Big Poppa Pump is Ya Re-Hook Up!; Steiner Returns to TNA

I love Scott Steiner and marked the fuck out when he returned. Steiner is too gold. I thought it was a big mistake of TNA to not have him on the Jan 4th show and to not have him on the 2010 roster so for me it's long overdue. Steiner still puts lots of effort into his matches and for a guy his age and size, I respect him a lot. He is dedicated to the business and has no problem putting over young talent. Steiner is great for TNA. Not to mention, the entertainment value on Impact will increase as if Flair alone hasn't been entertainment enough for TNA over the past year. Wrestling fans get caught up in the wrestling aspect too much (even though Steiner can still work) and forget about entertainment. Scott Steiner is entertainment to the fullest and I like to be entertained so why no have a man like him that can offer that? I get baffled when people try to talk bad about Steiner. He's a veteran that is in shape, doesn't look his age, that puts people over, puts effort, can cut entertaining promos. Steiner=100% full asset for TNA no matter what any haters will have to say about him or TNA. Big Poppa Pump Is The Hook Up, Holler If You Hear Me!
I've occasionally seen Scott at local youth baseball games, as his son plays in my son's league. He's the nicest guy you could meet - very humble, low-key and very dedicated to spending as much family time as possible. He's also freaking HUGE...though not as tall as TV makes him look.

That said, I marked out pretty decently when I saw him on TV last night. He's always been a favorite of mine and I hope this is the start of more TV time for Big Poppa Pump!! I think he'll start out with a Flair feud.
Even when Scott Steiner was Heel i still loved the dude he is so entertaining when he's a heel and on the mic and the crowd is chanting you suck ya cant help but laugh at the stuff that comes out of his mouth and i hope they bring back booker t as well coz bokker is some one i grew up watching from a young age and when they became tag champs i was so happy and i love it when there both on the mic.

And im praying they have "The Freak" Rob Terry vs "FreakZilla" Scott Steiner
I thought it was cool that Steiner returned. I have always been a fan of his. If the mafia return, it would only be good if Booker and Nash came along for the ride.
I can't say that I'm all that excited about this. I was never a big fan of the Main Event Mafia in the first place and I see no reason for that opinion to change. So, just because Scott Steiner has returned and some nobody says "They" are coming means I'm supposed to give a damn?

On the surface, it's easy to think that Sting & Kevin Nash will make a return as well and probably be joined by Mick Foley, Crimson & Matt Morgan to comprise a new MEM. The two factions will probably feud for a while and it'll dominate the TNA landscape for the next several months, etc. I dunno, I just can't get excited about this because I'm just so burned out on these huge faction feuds that TNA does so often.
Can we quit whining about someone who posted a spoiler? It ruined the surprise for me too but I'm over it.

Steiner vs HHH at the Rumble (whatever year it was) for the heavyweight championship (whichever championship it was) was hands down the WORST match I've ever seen. Steiner was great... years ago! I'll repeat that... yeeeeaaaarrrrs ago! How come people can't see he's a sloth now? His rambling, shouting promos go nowhere and in fact the way he talks makes him sound like a dumbass.

Someone above said, "we're all wrestling fans here", which is true, so why in the hell would we encourage a talentless wrestler to get involved with another TNA faction wars storyline? The Main Event Mafia? Who names these things?

Eric Bischoff
Ric Flair
Hulk Hogan

Beer Money
AJ Styles
Rob Terry
TNA Security of Gunner and Murphy
Jeff and Karen Jarrett
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy

MEM 2.0? New Face Stable

Dixie Carter
Kurt Angle

Scott Steiner

That is what it looks like now. These are the feuds I see coming out of it.

Angle vs. Jarrett
Crimson vs. Abyss
Dixie vs. Heads of Immortal

Not much going on. I find it funny that Murphy and Gunner are "TNA Security" That goes back to the early years, with Red shirt and Black Shirt Security. That is an old idea rehashed. In fact this is all an old idea rehashed.

Will Sting and Nash come back? I Honestly Think So. That way it looks like the MEM. Foley Anderson and RVD are choices to join so that makes the team look like this.

MEM 2.0? New Face Stable

Dixie Carter
Kurt Angle

Scott Steiner
Kevin Nash
Mr. Anderson

I placed Foley as a head, because he could have his powers brought back by Dixie. Now the feuds look like this if that happens.

Angle vs. Jarrett
Crimson vs. Abyss
Dixie and Foley vs. Heads of Immortal
Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
RVD vs. Matt Hardy

Now that leaves on Immortal: Terry, Kaz, Beer Money, AJ Styles. I don't count Gunner and Murphy due to them being lackies. MEM2.0: Steiner, Nash, Morgan, Sting.

So now someone needs to be brought up to compete with these remaining guys. This new team needs at least a tag team...What is Williams and Magnus doing? Nothing that works. AJ will turn on Immortal and Fortune and face Kaz. It is the way the storyline is playing out. Granted this face team doesn't need the numbers Immortal has, but I think it would be better, if they did.

Tommy Dreamer may join with this new group too.

Dixie Carter
Kurt Angle

Scott Steiner
Kevin Nash
Mr. Anderson
Tommy Dreamer

That is my thinking of how it will turn out. I could be right I could be wrong, but this contains no spoilers.
I don't know why TNA wants this guy back anyway. He might've had name value a decade ago, but on a roster headlined by Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam, he ain't gonna cut it. Steiner will flounder in the midcard for six months, putting on cr*ppy matches, get injured and go away again. It's a waste of time.
You realize WWE was PG-13 when he was in the WWE right?

The product was also winding down and moving into the PG era. The WWE put major restraints on stars like Steiner. They wrote his entire script and didn't allow him to be himself. Unfortunately, this is the type of person that drew money.
The product was also winding down and moving into the PG era. The WWE put major restraints on stars like Steiner. They wrote his entire script and didn't allow him to be himself. Unfortunately, this is the type of person that drew money.

WWE didnt go PG until 2008, he left WWE in 2004. Dont use pg as a cop out. I do agree with the WWE controlling the script though.
The product was also winding down and moving into the PG era. The WWE put major restraints on stars like Steiner. They wrote his entire script and didn't allow him to be himself. Unfortunately, this is the type of person that drew money.

What killed Steiner in WWE wasn't PG, D-Man — what killed Steiner was two things:

1. His attitude (which didn't mix with the company drones at WWE — see: "Give me a fuckin' mic!")

2. The fact he didn't get along with Triple H or Stephanie McMahon.​

He came in hotter than a thousand suns at Survivor Series 2002 in front of a fuckin' raucous Madison Square Garden crowd and absolutely tore Matt Hardy and Christopher Nowinski apart in the process. The crowd went ape-shit and chanted his name within minutes of him slamming them both around.

He went on to feud in the main event with then incumbent champion Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship, wrestling him at both the Royal Rumble and at No Way Out. What happened after that (and after he lost both bouts, obviously)? He was relegated to tag-teaming with fuckin' Test (and Stacy Keibler), fucking around with La Resistance and whatever other tag-team fodder was in the company at the time. Talk about a serious downgrade.

Explain to me how a fuckin' mega-star like Steiner goes from feuding with the top dog in the company at the time to being bumped so far down the card if there weren't sinister undertones at play?

Sorry dude, but PG had nothing to do with it. WWE and Steiner simply didn't mix, and frankly, I'm glad, because it's what ultimately brought him to TNA. :)
Love me some Big Poppa Pump. One of my all time favorites. So needless to say I am incredibly happy to see him back in TNA. Now, like I said about Nash I will once again say here. Steiner won't be a major player. He has certainly lost a step or two and is not the performer he was 10 years ago during his prime, but he is still a good name and can give any young wrestler a nice rub. Also, he can still go in the ring and will give us some decent to good matches. But most of all he is a character. Steiner has always been controversial on the mic and has always been entertaining. His promos during his feud with Samoa Joe are some of my favorites ever. He is funny and ruthless on the microphone which will make for some fun promos against Immortal and Fortune.
What killed Steiner in WWE wasn't PG, D-Man — what killed Steiner was two things:

1. His attitude (which didn't mix with the company drones at WWE — see: "Give me a fuckin' mic!")

2. The fact he didn't get along with Triple H or Stephanie McMahon.​

He came in hotter than a thousand suns at Survivor Series 2002 in front of a fuckin' raucous Madison Square Garden crowd and absolutely tore Matt Hardy and Christopher Nowinski apart in the process. The crowd went ape-shit and chanted his name within minutes of him slamming them both around.

He went on to feud in the main event with then incumbent champion Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship, wrestling him at both the Royal Rumble and at No Way Out. What happened after that (and after he lost both bouts, obviously)? He was relegated to tag-teaming with fuckin' Test (and Stacy Keibler), fucking around with La Resistance and whatever other tag-team fodder was in the company at the time. Talk about a serious downgrade.

Explain to me how a fuckin' mega-star like Steiner goes from feuding with the top dog in the company at the time to being bumped so far down the card if there weren't sinister undertones at play?

Sorry dude, but PG had nothing to do with it. WWE and Steiner simply didn't mix, and frankly, I'm glad, because it's what ultimately brought him to TNA. :)

None of these points are being argued by me. That's all 100% true. But I didn't really explain myself well enough and I apologize.

What I meant was that moving into PG was ONE of the things that killed Steiner in the WWE. But slapping the "PG" label on things four years earlier than publicly advertised still doesn't explain it all. However, I did mention that Vince had a tendency of controlling his characters. He writes entire scripts for these men from start to finish, regardless of their proven track records to cut perfectly good and popular promos on their own. Steiner was not able to be himself in the WWE the same way that he was in WCW because there were too many outside parties controlling his every move (i.e. Vince, Steph, HHH, just like you mentioned.)

The PG idea was being shuffled in slowly by Vince and company ever since WCW was bought out and the WWE had no more competition and no more reasons to continue storylines and television that drew bad reviews and negativity from parents and political figures. But an even bigger reason for the WWE's change in programming came from the overwhelming amount of pro-wrestling deaths that occurred during that time period. This was coming off Vince's (now infamous) interview on the 2003 HBO Real Sports segment with Bryan Gumble that featured Vince McMahon slapping the notes from the interviewer's hands. Vince's entire company was under scrutiny and putting a stranglehold on every aspect of their product. If I recall correctly, Steiner's overwhelming size wasn't the image that Vince wanted to portray at the forefront of his programming, especially after the resurgence of the steroid scandal.

I hope my chronology is correct with all of that information.
wrestling fans who want to see a good wrestling match might not like Steiner, but he does bring a lot of entertainment.
regardless of his age or wrestling ability, his name does still bring in fans.
as long as he is not in the heavy weight title picture I think he is a benefit to TNA.
Sounds like a lot of nostalgia going on here and that's been a huge problem for TNA. Guys like Steiner coming in generate all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings due to memories we have of him doing great things in the past, how great he used to be in the ring, what he used to be involved in, etc. but none of that means a damn quite frankly.

I'm not concerned with the whethertos and whyfors Scott Steiner didn't make it in the WWE, how much of an ass he might be, the great stuff he used to do ,etc. What I'm concerned about is can Scott Steiner bring something to the table that makes me give a damn about what he's involved in now? Scott Steiner was able to get by on nostalgia during his first run in TNA, just as many big names in TNA continue to do, but I don't give a shit about that.

I don't care how great Steiner used to be, I don't care what a great team he was with his brother, I don't care about his past backstage controversies. I want to see if he can be a relevant player in TNA without nostalgia being the primary factor. If he can't, head to the indy circuit and get yourself over on the 19 year old unknowns breaking into wrestling.
The man can cut a promo and get pops, he doesn't even need to wrestle to make an impact. I'm jolly and marking that he is back. Let's let the "Good Guys" have some one with balls join them, and even out the numbers. Which faces in TNA are not involved in something right now that people will pop for? Please don't say Joe, who was hot for a minute as a beast, and he doesn't have the mic skills as Steiner, who can be a mouth piece, and also can still give a rub, if nothing else.
Wow way to take a step backward TNA. The roided up meathead whos last good match was over 10 years ago is back. Focus on building new stars like Crimson and not constantly going back to the well. Especially if that well is from the final losing years of WCW. Steiner is like a good main eventer from alternate reality where bad was good. Why not capitalize on this move and also bring back Buff Bagwell, Scott Flash Norton, Ice Train, & Steve Mongo McMichael?
Scott Steiner is much better than any of those names mentioned.
Immortal has been running things for months now, people don't want someone to return and help to go against them?
it's all about how TNA uses him.
I can't wait to see what happens when Steiner is given a mic and can cut an uncensored promo against Flair, Bischoff, and Hogan. That alone will make me tune in next week. Steiner will probably be the muscle in this new or old faction. It seems like it will be a MEM rehash with some new players like Crimson and maybe Morgan. I don't know if we will see Sting, Nash, or Booker T though. We might see at least 1 or 2 of the 3. It will be interesting to see how this faction will clash with Immortal.

I can understand why most people are on the fence bringing in the "old guys" again and having another faction war. It could be interesting, but I hope TNA doesn't draw it out for too long. I don't want to see a NWO vs. NWO Wolfpac type feud. It would really be bad if the two factions decide to join each other. Then there would be 20 people in this group.

I'm glad Steiner is back because TNA doesn't need Eric Young, Shark boy, or Orlando Jordan for comedy skits anymore. Just give Steiner a live mic and see what happens.
I hope Eric Young continues with his comedy stuff, he is funny. IMO EY is much better used in comedy rather than trying to be all serious the way TNA had him early 2010.

I hope if/when TNA reforms the MEM that they do not build it too big, regardless of how big Immortal/Fortune are.

Big Sexy is rumoured to be going to the other company, but I don't think TNA is going to miss him. replace him with Morgan, win.

while Steiner hasn't been in TNA as recently as Nash/Sting, I think his return is bigger.

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