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Also, despite the canned pops, those audiences look so dead that I wonder if the manacles that bind them to their seats are just out of shot. It's not like you ***** bought tickets to be there, is it?
Jackson vs. Rhodes would be awesome. I bet we will see Kofi vs. Dolph #432034747238439 for the US title at Summerslam as well.
Why in THE MOTHERFUCK did they fucking change Heath Slaters music? He had a great entrance man, gosh fucking damn it.

Also, methinks Jackson - Rhodes may go down at Summerslam. In an ideal world.
I always liked Black and White as Heath's theme but now it seems he's going to be the next Jamie Noble or something.
Rhodes vs. Jackson at SummerSlam - my mind sees two outcomes. One is Ted DiBiase costs Rhodes the match which brings forth DiBiase's "hidden" face turn or Rhodes wins, DiBiase eventually turns on Rhodes lighting a feud which will see DiBiase win the Intercontinental Championship.
Uh, fucking thursday, idiot?
and wins and losses have nothing to do with it anyway

Oh I missed Superstars this week ;) I apologize...
But well, I like Heath Slater, but saying that he is a mid card doesn't look well, possible. His biggest victory was against Cena in a Tag Team Match, after Miz assaults Cena with a SCF, I guess.

Well, I miss the Original Nexus, they were great.
He got the second best heel heat of the night at Money in the Bank, just below John Cena and just above Rey Mysterio. Is there a better heel character than a stupid ginger twat?
Actually, he pinned Jericho and Edge in the main event of SummerSlam...I can't believe I'm defending Heath Slater. I feel wrong.

I think that pinning John Cena is way cooler and SummerSlam was a year ago. :)

He got the second best heel heat of the night at Money in the Bank, just below John Cena and just above Rey Mysterio. Is there a better heel character than a stupid ginger twat?

He is a good heel, I never said otherwise! Just booked as below midcard.
I think that pinning John Cena is way cooler and SummerSlam was a year ago. :)

Wait, so pinning Cena once after help from an outside party in a match no one remembers is better than pinning two world champions back-to-back in the main event of the second biggest PPV of the year? Must remember that.
Wait, so pinning Cena once after help from an outside party in a match no one remembers is better than pinning two world champions back-to-back in the main event of the second biggest PPV of the year? Must remember that.

I said cooler, not better... Cena is the super-man character, it is always good to pin the Super-Man.
He got the second best heel heat of the night at Money in the Bank, just below John Cena and just above Rey Mysterio. Is there a better heel character than a stupid ginger twat?

Heath could just be the best heel in the WWE. There is literally nothing that you can cheer the guy for. The heat he got at MITB wasn't "boo this heel will win" but rather "Not this useless prick!".
Are people defending Heath fucking Slater right now? Am I dreaming?

Fuck that shit. Slater is garbage. Grade A garbage. The only thing he's good for is bumping to make others look good, that's it.
Once upon a time, heels were pushed because of talent. Now, as long as they're catching heat, keep 'em out there. Fuck match quality, mic skills, look... fuck it all.

If I sound bitter, I am. I hate Heath Slater.

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