But he is young and Cena is established. Ziggler has the MitB case too. So let's say they have a match at the Rumble and Ziggler wins cleanly, how would that hurt Cena? Then Ziggler goes on and cashes in at Elimination Chamber or even better, he chooses to cash in at WM beating Big Show cleanly, which is what Show should be doing. Putting guys over.

One last thing: When was the last time Cena ever gave anyone a rub? When was the last time he had a quality feud that did not suck ball? Okay, I will admit that he and Rock had some moments and he and Punk back in 2011.

Ok, first of all Ziggler got the ppv win. That's the important one. I wouldn't have booked the Ziggler / Cena match two weeks in a row but Cena should have definitely won the blow out which I'm guessing is what this cage match was.

The next argument is that Cena is established and it wouldn't hurt him to lose. That's not the case. Let's look at two legends of the last era. Triple H and Mick Foley. Triple H handed out very few loses and when somebody bested him it mattered. It was a legit rub. Foley jobbed to every up and comer that came behind him. A win over Foley means absolutely nothing. Cena's been jobbing for a year straight and continuing his losing ways would undermine his vow to make this "His year". Besides, Ziggler has shown nothing that hints that a win over Cena will equal ppv buy rates and television ratings. I like Ziggler, but he doesn't deserve to beat Cena. He doesn't deserve to beat Punk. He doesn't deserve to beat Ryback.

I hope to hell Ziggler catches fire, but he hasn't done that yet. Stop acting like he's owed anything. Is he getting a rub from losing to Cena? Yes he is. He gets more from losing to Cena twice than he would beating Kofi Kingston 50 times. And Ziggler could beat Cena 50 times and still not become a guy who draws real money.

And you answered your own question at the end.

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