TNA is at it Again, Teasing "Biggest Surprise of the Year This Thursday"

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Well this isn't really spoiling it for people and more about letting everyone know who doesn't read the spoilers.

There isn't anything in the spoilers that this could be about.

Anyways it looks like it will be a vignette or promo that was tapped and pretty much kept quite from the dirt sheets. Here is how I see it going down.

With Dixie returning on Monday I bet they go to her via satellite or just a vignette tapped by her. In this she will tell everyone that she will be returning next week and she will be bringing back an old face. Then next week comes and Dixie and Hogan close the show with the verdict. Dixie announces she won the court case. This makes Hogan grab Dixie and then the lights go out. When they come back on Sting is in the ring with a bat and Immortal bails.

I really hope that ISNT it. Thats really implying that it could be Hogan vs Sting or Hogan picks someone to face him...and I dont see any heels that could face him.
I like it when suprises are actually promoted on a wrestling show. I can't stand all this Twitter shit. It's like they can't fill in their storylines with writing, so they use Twitter to plug the holes. All of this teasing should be done on Impact.


If it's the debut or return of someone that will effect storylines just have a heel/face come out and tell the others "just wait till next week". Problem solved.

If its something else, just have the announcer say "be sure to tune in next week for a big announcment".

Using Twitter the way Dixie does just seems cheap to me.

P.S. Did anyone else think that it was pathetic of Dixie to do a YouShoot video? Why the hell did the head of a major company allow herself to sit on a chair and get insulted by Internet trolls for an hour. It served nothing. The people who were their, or would watch Impact, already hate TNA. How many people would see that thing? 10 or 20 thousand tops? Thats about 1% of the Impact audiance. How the hell does she think her company is going to be more mainstream when she's sitting in a damn Holiday Inn conference room with a bunch of guys in too tight NWO/ECW shirts telling her how stupid she is, to be sold on DVD no less? Who ever told her that was a good idea should be fired.
Noticed Jericho Posted this on his Twitter earlier:

IAmJericho Chris Jericho:
"Huge press conference tomorro at 1230pm at Nokia theater for my BIG announcement! Then signing at ESPN Zone at Staples at 6pm. Bring chicken"

Is it coincidence that his announcement and the TNA announcement are taking place on the same day? at least i think TNA play in the US tomorrow, (well today for u now its 7pm in AUS as i write this).

Could be merely a coincidence but still...

If it is something to do with Jericho and TNA, i'm leaning more towards Fozzy making an appearance, then Jericho actually Signing with TNA, but still it is wrestling and stranger things have happened.

But yeah i still reckon its TNA bringing back Sting to try and cash in on the Hype the IWC created and in someways WWE unintentionally created.
In my opinion, which I think I might possibly be allowed to have, although I could be wrong about that, at which I would not be surprised. I think that this surprise is actually going to be a big surprise, if for no other reason than other surprises have turned out to be not so much of a surprise! I'd be surprised if the surprise didn't surprise anyone, tho they might actually decide to double secret surprise us by giving us a surprise, considering their other promises of surprises, surprisingly weren't so much a surprise. So, the surprise would be surprisingly surprising, especially to those who have been lulled into believing they can't be surprising because of their nonbelief in such so called surprises.
If you do not watch the show, why stink up the TNA forums with your uninformed, unwarranted opinion? You should be ashamed.

But I agree with you here.

Now stop posting until you start watching the show, or at least stick to forums about stuff you watch, please.


If you want what I think about the surprise, I think it will be one of those "who's limo is that?" situations, lasting for the whole show, and at the end...ummm....(who is even more over the hill, more important, and less in bed with Vince than hogan?).....Bruno Sammartino, maybe. More likely than Jericho. Or Shane.

But I hope that, however extremely unlikely that is, it turns out to be Jericho.
There's only one guy out there that can change Tna just by showing his face at the end of Impact!

And thats Paul Heyman!

1. It will be shocking
2. It will change Tna's perception in the wrestling world
3. It will change Tna's creative team

Paul Heyman is the only guy out there that changes all these things just by showing his face at the end of Impact Tonight! Not even Jericho does all these things for Tna in one shot!
I didn't realize wrestling companies that go backwards and are on the verge of destruction start to expand by tapping their television on the road instead of the same building. Thier house shows are up, Impact will tapped on the road more often, and they have a network that supports them 100 percent. After DVR they have 2.1 million people that watch their product ( You can get that number from PWTorch if you don't believe ) and as long as those 2.1 million people are spending money and tune in then they are not going backwards regardless of what you try to pass off as truth. You may not like the product, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't. You you see as going backwards and destruction someone else sees it as entertaining positive. There are 2 million other people besides what you read on WZ believe it or not.

BTW don't come back with blind TNA mark or anything like that. I am telling it like it is and not attacking you in anyway or the WWE product. All the numbers I talked about can be found anywhere on the internet if you look and are confirmed.

First of all, I never used the term mark, except when I asked if I was considered both a WWE and TNA mark because I watch both. Don't assume, it only... well, you know the rest.

I said backwards as in going back to the "old regime" that was running WCW. That is a true statement. They went backwards in time by hiring the same guys that killed WCW. Please pay attention to the context of the post and what the phrase refers to.

And if we are going by numbers, let me just remind you that WCW, during their final hours, were pulling in about the same numbers as TNA if not better. I believe they were in the upper 1. range, and sometimes even into the 2. range. This would point to those numbers not being hugely successful or very profitable.

I'm no business whiz, and I'm sure not in the television business, but I don't see numbers as low as they're getting sustaining the product. I don't see it giving Panda Energy reason to keep pumping money into it like Ted Turner (later AOL/Time Warner) did. If financial successes like that didn't see the reason to keep a show around that was pulling between 1.7 and 2.3 ratings, why should we expect TNA to stick around pulling out 1.1s, 0.8s, etc?

The other point of the post was that, after going back in time and bringing in the 3 egos of doom, TNA needs a change in creative direction. That is also not an invalid observation, nor is it hard to see. They should be pulling in much better numbers w/the amount of talent they have on their inflated roster, but for some reason they are not. If it's not the talent, then it must have something to do w/the direction the product is going creatively. Just a logical conclusion.

Back on topic, I don't see how it could live up to the hype. Number one, like many people have pointed out, they've promoted huge, business of pro wrestling altering "surprises" and events before, and have not delivered. It's been proven, so don't argue that point. Don't argue semantics, give examples of things you thought were "successful", then back them with numbers. Rises in numbers that also have consistency. Thank you.

Another reason is that (and I've said it before) when you constantly tell somebody this thing is great, this thing is going to change history, this thing is the biggest surprise of the year (even though the year just started and I know their egos can't honestly think they can predict the future. By the way, what about context and verbiage in that?) you come across as desperate. It's the equivalent of somebody trying too hard to get attention by saying "Hey, look at me! Look at what I'm doing!". Instead of yelling, waving your arms, or shoving somebody in the shoulder and yelling those things in their ear, don't you find it much more effective if you just calmly say "Yo, check this out, bro" w/maybe a slight nudge or poke for attention? Yep. Subtlety and confidence, not shrill, high pitched shrieking and desperation, are much better.

When you're trying to be funny, but over-selling it and showing you're trying to hard, you're not funny. When you yell a joke to somebody that's not really that funny, and then jab him with your elbow and keep saying "Get it? Get it? Get it?" or pushing him on the shoulder saying "Hey. You listening? Hey. You listening?", you are more annoying than funny, don't get the type of attention you are expecting, and actually ruin a person's desire to hear any joke from you in the future.

And that's what TNA does when they over-promote themselves. Period.
Don't get your hopes up for something earthshattering because TNA has taken us down this road multiple times and lackluster has been a fitting description. There's always the chance that this might be something significant but I won't hold my breath.

TMZ is reporting that TNA has signed a former Jersey Shore cast member Angelina Pivarnick and that she's expected to make her debut soon. If this turns out to be the "surprise" or whatever, I honestly couldn't care less.
What if the surprise is that TNA is going on the road and Impact will always be live from here on out? that would be something major for TNA and something positive in the long run.
Of course Jericho or Batista would be a great, fantastic steal for TNA but does TNA (and dont get wrong here, i'm a big TNA fan) have the money or reputation to get anyone of those two. I keep hearing TNA has had money issues. More then likely it will be sting and i'm okay with that sting is a big name like it or not and all this 21/2/11 stuff has made him bigger.

I want Jericho or Batista but i'm not holding my breath and I would not be too down hearted if it was sting just as long as it's not about the Jarretts' wedding
I did some digging and came across a RUMOR that the big surprise at the end of Impact tonight is not Sting, jericho, Batista or unfortunatley Paul Heyman but the debut of Nathan Jones and Bob Sapp. Now the best surprise would be Heyman but Jones was said to be signed and coming a year or two ago but got hurt in a car accident in Thailand during a movie shoot. Bob Sapp apparently also has signed with TNA i didnt know that or ever hear it but that is the rumor I heard I am not saying there is any truth behind it its just something I came across.
it might end up being not that surprising/shocking. tomorrow people will be complaining that TNA suckered them into watching teasing about a big surprise and yet again didn't deliver as advertised, but that wont matter because you will have watched anyway. then in the future TNA will again tease about a big shocking/surprise, and again you will be interested and tune in to see what it is. over and over and over, are you really NOT going to tune in to see what it could be?
This could be a stretch, but maybe itll actualy go live to the taping theyre doing tonight and do something.
At this point, the only thing that would live up to the hype, imo, is Paul Heyman. Just seeing him 'fire' Russo, bischoff and hogan would be huge. Knowing Russo/TNA, itll probably be something stupid.
It could be batista but i dont think TNA have the money to pay him and the same goes for Goldberg and JBL has sense so dont think its him. Maybe lashly or some trashy Z list celeb from a Reality TV show. But Knowing TNA its probably sting because all the hype behind Sting to WWE they going to try and build on WWE Fumes . Simple know if it is sting No one cares aint like he has been away for that long and he aint in WWE the hype was him going to WWE not Sting himself. Sting Return to TNA is less exciting then yet another Undertaker return.

Heres hoping the Big Surprise is Dixe,Hogan & Ezy E are leaving and someone with sense is taking over

But is anyone excited about this surprise surely people have realised that TNA and there surprises are worse then a surprise toy in a kinder egg
I really hope it is Jericho... That really would be the surprise of the year and Jericho himself has said that he has done all there is to do in WWE, so it would only make for him to jump to TNA and help elevate some of their young talent...

Could you imagine a Jericho and AJ Styles fued?

I think Sting would be cool, but not a huge surprise... He's been in TNA... Hell, he's only been gone for a few months...
100% gurantee that its NOT Chris Jericho,why would he lower himself to go to TNA when he is on good terms with the WWE? I too am sick to death of TNA trying make these Biggest Surprises of the Year a bigger deal than they really are. If TNA wants to surprise people then try putting on Decent Shows and making your Product better.

Odds are the Annoucement is Sting and he'll come back to win the TNA World Title from Jeff Hardy on the March 3rd Impact in Fayetteville NC.
100% gurantee that its NOT Chris Jericho, why would he lower himself to go to TNA when he is on good terms with the WWE? I too am sick to death of TNA trying make these Biggest Surprises of the Year a bigger deal than they really are. If TNA wants to surprise people then try putting on Decent Shows and making your Product better.

Odds are the Annoucement is Sting and he'll come back to win the TNA World Title from Jeff Hardy on the March 3rd Impact in Fayetteville NC.

this is something I have seen people say multiple time, and I don't think I understand. "wrestler" is on good terms with WWE. so going to TNA would change that? really? let's just say for now that Jerico does go to TNA. after that McMahon and anyone involved with WWE is all of a sudden now going to not want any part of Jerico in the future?
WWE after Jerico goes to TNA: "OMG you idiot I can't believe you went to the competition, your garbage now and we don't want anything else to do with you ever again. loser!"
really? so I suppose WWE would want no part of Kurt Angle anymore? BS. WWE would take Angle back in a heartbeat.
it's a business, and IMO as long as TNA is around there are going to be multiple wrestlers though the years going from WWE to TNA and vice versa.
I also don't think it's lowering one self to go from WWE to TNA. there are multiple different reasons one could chose to go to TNA instead of WWE, that doesn't mean they are lowering anything. just because TNA doesn't get the ratings that WWE gets doesn't mean they are so far beneath WWE. ratings are not what should be used when judging or valuing both companies.
I doubt it's Jerico anyway, I'm just saying.

as for what the surprise could be. I have seen some rumours from different sites, and it has been mentioned here. but it's not Heyman, who I personally think is overrated. IF Heyman went to TNA he would want all new writers/bookers/ect? well if TNA was willing to do that, they could do that without having Heyman involved. they already have a lot of talented wrestlers.
I never read spoilers but today I just couldn't help myself. I now know what the major surprise is and quite frankly the only good thing about it is that people in other threads can now be completely shut up. I suspected it was this man but wasn't sure until just now.

Having said that...outside of my own personal reasons for being happy about this, I don't see this as the "biggest surprise of the year".
Does anyone care about returning superstars or debuting superstars in TNA?

People don't care about TNA. The same people watch it every week, very few new viewers and unless they get Cena, HHH, Lesner, HBK, or one will care. It is the same bad product week after week.

Does anyone care if it is Sting returning to TNA? Seriously he has feuded with everyone there. Sting is now an irrelevant wrestler. He has one last chance to make himself relevent and that was signing with WWE and he refuses to do that.

I am as big a Sting fan as there is, my favorite interview in the history of wrestling was Sting talking about Barry Windham joining the 4 Horsemen and have been a fan since.

Sting is useless now, no one will watch TNA because of Sting. People want to see Sting-Taker not Sting and the same old feuds in TNA.

If it is Sting returning tonight then he has sealed his career without that going out party he so richly deserves. He will retire in TNA with a 1.0 cable rating and 500 fans in the arena cheering him on...........what a shame.
In Jericho's book and in interviews he has said numerous times he is a WWE man through and through, Vince McMahon gave him the ball to run with it and he has a great relationship with Vince McMahon and wouldn't want to work anywhere else. Why would you though? If you can main event in WWE, why would you want to main event infront of less people for less money with less viewers?

TNA isn't good with suprises and I expect this one to be nothing new. On the whole F'n show, TNA said they'd have an open invitation for Jeff Hardy and they made it sound like it was going to be someone huge but then they just had Shannon Moore come out and do it and that was a let down, so this will be a let down too. It won't be anything earth shattering and if this truely is the biggest suprise of the year for TNA, then we're in for a pretty shitty year with TNA if this is the biggest they can do.
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