WWE General Complaints Thread

Should we complain?

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I don't know about y'all, but I'm getting super sick of people bashing the WWE product. I'm honestly enjoying it for the first time in a few years. I like the direction in which the company is going. But there are some folks on this site who sit here. Bash this, bash that, who gives a damn? Well, I give a damn. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't like the product, DON'T WATCH IT. If you don't watch it to begin with, don't waste everyone else's time and don't post about "oh, I don't watch WWE but this is wrong". If you don't watch, you have no room to talk. If you're still watching it and you don't like it, fine, but don't sit here and complain. Some of us on this site are here to talk about the goods and the bads. I understand, but when you're complaining...well for example, the "Cena hate threads". Don't post a million threads hating on Cena. He does what he's told just like everybody else. Seriously though, how can anyone complain about the WWE right now? The John Cena-Dolph Ziggler storyline is building Ziggler into an over-the-top main-eventer. CM Punk is about to face The Rock. "You haven't seen the last of the Undertaker". Plus, let's not forget about Lesnar's contract. And now we have budding stars such as Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Damien Sandow, etc. Plus The Shield!!! WWE is getting better and better every week, and yet there are some ignoramuses on this site and on the web who complain about everything. Yes, IWC, I am talking to you.

My point is, why don't people quit complaining and watch what unfolds? Watch the "magic" happen and don't gripe about everything. Wrestling is entertainment, not the media. Get it?
CM Punk, as we all know, has been champion for nearly 400 days. Over a year ago he ranted on about how ugly the belt is, which we all also know. If he was supposed to say that wouldn't you think WWE had plans to unveil a new belt at some point in the relatively near future? Edge had his own version and he never held the title more than 2 or so months. Austin had the smoking skull belt and he never held it for more than 90 days. Theres also the Rock and so on, but Punk is still walking around with Cenas spinner trash. I never thought he needed a personalized one although after holding it this long it wouldn't have been a surprise for him to bring one out. Why is WWE so reluctant to get rid of this current title and give us a better looking belt?
CM Punk, as we all know, has been champion for nearly 400 days. Over a year ago he ranted on about how ugly the belt is, which we all also know. If he was supposed to say that wouldn't you think WWE had plans to unveil a new belt at some point in the relatively near future? Edge had his own version and he never held the title more than 2 or so months. Austin had the smoking skull belt and he never held it for more than 90 days. Theres also the Rock and so on, but Punk is still walking around with Cenas spinner trash. I never thought he needed a personalized one although after holding it this long it wouldn't have been a surprise for him to bring one out. Why is WWE so reluctant to get rid of this current title and give us a better looking belt?

One reason is because the kids like the belt, since it looks like a toy. So the replicas even to this day are selling like mad. Part of too, I believe has to be timing although I believe they blew a couple great opportunities to debut the new belt. The first was after Punk won the belt and then "left" with it. After that, they should have created a newly designed belt, called it the WWE title and then when punk came back with the old belt, and won, they would throw out the old one and just give him the new one. It would have been perfect. Second opportunity was when Punk first turned heel during this title run. He could have trashed the belt that resembles Cena and talked about how even in becoming champion, he's still disrespected by having to carry around Cena's belt.

At this point, I believe when Rock wins the belt at the Rumble, he'll cut a promo about the old belt on the first RAW after the Rumble and he'll bring out a new one. It will either be the attitude era belt or a brand new design. If it's the attitude era belt then when he drops the title, they'll switch to the official new belt at that time. If it's an all new design then they'll just keep it as that. Either way, I think we're going to get a new belt very, very soon and The Rock will be the one to debut it.
It's bad enough Brock Lesnar, Triple H, The Undertaker, and even The Rock will most likely be featured at WM 29, but to hear Jericho is trying to cash in on another WM pay day is just plain annoying.

Jericho made it very apparent last year that he only wanted to do his WM storyline with Punk and ended up staying longer then he wanted and because of his half-assed return with the irrelevant vignettes and where he didn't speak for a month but was given notable airtime, I don't want to see him again this year.

He has no plans on being a full-time wrestler any longer and I don't think he's good or big enough to be given a spot like this each and every year. The Rock is something everyone wanted and waited for for over 7 years and this may very well be his last match, or at least the last one for the next five years as he could make a return when he's 45 or so. Brock Lesnar was also gone 7 or so years and at least with him you can expect him to show up at other big shows besides WM and we may see him more next year if he re-signs.

Jericho is just in it for the WM pay day and unlike Rock/Lesnar, current WWE talent are just as good and if not better draws/performers.
I hate the fact that The Rock is going to headline another Wrestlemania. He doesn't need it.
CM Punk, providing he's still champ by then (here's hoping) could do a stand out job and get 5 stars against anyone he compete's against.
Yes, Rock will bring in tons of money, that's fact. But you can't rely on film stars to hold the belt, do house shows, ect if he does win at Rumble.
WWE is disapointing at the moment, with the exception on The Sheild.
If Jericho comes back full time, (which I can hardly see), he'd have a couple more decent runs with WWE, but it'll be for the money.
Everyone bashes Cena for being a '5 move man', but look at what he does within the company. Now, I'm not a Cena fan, just because he is always being shoved down ours throats. But I have alot of respect for being the face of wrestling.
I can see either member of The Sheild being the face of WWE at one point in their career, due to the fact of what an impact they have made so far.
Has the WWE Creative come to a Hault?

It seems like they're really just recycling old gimmicks from years past. Thoughts

The Shield = Nexus

Damion Sandow = The Genius
Dolph Ziggler = Perfect
Alberto Del Rio = JBL or Ted Dibiase
Brodus Clay = Dusty Rhodes (Polka Dots)
Ryback = Goldberg
It's gone on for too long that these Wrestlers use their finishers during every match. When is the last time Cena won a match without the FU, STFU, or 5 knuckle Shuffle?

I really think the WWE and TNA would benefit if they cut back on Wrestlers using there finishing moves in every match.

For one thing the product wouldn't be so predictable
It's gone on for too long that these Wrestlers use their finishers during every match. When is the last time Cena won a match without the FU, STFU, or 5 knuckle Shuffle?

I really think the WWE and TNA would benefit if they cut back on Wrestlers using there finishing moves in every match.

For one thing the product wouldn't be so predictable

I agree. It makes things less predictable. It especially bothers me when someone like Sheamus hits several high impact moves and goes for the pin, but I always know that there is no real chance whatsoever that it will be a 3 count because it's almost taboo nowadays to end without a finisher. It's even worse when someone hits a move that is clearly more impactfull than the finisher itself. What happened to having multiple finishers too? Example Ziggler could end a match with a Super Kick or even his old sleeper hold instead. Some people already do this. But I'd like to see more.
I have gotten sick of the fans who think that they know the WWE product. People that say that CM Punk is good. I watched every week until summer 2011. I have barely watched since, and watching CM Punk does not make me want to watch more ever. To be honest the last stories that excited me were the Nexus Invasion and Miz vs. Cena. What can WWE do to get me back? No idea. But CM Punk droning on and dissing his own company does nothing for me.
I don't know about y'all, but I'm getting super sick of people bashing the WWE product. I'm honestly enjoying it for the first time in a few years. I like the direction in which the company is going. But there are some folks on this site who sit here. Bash this, bash that, who gives a damn? Well, I give a damn. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't like the product, DON'T WATCH IT. If you don't watch it to begin with, don't waste everyone else's time and don't post about "oh, I don't watch WWE but this is wrong". If you don't watch, you have no room to talk. If you're still watching it and you don't like it, fine, but don't sit here and complain. Some of us on this site are here to talk about the goods and the bads. I understand, but when you're complaining...well for example, the "Cena hate threads". Don't post a million threads hating on Cena. He does what he's told just like everybody else. Seriously though, how can anyone complain about the WWE right now? The John Cena-Dolph Ziggler storyline is building Ziggler into an over-the-top main-eventer. CM Punk is about to face The Rock. "You haven't seen the last of the Undertaker". Plus, let's not forget about Lesnar's contract. And now we have budding stars such as Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Damien Sandow, etc. Plus The Shield!!! WWE is getting better and better every week, and yet there are some ignoramuses on this site and on the web who complain about everything. Yes, IWC, I am talking to you.

My point is, why don't people quit complaining and watch what unfolds? Watch the "magic" happen and don't gripe about everything. Wrestling is entertainment, not the media. Get it?

Yeah, your right, lets just sit back like mindless sheep, shut our mouths and continue to enjoy something so awful because we don't have a right to our opinions. You know how ridiculous you sound right now? Everything you explained can be said about the opposite people like yourself. Most of us don't like the current product. Yes, we all have different views, which is why we debate and it encourages our way of thinking, but that doesn't mean you should thrash others because they enjoy it or not. What do you think things in life would be like right now if criticism never existed? It would suck. Probably be in the worse state than the WWE right now.

So yes, we're going to continue complain and bash the company. It's not because we hate it, but we want to see it get better. If WWE doesn't change, we don't change, it's simple as that.
Good Evening Everybody. I have an interesting question.

I don't know if anyone noticed this; but I haven't watched Wrestling in awhile and I was watching The Miz and Cena vs. Rhodes Scholars Match. And I noticed the same tag format is still being used today that was being used 10 years ago. With The Hardy's Dudleys, APA, and others. I couldn't help but notice when you have a face team vs. heel team, the strongest member of the face team would start off against any member of the heel team, and get off to a strong start for their team. Then both would tag out and face #2 will come in, and continue with the momentum, and all of a sudden spend the next 10 minutes of the match getting pummeled by both members of the heel team. And all of a sudden, face #2 hits a match turning move, and tag in dominant face #1 and he cleans house, and hits a finishing move and wins the match. Or a member of the heel team finds a way to take advantage and shift the momentum and steals a win for the heel team. I need to know, have anyone else noticed this? If So, do you still approve of the same format or do you wish or think there's a Way WWE can conduct better tag team matches without them being the same old way? Tell me what you think.
yes it has been the same format but that does not matter what matters is the quality of wrestling in the match from start to end. what other format could they use?
Good Evening Everybody. I have an interesting question.

I don't know if anyone noticed this; but I haven't watched Wrestling in awhile and I was watching The Miz and Cena vs. Rhodes Scholars Match. And I noticed the same tag format is still being used today that was being used 10 years ago. With The Hardy's Dudleys, APA, and others. I couldn't help but notice when you have a face team vs. heel team, the strongest member of the face team would start off against any member of the heel team, and get off to a strong start for their team. Then both would tag out and face #2 will come in, and continue with the momentum, and all of a sudden spend the next 10 minutes of the match getting pummeled by both members of the heel team. And all of a sudden, face #2 hits a match turning move, and tag in dominant face #1 and he cleans house, and hits a finishing move and wins the match. Or a member of the heel team finds a way to take advantage and shift the momentum and steals a win for the heel team. I need to know, have anyone else noticed this? If So, do you still approve of the same format or do you wish or think there's a Way WWE can conduct better tag team matches without them being the same old way? Tell me what you think.

This bothers me so much. Especially that stupid face team hot tag that always, always happens in a match.

I think it especially follows this pattern when it's two singles wrestlers vs two singles wrestlers rather than a long term tag team vs a long term tag team.

I guess the fact all these individual wrestlers needing to work together is supposed to generate enough interest to make up for the fact that every tag match is the same freakin match as the last one, problem is that every wrestler has the same [lack of] personality nowadays and there's absolutely no reason to care about the tag matches at all

The only thing more predictable are handicap matches. Which I outright refuse to watch.

If the tag team matches (the ones with thrown together singles wrestlers) happen less often, they would be less noticeably stale... that's the best idea I got :icon_neutral:
I will keep this short and simple. Triple H and Lesnar should not have a rematch at Wrestlemania. If it does happen then the winner would be blatantly obvious - Triple H. Hunter would of course bury Lesnar at Mania, that's who he is and has been in the past(Someone talks shit about Hunter, Hunter fights him, and looses then gets his revenge).

Lesnar returned and signed a one year contract up and till Wrestlemania. It isn't sure if he has or wants to extend his deal with the WWE. So why can't WWE take this opportunity and book the match that we all want to see : Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar. Seen as these two have had chemistry in the ring together and their history of bouts, not to forget a real life heat between them, this match would go down as one of the greatest Wrestlemania matches of all time. The build up could be amazing and Taker has real chance of loosing to Lesnar since Lesnar would be his toughest opponent(Lesnar has beat Taker 2 times at a PPV and 3 if including Royal Rumble).

Good Evening Everybody. I have an interesting question.

I don't know if anyone noticed this; but I haven't watched Wrestling in awhile and I was watching The Miz and Cena vs. Rhodes Scholars Match. And I noticed the same tag format is still being used today that was being used 10 years ago. With The Hardy's Dudleys, APA, and others. I couldn't help but notice when you have a face team vs. heel team, the strongest member of the face team would start off against any member of the heel team, and get off to a strong start for their team. Then both would tag out and face #2 will come in, and continue with the momentum, and all of a sudden spend the next 10 minutes of the match getting pummeled by both members of the heel team. And all of a sudden, face #2 hits a match turning move, and tag in dominant face #1 and he cleans house, and hits a finishing move and wins the match. Or a member of the heel team finds a way to take advantage and shift the momentum and steals a win for the heel team. I need to know, have anyone else noticed this? If So, do you still approve of the same format or do you wish or think there's a Way WWE can conduct better tag team matches without them being the same old way? Tell me what you think.

I've absolutely noticed this. It has been occurring for many many years, you're right.

There are only rare exceptions. I think I saw a Kane & Daniel Bryan match against a team where Kane & Bryan actually dominated most of the match and didn't really have a point where one of them were caught in the other team's corner. This was a refreshing change, especially for Tag Team Champions to show that they can actually be dominant.

Personally I would like to see more back and forth in tag team matches. The 'beat downs' by one team shouldn't be so long and drawn out. Let the other guy reverse more often and shift the momentum back and forth.
Does WWE announcers watch their own shows or thing the fans dont either? Like on Raw lastnight they had Lawler,Cole and yes,even Miz(who was ringside for the match last week) act like theyve never seen Cesaro do The Nuetralizer on Khali,even though he did it on Main Event last week and they even had it on the WWE site!

Do they really think the fans are that forgetful or stupid?
Does WWE announcers watch their own shows or thing the fans dont either? Like on Raw lastnight they had Lawler,Cole and yes,even Miz(who was ringside for the match last week) act like theyve never seen Cesaro do The Nuetralizer on Khali,even though he did it on Main Event last week and they even had it on the WWE site!

Do they really think the fans are that forgetful or stupid?

I noticed this same thing, and was wondering what was up. It wouldn't have bothered me if they were just in awe of Cesaro's strength, but they did play it off like it had never happened before. Maybe they think the same people that watch Raw don't watch Main Event or maybe it was just an oversight and we are nitpicking lol. Even still it was strange for them to play it off like it was the first time he put Khali in The Neutralizer. Just for the record though it is amazing that he can put him in that move. He must be one strong MFer.
Good Evening Everybody. I have an interesting question.

I don't know if anyone noticed this; but I haven't watched Wrestling in awhile and I was watching The Miz and Cena vs. Rhodes Scholars Match. And I noticed the same tag format is still being used today that was being used 10 years ago. With The Hardy's Dudleys, APA, and others. I couldn't help but notice when you have a face team vs. heel team, the strongest member of the face team would start off against any member of the heel team, and get off to a strong start for their team. Then both would tag out and face #2 will come in, and continue with the momentum, and all of a sudden spend the next 10 minutes of the match getting pummeled by both members of the heel team. And all of a sudden, face #2 hits a match turning move, and tag in dominant face #1 and he cleans house, and hits a finishing move and wins the match. Or a member of the heel team finds a way to take advantage and shift the momentum and steals a win for the heel team. I need to know, have anyone else noticed this? If So, do you still approve of the same format or do you wish or think there's a Way WWE can conduct better tag team matches without them being the same old way? Tell me what you think.

I have noticed this for sure, and it even bother me as a kid seeing tag matches run in that same format. To me though it isn't as important as a well though out and executed match. It does kind of build the excitement, and I don't even mind the top face coming in and clearing house. I wonder what would happen if they reversed it and the heel came in and cleaned house? I think everyone would be shocked because it has been the opposite for so long. All in all though I am just glad to see the return of tag wrestling so I can't complain too much.
I almost don't know where to begin, so let's just start here: CM Punk is over rated beyond belief.

He's good but there's nothing about him that's great. His promos are with out a doubt the most over rated part about him. His "shoot" promo he did on the ramp was great, that's about the only great thing he's done. Since then he's beem nothing but a generic face and now he's just a generic heel. Ranting about respect, saying he's the best in the world, and the fans don't matter. These are pipe bombs? This is what every heel since the dawn of wrestling does and the worst part is the IWC eats it up and calls The Rock stale. The only memorable thing about CM Punk was that initial promo and the length of his reign. Everything else has been boring and poorly booked. The ratings prove it, they've been on a downard spiral the entire time.

There's one thing people are right about though, and that's this feud doesn't feel epic or all that special but that's not because of The Rock, it's because of WWE and their incompetence and their beyond terrible booking.

Especially since Cena was injured before HIAC things have been just a train wreck. Ryback has some momentum so they throw him in the championship match vs Punk. Okay fine. This has two possible good outcomes:

1. Ryback wins the belt.
2. CM Punk beats Ryback clean.

Each way makes the winner look strong and the loser doesn't even look that bad. If Ryback loses, well he lost to the champ. If CM Punk loses well Ryback is a monster. So what does WWE do instead? They make BOTH of them look weak. Ryback gets pinned after a low blow by a fucking referee and CM Punk can't get the job done him self. Then they do it again and then they do it afuckingain! Seriously? Both guys look like shit now. I can't even remember the last time CM Punk won clean. That's not even so bad though, it's basic heel champion 101, it's out dated and been over played to hell and back BUT I get it at least. Why did Ryback even have to be hot shotted into that match? There could have scraped up someone else to do it, Kane for one is always a good choice to throw into a match like that. Daniel Bryan could have done it, hell, kofi fucking kingston could have done it.

Here's the real problem though: Now he's supposed to fight The Rock and I'm supposed to take this seriously? The Rock makes CM Punk look like a fan who got lost looking for the bathroom and accidentally wandered his way into the ring. There's nothing about this feud that I believe. NOTHING. This isn't a dream match, this should be nothing more than a match for The Rock to win the belt. If CM Punk beats The Rock it wouldn't make me go "Oh wow, CM Punk beat the Rock! He's a bad man!' It would just make zero sense. They KNEW CM Punk vs The Rock at RR was going to happen for almost a year! Why the hell don't they book like it? It's a tough sell regardless that CM Punk is a legit challenge to The Rock but at least make a fucking effort! Cena is still the only person who's booked like they matter and that's why Cena vs Rock worked. The only problem is Cena is supposed to be a mega face and anyone with slight bass in their voice boos him.

Honestly, if I was The Rock I'd be kicking myself in the ass for coming back to this crap. We all know he doesn't need the money, he's coming back for the fans and to help the company and they can't even take proper advantage of it!

The match it self won't even be that great. The Rock has never been the greatest in ring wrestler around, you had to put him in there with someone else really great to get an amazing match out of The Rock. That's why Cena vs The Rock ended up being a sub par match.

Let The Rock win at Royal Rumble and then CM Punk vs The Rock should happen again at WM after CM Punk starts actually doing something decent with him self, if it's even possible between him and the WWE's booking.

The bad booking doesn't stop there though. Ziggler loses to Cena after hitting all of his 27 finishing moves on him? Come on!! He hits the fame asser, super kick, zig zag, sleeper hold and I think one more I'm forgetting and then loses to a super firemans carry?! That didn't make Cena or Ziggler look good. Ziggler looked like all his finishers are weak trash and has zero heart, Cena looked like typical Super Cena. If they at least had a epic back and forth match where Cena got the win Ziggler would look a little better, not much though since it's so par for the course for Cena. At least let it take two AA's to pin Ziggler, I mean I thought they're trying to build this guy??

Kane and Daniel Bryan lose yet another non title match. Every time I watch Raw they're losing a non title match. BOOK THEM STRONG. They shouldn't lose until it's for the belts and then you book rematches or disband them.

You know, I miss the days where wrestlers would throw real life tantrums over having to job. I can't believe I'm going to say it but the business NEEDS new Hogan's, HBK's and HHH's. Vince needs to just drop dead already, it's a horrible thing to say but he has proven that he doesn't actually understand wrestling, there's just been people around him who do. Let HHH fully take over, it can't be any worse than what we have now. At least you know he has that "Wins mean something mentallity"

This everyone trade wins crap until your blue in the face except Cena is just terrible. Wrestling is fake but when wrestling is good is when it makes you forget/not care it's fake!

The worst part is it's like nobody even gets it anymore, the IWC used to get it. Now? Idk what happened. Maybe they all just gave up and went away and the current IWC is a younger generation.

I love good wrestling, always have. Since the Attitude era things have sucked, hell things started to suck even when WWE had names like The Rock, Lesnar, HBK, Undertaker, Angle, HHH, Goldberg etc. because of bad booking. Even when wrestling sucked though, at least you could read some IWC forums and see you're not the only person annoyed by the bullshit happening on your TV.

I guess these are just different times though, times where The Rock is considered second rate, CM Punk is considered the best promo cutter ever for wanting respect, people think someone like heath slater has a shot at ever doing anything memorable with his career and ratings keep reaching new lows.

At this point I hope Austin never comes back for that one more match. What's the point? Just to horribly book a feud with him and some other wrestler no where near on his level? Then for everyone to turn around and piss all over his legacy because they're so desperate for wrestling they've managed to fool them selves into thinking the current product is good and the current wrestlers, excuse me, I mean the current superstars are special. It's certainly working out great for The Rock, oh and Brock Lesnar too!

The fact they're even THINKING about a Lesnar vs HHH rematch at WM really shows you where their heads are at. Not to mention his great booking vs Cena. There's not even a point to having lesnar at WM, they fucked up his booking and there's nobody for him to wrestler. If they booked Lesnar and Ryback properly that could have been huge, but they didn't. Now even if the match happens it'll be lackluster.

I just don't understand any of it anymore. I don't understand WWE, I don't understand the fans. I don't understand why I'm seeing facebook links, tweets, twitters and touts. I don't give a shit how many followers the miz has. I don't care what's trending, I'm already watching aren't I? So why the hell are you bragging about it to me? The whole thing has really gone to shit.
I commend you. There's quite a few silly parts of your little rant, but for the most part I think you're right on the money.

Ryback losing clean to Punk is a ridiculous idea. It doesn't matter if he's the champ, there is no way anyone can buy a guy like Ryback losing to a guy like Punk. He loses clean, his momentum stops cold. Granted they didn't do much better, but at least he's not a laughing stock. Which he certainly would have been if he had lost clean to Punk.

The Cena/Rock match at Wrestlemania was not sub par. It wasn't a perfect match nor was it even the best match on the card, but it was definitely a good match. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but you're opinion becomes less valid when you say dumb shit like this. None of you ever provide any realistic reason to shit on the match, you just bitch because John Cena is in it and you're programmed to think he's a bad wrestler. You're wrong. No one can have as many great matches as he has without being a great wrestler. Quit fucking counting wrestling moves, it doesn't matter.

You're over-rating The Rock and I think you're selling Punk a little short. I agree that the hate Rock is getting is coming from a stupid place, but how can anyone really think any of his new jokes worked? His old catchphrases are still solid and they work, but at some point you have to up your game. He's still miles ahead of Punk, he has to body of work to prove it. This past Monday wasn't his night, though.

Punk gets a little too much praise, sure. Last night's promo certainly wasn't perfect on his end either. He has some good lines and some of it is compelling, but he rambles an awful lot. His confidence with the microphone is part of the reason he's so appealing, but it's also the reason he takes 20 minutes to cut a promo. He thinks everything he has to say is golden but really, it's not.

If they hired a professional writer who was actually worth a shit,t hey could help him trim the fat from his mic work. Then again, if they hired a good professional writer 95% of the show might not suck so hard.

I still think a lot of your points are right on, but some of it is just stereotypical IWC rhetoric.
I'm actually not shitting all over Cena. Cena is more than capable of having great matches, but like The Rock he needs to be wrestling a great wrestler. He's had really good matches with HBK, HHH, Angle and lots more that I can't think of because it's late.

I actually like Cena on many levels, when he first made his debut I thought he was going to be the next Austin. If you watch his old stuff he had a great brawling style that came across as very stiff and buyable. He needs to go back to that. Instead of the next Austin he ended up being more of the next Hogan.

My only problem with Cena is how stale the gimic is and either Cenas decision or WWE's decision to have him wrestle how they do. He's certainly capable of more.

To me their WM match came off like a typical cena match but in reverse. As I recall it Cena actually had to carry the match and worked on The Rock almost the whole time and then The Rock squeezed out a win. It never really felt like an epic back and forth. It wasn't a bad match but it was below my expectations for it, hence why I called it sub par.

Lastly, I don't think CM Punk winning Clean in that HIAC match over Ryback is ridiculous. It was a HIAC match, they could have gotten creative with the finish, CM Punk could have pulled out a chainsaw and dismembered Ryback for the win. Obviously, that's not going to happen but the point is there were no rules, they could have had CM Punk win clean in a fashion that came off as "He may be a monster, but NOBODY would have got up from -THAT-!" Especially since Ryback at this point no longer comes off as a monster to me anyway AND they had CM Punk vs The Rock coming up.

I'll agree that normally it wouldn't make sense for CM Punk to go over Ryback but a clean win over someone still very early in their career who managed to get momentum very quickly to help build what you want to try to sell as a dream match of sorts? Seems like a fair trade to me.

All the good stuff CM Punk did with that promo was over shadowed by how long and boring it was. It came off like he was trying to force the fact that he was dropping bombs but it was nothing more than a fart in the wind. It reminded me of a heel HHH promo + some slight kayfabe breaking.

Hopefully I managed to clear up a few of my points for you.
I agree with your dolph/cena part. Why do the WWE continue to bury there up and coming talent ( I think cena has something to do with it tbh).
Plus I hope they never bring a new Hogan, he ruined WCW in about 6 months due to his huge ego.
For a majority of time we saw a Face Vs. Heel storyline in wwe and rarely we saw a Heel vs Heel so more rare than that a Face vs Face (I myself don't recall when that happened).
For example CM Punk started his championship reign as a Face and until Raw 1000th (The night he turned Heel) if you omit the elimination chamber PPV he defended his title against Del rio, The miz, Ziggler, Jericho, Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan and Kane (Kane has an interesting character and you can never say he is heel or face he is both at the same time) which all of them are Heels.
But what about other faces in RAW who deserved a title shot why shall we never see those matches?
maybe you guys can tell me. Haven't these kind of storylines got stale ?
Why mess with a formula that has worked throughout the entire history of the business?

The reason you don't see heel vs heel matches? Who would the fans root for? That is one of the basic premises of pro wrestling, a good guy and a bad guy. Heel vs heel totally eliminates that.

Face vs face does happen once in a blue moon, and typically it is played off as a friendly competition. A hand shake to start the match and a hug to wrap it up.
For a majority of time we saw a Face Vs. Heel storyline in wwe and rarely we saw a Heel vs Heel so more rare than that a Face vs Face (I myself don't recall when that happened).

The only semi-recent heel vs heel storyline for WWE that I can recall, other than when heel tag teams split like Rated RKO, is the heel v heel v heel feud between Kennedy, Carlito and Umaga for the intercontinental championship for Summer Slam 2007

Granted I haven't watched WWE consistently since mid 2009 so there may be others.

And while that is the only storyline I can think of, there have been plenty of heel vs heel matches that were random matches on RAW, Smackdown and WWECW.

For example CM Punk started his championship reign as a Face and until Raw 1000th (The night he turned Heel) if you omit the elimination chamber PPV he defended his title against Del rio, The miz, Ziggler, Jericho, Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan and Kane (Kane has an interesting character and you can never say he is heel or face he is both at the same time) which all of them are Heels.
But what about other faces in RAW who deserved a title shot why shall we never see those matches?
maybe you guys can tell me. Haven't these kind of storylines got stale ?

Face vs face feuds really are not uncommon... I'm guessing though that they wanted to start Punk's reign off strong as a face by only having him go against heels so the crowd would not be split in any way. If they put Punk vs some face and the crowd chose to root for the other face, that would risk killing his momentum early

At any rate it's not face vs face, or heel vs heel that makes feuds interesting or stale to me. If there are two heels fighting each other and they are both boring and the story stinks, I still won't want to watch it.

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