"They" Are Coming on February 3rd?

Im starting to think its going to be some original TNA stars led by Dixie. Daniels,Styles,Young and Crimson with maybe Morgan.

I dont remember seeing Young on tv last night maybe their holdong him till the 3rd. Plus cant remember but was Styles in the room when Abyss was telling Bischof about they
Eric Young does have the original Championship.

Faction warfare could be fun. I look forward to "Them," probably moreso than I did the original "them."
I don't mind them using the same they angle they did when immortal debuted, I thing it's got a nice "but I thought we were they?" kindof perspective to it. However I am going to mind tremendously if it turns out to just be another group of 40-50 year olds that have been patrolling TNA little over a year ago. TNA needs faces in the fight with immortal and it also needs new blood, this could kill two birds with one stone.

I wouldn't mind seeing some guys like for instance the kevin nash, or the sting if they return with younger guys some of which have been in TNA before and some who haven't that would be the best possible scenario in my eyes. Nash and Sting would make the most sense as the primary returnees because they can make like they've been out looking for troops to stockpile and bring into the warzone which is TNA at this time, after their retreat when immortal was initially formed. I would have been a bad way to leave the way they had.

I heard a rumour that Scott Steiner might be coming back also, so it might be the revitalised MEM, I just hope it's not all the same guys, that would suck the big cahoona. Mind you they already have red's "younger brother" so that's a nice start. The most important thing is not bring too many guys that immortal look like they can be easily overpowered. Immortal is Fortune - 5 guys including Flair + the rest - Rob, The hardys, Abyss and Jarrett which makes for a full 10 guys. It would make sense to bring in less guys than is in immortal so immortal still looks like the stronger faction.

There is already 3 guys anderson, morgan and RVD fighting immortal, 4 if you count foley and 5 if you count angle which would in my mind mean they should have a maximum 5 guys turning up. If sting, nash and steiner all return that only leaves one spot.....it could so easily be booker T as angle is already there. All I can say is I hope to god it's sting nash and some other guys, I couldn't stomach another MEM run, they were way to old the first time around.
It wasnt "They" that was said on Impact it was "Their" so i'm guessing the message was sent as a sort of mind game, funny thing is that Easy E and Ric Flair told Abyss that he is probally having flashbacks. Maybe the will play it out like that till Feb 3, unless a new member of this new group attacks a different member of Immortal every week. It does seem to have a MEM type build, not sure if thats the name that will be used if at all any. I do see Mr. Anderson and RVD along with Matt Morgan, Kurt Angle and Reds Brother Crimson apart of "Their" , also I think maybe there might be some kind of War Games type deal that goes down with the winning faction take total control. My swerve that I believe that is gonna come out of all this is gonna be AJ Styles seeing the light and joining "Their" and standing up for TNA. Maybe thats why is isnt really wrestling right now. Immortal has 2 Hardys, Abyss, Storm and Roode, Kaz, AJ Styles(for now) Rob Terry Ric Flair Eric Biscoff and Hulk Hogan. Thats 11 guys, but knowing Hogan isnt in any shape to get in the ring it makes 10, thats if Eric gets in the ring, otherwise its 9. It has to be a 10 on 10 battle, so "Their" needs 5 more guys. I do see Jay Lethal maybe Doug Williams maybe Hernandez, Foley cuz of Flair, and or maybe a suprise or two. It will atleast be Anderson, RVD, Angle, Morgan and Crimson. It might all turn out to be a waste of a storyline, but either as of now its got my attention. Congrats to Mr. Anderson Anderson for finally winning a world title.
Are you serious?

TNA is too damn lazy, stupid, and busche league to write a real storyline, with real hype, buildup, and a dramatic conclusion. So instead they pull another generic "They!" are coming. Stoop that low?

I'm guessing a gang of jobbers or old people.
Lol yeah I agree TNA storylines are the worst...Joe went from a personal feud with Jeff Jarret to the Pope, who out of no were turns heel. But back on topic I think ''They'' will obviously be the face stable to battle Fortune/Immortal.
Ok I think I can confirm "they" are going to be Main Event Mafia!

I watched that scene again where Abyss gets jumped by Crimson. Crimson if you pause it while he is choking Abyss is dressed just like the MEM he is wearing a black suit with a red tie. Why else would he be dressed like he is part of the Mafia or dressed up to jump a guy? Crimson must be MEM new young recruit Hitman and Abyss is just crimson's first HIT. Crimson will probably be getting every member of Imortal leading up to Feb 3rd.

With Fortune and maybe Mem thats just to many guys fighting in suits lol
They could mean either the Main Event Mafia - Sting, Nash, Angle, Samoa Joe

This is all that has been playing through my head recently. Sting, Nash, Joe, and Angle are all faces right now. They were the original heel stable for TNA that put them on the map. Now this new heel power stable has come through and to put it mildly, they have been a thorn in the former Main Event Mafia's side.

The only problem I can see is that Joe is feuding with Pope, so that leaves the forgotten MEM Lacky... Ironically he's also Fortune's former lacky. That, my friends, is Matt Morgan. This gives TNA four against Fortune... while it also leaves Anderson & RVD to feud with the Hardyz and Douglas Williams with Abyss.

I really hope it's MEM because to be honest, I miss MEM... The group, IMO, was what brought TNA to the dance. Sure they've been around and been good long before then, but nobody cared about TNA when they were connected to NWA.
Now I was thinking maybe "THEY" are the main event mafia. Now that Angle has returned could we see the reformation of one of the most dominant groups in wrestling since the NWO? EV2 didnt work immortal ran em out. So maybe the MEM is the way to go.
So why not bring in the most dominant faction in TNA history and turn them face? I mean you already have Angle bring back Nash and Sting (deception) and if big poppa pump returns i think this could be very interesting. What are your thoughts?
Its kinda obvious that "they" is going to be the mem. Angle is already face, bring back Booker T and the crowd will love it, Steiner although he isnt the best wrestler in the world is the funniest person in the world with a live mic, and Sting and Nash could be face simply because they refused to join Immortal.

Its obvious that is who its going to be.....
Nas already said he isn't going to re-sign with TNA.. Sting I very much doubt will return to TNA.. not so sure about Scott Steiner and Booker.. Well don't know about him.. I think if it is going to be MEM.. it will be using current wrestlers.. But am not too keen on 'THEY' beeing the MEM.. We'll just have to see..
I really doubt it and think it would be a terrible move for TNA. Personally I have no better ideas at the moment other than it being a faction organised by Dixie Carter, but I think the storyline is stupid as it is and has to be one of the quickest recyclings of an idea in wrestling history, as i do not believe this counts as a continuation of the original 'They' angle.
I am obviously dreaming, but I use to love the Ultimate Warrior. I think him and Hogan have always had that rivalry that everyone knows about young and old. I think it would be neat to have him come back to be the leader of "They" and feud with hogan. I also think you could be right with the MEM. Even though Kevin Nash has said he would not return to TNA, could that be so it would be a suprise to everyone if he does indeed return. You can never tell what TNA will do and who "They" will be. I just hope TNA makes it interesting like they did at the first of last year.
I don't thinks so because, Kurt is a very good leader, Scott Steiner can be back, Maybe Samoa Joe can join in and even possibly make a story for Matt Morgan being accepted now.
but what about the rest?

Sting can be the easiest between the 3 to attract. Nash said he's not resigning and Booker T is looking to go back to WWE, so its not that simple.

The funny part is that Angle and Steiner where the best two performers in MEM, as nash got in better shape later on and booker T, well he was just boring.

I would love to see MEM, but if it was just a stepping stone for Immortals (i think it would be) I hope it doesn't happen. I wouldn't be able to stand Matt Hardy or Abyss beat up Kurt Angle or Scott Steiner, they're at different levels.
Let's f'ing hope not.

That's all we need, the return of a bunch more old veterans and past their prime stars to oppose Hogan, Bischoff and Jarrett, and further take the spots away from the younger guys. The MEM storyline sucked when it was first done, and ended without any real closure, bringing them back would just be silly. And it would make absolutely no sense with this Crimson's involvement. But, this is TNA....
It depends. Are we talking The Main Event Mafia, consisting of Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Sting, Booker T? If "they" are THAT M.E.M then HELL no.

Now, rumors are circulating that Scott Steiner could come back - that's fine with me. Steiner is pure Gold on the mic. Kurt is already there. So maybe the new M.E.M would be

Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Mr.Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan and (maybe) AJ Styles?

I'm okay with them taking the name but adding some familiar faces to it. I don't like the idea of having the original M.E.M back because ..

1. M.E.M will take out Immortal. Which means that young guys like Fourtune will be defeated by the stars, and that's bad.

2.The Legends have NOTHING to gain here. Nash and Sting's careers are over, that's it. Steiner will be in TNA for a year if not even less, and he'll retire too. 2011 is Kurt's last year with TNA I'm sure. Not good.

3. Wasn't MEM a big ass heel faction that took TNA over and burried its young guys? What's the logic there? Why would they be faces?

So, it all depends on WHO'S in M.E.M (if they are going to be M.E.M).

Personally, I think "they" will be Fourtune. We all know what happens at 27th, and if TNA wanted to keep something a secret, they would've done a better job. I think what happens is a decoy and "they" are closer than Immortal thinks.
Hey everyone. Im a little new to this forum, but here we go. I would love for it to be the MEM because I think TNA has lost some star power since Booker T, Sting, and Nash have been gone. I realize they are all past their primes, but they still bring something to TNA that the main younger guys don't. With reports of Booker T and Sting possibly returning to the WWE, you have to wonder if those reports are true, or if they were put out there to throw people off. As for Nash denying things on twitter, well that could very easily just be him trying not to ruin the storyline.
The other thing I thought about when I heard the "They" thing again was that it could possibly be a group of wrestlers from ROH or other promotions. I have seen lately that a few ROH guys have had tryout matches with TNA so that is a posssibility. Also that would make more sense with have Amazing Red's brother be the one who said it. It would be really weird to have a brand new guy nobody has ever heard of talking for the MEM.
I was a fan of the original Main Event Mafia storyline and even I hope it's not them reuniting. TNA needs to stop rehashing past storylines and stables, They should focus on what they have and create something new.. If they had done this in the first place they maybe would have competed a little tougher with The Monday Night War that was never a war. People don't want to see Nasty Boys, people don't want to see ECW old timers. They had great young talent that have taken a backseat ever since Eric and Hogan came in. I hope Sting swallows his pride and signs for a one time deal with Vince so Sting can make the Hall of Fame. I hope Booker T signs with WWE so he can have a limited role and help out with Tough Enough. I hope Steiner doesn't turn face he plays the role of a heel better, and is awesome on the mic because you never know what will come out of his mouth. I hope Nash just becomes a manager for someone in either WWE or TNA and stays out of the ring. He could help someone in that capacity.

I think "They" might be an AJ Styles led faction to take back "his" company. TNA Frontline with Samoa Joe, Hernandez, I would love if Homicide was brought back and maybe Christopher Daniels... I just hope it's not past stars competing with Immortals.
Kevin Nash recently Tweeted that he hasn't re-signed with TNA... In fact, he's "retired", or so he says.

Scott Hall could work as a mouthpiece for the new group, but I'm not big on him or Waltman possibly returning.

El Generico is still under contract with Ring Of Honor.

Eric Bischoff & Dixie Carter both said that TNA has no plans to phase out the X-Division. Dixie even added they're looking to revitalize it. Maybe we'll see someone return or step up?

If Sting is ever planning on returning to TNA, this is pretty much THE time. Stinger's not quite the man he used to be, but it was clear before that he was always after Hogan & seeking to get rid of him by any means necessary. Turned out Sting was right... As a manager with some in-ring time, I think Sting should be the guy to lead "They" II, whatever their actual name may be.
The ONLY way this storyline could/would work is if THEY turn out to be Fourtune and Ric Flair and company turn on Immortal. That way Immortal's eliminated and it puts over the young talent, because Fourtune is consisting of all young talent for TNA who were being pushed back as second fiddle up until the last PPV. I'd be entirely okay with it being Fourtune and them taking out Immortal because of Immortal being "outsiders" trying to take over TNA and push the originals aside.

I have a feeling it's going to be something uninteresting though, and just disappointing, like Kurt Angle leading some kind of group. The problem is Crimson because the guys a nobody and he doesn't logically fit into anything. He's just some random guy the audience doesn't know.
TNA just needs to scrap this new "they" storyline...we just saw this a few months ago. If anything Nash isn't going to re-sign, Steiner is coming back but not for MEM...Sting most likely will not re-sign so that he will be able to accept his induction into the WWE HOF.

There are no free agent stars that will add shock value to TNA. They wasted Matt Hardy, EV2.0 is pretty much wasted and gone...What is TNA going to do, add faces on the roster and say THEY are coming again when THEY have already been there?

TNA took half the roster for Immortal, the other half is going to be the new THEY so there can be this power struggle over who controls TNA? Come on, Im tired of TNA treating its fans like idiots. Like we dont know WHO REALLY controls TNA.

Scrap this storyline and the writers and get some new ones.

Immortal only has 4 wrestlers....and add Fortune and 9 total. The group that battles them can consist of Angle, Morgan, Anderson, Williams, MCMG, Steiner, RVD and Crimson.
They are not the MEM. Steiner may be coming back but Sting and Nash are not apart of TNA no more and Samoa Joe is in a feud with the Pope. Besides the MEM was a heel stable and can only work as a heel stable, not a face stable at all.
Crimson gave it away when he appeared in a black suit and red tie, the Main Event Mafia is on their way to save Dixie's company. I think there will be new faces (Mercer) and some old faces that make up the new MEM. Up till now only Immortal has had the strength to run the company. Every individual that tries to go against them (Morgan & Williams) gets squashed. The only way to get back in power for Dixie is to bring someone in that can challenge Immortal and physically take the company back.

IMO if they do come back this would be the perfect spot to bring back Desmond Wolfe. I would have Kurt Angle, Sting, and Scott Steiner as the older members. Then add Crimson, Wolfe, and 1 more young guy.
Just because Crimson showed up and beat up Abyss in a suit does not mean the Main Event Mafia will comeback. MEM works as a heel faction not a face one.

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