"They" Are Coming on February 3rd?

I don't think it's the MEM coming back. If it was, you'd have a heel faction feuding with another heel faction who absorbed a third heel faction. It'd be all badguys, no heroes and that makes for sucky television (which Immortal/Fortune already is).

On a similar note, i really hope it's not the return of Nash and Sting. I respect what they did for the business, but their time has well and truly gone by. Their matches have sucked for years and their promos weren't much better. Same goes for Scott Steiner. I don't know what the f*** Dixie was thinking bringing him back.
I'm going to have to say its going to be Foley, Nash, Sting, (now Mercer), and a bunch of faces coming to stop the "bullying" of Fourtal (yes i made that up), Bischoff, and Hogan.
I personally would love to see it be who I wanted the original "They" to be either a group of TNA originals or X Division'ers trying to take the company back.

Now I don't think it'll be as specific as those ideas, but I could see it being a combonation of both. Kind of like a hodge podge of the forgotten in TNA.

The X Division has somewhat been burried since Bischoff took over. More so since 10/10/10. Yeah they get a title match on the ppv, but there is no real story behind it (set aside from cookies hair spray and Kaz's 'family jokes').

Also look at the Dixies reply to the rumor that they were phasing out the x division, (this is summarised) she said thats not true; in fact they're looking to boost it up.

Now could that mean feature them more prominent on a ppv? Could be, except they just moved Destination X to July- so I doubt it. Could it be mean bring back familiar faces that shouldn't have left in the first place... cough cough, Christopher Daniels for example. Petey Williams, is another.

Daniels is currently ROH tv Champ, so we can pretty much cross him off. But Petey ain't got shit to do.

There really isn't an X Divisioners other then Petey I would lose my shit to see return. Thats why you combine it with other burried stars of TNA past.

Either all or a combonation of Hernandez, Red, Crimson (since he is driving this crazy train) Petey Williams, Homecide, Daniels (if we could some how get him to come back) and Low Ki. And they can be led by a star who has truly just been pushed aside since Jan 4th 2010- Samoa Fucking Joe.

That team is violent. That team is entertaining. And each of these cat's has something to prove. They were all pushed aside by the new direction.

Joe, he was a champion. Lost his title to Sting and has been regulated to shitty gimmick changes and not well thought out feuds.

Red, X Divison Monster. Yet doesn't get TV time because America apparently needed to see Robbie E.

Daniels went from maineventing ppv's in November and December of 2009 to putting over the Artist formerly known as Val Venis over the course of a month.

Hernandez hasn't been seen in 6 months and I have no idea why ( other then he was working in Mexico). He went from the mainevent of No Surrender to a shitty cage match with Morgan. Then he vanished. Supposedly he's set to come back (but so is Desmond Wolfe, so I shouldn't hold my breath). Put him in this team to add some more muscle, maybe give Abyss something to do for a minute.

Homecide is obvious. He wasn't appreciated as he should be. Plus, it would be nice to see LAX back together (since I rock their t shirt and all).

My desire to have Petey in this group is simply because I'd love to see a canadian destroyer again.

And the real catch of this team would be the return of Senshi or Low ki or Kaval or whatever you want to call him.

He left after the Scott Hall no showed a ppv he was headlining and all the young talent got upset that they get pushed aside for the vetrans like Hall who didn't give a shit. It was the same ppv that Joe came out and ripped Hall right in front of Nash on the mic ( I don't remember what event it was- maybe turning point 07?).

Have him return, reform 2/3rds of XXX and have this group kick Immortals ass.

(untill you're ready to turn Fortune face)

Rant over.
I think it is mem coming back to help stop immortal. Sting is probably going to stay one more year, nash is still kicking around, angle is there, booker t and wwe did not come to terms, steiner is available. i think it would be a great stable war. MEM would be faces of course. you can have them say that they started out of respect, and since immortal doesnt show it or something, they are back to destroy them.

It may not be them exactly, but it will definately involve sting, since he was the first one to ever really know what was going on with hogan and biscoff.
I get a feeling it will be MEM minus Sting and Nash. They will have some new recruits in Crimson and RVD and Angle and Steiner might lead the pack.

Anderson should be however left alone. He can give his backing to MEM but THE top face should be a loner and do things 'on his terms'. As it is I think they are making a rival faction too early to counter Immortal and the fact that Anderson got the belt without much of a chase isn't smart booking too. Immortal and Hardy should've run rough-shot over TNA for atleast 3 to 5 more months and gained more heat before either of the aforementioned should've happened.
Lots of names being thrown out but heres who i think it will be
led by Dixie Carter
Pope, Nash, Sting, Hernandez, Magnus, Desmond Wolfe, MVP, Shelton Benjamin , Shark Boy (Give Me A Shell Yeah) THESE ARE JUST SOME NAMES I THINK THAT WILL CROP UP
And... Wait for it Hulk Hogan:hogan:. I think he will return and change sides due to "legal" reasons.

Heres who I want it to be
Yes I want it to be the MEM
Led by Dixie, it will be
Scott Steiner
Booker T
Kurt Angle
Samoa Joe
Tazz (loose afiliation)
and wait for it again ... Scott Hall and Syxx Pack

Yes i know you are probably thinking why do you want these old guys in the spotlight again. but i think i f they are all in shape and on the straight and narrow this could be EPIC.
No not an EPIC Fail an EPIC
I certainly hope that after "they" are revealed I won't see numerous posts about how TNA 'fucked this one up again'. Please don't hype this more than you should. A lot of people seemed so pissed off about the 10.10.10 "they" being who they are. Not because it's a bad decision, hell no, it was a great decision, but because it didn't go down the way they wanted.

The "they" concept is very intriguing, even now when it's done for a second time, because the conclusion of the storyline can virtually be anything, and it makes every fan's mind wonder. We all channel our inner desires for "them" to be a bunch of indy rookies, maybe legends, maybe TNA originals, Main Event Mafia, Fourtune, so on and so forth. And once they are revealed the Internet is flooded with stupid opinions by even dumber people.

"They should've brought back Daniels and the TNA originals", "They should've had rookies come and beat Immortal", yada yada yada. As if TNA has control over who they can sign, even if he/she doesn't need a TNA contract.

Personally, I won't get my hopes up and allow my imagination to cloud my judgement. We've all heard about Scott Steiner possibly signing with the company. A lot of people think that this is just a sign of the Main Event Mafia's reincarnation in TNA, and while I agree that the evidence is in the pudding, maybe the pudding is fake.

Remember when Tommy Dreamer and the rest of the belly-fat crew came on iMPACT? We all thought that these guys are "they" and were anxiously waiting to strike. Instead, it turned out to be someone else.

I feel like IF Steiner comes back, it'll only be a decoy and "they" will end up being "Fourtune". They certainly have the right reasons to turn on Immortal.

At the same time, if Fourtune turns on Immortal, that makes the babyface team a team of 9. Crimson, Styles, Kazarian, Roode, Storm, Steiner, Angle, RVD, Anderson. Immortal has Abyss, Double J, Jeff Hardy, Gunner and Murphy(?), Matt Hardy. It doesn't add up.

So what might happen is M.E.M consisting of Steiner, Angle, Crimson, RVD, Anderson, Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe. Eight versus Eight. Immortal will be Kazarian, Roode, Storm, Abyss, Double J, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and possibly the equaliser - Pope DiNero.

Team Dixie vs Team Immortals. Personally, I can't wait for a Steiner - Flair promo.

Who knows, whatever it is, I don't expect a bunch of no-name rookies coming on board. Highly doubtful. I also don't see TNA originals coming back, as much as I'd like to see Petey break Hardy's neck with The Canadian Destroyer.
So last week Abyss hinted that another "They" is coming and I'm sure that it is gunna be Dixie Carter and a few of her people. But in my perfect world I'd have a group of 4 or 5 guys, maybe 6, to go against Fourtal (My name for Bischoff's Army). So my question is if you could have 4-6 guys that ARE NOT in TNA or WWE who would they be?

1. Leader - Kevin Steen
To me this guy has it all, now he doesn't have Cena's body or CM Punk's mic skills, but him being propelled to a leader could make him work on these and push him to one of the best in the biz.

2. Tag Team - Teddy Hart and Jack Evans
These two fellas are so good its insane that they don't have WWE or TNA contracts yet, yes Teddy's mouth is a bit hostile but I think it is a plus for him. Plus Jack's high flying will be wonderous against AJ or even in a fight against Beer Money

3. The Insane One - Ricochet
Now if you haven't heard about this guy your in for a treat if you youtube him. He is the only man to execute a double moonsault, on top of that he has some of the best high flying moves that I've ever seen. The man knows how to fly and imho is in the top 10 high flyers in the wrestling world.

4. Muscle - Brodie "Big Rig" Lee
Now of course change this stupid gimmick, but if you change his demeanor he could be a monster. He is a bigger guy and he could play the muscle role so well. He could be Rob Terry with wrestling skill.

So these are my 5. Go ahead and start ripping it apart and listing your own:lmao:
2. Tag Team - Teddy Hart and Jack Evans
These two fellas are so good its insane that they don't have WWE or TNA contracts yet, yes Teddy's mouth is a bit hostile but I think it is a plus for him. Plus Jack's high flying will be wonderous against AJ or even in a fight against Beer Money

Teddy Hart WAS with WWE...twice. His attitude is what got him canned both times. He has a reputation of being an a-hole with a bad attitude and not listening.

As far as your post...I feel that TNA will most likely drop the ball again with with this. Bringing in unknown guys will make it look like a TNA version of Nexus and Im sure it'll be something else for IWC to bitch about.

I was starting to get interested in TNA with the whole "THEY" storyline the first time, but after the reveal I stopped paying attention.

THEY2.0 will probably be some guys on the roster and some guys that haven't been seen in awhile...everyone will be so PUMPED for this story only for it to fall flat again.

For those who haven't, go read the article by Mike Killam on the main page about realism in wrestling...more specifically TNA. For that reason alone I dont care about TNA anymore.
I doubt that TNA will just start to sign all these people that you say in the next, what 3 weeks? The NEW "THEY", will just be a set of OLD stars. Mb AJ, maybe Joe and Pope, Crimson, Lethal, Guns and other faces. Its a common theme.....
Good Thread.

I'd probably raid ROH.

Steve Corino
Great wrestler who never really got his due in the business

The Kings of Wrestling
Claudio Castonolige and Chris Hero are probably the best team in wrestling today

Colt Cabana
Good in ring and great on the mic

Christopher Daniels
The "inside man" with a grudge against the company that fired him
LEADER - Sting
His actions back in March come full circle. Sting's heel turn always hinted at not trusting Hogan and it turns out Sting was right. This whole thing just rings of a return for Stinger.

Pitting this big dude against "The Monster" Abyss seems ready-made. Prophet vs pariah. Amazing Red can also figure in to counter any interference.

If whatever's holding off Desmond Wolfe's return gets sorted out, I'm confident that they'll figure into this all. If Nigel's off limits, then Magnus & Doug Williams get back together and go after Beer Money.

Jay's factored into so much of this, I can't see them not using him in a quest to regain the X-Title. Chris Sabin is a good back-up though.

I see Kurt Angle & Jeff Jarrett sorting out their issues on their own as well as Jeff Hardy & Ken Anderson. Angle & Anderson will have an alliance with "nu-They", but they won't be part of the group officially.
As to who the next "They" are, I'd say that you'll see Dixie Carter pop up at some point as a non-wrestler of course. She'll serve as the "leader" of the group and probably serve as the primary mouthpiece.

I have a feeling that Sting & Mick Foley will almost certainly be part of the group as will Kurt Angle. I won't be surprised to see other members of the Main Event Mafia back like Kevin Nash, maybe even Booker T or Scott Steiner. I'd say that Sting, Foley & Angle are almost a guaranteed lock.

Crimson, of course, will be in it as well. Don't really know anything about the guy so I can't say if he'll be a contributor or not.

I'd say that there's a possibility of Douglas Williams being part of the group as well.

If the group does turn out to have a large number of older veterans, I have a feeling that the younger talent are going to be overshadowed and play very much a secondary role in the group. It's usually standard operating procedure for TNA factions comprised of a mix of older & younger wrestlers and there's not really any reason to think that it'll be any different at this time. Hopefully I'm wrong and younger talent will be given opportunities to shine here, but I'm not holding my breath.
I have a feeling that Sting & Mick Foley will almost certainly be part of the group as will Kurt Angle. I won't be surprised to see other members of the Main Event Mafia back like Kevin Nash, maybe even Booker T or Scott Steiner. I'd say that Sting, Foley & Angle are almost a guaranteed lock.

I'd love to see Kevin Nash back but from the sound of his last tweet, he's retired and looking forward to attending the WWE Hall of Fame and Wrestlemania with his buddy, Shawn. Who knows though. Money talks...but I don't think they'd offer the kind of money that would change Kevin Nash's mind.
they'll probs have dixie as the leader with sting as the second in command then they'll bring in mick foley and crimson. i wouldn't be surprised if they had joe and the pope i wouldn't bet on nash coming back i would like to see amazing red in the mix he could do with the spot light then as said angle and anderson will probs just be saved by the group now and then.
Someone i would like to see in the mix is Hernandez.
But it will be interesting to see the push they give crimzon to come straight in battle with the moster abyss take out/brawl with members of immortal/fortune then most likely face abyss in a monster's ball which i would like to see him win
With the original "They", we saw Jeff Hardy's heel turn. I am thinking with this "They", we will see a surprise face turn. I could be getting my hopes up, but I would like the pattern to be similar.
I REALLY hope that "they" don't turn out to be the Main Event Mafia... Sting, Booker T, Steiner, and Nash don't need to return. Someone should get put over by taking on Immortal and it definetly shouldn't be them. Angle is getting screwed over by Immortal so why not bring in his former Team Angle to even the odds a bit, especially against the new tag champions Beer Money?!? Bring back Bobby Lashley isn't too bad of an idea, he is no longer with Strikeforce and is likely in need of some work. Those three with Angle alone is a threatening faction of top level wrestlers. Angle with Jarrett, WGTT with Beer Money, Lashley with Abyss, Anderson with Hardy, RVD with Matt Hardy, and Morgan with Terry. Throw in Samoa Joe with Kaz and you got a hell of a faction war and matchups....
For some reason, i think "THEY" will be the Main Event Mafia (without Booker T.) and with either Mick Foley or Mr. Anderson or both and also maybe RVD in the group. IF this happens it wouldnt surprise me, now a surprise would be to see a heel turn face and having it being shocking, but i have a gut feeling it's the Mafia's return. With Sting, Nash and Angle currently faces, i could see it happening.
Oh yeah its definately the Main Event Mafia some clues were in tonights show.

1. Angle with the Black Baseball bat
2. Karen yelling at Taz after they beat up Angle. yes he was in MEM for the end of it but still was a part of them.
3. Crimson wearing the suit again.

I have only been watching TNA for 3 months closely man what have I been missing this show just keeps getting better in my opinon and I love that its geared up for adults more. WWE is still my first love but I hope TNA keeps getting better.
This They/ there coming from TNA It worked the first time I highly doubt it will work again honestly who is it this time some flash in the pan wrestlers who is only there to get a paycheck that's it, but I can't judge I think it will be Red Crimson RVD Anderson Matt Morgan and Doug Williams.
Matt Morgan I think was a one time member or almost member of MEM. He helped MEM take out Sting when Sting broke from the group. And could have offically joined MEM if he could have beat Sting in a match but lost. But I do think your right What ever the faction is Morgan will be part of it.
Personally I think it should be a group of originals led by AJ Styles. I know he can't wrestle right now but the seeds for his turn have been planted. Just have him come out after the beatdown and admit that at first he loved being in Immortal/Fortune but after a bit, he started to realize that they were bad for the company, HIS company, the one he built. He decided that it was time to clean up things so he got his old friends together. Instead, it'll be some guys that won't stay with the company much longer due to age, ones that don't need to be put over (Steiner, Sting, Nash, Angle, maybe Booker). It's kinda weak, I'd rather see Joe, Daniels, AJ, Red, Sabin, Low Ki, maybe someone like Hernandez, start busting heads.
Personally I think it should be a group of originals led by AJ Styles. I know he can't wrestle right now but the seeds for his turn have been planted. Just have him come out after the beatdown and admit that at first he loved being in Immortal/Fortune but after a bit, he started to realize that they were bad for the company, HIS company, the one he built. He decided that it was time to clean up things so he got his old friends together. Instead, it'll be some guys that won't stay with the company much longer due to age, ones that don't need to be put over (Steiner, Sting, Nash, Angle, maybe Booker). It's kinda weak, I'd rather see Joe, Daniels, AJ, Red, Sabin, Low Ki, maybe someone like Hernandez, start busting heads.

I dont want to see this. AJ and Flair together on tv are great please dont break them up. Plus didnt they try that angle already with MEM Wasnt AJ,Joe,Young,Daniels trying to take out MEM. I want to see a New younger version MEM.
Ok I've been reading through this thread and I'm sick of people repeasating Daniels. 1. Sure Daniels would love to return but he may have a small grudge ainst TNA now for firing him and 2. Daniels is ROH Television Champion in ROH way beter utlized than he was in his last eyars at TNA. he's not going to TNA anytime soon.

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