TNA is at it Again, Teasing "Biggest Surprise of the Year This Thursday"

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why would Jericho flush his career by going to TNA, when he has a contract on the table with wwe to sing when he is ready to return. Pluss he left wcw when Hogan and Russo were there and has spoken against the 3 guys that are running TNA. Jericho will go to Japan or PR before TNA.

i agree 100% i was just throwing it out there to see what people think...the suprise will be something like they are going on the road or back to monday nights...nothing big

never thought of battista but i think hes still trying to have an mma fight... ill go with NORMAN SMILEY
In my opinion, which I think I might possibly be allowed to have, although I could be wrong about that, at which I would not be surprised. I think that this surprise is actually going to be a big surprise, if for no other reason than other surprises have turned out to be not so much of a surprise! I'd be surprised if the surprise didn't surprise anyone, tho they might actually decide to double secret surprise us by giving us a surprise, considering their other promises of surprises, surprisingly weren't so much a surprise. So, the surprise would be surprisingly surprising, especially to those who have been lulled into believing they can't be surprising because of their nonbelief in such so called surprises.
If TNA's big surprise is part of the tapings that are in the the spoilers then no one will be surprised just disappointed. However if it was something not listed in the spoilers then I am intrigued, not excited, but intrigued as to what it may be. Will I watch to find out, hell no but I might read the results to find out.
I pray TNA doesn't blow this one. I highly doubt its Jericho. It wouldn't make any sense from Jericho's standpoint to do it. For what it's worth he was in Orlando, FL Monday, but it was to promote his book and I highly doubt its anything more than that. However, I know the IWC lives for little tiny tidbits like that and then over analyze the hell out of them so figured I'd throw that out there.
knowing TNA, it'll probably be something stupid like Jeff Jarrett is going to announce that his kids are going to be the ringbearer and flower girl at their stupid wedding vow renewal.......which is already stupid enough given the fact they JUST GOT MARRIED. what a complete waste of tv time.
don't know why anyone would care if it was Batista. guy doesn't do anything for me. he is the king of stumbling over his words pretty much every time he talks. so he's got that going for him.
Ok. So let me just think about this. What could TNA do on Impact that would make the ratings increase and maintain that increase? .... .... .... .... NOTHING! If they somehow managed to sign Jericho, which they haven't, I'd watch every show. I believe he'd bring TNA to a higher standard and not put up with shit creative.
Batista would bring a slight bump in ratings...then rating would go back.
This surprise is going to wind up being Sting, or someone who's been away for awhile. Daniels possibly.
I definetely think its something 'backstage' and not in front of an audience, since I would think someone there wouldve posted something. Im not anticipating it, thats for sure.
I hate to hype this and raise expectations but based on Jericho's schedule and his "big announcement" I have to go with it being him...

Why would it be Sting - TNA's best use of Sting was to disrupt 2/21/11 and reveal they had signed him and not WWE. This would be classic TNA coming late to the party if it is really Sting.
why would Jericho flush his career by going to TNA, when he has a contract on the table with wwe to sing when he is ready to return. Pluss he left wcw when Hogan and Russo were there and has spoken against the 3 guys that are running TNA. Jericho will go to Japan or PR before TNA.

I'm not saying it is Jericho but it sure would be shocking and maybe he wouldn't consider it flushing his career as he did say this last April in an UK Sun interview.

"Jericho on possibility of joining TNA: "Never say never. I hope they do great and although I've taken jabs at Eric Bischoff on Twitter, I like him and I'm happy that he's in TNA... So it would have to be some kind of really crazy circumstance for me to not be working there until the day I retire."

I've also seen him tweet lately about how TNA talent not projecting the idea they work for the best company hurts the show. Who knows what it could be. Kind of funny too a couple days ago there was a headline on here that said Jericho to make a shocking announcement. Eddie Trunk a radio jock said this.

" Seriously, congrats to my bud and what he will be announcing he is doing next will be a shocker, I'll leave it at that."

So now we await a Shocking announcement from Jericho and a shocking announcement from TNA. Hmmmmmmm Probably a coincidence but who really knows.

My thought is it is probably Sting signed with TNA but I don't see that as shocking news. Could it be Erics going to spoil some kind of surprise WWE has planned like he used to do back during the Monday night wars?
Either way, I'll still take TNA over WWE's re-hashed, boring crap anyday !
WWE has been ruined for years now, so I hpe TNA stays around so there is always an alternate to McMahons garbage.
That being said, I think it probably will be Sting, or another big name signing.
My thought is it is probably Sting signed with TNA but I don't see that as shocking news. Could it be Erics going to spoil some kind of surprise WWE has planned like he used to do back during the Monday night wars?

Wild thought - but could it be revealing WWE signed Sting - whoa would that be the biggest body shot WWE has ever taken. I don't know how it helps TNA but it definitely would kill the biggest WWE Surprise in the history.

**Wild imagination here - but as we've seen with TNA, nothing is out of the realm of possibility

It will probably be something that didn't deserve a build up... or I know! could it be Desmond Wolfe?

(id literally mark out if its Wolfe & TNA rids itself of all has beens, save Kurt ;))
I know that Impact for this week has already been taped, but While impact is airing this week, they will actually be recording next weeks at the same time for the March 3rd show they have been hyping. So I kind of wonder if they are either going to tape the big surprise in N. Carolina, or maybe even cut in live from there if it really is that shocking. Or at the very least as others have said, it may be something that was taped backstage when they taped impact for this week or some promo.
this could end up being overblown.

"The Biggest surprise of the year"

this will be Impact on February 24, 2011.. only the 7th Impact, "of the year".

since we have had Fortune turn on Immortal this year already, it would have to be more than that.

at first I was thinking it would be something like TNA announcing it will be doing more traveling for house shows, but seeing how this will be in the final moments I doubt that is it.
I'm going to guess to end the show you will see someone show up. who that is, no clue. maybe Sting returning.
If there's nothing noteworthy in the spoilers and TNA really did leave this out of the tapings in order to keep it a legitimate secret (a la Angle's signing) I'd say that greatly increases the chances that it's something significant.
Wild thought - but could it be revealing WWE signed Sting - whoa would that be the biggest body shot WWE has ever taken. I don't know how it helps TNA but it definitely would kill the biggest WWE Surprise in the history.

**Wild imagination here - but as we've seen with TNA, nothing is out of the realm of possibility

apparently you don't know your wrestling history. Bischoff tried that already, when he had Tony Schiavone announce that later on, Mick Foley would become WWF champion, and mumble about how Lthat will put butts in the seats". What happened? Raw's ratings skyrocketed for the match. IF Sting has signed with the WWE, which I personally doubt very much, then TNA announcing it would be a very, stupid thing to do, as it would bring more viewers to RAW to watch Sting's appearance. Surprise or no surprise.

In reality, this will be yet another case of TNA crying wolf. They have done this whole "huge surprise/biggest surprise ever/change the face of wrestling forever" type shit many times in the past, and its always been a huge letdown. This will be either the return of Sting, which would neither be shocking or game changing at all, or they will announce they have signed Carlito or some other guy the WWE fired. Whoopity doo. Jericho has no reason to join TNA, and Batista is too busy learning how to be a lousy MMA fighter to want to wrestle for next to nothing. Really the only thing truly worthy of the biggest surprise ever kind of hyperbole TNA loves to use would be that they are under new ownership, have a mainstream network TV deal, or something like that. No wrestler signing news is really a life shattering shocker.
*slams head against desk*

Just when I was starting to give TNA a little bit of credit for giving up the bait and switch tactics! Just when I had thought someone responsible had taken over Dixie Carter's Twitter account!

Why call it "the biggest surprise of the year"? Why set the bar for yourself that high? Why not say "tremendous news concerning (totally vague field) that we can't reveal to you right now"? There are so many other ways to frame a statement like that, why in the name of Don King do they have to promote something that they can't live up to???

"They" just don't seem to learn! And it kills me.
TNA never do these "surprises" well. Hardcore Justice was supposed to be a surprise, and look at that adomination. It was anything but "Justice" to the ECW brand.

What can TNA drag out of the mud and stick on television to make you want to watch? It could be Sting, but the thing TNA won't get in their ignorance is that most people don't give a rats ass about Sting in TNA.

People wanted to see him in WWE, not TNA. Not on iMPACT! But on RAW!

Shane McMahon is another one I read above :wtf: What the hell?! Why would Shane McMahon leave a business in telecommunications where he supposed to earning seven figures a year, to come and try to help TNA remove itself from the hole its found itself in since the introduction of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff? That's rubbished.

Could it be Paul Heyman? I don't think so, but you can guarentee much like people were guarenteeing that Sting would show up on 2.21.11 that there is some ECW fanboy on one of the hundred wrestling discussion sites, guarenteeing and getting moist in the pants that it will be Paul E.

If not them then It'll either be an announcement that they're moving most iMPACT! tapings from Orlando, which they should have done a long ass time ago, or they've signed some "legend" who used to work for WWE, yet only held the Intercontinental Championship for about a while five minutes before being released.

Maybe the "surprise" is Rico or something.
*slams head against desk*

Just when I was starting to give TNA a little bit of credit for giving up the bait and switch tactics! Just when I had thought someone responsible had taken over Dixie Carter's Twitter account!

Why call it "the biggest surprise of the year"? Why set the bar for yourself that high? Why not say "tremendous news concerning (totally vague field) that we can't reveal to you right now"? There are so many other ways to frame a statement like that, why in the name of Don King do they have to promote something that they can't live up to???

"They" just don't seem to learn! And it kills me.

What do you suggest, Rayne, that they instead promote it as "Tune in this Thursday for an average to below-average "surprise" that's probably not even that surprising since you likely read the spoilers for our programming — it's sure not to change the wrestling world forever or even moderately alter our programming, but tune in anyway!" so you can be happy that they didn't "bait and switch" you with a verbal tease?

The verbiage they use is semantics, and you know it. Them saying "Tremendous news concerning (totally vague field) that we can't reveal to you now" is the exact same thing as saying the biggest surprise of the year. How it's worded is irrelevant, and anyone who focuses on that is nit-picking for the sake of nit-picking.

I might see your point if they wrote "Hulk Hogan Will Eat A Baby!" and then Hogan never ate a baby, but the way you and others get on them for posting teasers that do not directly represent a guarantee of any kind (other than it's surprising, which it only needs to be even moderately surprising to fit the bill of) is ridiculous.
What do you suggest, Rayne, that they instead promote it as "Tune in this Thursday for an average to below-average "surprise" that's probably not even that surprising since you likely read the spoilers for our programming — it's sure not to change the wrestling world forever or even moderately alter our programming, but tune in anyway!" so you can be happy that they didn't "bait and switch" you with a verbal tease?

The point is, although your eyes are watered by the tainted water that is the sespool TNA marks like yourself have to look through, they're always promising these, "big surprises", and never deliver. They delivered ONCE, and it was when they promised a surprise at Genesis 2006 and it turned out be Christian, asides from then which was five years ago, they haven't made a "big surprise", yet five times a year they say they will.

These idiots are actually saying, "biggest surprise of the year", after The Rock returned to WWE two weeks ago? They're out of their depth, and even their fans need to remove their heads from their asses and see it for what it really is. Poorly put together, poorly booked wrestling, with poor storylines, good wrestling, but only a majority talented roster not like they try to perceive themselves.

The verbiage they use is semantics, and you know it. Them saying "Tremendous news concerning (totally vague field) that we can't reveal to you now" is the exact same thing as saying the biggest surprise of the year. How it's worded is irrelevant, and anyone who focuses on that is nit-picking for the sake of nit-picking.

Not really. You've missed the point people are arguing. They don't deliver on these "surprises of the year", and even if they did say "Tremendous news concerning ??? to be revealed", it would still mean the same thing.

They never deliver. Get what people are actually saying.

I might see your point if they wrote "Hulk Hogan Will Eat A Baby!" and then Hogan never ate a baby, but the way you and others get on them for posting teasers that do not directly represent a guarantee of any kind (other than it's surprising, which it only needs to be even moderately surprising to fit the bill of) is ridiculous.

"The biggest surprise of the year." If I read that I am expecting something that will make fans go to the internet as fast as they did when 2.21.11 aired or when The Rock returned, not when they disappoint everyone by announcing something which barely illicts a response from a TNA mark.

Don't try and make an as out of someone with a post, when someone can just as easily make an ass out of you.
The point is, although your eyes are watered by the tainted water that is the sespool TNA marks like yourself have to look through, they're always promising these, "big surprises", and never deliver. They delivered ONCE, and it was when they promised a surprise at Genesis 2006 and it turned out be Christian, asides from then which was five years ago, they haven't made a "big surprise", yet five times a year they say they will.

These idiots are actually saying, "biggest surprise of the year", after The Rock returned to WWE two weeks ago? They're out of their depth, and even their fans need to remove their heads from their asses and see it for what it really is. Poorly put together, poorly booked wrestling, with poor storylines, good wrestling, but only a majority talented roster not like they try to perceive themselves.

Just because you didn't like what they had to deliver doesn't mean they didn't deliver, dick wad. Delivery is an arbitrary term. The success of it thereafter is an entirely different issue you can't seem to grasp the concept of.

Hilarious though, that you think TNA fans need to remove their heads from their asses when a WWE mark like yourself continues to watch a show week-after-week that he doesn't enjoy, or worse — continues to comment on a program he doesn't actually watch.

I'd suggest a shower, because toilet paper won't do much to clean up all that shit from your face.

Not really. You've missed the point people are arguing. They don't deliver on these "surprises of the year", and even if they did say "Tremendous news concerning ??? to be revealed", it would still mean the same thing.

They never deliver. Get what people are actually saying.

See above, jackass, and thank you for echoing my point that verbiage is irrelevant.

"The biggest surprise of the year." If I read that I am expecting something that will make fans go to the internet as fast as they did when 2.21.11 aired or when The Rock returned, not when they disappoint everyone by announcing something which barely illicts a response from a TNA mark.

Says the guy who's now on the internet talking about the very thing he is saying has absolutely no weight, on a site that has a dedicated thread to said event that has absolutely no weight. Your idiocy knows no bounds, does it?

Don't try and make an as out of someone with a post, when someone can just as easily make an ass out of you.

I'm not the one you want to get into a verbal war with, son, believe me. You're new here, so I suggest you listen to the advice you're bound to get from a few of the regulars here before you get your own head handed back to you.
Here is the question that I have about it. I assume that this week's episode of TNA iMPACT is pre-recorded as it usually is. Before I go any further let me state that if it was pre-recorded as per usual, I am sure there are spoilers posted out there. I personally have not read any spoilers, nor do I plan on doing so. For those of you who have done so, I am not requesting that you mention any particulars about the spoilers, as I do not want the show to be spoiled for myself or for anyone else.

Here's my question, again without getting into specifics, for those of you who have read spoilers. Is the "biggest surprise of the year" worthy of the hype and hooplah, or is it another case of false promises and deception? Again, don't tell me what it is, don't even drop hints. But is this a scenario whereby the sun, moon, and stars have been promised again, with nothing to justify it, or is this a legitimate surprise worthy of pomp and pagentry? Because again, I get the whole notion of building hype and anticipation with teases and drama, but I don't get the idea if they are going to mislead people with promises that simply are not remotely true.
Just because you didn't like what they had to deliver doesn't mean they didn't deliver, dick wad. Delivery is an arbitrary term. The success of it thereafter is an entirely different issue you can't seem to grasp the concept of.

Well seeing as you come across as the definition of a TNA fan, I think maybe you should explain to me the different times they've delivered then? Did they deliver when Hulk Hogan came in? No, because he hasnt actually done anything. Did they deliver with the "They" storyline? No, it was a massive disappointment. Did they deliver with Hardcore Justice? No, everyone knows that whole PPV sucked, and the only reason its gets any positives remarks is because of the fact that it brought back a little bit more nostalgia to the ECW fans who can't get over the fact that ECW is done, gone, dead and buried.

Hilarious though, that you think TNA fans need to remove their heads from their asses when a WWE mark like yourself continues to watch a show week-after-week that he doesn't enjoy, or worse — continues to comment on a program he doesn't actually watch.

I'd suggest a shower, because toilet paper won't do much to clean up all that shit from your face.

I watch Monday Night RAW week in and week out thank you, buy most of the PPVs, luckily in the UK and Ireland we get some for free on Sky Sports. I'm also an ROH mark, you need to get that straight. But I am a supporter of the WWE and its product.

And I enjoy WWE programming. It takes actual talent to write a show which gets 3.2 million viewers a week when they rarely swear, don't do explicit storylines, don't need a hardcore match a week where someone just HAS to blade all over the place. Unlike TNA, who has VINCE RUSSO involved in coming up with their shit.

They had the storyline with the ring of Hulk Hogan and Abyss, which was just obnoxious. I mean, who actually thought for a minute that it was real!? They might as well come out and say, "We don't give a shit!" They had the "They" storyline, which sucked. They have your, obviously, love-intrest in Jeff Hardy as the "face" of the company for fuck sake.

I guess he belongs as the face though. The second rate human being should represent a second rate "wrestling" company, if TNA can call their shit that.

And I don't need a shower or toilet paper, I have a TNA poster to do it thank you. Has to come into use for something.

See above, jackass, and thank you for echoing my point that verbiage is irrelevant.

Seriously you have to twist words to make a point? You really are a TNA fan.

Says the guy who's now on the internet talking about the very thing he is saying has absolutely no weight, on a site that has a dedicated thread to said event that has absolutely no weight. Your idiocy knows no bounds, does it?

I'm exclaiming my view that TNA sucks, and I'm backing it up with thought, that most other people in this thread have already said, thing is I'm more colorful with my comments. I don't like making a point. I like taking the point and shoving it down your throat and watching you gag on it, like what I'm doing to you now.

I'm not the one you want to get into a verbal war with, son, believe me. You're new here, so I suggest you listen to the advice you're bound to get from a few of the regulars here before you get your own head handed back to you.

You're making me shiver in my boots! Pfffffft. Please man, you need to step away from the computer, go buy some weed from your dealer, come home and watch The Rise and Fall of WCW. It's a perfect portrait for the future of what will happen to TNA. But they'll just call it, "The Rapid Fall and Drug Riddled Death of TNA". The title makes sense.

And mate, I've modded more wrestling forums then you've been laid. You seriously don't even make me think twice about pwning your ass.
Here is the question that I have about it. I assume that this week's episode of TNA iMPACT is pre-recorded as it usually is. Before I go any further let me state that if it was pre-recorded as per usual, I am sure there are spoilers posted out there. I personally have not read any spoilers, nor do I plan on doing so. For those of you who have done so, I am not requesting that you mention any particulars about the spoilers, as I do not want the show to be spoiled for myself or for anyone else.

Here's my question, again without getting into specifics, for those of you who have read spoilers. Is the "biggest surprise of the year" worthy of the hype and hooplah, or is it another case of false promises and deception? Again, don't tell me what it is, don't even drop hints. But is this a scenario whereby the sun, moon, and stars have been promised again, with nothing to justify it, or is this a legitimate surprise worthy of pomp and pagentry? Because again, I get the whole notion of building hype and anticipation with teases and drama, but I don't get the idea if they are going to mislead people with promises that simply are not remotely true.

I haven't read the spoilers either but there was a couple people who mentioned they had read the spoilers in this thread. They said they didn't see anything that would be or could be viewed as a surprise and suggested it might be a segment added on at the end that wasn't done in front of the live crowd when taping.

It also has been suggested that they are going to be taping the next shows from the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, NC on Thursday night while Impact is being aired on Spike. If it is something truly shocking it's most likely they do a live cut in from Fayetteville at the end of the show to make the announcement from there.
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