"They" Are Revealed; Fourtune Turns on Immortal!

:lol::lol: Wow buddy. You're fucking delusional. TNA didn't swerve us by placing false reports. Booker, Nash, and even apparently Sting backed out of the angle after seeing how poorly it was being managed. I can't blame them. After seeing Abyss stumble onto the stage with Janice or whatever embedded in his back, TNA solidified itself as a joke of epic proportions. But are you honestly trying to say this was the plan from the beginning? Get your head out of your ass bro. This was a last minute replacement after TNA management screwed the pooch by greenlighting an angle for which the talent hadn't been signed yet. Just go ahead and believe your non sense, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I can't wait to see Mark Madden destroy them for this.

From Dixie Carter's questions session on Twitter:

"Dixie: Booker was not available for any MEM angle. Kevin Nash was under contract with TNA and was just recently released for reasons I will not disclose. From the beginning, if we did a MEM angle it would not have been with the original group and it would have been a short-term story to get to something else. To see “THEY” tune in TONIGHT on SPIKE. I’m pretty sure the fans will be happy. I know I am."

Should I believe a WWE mark or the president of TNA who actually has insight on what's happening?
:lol::lol: Wow buddy. You're fucking delusional. TNA didn't swerve us by placing false reports. Booker, Nash, and even apparently Sting backed out of the angle after seeing how poorly it was being managed. I can't blame them. After seeing Abyss stumble onto the stage with Janice or whatever embedded in his back, TNA solidified itself as a joke of epic proportions. But are you honestly trying to say this was the plan from the beginning? Get your head out of your ass bro. This was a last minute replacement after TNA management screwed the pooch by greenlighting an angle for which the talent hadn't been signed yet. Just go ahead and believe your non sense, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I can't wait to see Mark Madden destroy them for this.

how is mark madden relate to this yea it was mem but this was good and i like it and put the young guys first. should have been the plan
He didn't book Miz vs Jerry fucking Lawler, that's all I know.

Believe me, Russo would gargle Lawler's balls if he could get him. Lawler is a bigger draw than anyone on his current roster.

He didn't bring out a midget in the middle of "one of the most satisfying" Royal Rumbles in recent years to take out half the roster with Cena.

No, he simulated a stabbing with a board with nails in it. My bad, much better.

He doesn't make wrestlers dance or sing, he doesn't have a laptop for a general manager, and even if he did - he'd have a conclusion to the storyline, he wouldn't alow John Cena (who was fired) to come out to his own music, wearing knee pads and roaming around the arena as if he was still emlpoyed.

I'm pretty sure I saw about 10 seconds of a fist pumping contest with Jay Lethal and some Jersey dude before I changed the channel. Luckily my remote was closer than my pistol.

I saw the reaction Nash got. I want to see if he'll get the SAME reaction on three RAWs in a row. He's a returning wrestler who has not been in WWE for YEARS. Fuckin' X-Pac could come back and they'd cheer. You can't be that stupid.

You may be right, in fact I'm sure you are.

Nash was a shocker? Is that why we all knew he was coming with T?

We all did? I'm pretty sure that the majority of wrestling fans aren't internet nerds like us. Factor in the nerds who don't look at spoilers, and the numbers likely lean in my favor.

First half of the RR was Nexus eliminating people one by one. Then John Cena comes out and eliminates ALL of them without breaking a sweat. Then the event continued with a MIDGET taking people out, a midget who by the way lasted longer than your butt-buddy Kevin Nash AND Booker T combined, and all of that ended in a mediocre mexican winning THE BIGGEST ROYAL RUMBLE in history and the runner up was Santino Marella. If that's satisfying then I'm not the one who's full of it.

Mediocre Mexican>85% of TNA roster, mic wise and work rate.

Midget>Bigger draw than Abyss.

Cena= Biggest draw in the business, he's definitely going to get the upper hand at an event like this.

Santino= Twice as entertaining as TNA on his own.

Yet you'd jizz your pants if he came back tomorrow.

I was always a fan of Hardy, and if he was to get clean and stop being a useless dopehead, I'd welcome him back with open arms.

It's Television for the simple minded. Bright colors, loud music - just what a boy with the attention span of a 5 years old needs. That and some Cena balls in his mouth.

*Sigh* If you're not funny, don't try to force it. You're trying so hard to prove your point, and while I'm offering little to no substance to my argument other than bashing TNA, you're getting your cunt all twisted up. These are the only true facts I can present; TNA hasn't delivered on a true swerve since Immortal's arrive, which was the first one since Samoa Joe joining MEM. WWE has delivered consistently. This was not a big swerve. A big swerve doesn't have to end with a 10 minute promo to explain everything to make sense, a good swerve happens and ends the show, leaving the audience in peril for the next week.

Well, it's been real homie, but this was far too much work.

From Dixie Carter's questions session on Twitter:

"Dixie: Booker was not available for any MEM angle. Kevin Nash was under contract with TNA and was just recently released for reasons I will not disclose. From the beginning, if we did a MEM angle it would not have been with the original group and it would have been a short-term story to get to something else. To see “THEY” tune in TONIGHT on SPIKE. I’m pretty sure the fans will be happy. I know I am."

Should I believe a WWE mark or the president of TNA who actually has insight on what's happening?

I can't really decide which is sadder; the fact that you actually believe a panicking lady desperately trying to cover her tracks, or that you ACTUALLY FOLLOW DIXIE CARTER ON TWITTER. I don't care what she says, no more than I care what OJ says. She won't admit defeat.
Ok i read the spoliers and i hated it, but i watched it tonight and i thought it came off well and actually was interesting and will give it a chance, but theres 2 things points here being debated that i take issue with.

1) They defintely need more of a threat on the immortals side to make this work. The Hardy, JJ, Terry, Abyss (not there), and Gunner and Murphy is a very weak group. The new faction should destroy them, but ill give them a chance too make immortal credible.

2) Whoever is saying that this was TNA's "swerve" to the MEM is out of there mind, first of all you have no actual facts to back that up. Second Dixie saying what she said on Twitter is a "coverup" to make them not look weak for not being able to bring back Nash, Booker, or Sting. Do not give TNA credit they dont deserve for working us people, because its probably not true. Every report we were getting on these sites was telling us they wanted to bring MEM back.

I will give them credit for doing the angle well tonight and will hope for the best. But if you dont think this wasnt a last minute desperate switch, then i think TNA actually swerved you !!!
i loved this idea it kept u on our toes about who "they" are. I for one thought it was MEM but b/c of nash/booker showin up @ RR and the rumors bout sting/wwe it made TNA really think bout what to do. overall i give it a 8.5
how is mark madden relate to this yea it was mem but this was good and i like it and put the young guys first. should have been the plan

..................... What?

I'll try to translate:

How is Mark Madden even related to this? Yeah it was supposed to be the return of the Main Event Mafia, but this turned out to be good and I liked it. It put the young guys first, they way it should have been to begin with.

Is that what you were trying to say? If so, here's my response.

Mark madden always talk about tna and make fun of them and i think good . he make laugh and i like see what he has to say about tna product. sure this angle is ok i have no prob with this but most people act like greatest angle all time. super cool. i think not that good.

Thank you.
Ok i read the spoliers and i hated it, but i watched it tonight and i thought it came off well and actually was interesting and will give it a chance, but theres 2 things points here being debated that i take issue with.

1) They defintely need more of a threat on the immortals side to make this work. The Hardy, JJ, Terry, Abyss (not there), and Gunner and Murphy is a very weak group. The new faction should destroy them, but ill give them a chance too make immortal credible.

2) Whoever is saying that this was TNA's "swerve" to the MEM is out of there mind, first of all you have no actual facts to back that up. Second Dixie saying what she said on Twitter is a "coverup" to make them not look weak for not being able to bring back Nash, Booker, or Sting. Do not give TNA credit they dont deserve for working us people, because its probably not true. Every report we were getting on these sites was telling us they wanted to bring MEM back.

I will give them credit for doing the angle well tonight and will hope for the best. But if you dont think this wasnt a last minute desperate switch, then i think TNA actually swerved you !!!

You have no actual facts that it was the MEM either and don't use the dirt sheet sites as a source. They never promoted MEM or even used the words MEM at any point in time on TV, Facebook, Twitter, or their website. I am sorry if people can't comprehend the fact that unless the Main Event Mafia was actually promoted by TNA then no one has any right to be mad or knock TNA. No one and I mean no one on this site should be passing off any thing as fact because we don't know what the official story line was.

I also don't want to see people say well they had the MEM attire on and Scott Steiner came back. Well last time Scott Steiner was in TNA he was part of the MEM. So wouldn't it make sense that he would be this character when he came back. So since that is his attire wouldn't the guy he hires to choke people out also have that same mentality as him and dress like him? You know like how all of Fortune wear suits. Steiner came out to help his old partner who happened to be in his faction when he was last with he company. Through this whole process there was never any mention besides the dirt sheet websites that MEM was returning.
I can't believe people are getting personal to one other over this? Wow I bet half of you haven't had a fight in your life, and couldn't do any better than Vince Russo is doing for that matter. Just a bunch of keyboard gangsters whining as usual. If you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT. For the simple minded you can do this by grabbing your remote and pressing the "off" switch, simple you see? :) Idiots. Wrestling is meant to be ENTERTAINMENT, not a bunch of freaks who can't even get laid arguing over it. Get a fucking life.
I didnt say that either MB, im saying it could have been either way, we just dont know but you cant say TNA pulled a swerve that you dont know if it was really a swerve or a desperate attempt to save face. Im not mad at them, this could work but they got some work to do.

All im saying is that no one can say TNA worked us, because you have no clue if they did and likewise i have no clue that they didnt
correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Crimson choke out AJ the first week that he started talking about Feb 3rd? this doesn't make sense in retrospect...I miss Sting...he needs to shit or get off the pot...WWE or TNA, I'll follow him anywhere, we just need him on TV...
I didnt say that either MB, im saying it could have been either way, we just dont know but you cant say TNA pulled a swerve that you dont know if it was really a swerve or a desperate attempt to save face. Im not mad at them, this could work but they got some work to do.

All im saying is that no one can say TNA worked us, because you have no clue if they did and likewise i have no clue that they didnt

Your right and I was really just making the point in general. The people on the side of thinking TNA got screwed and had to rewrite over night only have dirt sheet sites to reference. Then on the other side you have Dixie Carter saying Booker T was never an option ( This report actually lines up with a dirt sheet report that said TNA never approached Booker for the angle ) and that Kevin Nash was recently released for undisclosed reasons. I believe she never mentioned Sting.
Ignoring the obvious speculation;

This was fantastically played out on Impact tonight. Fourtune weren't core members of Immortal, they joined under the leadership of Ric Flair the night after Bound For Glory. They still walked around as Fourtune, associate-members of Immortal and Reaped in the prosperity. If you can't beat em join em, am I right? Fourtune has always been about reaping the rewards of life and what better then capturing all the gold? Say what you want about time frames but the fact remains Fourtune has the gold and ultimately turned out to be "THEY" v2.0.

Things should get plenty interesting(and refreshing) now they've broken the mold and are "tweeners/faces". A.J. Styles is face again, will he seek a title run? Is he going to feud with Jeff Hardy? Will he bury the hatchet with Kurt Angle? What about Beer Money? Will they feud with Gen Me? Or will they be placed into an angle with Gunner and Murphy? Getting to fans to think of all sorts of scenarios is great booking and in my opinion, TNA really hit home on this one.

So whether it was planned or not; Take it for what its worth, Its a scenario that has A LOT of potential, regardless of how it came about.
While it was surprising (when I read it in the spoilers), it was shocking for all the wrong reasons just like the original "they" storyline was shocking: The massive plot holes. You can try to justify it in with "all those beatdowns were meant to throw us off" or "They've been building up to this for a long time." But it isn't justified and it doesn't make sense and anyone with even a minimal sense of logic would see that. But as it is, this was likely the best result TNA could put together on such short notice.

I will say this, for what it was, it was much funner to watch than it was to read. The prospect of a face A.J. Styles has me giddy like a school girl. The turn itself does impose some issues though (again ignoring the huge, and I do mean huge plot holes).

The face faction is too large; 7 members by my count, not counting Anderson, RVD, or Morgan all of whom have issues with someone in Immortal. All this while Immortals 6 members (not counting an injured Abyss) seem closer to 5 and a 1/2 given Gunner and his buddies lack of everything. Again, presuming Anderson, RVD, and Morgan just decided to up and move onto something else (which *sigh TNA is likely to do) the face faction is too large and quite frankly, is filled with much better wrestlers.

The continuation of this never ending faction wars in TNA. I'm honestly sick of it. Three years is enough no?

Goes back to my first point, where does Anderson go from here? It would be an error of massive proportions to push faction wars part 16 over the title reign of a person you are trying to make your SCSA. Anderson has all the tools needed to become a great champion, but he likely won't get the chance to be showcased and given enough time to build himself up since it appears that, just as with Hardy, factions are more important to champions.
There's no doubt in my mind they was suppose to be the Main Event Mafia. Kevin Nash did an interview on cowheadtv.com Wednesday saying he was suppose to be apart of it. However after watching Impact he decided against it feeling that the storyline made no sense among other reasons.

However I think TNA did a descent job changing to fortune especially with short notice. In the long run I think TNA is better off without the Main Event Mafia. I think Styles' promo was great and in my opinion makes a better face than a heel. The only problem I have with it is Crimson recently beat the hell out of Immortal members including Styles while claiming they are coming. If it was the plan all along why attack Styles. On the other hand continuity in pro wrestling has never been that big of a deal.
Ok, I get it. TNA planned the MEM return without booking the talent. So they try an angle of a face turn that totally makes sense...


You try to figure out why Crimson attacked AJ 2 weeks ago, telling him that THEY were coming.

It's a good thing everyone forgot about... oh... yeah.


It's like a monkey at the zoo hurling a big pile of doo doo at the audience, and all 23 TNA fans are eating it up.
I thought it was great that the wrestlers got out of the ring quicker than normal. Unless, there was some editing they seem to scurry really well so we just focused on just Styles hitting The Clash on Hardy.

Then AJ gets on the mic and basically says whats the TNA critics have been saying about Hogan and Eric for the past year or so meanwhile, the crowd chants "We Want 6 Sides", ....and we end the show.

I am sure it will be hated too... no matter if TNA agrees with the fans and disagrees with the critics or disagree with their fans and agree with the critics they still get hated...

:( I enjoyed it.
i consider myself a TNA Original fan since 2006 and i have too say i loved the ending of Impact AJ said everything that we original fans have been thinking for a year now and the fans chanting "WE WANT 6 SIDES" was the icing on top of the cake and a very good storline save by TNA. I was stoked at the idea of the MEM coming back but this is far better than that i cant wait till next thursday! and of course all the wwe marks already are shitting on TNA for no reason cause they thought vince pulled a fast one on us and fucked or main event storyline but thier pissed now cause TNA saved the story and made it better cause all the old crustys are not there to take up TV time
This was great. One of the biggest complaints on here is that the fans don't like booing the OG's of TNA and now they don't have to, they're faces.

And if anybody was douting AJ's skill on the mic as a face(he never needed to turn heel, imo), check out his promo afterward.

Fortune as "They" is great, it threw everyone off. Definitely tuning in next week.
Really enjoyed this.

Actually felt it was coming after AJ and Bischoff in the back when AJ kept telling him "we got this". It had the feel of a turn so I guess they could have toned that down a bit, but all in all a nice turn. I get the whole suits thing for Angle and Steiner, maybe the "elder statesmen" of pre-Hogan TNA ("call me Mister").

Is anyone else thinking that this could have been the direction all along. Bischoff was pretty hard on AJ for a couple weeks before the "They" storyline started. They booked all of fortune to win 2 of the belts (after so much talk about belts = power, fortune had them). And Nash says to have pulled out of his contract back in January. This has all the signs of a Bischoff taking everyone on a ride one way and leading us off the cliff because we were wrong.
Another Russo special? You automatically throw Russo's name whenever you consider something to be bad as if the guy was still doing the same shit he used to before WCW's death, when infact if you got your head out of your ass you'd find out that Russo has booked TNA in a better and more exciting way than WWE has in a LONG time. If Russo's specials are delivering a shocker like WWE never could, by wrestlers who can run circles around 99.9% of WWE's roster and adding much needed life into a storyline that was going nowhere until Fourtune turned face - then fuck yeah it was a Russo special.

I don't automatically throw his name around. He's the head of TNA's creative team right? He's TNA's head booker, yes? That means that unless Dixie Carter steps in and overrules him, he's in charge of the storylines that make it onto TNA television. As for the Vince Russo Specials, the man does big faction/corporate power struggle and/or takeover storylines and random character changes. It's happened NUMEROUS times in TNA and you're the one that's got your head stuck up your ass if you can seriously sit and say otherwise.

The Rumble WAS a let-down. As usual, the WWE marks loved the shit out of it because it's WWE, and that's what has to happen.

Maybe TNA should've had a 60 years old man compete for the TNA World Title in a Main Event at Against all Odds, I bet you'd like that. Have a few dance offs too, you know for "entertainment" value. Is Pee Wee Herman taking bookings? Nah, fuck him, let's have a fucking MIDGET take out grown ass men. That's entertaining and makes total sense.

Aaaahhh the last bastion of the hopeless, blind TNA mark. You have to desperately try and turn anything into a WWE vs. TNA thing. Here's the thing about that:

A. The WWE has absolutely nothing to do with it. You can rag on the WWE all you like if it makes you feel better. Despising the WWE is all well and good but the hatred you have for them can't explain the sheer, absolute shit that has been TNA Wrestling for a very long time now. I know it's rather fashionable to blame anything and everything bad in wrestling on Vince McMahon or the WWE at large but even Vince can't take credit for the atrocioius ideas of every other company. That honor in the case of TNA would fall upon the shoulders of Vince Russo, Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff.

B. This latest shocker, as it's been called, is nothing more than the same thing to come out of Russo time and time again. It's another faction war, an exceptionally one sided one when you look at the people involved. Seriously, am I supposed to be excited about the prospect of Beer Money vs. Gunner & Murphy? Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett for the upteenth time? Kazarian vs. Matt Hardy? Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry? And that's not counting bringing in guys like Morgan & Anderson as allies. The only potentially interesting feud that could come of this would be AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy, if they decide to go that route. Other than that, it's like Fortune vs. EV2.0 all over again with Immortal substituting for EV2.0. It's nothing more than another example of mediocrity dressed up with smoke and mirrors. How many times has TNA announced shockers or surprises that will set the wrestling world on its ear? Quite a few. And how many of them have actually lived up to the hype generated? Virtually none and this is just another example.

So, as I said, hate on WWE all you like. I know WWE has flaws, some of which are exceptionally bad, and I'm not going to try and convince you that WWE is better. I've got better things to do with my time and energy. But, as I said, WWE has absolutey nothing to do with TNA's mediocrity.
Ok, I get it. TNA planned the MEM return without booking the talent. So they try an angle of a face turn that totally makes sense...


You try to figure out why Crimson attacked AJ 2 weeks ago, telling him that THEY were coming.

It's a good thing everyone forgot about... oh... yeah.


It's like a monkey at the zoo hurling a big pile of doo doo at the audience, and all 23 TNA fans are eating it up.

Theres been a couple of times before where somebody was attacked in order to pull the swerve out right. This wasnt the first time and besides it was only a choke dude... Relax lol

Besides wasnt smackdown pulling a 1.7 a few weeks ago? Thats not really that much better than impact. TNA is only in its 8th year of existence so yeah theyre gonna be getting their asses kicked by a company that has been a staple in american pop culture for 30 + years.

Theres a reason why I said 30 + years. Cause WWE was getting it ass kicked for 25 years straight. The WWE only had control of the northeast, the NWA had everything else outside of that and the northern plains ( AWA ). And WWE had a advantage to starting their company because it was a part of NWA. Yes TNA was too... But we all know that company was on life support for 15 years. So TNA almost had to start from scratch unlike WWE.

I'd say be a true wrestling fan and support both companies. Cause right now youre just looking a WWE mark.
well first off i dont normally read the tna spoilers cuz i like not knowing while i watch. as big as this show was hyped to b, i had to once seeing the 2-21-11 promo. HAD to c if sting was there. he wasnt. my reaction was lukewarm. but cn aj finally bn solid as hell on the mic for once sold it for me. nice job. it was obviously thrown together after the nonsignings but they had a more than decent plan b w/ fortune. as a previous poster said, the throw up signals in the ring gave me a brief spine shiver. tna can lay some turds every now and then, but this wasnt one of them.
Theres been a couple of times before where somebody was attacked in order to pull the swerve out right. This wasnt the first time and besides it was only a choke dude... Relax lol

Besides wasnt smackdown pulling a 1.7 a few weeks ago? Thats not really that much better than impact. TNA is only in its 8th year of existence so yeah theyre gonna be getting their asses kicked by a company that has been a staple in american pop culture for 30 + years.

Theres a reason why I said 30 + years. Cause WWE was getting it ass kicked for 25 years straight. The WWE only had control of the northeast, the NWA had everything else outside of that and the northern plains ( AWA ). And WWE had a advantage to starting their company because it was a part of NWA. Yes TNA was too... But we all know that company was on life support for 15 years. So TNA almost had to start from scratch unlike WWE.

I'd say be a true wrestling fan and support both companies. Cause right now youre just looking a WWE mark.

Look, I'd like nothing more than to see TNA succeed and provide actual competition for the WWE, but blindly supporting mediocre angles have nothing to do with it. Yes, Smackdown was pulling a 1.7, but that's their B show. The TNA A show isn't even fucking with them. By comparison, Detroit 1-8-7 is pulling on average a 1.0 rating and is considered as "Sure to be canceled at season's end" even though it garnered much more viewers in the beginning. At TNA's best, it pulls between 1.0 and 1.3, only one time garnering a 1.5, yet it gets multiple chances to rectify since it's on a small time cable network.

I really just don't buy this idea that TNA is doing something remarkable with this angle. It's basically the same angle as the Wolfpac splitting from the NWO, only with about 1/8 of the viewership. This was around the time where WCW started losing in the ratings battle and eventually lost the war. TNA hasn't even started to compete, yet it already seems to have thrown in the proverbial towel. Angles where 75% of the roster is involved rotating between 2 or more factions are historically failures, yet TNA seems to think they can defy logic. I'm getting the feeling that they'll be wrong again with this clusterfuck.
I kind of dont like that excuse that "Smackdown is the B Show" or "Superstars is the C Show" so their ratings dont matter for those shows.

Because its still WWE isnt it?

Maybe, its just a bad day...they are plenty of other stuff on sometimes I just out right forget that TNA is on on Thurdays.

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