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Put me down in the Heath slater is garbage category. He can still prove me wrong, but aside from taking and selling bumps, he does nothing interesting.
I mean he's perfectly adequate and acceptable in a tag team situation or as a guy to take bumps in a ladder match like we saw at MITB, but by himself he has absolutely nothing that makes me think he could be a successful singles wrestler beyond the lower midcard. He's AWFUL on the mic, he's pretty decent in the ring and can bump and sell well, but I mean, there are 10,000 other people who can do that as well so it's not some big specialty. Fuck, get rid of Heath Slater and replace him with Trent Barreta, there's a guy that's actually interesting to watch when he wrestles and could be a decent midcarder if given the time to develop a character.

The Heath Slaters of the world piss me off, because I look at them like shitty fucking road blocks standing in the way of much better talent waiting in the wings to take his spot right now. They've given over a year to Slater, how about we start calling up guys like Richie Steamboat or Tyler Black next?
Fuck, get rid of Heath Slater and replace him with Trent Barreta, there's a guy that's actually interesting to watch when he wrestles and could be a decent midcarder if given the time to develop a character.

I think Trent can be much, much more than a mid-carder. I won't go on and on with my crazy ideas, but he has it all. Heath doesn't.
You lost me at "Trent Barreta." I want to Colt Cabana's developmental buddies to succeed as much as anyone, but even I draw the line somewhere.
You lost me at "Trent Barreta." I want to Colt Cabana's developmental buddies to succeed as much as anyone, but even I draw the line somewhere.

You don't watch Superstars much, do you Sam? If you did you'd know Barreta is actually kind of fucking awesome.
Actually, I don't think that's how you spell his name and there's a superfluous "to" in there. Must have had a stroke not long ago.

I'd watch Superstars more if finding the thing was quicker than waiting for coal to turn into diamonds, but it's not. Sure, I could search it on YouTube but fuck you; you search for it on YouTube.
Actually, I don't think that's how you spell his name and there's a superfluous "to" in there. Must have had a stroke not long ago.

No that's how you spell his name, with two R's and one T. I know, it seems weird and like it should be two T's and one R like the handgun, but that's not how it's spelled by him for some reason. It's spelled Barreta.

I'd watch Superstars more if finding the thing was quicker than waiting for coal to turn into diamonds, but it's not. Sure, I could search it on YouTube but fuck you; you search for it on YouTube.

What dude? Superstars is easy as fuck to find, it gets upped to YouTube every single Thursday night. Or just check like....any wrestling media tracker/blog/site on the web and they'll have it. Goodness gracious Sam, this takes like 20 seconds with Google my good man, you're missing out on some great WWE matches that don't get to air on the other two shows. Seriously, every single week there's usually atleast one match worth watching, it's a great show. Trent Barreta has really shined on that show over the last year.
I'm still not 100% sold on Barreta as a weekly show staple, but dude can wrestle. He's got to scrape together a personality/character, and then I think he could start getting a push. Then again, he seems to be low down on the list of priorities.
I'm still not 100% sold on Barreta as a weekly show staple, but dude can wrestle. He's got to scrape together a personality/character, and then I think he could start getting a push. Then again, he seems to be low down on the list of priorities.

Well to be fair to him JGlass, when the fuck has he EVER been given a chance to show any kind of personality or character? Has he even said two words on a microphone in the last year? I can't remember.

When he first came to the WWE in the Dudebusters tag team with Caylen Croft though they got to cut a few promos on Superstars, I believe it was around spring of last year, and I remember them all being very entertaining promos. They had a fun gimmick of just being total video-game playing surfer-dude nerd/jock hybrid types and they cut a few funny promos on Superstars before never being allowed to touch a mic again for some reason.

If given the chance, I'm confident Trent could show some good character and personality on the stick, he's already charismatic enough to get the fans into his matches despite not ever being allowed to talk to them and thus not really having any reason for the fans to cheer for him. That's hard to do.
Well to be fair to him JGlass, when the fuck has he EVER been given a chance to show any kind of personality or character? Has he even said two words on a microphone in the last year? I can't remember.

Oh no, I totally agree. I dug him when he first started out with the Dudebusters I quite enjoyed him, but I don't think that type of character would have a lot of longevity in singles wrestling. He hasn't gotten the chance to show any personality outside of the ring yet, but the best way to get some mic time is by showing more personality when he does wrestle. I'm not as familiar with his work as most, but he should spend more time playing to the fans and having fun rather than just trying to get noticed through wrestling alone.

Speaking of the videogame loving Dudebusters... does anyone else get a mental image of Heath Slater playing every instrument in Rock Band by himself when he calls himself the One Man Rock Band?
Fuck, get rid of Heath Slater and replace him with Trent Barreta, there's a guy that's actually interesting to watch when he wrestles and could be a decent midcarder if given the time to develop a character.

Hell yes. Trent is a great wrestler and a good high flyer. He was the one who stood out in his match with Heath Slater. Give the guy some personality and we could have a possible Jeff Hardy sans the drugs. Put Curt Hawkins back on TV too just because.

how about we start calling up guys like Richie Steamboat or Tyler Black next?

Smackdown needs a new talent initiative now more than anytime ECW needed it(Except for the time when Swagger, Bourne, Henry and others were lost).

If given the chance, I'm confident Trent could show some good character and personality on the stick,

He was very charismatic in FCW.
Man I was so bummed when I realized that The Dudebusters would amount to nothing. Was I the only one who thought they were awesome? There was something about them. They were legit funny guys that were decent in the ring. Total goofballs. The closest anyone has gotten to Edge&Christian without looking like fuckin' nimrods. The Dudebusters are nimrods but in a "this is cool I want to see more" way, not "I need to strangle something right now" way.

Are they still employed?
Because Barreta is far more talented than Croft.
So was Edge and Jeff Hardy but just because someone has more talent doesn't mean you have to split them up. Some guys are more valuable when they're in a tag, not on their own, regardless of who has more talent. There's always one guy that's better than the other.

I just think WWE could've done something with those two. Especially in a non-existent tag division. The again, WWE has zero interest in tag teams so there's no reason to keep them as a tag team. That makes sense, but then you look at Barreta and what is he doing? You split them - fine. You think one of them is better - fine. And then you barely use the guy. I don't see the logic.

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