TNA is at it Again, Teasing "Biggest Surprise of the Year This Thursday"

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Well seeing as you come across as the definition of a TNA fan, I think maybe you should explain to me the different times they've delivered then? Did they deliver when Hulk Hogan came in? No, because he hasnt actually done anything. Did they deliver with the "They" storyline? No, it was a massive disappointment. Did they deliver with Hardcore Justice? No, everyone knows that whole PPV sucked, and the only reason its gets any positives remarks is because of the fact that it brought back a little bit more nostalgia to the ECW fans who can't get over the fact that ECW is done, gone, dead and buried.

Once again, dick wad, just because you didn't like what they had to deliver doesn't mean they didn't deliver. Delivery is an arbitrary term. The success of it thereafter is an entirely different issue you still can't seem to grasp the concept of.

Do you know what the word arbitrary means? Do you even read what I write, or do you just take ever opportunity you can to continue ranting and raving incoherently about a show you don't enjoy?

I watch Monday Night RAW week in and week out thank you, buy most of the PPVs, luckily in the UK and Ireland we get some for free on Sky Sports. I'm also an ROH mark, you need to get that straight. But I am a supporter of the WWE and its product.

And I enjoy WWE programming. It takes actual talent to write a show which gets 3.2 million viewers a week when they rarely swear, don't do explicit storylines, don't need a hardcore match a week where someone just HAS to blade all over the place. Unlike TNA, who has VINCE RUSSO involved in coming up with their shit.

Yes, you watch WWE and buy their PPV's which makes you a mark for their show. Again, do you have any idea how to follow logic? I called you a WWE mark, so you defend against that by defining what a mark is? Yeah, and Russo makes no sense...

Oh, and when you have 20+ years of history behind your company it doesn't take nearly as much talent as you think it does to retain that 3.2 million (and dropping) viewers a week. The same marks that watch Hornswoggle bury another wrestler who could punt him into next week are the same who rant and rave about the future of vanilla performers like John Morrison. Neither could hold a candle to the WWF of old, so why are they so highly praised? Gee, I don't suppose it could be a dedicated sense of loyalty, could it? You know, that thing you accuse TNA fans of having (to a fault), as though it's a bad thing just because you don't like their programming?

You put WWE's product on TNA's broadcast (essentially eliminating it's dedicated audience) and it fails faster than submarine with a screen door.

They had the storyline with the ring of Hulk Hogan and Abyss, which was just obnoxious. I mean, who actually thought for a minute that it was real!? They might as well come out and say, "We don't give a shit!" They had the "They" storyline, which sucked. They have your, obviously, love-intrest in Jeff Hardy as the "face" of the company for fuck sake.

See first reply. You still fail to grasp the concept of delivery not being contingent on you being happy. 1 million+ weekly disagree with you.

And I don't need a shower or toilet paper, I have a TNA poster to do it thank you. Has to come into use for something.

This is the worst insult I've ever read in my life. Did you even think about what you wrote there, or is this more of your verbal diarrhea masquerading as point?

I'm exclaiming my view that TNA sucks, and I'm backing it up with thought, that most other people in this thread have already said, thing is I'm more colorful with my comments. I don't like making a point. I like taking the point and shoving it down your throat and watching you gag on it, like what I'm doing to you now.

Then I suggest you take your incessant and baseless ramblings to the general TNA complaint thread where they actually belong so the topics posted here can actually stay on point — something you don't seem capable of doing.
I haven't read the spoilers either but there was a couple people who mentioned they had read the spoilers in this thread. They said they didn't see anything that would be or could be viewed as a surprise and suggested it might be a segment added on at the end that wasn't done in front of the live crowd when taping.

It also has been suggested that they are going to be taping the next shows from the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, NC on Thursday night while Impact is being aired on Spike. If it is something truly shocking it's most likely they do a live cut in from Fayetteville at the end of the show to make the announcement from there.

They obviously recorded it at a diffrent time.They've done this before this is nothing new so even if you read the spoilers you would'nt find anything about this.It's going to happen at the end of the show most likely during the over run!
TNA never do these "surprises" well. Hardcore Justice was supposed to be a surprise, and look at that adomination. It was anything but "Justice" to the ECW brand.

What can TNA drag out of the mud and stick on television to make you want to watch? It could be Sting, but the thing TNA won't get in their ignorance is that most people don't give a rats ass about Sting in TNA.

People wanted to see him in WWE, not TNA. Not on iMPACT! But on RAW!
Dude seriously? I am a Sting fan and have been since his WCW days and what some people don't understand is you can't throw around the "most people" words without numbers to support it. My guess would be that most Sting fans were WCW fans and quite a lot of them just like myself would have watched RAW if he was on it but would be just as happy to see him on TNA TV again. I actually did watch RAW to see if he showed up and that was the first time since around 2003 or so and I didn't see anything on there that made me want to watch it next week.

Personally I was torn because Sting showing up in WWE would have meant I would have had to do something I haven't done in at least 7 years and that's start watching WWE regularly so I could see Sting. I only started watching it regularly then because WCW guys were on it and it disgusted me the way they were treated so it didn't take me long to tune out.

Personally I like Sting but I think it's time for the youth to step up and be the leaders in TNA. And by the way I also have no desire to see Sting as part of the WWE HoF as that only has relevance to a WWE fan and I could care less about a WWE HoF.
Once again, dick wad, just because you didn't like what they had to deliver doesn't mean they didn't deliver. Delivery is an arbitrary term. The success of it thereafter is an entirely different issue you still can't seem to grasp the concept of

Do you know what the word arbitrary means? Do you even read what I write, or do you just take ever opportunity you can to continue ranting and raving incoherently about a show you don't enjoy?

Arbitary from what I know is to define someone who chooses an opinion without an actual reasoning. Something you show very well throughout all your comments. You have still not defended what TNA is doing, and how they say they'll give a big surprise and then they don't deliver.

You obviously have no idea what's going on here. What are you smoking?

Yes, you watch WWE and buy their PPV's which makes you a mark for their show. Again, do you have any idea how to follow logic? I called you a WWE mark, so you defend against that by defining what a mark is? Yeah, and Russo makes no sense...

Actually you don't seem to get this. I watch WWE and buy their PPVs, but I wouldn't consider myself a mark of theres. I support Liverpool FC, yet I watch all soccer matches that doesn't mean I'm a mark for Manchester United if I watch a match of theirs.

Its you who needs to whip out the old urban dictionary and see what these words actually mean mate. You have no clue, what you're doing.

Oh, and when you have 20+ years of history behind your company it doesn't take nearly as much talent as you think it does to retain that 3.2 million (and dropping) viewers a week. The same marks that watch Hornswoggle bury another wrestler who could punt him into next week are the same who rant and rave about the future of vanilla performers like John Morrison. Neither could hold a candle to the WWF of old, so why are they so highly praised? Gee, I don't suppose it could be a dedicated sense of loyalty, could it? You know, that thing you accuse TNA fans of having (to a fault), as though it's a bad thing just because you don't like their programming?

I can just go back in time and prove that wrong. NWA was at one point the dominant force in professional wrestling, Vince McMahon purchased all the territories with the top performers and rebranded his company the WWF. Why did the NWA not stay up since they had so much history, going by your logic?

And then you go back and bring up John Morrison as a "vanilla" performer. TNA has Matt Hardy, Eric Young and Rob Terry. Are you trying to bury TNA with every comment you make? That's exactly what you're doing. And many people stopped watching WWE. They have a new demographic, maybe you heard its called PG. TNA couldn't do PG, they don't have the talent, except for the few wrestlers who can do shit in the company like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinness, Doug Williams and Robert Roode. And all except one of them can be considered ROH made! TNA have such a miniscule fanbase. There is a reason on like every wrestling forum people complain and scrutinize their product.

Its because even compared to WWEs PG stuff, TNA sucks.

You put WWE's product on TNA's broadcast (essentially eliminating it's dedicated audience) and it fails faster than submarine with a screen door.

I more-or-less answered this above. If you took everyone from WWE over to TNA, all the performers and the writers and the producers, they can make it work because they all have talent, they know how to make it work. TNA don't, and haven't since mid-2008, when I gave up on TNA, cause it was shit!

See first reply. You still fail to grasp the concept of delivery not being contingent on you being happy. 1 million+ weekly disagree with you.

You're right, but the thing is a good portion of the TNA fans would also be WWE fans as well. But not vice-versa, due to WWE's product, I'll give you an example. I know somebody who attended the Royal Rumble, he was sitting in front of two people and when Kevin Nash returned they had no clue he had been in TNA. They thought he was just gone for 7 years.

Some people don't even know TNA exists, and the 3.2 million which tune into WWE; actually, I'll correct myself, a majority of them will agree with me.

This is the worst insult I've ever read in my life. Did you even think about what you wrote there, or is this more of your verbal diarrhea masquerading as point?

Masquerading? That word doesn't fit there at all you fucking idiot! haha You're one of these, "I'll use moderately big words and make myself seem half intelligent" types, you just said...

"Is that more of your verbal diarrehia covering/pretending at this point?"

Smart one dude. Really. Keep this up, I'm liking it now.

Then I suggest you take your incessant and baseless ramblings to the general TNA complaint thread where they actually belong so the topics posted here can actually stay on point — something you don't seem capable of doing.

I will in the future. But for now, seeing as I'm obviously getting a considerable rise from you with every response you direct towards me as well as the fact that you care so much on some, "WWE marks" opinion, with you being such a "loyal TNA follower" that you have to respond to every comment with no actual debate instead just some stupid, generic crap that you can find at the back of your brain which lays there in a cancerous, deformed state.

Try harder mate, you'll need to try MUCH harder then that. For someone who comes across as such a "big internet man", you, much like every TNA surprise arent living up to your label.
The smartest move for TNA right now would bring Sting in, to capitalize on all the fans who were disappointed when he wasn't revealed on 2-21-11. The WWE has done more to put Sting over in the past 3 weeks, than TNA has done in his entire run with the company. It's good business to bring in a guy who is a hot topic in the industry right now.

What he does after he gets there will be meaningless and we'll see more of the same from TNA. But the ratings might go up .1 if they bring Sting back.

Other than that, I don't see what "surprise" they could possibly have in mind. PLUS, is it really a surprise if you tell people there is going to be a surprise?

Wouldn't it benefit TNA more to just execute the surprise, and then let the buzz of said surprise give a boost to the ratings the following week? Then deliver quality programming, and try to hook the new viewers?
:banghead:I hate when TNA pulls this BS. They hype up something to be the most amazing thing to happen in wrestling since Suirvivor Series 1990. But it always bombs. 1/4/10, 10/10/10, its all complete molarky. TNA's problem is that they advertise too freakin much. Quit making us look foward to empty promises and just give a good two hours of wrestling on Thursday to look foward to.
If its Sting, yeah they would capitalize on the fact that WWE didn't sign him but it wouldn't be a surprise. I say it wouldn't be a surprise because the way i see it, Sting is basically to TNA what the Undertaker is to WWE i.e two legends that take breaks from wrestling once in a while and return to the company. The surprise could have something to do with ROH like a merger, that would be a surprise.
:banghead:I hate when TNA pulls this BS. They hype up something to be the most amazing thing to happen in wrestling since Suirvivor Series 1990. But it always bombs. 1/4/10, 10/10/10, its all complete molarky. TNA's problem is that they advertise too freakin much. Quit making us look foward to empty promises and just give a good two hours of wrestling on Thursday to look foward to.

Much like IDR how the hell did 1/4/10 bomb? What where you expecting that night that didn't happen? Because to me that was a great night of surprises that got Tna alot of exsposure!

It seems for some of us that no matter what Tna does will be good enough and I'm in that group! I for one will not be happy with any in ring talent, Because I feel Tna has alot of great in ring workers, What Tna needs is a creative change and any thing less than that will be disappointing IMO! So here's hoping for PAUL HEYMAN!
Much like IDR how the hell did 1/4/10 bomb? What where you expecting that night that didn't happen? Because to me that was a great night of surprises that got Tna alot of exsposure!

It seems for some of us that no matter what Tna does will be good enough and I'm in that group! I for one will not be happy with any in ring talent, Because I feel Tna has alot of great in ring workers, What Tna needs is a creative change and any thing less than that will be disappointing IMO! So here's hoping for PAUL HEYMAN!

TNA would satisfy me if they would just do the show instead of making everything little thing they do seem like the reemergence of Christ. If someone returns, hype it up with vignettes instead of using the internet and over-advertisement to lure us in. Exposure, nothing wrong with that at all, but quit trying to sucker us in with the bi-monthly "Can't miss iMPACT, it'll be the biggest shcok ever, we promise" junk.
TNA would satisfy me if they would just do the show instead of making everything little thing they do seem like the reemergence of Christ. If someone returns, hype it up with vignettes instead of using the internet and over-advertisement to lure us in. Exposure, nothing wrong with that at all, but quit trying to sucker us in with the bi-monthly "Can't miss iMPACT, it'll be the biggest shcok ever, we promise" junk.

Yet you tune in, so what's the big deal? It's called proactive advertising. Instead of just letting the audience who does watch your show watch, and then potentially spread the word to others who may not have once your "surprise" happens, they actually tell you (and anyone you tell as a result) that there will be a surprise on iMPACT! which potentially leads to an increased rating for this weeks iMPACT! as well as potentially future episodes.

Why would they just allow the surprise to happen when they could potentially capitalize on it ahead of time?
It's probably going to be Sting. Dixie and company figure they can cash in on the recent hysteria surrounding his possibly signing with WWE. Unfortunately, Sting returning to TNA is no big deal.

Sting possibly signing with WWE was a big deal because it's never happened before. Wrestling fans have wanted this to happen for years, and it seemed like a real possibility, if only for a few short weeks. With Sting leaving TNA less than six months ago, it really isn't a big deal.

Outside of Sting, I have no idea what it could be. Dixie teases big surprise after big surprise, and rarely delivers. I've seen some speculation (in this thread only) that it could be Jericho or Batista. I'm fairly certain I've read Jericho doesn't want to go to TNA, but anything is possible. And Batista will go where the money is, so he's always a possibility.

I'm hoping they deliver this time, but they probably won't.
What do you suggest, Rayne, that they instead promote it as "Tune in this Thursday for an average to below-average "surprise" that's probably not even that surprising since you likely read the spoilers for our programming — it's sure not to change the wrestling world forever or even moderately alter our programming, but tune in anyway!" so you can be happy that they didn't "bait and switch" you with a verbal tease?

The verbiage they use is semantics, and you know it. Them saying "Tremendous news concerning (totally vague field) that we can't reveal to you now" is the exact same thing as saying the biggest surprise of the year. How it's worded is irrelevant, and anyone who focuses on that is nit-picking for the sake of nit-picking.

I might see your point if they wrote "Hulk Hogan Will Eat A Baby!" and then Hogan never ate a baby, but the way you and others get on them for posting teasers that do not directly represent a guarantee of any kind (other than it's surprising, which it only needs to be even moderately surprising to fit the bill of) is ridiculous.
The verbiage is important; you can't outrun your past.

TNA, like it or not, has earned a reputation for having their surprises fall flat. I probably expect too much out of them; you probably expect too little; but too often after TNA promised some kind of huge news or big surprise, I would turn off Impact and ask "now what was that I was supposed to be surprised by?"

As much as I hate to, since you can't say TNA without someone saying "but WWE...." on these boards, I'll cite an example from the WWE recently of how a 'surprise' can be executed well, without over extending yourself- the 2/21/11 promo. Honestly, I don't give a shit that the Undertaker is back to slowly limp around a ring for another two months before going on another vacation. Had the WWE promised some 'big surprise' on that RAW, I would have been disappointed, and greatly. But they let the promo speak for itself and let the fans work themselves up. Fans couldn't get their expectations dashed by the WWE, because the WWE hadn't set themselves up for any.

Instead of letting the product speak for itself in these instances, the staff at TNA build mountains out of molehills. The problem is that outside of the Orlando bubble, there are quite a lot of people who know what a molehill is and know what a mountain is. I'm not saying they shouldn't hype their product. I'm not saying they shouldn't be enthusiastic about it. But I am saying that they've already alienated a lot of the fans they could have with their bait and swtich tactics.
TNA would satisfy me if they would just do the show instead of making everything little thing they do seem like the reemergence of Christ. If someone returns, hype it up with vignettes instead of using the internet and over-advertisement to lure us in. Exposure, nothing wrong with that at all, but quit trying to sucker us in with the bi-monthly "Can't miss iMPACT, it'll be the biggest shcok ever, we promise" junk.

Now we know every little thing they do isn't that big of a deal or they would'nt have to hype a particular show now would they? And what's wrong with hyping a special show or event that's what they're suppose to do! If you don't buy it, Hey that's you, but it's not only for you to buy. what about that fan that hasn't watch in a month, that is frustated for some reason and needs that added push to tune in!

That's the point of hyping things in TNA because we all know that IMPACT ratings go up and down like a porn star doing a job and you know what I mean!
The verbiage is important; you can't outrun your past.

TNA, like it or not, has earned a reputation for having their surprises fall flat. I probably expect too much out of them; you probably expect too little; but too often after TNA promised some kind of huge news or big surprise, I would turn off Impact and ask "now what was that I was supposed to be surprised by?"

It's really not, though, because as I already noted, they aren't using a bait and switch tactic at all. If they advertised "Hogan will eat a baby, alive" and Hogan did not eat a baby alive, but rather cut a promo about the importance of drinking orange juice, that would be a bait and switch tactic. Them hyping a "surprise" which by definition has no actual tangible value or evident marker for expectation, how can they bait and switch you if other than to simply not come through with any surprise? It may not be "the biggest of the year" as you were personally lead to believe, but that's your own subjective take on it. Someone else might have actually been legitimately surprised.

For someone this focused on the verbiage, you sure to seem to be in a grey area with regard to what exactly "bait and switch" entails, dude.

It's only bait and switch if you actually feel every surprise they've ever conjured up has in fact been a let down, which is a very subjective topic. It's simply not possible to objectively state it a matter of fact that TNA is to surprise events as Hindenberg is to non-fiery success.

Bait and switch to me is them noting that Hogan will be on the program, only to tune in and find out that he will not in fact be there, but will on March 3rd. That is a clear-cut example of bait-and-switch.

This is promising no such thing. It's giving you a vague teaser/hint as to what the actual surprise could be, which means the only way this is a bait-and-switch is if you tune in and they say "Haha, there is no surprise. Enjoy the show."

As much as I hate to, since you can't say TNA without someone saying "but WWE...." on these boards, I'll cite an example from the WWE recently of how a 'surprise' can be executed well, without over extending yourself- the 2/21/11 promo. Honestly, I don't give a shit that the Undertaker is back to slowly limp around a ring for another two months before going on another vacation. Had the WWE promised some 'big surprise' on that RAW, I would have been disappointed, and greatly. But they let the promo speak for itself and let the fans work themselves up. Fans couldn't get their expectations dashed by the WWE, because the WWE hadn't set themselves up for any.

Instead of letting the product speak for itself in these instances, the staff at TNA build mountains out of molehills. The problem is that outside of the Orlando bubble, there are quite a lot of people who know what a molehill is and know what a mountain is. I'm not saying they shouldn't hype their product. I'm not saying they shouldn't be enthusiastic about it. But I am saying that they've already alienated a lot of the fans they could have with their bait and swtich tactics.

As for their propensity for surprising failures, again, this is subjective territory. You may not have been surprised by their events, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less a surprise unless everyone in the audience (both live and watching at home) felt the same way.

The 2-21-11 promo was a series of vignettes — not quite the same as TNA advertising a "surprise" event. It's two very different approaches to a (potentially) similar angle (presuming this is a debut, or announcement of a signing).
I have low expectations here so and mediocre surprise could shock me, I highly recommend you all do the same.

As far as the surprise itself, TNA has delivered in the past with these types of things, (the successes of which I suppose are subject to opinion) so there is some hope that this could be something awesome. Most likely though it will just be Sting coming back and announcing he'll be there on March 3rd to address Hogan.

But just for the lolz:

Big surprise to me would be if Roh / AAA/ and TNA all united and became one huge Federation to compete against WWE WORLD WIDE. That would be a real shocker and a game changer to me. But that'll never happen.
And to think, one adjective caused this thread...

"The Biggest Surprise of the Year This Thursday"

Why not:

"A Major Surprise"
"A Big Surprise"
"A Huge Surprise"
"A Great Surprise"
"A Super Surprise"
"A Groundbreaking Surprise"
"An Earthshattering Surprise"

Anything but The Biggest Surprise of the Year. As for what it is, I also read the spoilers, and I saw nothing to indicate such a major moment. I read some things that were surprises, and could be big moments, but nothing that would be the biggest surprise of the year. I mean, considering that the big surprise could be a new arrival, and we know The Rock, Austin, HHH, The Undertaker and John Cena are under WWE contracts, the closest thing to the biggest surprise of the year would be Chris Jericho, but isn't he supposedly going on Dancing with the Stars? Or doesn't he have a lot of good standing with the WWE so that he could walk back in and get a big push? Doesn't seem that TNA would benefit Jericho other than to have more free time for other projects. Let's hope, because I am a TNA fan, that even if they don't deliver, that they give us a great show to enjoy on Thursday regardless.
If it is Sting then that will just be a total let down. We all know he wasn't 21.02.11 so him turning up at the next Impact will not be anything too shocking.

We also know Jericho has a big announcement but as much as I would like him in TNA I just don't see it happening. If it does then this is a real surprise.

I also like IDR's idea of Hogan eating a baby. Hogan really struggles to get over as a monster heel due to his Hulkamania stardom but eating a baby could really give him the heat he needs.

I would like it to be that Hogan is gone from TNA but that is not going to happen either, although it would be shocking as we all know how Hulk chases the cheque.

It's more than likely Sting, Dixie could have had him signed for awhile now, kept it in secret, and waited till some WWE fans were let down with the lack of Sting on 21-2-11, and bam, Sting returns to iMPACT! the next Thursday. Won't be too shocking though will it, Sting has been in TNA before, so it's nothing new, but still, Sting is a huge name in the wrestling world, regardless of the fact he's worked with TNA before. Maybe it's not sting though and on Thursday a huge surprise is coming. It's definitely not Jericho, don't think it's Batista. I can't really think of what else it may be, so long as it's not some sort of faction forming, but I say its Sting, but fair play to TNA, regardless of how poor you think their eventual suprise is, they always keep us guessing.
I feel like most of the time, TNA suprises end up dissappointing us. They, they, they, they, they. That's all I hear on TNA.
They need to stop with the suprises, and just focus on the wrestling.
Yeah I seriously doubt it will be TNA is Jericho. I know Jericho has a huge announcement or surprise to announce too, but I doubt it has anything to do with TNA. The surprise could be a new debut or Sting signing with the company again. I hope it will be something palpable like TNA announcing they are taking more Impacts on the road. I'm not crossing my fingers though.
I think the focus should be on when the surprise will be.


final moments of the show.
usually this is where something happens in the ring to end the show. I don't think this is giving anything away with spoilers, but it is something that does not happen in the ring because it was not in the spoilers.
what else could happen in the final moments to end the show?
something like an announcement of traveling or something along those lines, would TNA really do that to end the show?

maybe someone showing up? but then why would someone show up at the end of a show? if that was the case TNA would be better to have someone show up early in the show.

maybe instead it is some type of an announcement, but regarding the following weeks Impact? like, "next week..." so fans will be "OMG now you have to watch next week because of...". maybe this Impact will be an announcement of next week "whoever" will be here!
or maybe it will be an announcement that next weeks Impact on March 3rd will be live. the March 3rd Impact has yet to be taped. but would they really announce that to end the show?

whatever it is, it's going to happen in the final moments and be something extra to make you tune in to the following week's Impact. with this announcement of "Biggest Surprise of the Year" on this coming Impact, they will then draw you in for 2 different Impacts.
Well this isn't really spoiling it for people and more about letting everyone know who doesn't read the spoilers.

There isn't anything in the spoilers that this could be about.

Anyways it looks like it will be a vignette or promo that was tapped and pretty much kept quite from the dirt sheets. Here is how I see it going down.

With Dixie returning on Monday I bet they go to her via satellite or just a vignette tapped by her. In this she will tell everyone that she will be returning next week and she will be bringing back an old face. Then next week comes and Dixie and Hogan close the show with the verdict. Dixie announces she won the court case. This makes Hogan grab Dixie and then the lights go out. When they come back on Sting is in the ring with a bat and Immortal bails.
Ok, just to clarify something about all the "verbiage" talk I've had to sift through in this thread, you're forgetting the "verbiage" of surprise.

A surprise is something you do not expect to happen. If you announce a surprise, at a specific time, on a specific day, then you are not "surprising" anybody because people are expecting something to happen. The proper "verbiage" would be "shocking event" or some other such nonsense. That would be more appropriate than surprise if we're going to be technical about the whole damn thing.

But on to the thread topic. Why is it so unbelievable to the blind, TNA faithful (and yes, I watch Impact AND Raw. Does that make me a WWE/TNA mark??) that these things have always been lackluster? Can you point to a time when these things have expanded the viewing audience and given you better ratings (above like, a .1)? Has TNA moved into a different (positive) direction as WWE w/the PG rating and the youth movement?

No, they've actually gone backwards in time, not forwards, by bringing in the Terrible Trio of WCW. That was years ago. It worked then, not now. Now is for fresh ideas. (And yes, I understand WWE does some things that are from the past i.e. Diesel, Rock, etc. But they do not base their entire product and existence around them.)

TNA is on a path of destruction. If they do not replace the creative team then they are going to be the next company Vince buys. And if that happens, I'm going to wonder if maybe Hogan Bischoff and Russo aren't doing it deliberately in a behind the scenes deal w/Vince.
Ok, just to clarify something about all the "verbiage" talk I've had to sift through in this thread, you're forgetting the "verbiage" of surprise.

A surprise is something you do not expect to happen. If you announce a surprise, at a specific time, on a specific day, then you are not "surprising" anybody because people are expecting something to happen. The proper "verbiage" would be "shocking event" or some other such nonsense. That would be more appropriate than surprise if we're going to be technical about the whole damn thing.

But on to the thread topic. Why is it so unbelievable to the blind, TNA faithful (and yes, I watch Impact AND Raw. Does that make me a WWE/TNA mark??) that these things have always been lackluster? Can you point to a time when these things have expanded the viewing audience and given you better ratings (above like, a .1)? Has TNA moved into a different (positive) direction as WWE w/the PG rating and the youth movement?

No, they've actually gone backwards in time, not forwards, by bringing in the Terrible Trio of WCW. That was years ago. It worked then, not now. Now is for fresh ideas. (And yes, I understand WWE does some things that are from the past i.e. Diesel, Rock, etc. But they do not base their entire product and existence around them.)

TNA is on a path of destruction. If they do not replace the creative team then they are going to be the next company Vince buys. And if that happens, I'm going to wonder if maybe Hogan Bischoff and Russo aren't doing it deliberately in a behind the scenes deal w/Vince

I didn't realize wrestling companies that go backwards and are on the verge of destruction start to expand by tapping their television on the road instead of the same building. Thier house shows are up, Impact will tapped on the road more often, and they have a network that supports them 100 percent. After DVR they have 2.1 million people that watch their product ( You can get that number from PWTorch if you don't believe ) and as long as those 2.1 million people are spending money and tune in then they are not going backwards regardless of what you try to pass off as truth. You may not like the product, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't. You you see as going backwards and destruction someone else sees it as entertaining positive. There are 2 million other people besides what you read on WZ believe it or not.

BTW don't come back with blind TNA mark or anything like that. I am telling it like it is and not attacking you in anyway or the WWE product. All the numbers I talked about can be found anywhere on the internet if you look and are confirmed.
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