Insurance Policy Cancelled; Morgan Turns Face, Williams to Follow?

So the human blueprint continues his sine wave pattern in TNA huh?

Overall its good thing to take some meat off immortal/fourtune and beef up the opposition to immortal. Hopefully Matts face turn will be fruitful and long.

As for the brutality it was over the top, but i think people are overreacting with the stomping on Beniots grave statements.

As for Williams him being mad about AJ stealing the win, that is not a reason for him to break off on its own.
Morgan will hopefully have a chance to really become the face of the company. TNA really needs a breakout star. Morgan, Joe, Pope, Anderson, they all should be given the ball. Let them see who runs with it. Whoever it is who really leads the charge against the Immortals will really have a chance to be TNA's first real breakout star.

As for the Benoit talk, what the heck is wrong with some of you? Nobody went crazy and killed anyone because they had a concussion tonight. There was no chain involved in the deaths like there was on the show tonight. No beat down. Nobody else hanging him off the ring apron on live tv like in the show tonight. It is NOTHING alike and has no resemblance to the tragic events. Drawing that conclusion is like saying a car and a skateboard are exactly the same thing just because they both have wheels. TNA capitalized on the concussion issue because it is one of the biggest topics in the NFL right now with all of the helmet to helmet blows and the big fines they are handing out. They needed someone to be a face and be able to step up in case Anderson legitimately can't wrestle at the PPV. They had planned to thin down fortune and remove Morgan and Williams at some point anyway. They went with these things to make a TV show. If somewhere in your mind you think this was a way to "stomp on Benoit's grave" you yourself are a sick individual.
Really Craig_83? Are you serious? Nothing during Impact made me think about Benoit at all. Even with you bringing his name up, I still don't see a connection. You're a douche. They referenced the NFL about 37,000 times during the show. That's what the whole concussion thing was about. Go watch Raw where they act like they care and . But obviously they don't care enough....because Daniel Bryan is wearing gold. That "release" was a joke. If you're going to re-sign the guy, don't release him so you look good for Linda's campaign.
I must admit that when Morgan came to the ring, I fully expected to see he and Jarrett to stare each other down, then smile and embrace in a hug and turn to look at the big screen and see a beaten and bloodied Anderson. It wasn't until the match actually started that I realized this was a legit face turn. I loved it.

As far as the Benoit comparison, I think somebody's reaching here.

If Morgan had said something like, "You know, these concussions have cost many athletes their lives; hell, it cost one wrestler his life as well as the lives of his family!" If this was said, you might have a leg to stand on. If anti-depressants were mentioned, you may have a point since anti-depressants were also a contributing factor in what happened to Benoit and his family.

But he never mentioned any of this. TNA was clearly going off of what has happened in the NFL as of late. They even referred to the trainer as Rodger Goodell.

Bringing up the whole hanging bit is ridiculous as well because I don't think I've ever watched a strap match, chain match, bull rope match or anything similar where they didn't try to strangle an opponent in some form or fashion.

Honestly, Benoit never once crossed my mind during the whole program or afterward until I came here and saw someone's post bitching about it.
If this had anything to do with Benoit it was a simply to bash Linda's comments about Benoit's father. In poor taste maybe but this is wrestling. When has wrestling ever been "PC"? As said before if they go full on into the Benoit case and start using it as examples out right then yeah it's bad but to bash them for doing something that has been done a million times before(the hanging) is stupid. Every chain, rope, strap, or any other match that has two people linked togeather has had a hanging at some point.

When someone off's their wife and kids for the sake of a storyline then they have gone to far but until then stop taking it so seriously.
After the post-BFG Impact, I was done with TNA, so I didn't watch last night.

But I don't think the criticisms hold up.

TNA seems to be talking more about concussions in sports in general than the Benoit case specifically. And even if they do reference the Benoit case, the face is entirely right to do so. How the heels react is where you go over the line of taste, or not.

The turn is rushed, I grant that. When I read the spoilers, I thought, why turn someone from Immortal so soon? So Anderson's hurt--just go with the Jeff Hardy-RVD match. Or slot in Pope or Joe.

But they gave an entirely logical reason for Morgan's turn. Hogan and Bischoff went over a line. Stealing a company from Dixie, wrestler-on-wrestler beatdowns--that's just the business, sometimes its an ugly business, this is the life we have chosen, blah blah blah. Even the Abyss attack on RVD--how serious could it have been, if RVD was back in 8-9 weeks at full strength?

However, playing games with concussions and brain damage is another story. Morgan can't cross that bridge with Hogan, Bischoff and Flair so he makes a stand. Morgan is an example of a good face turn--there is a logical reason that the villain changes his ways, or at least changes sides and is worthy of our support.

Williams' foreshadowed turn looks like an example of a bad face turn (at the moment.) Motivation #1 is that AJ Styles "stole" a pin from him. Boo hoo. Did that pin come with money? A title shot? A title? No. So AJ stole something worthless. Willliams should stop crying and sack up.

Motivation #2 looks to be a Fortune/Immortal beatdown of Williams. Which means that Fortune rejects Williams, not the other way around.

That's a formula for a weak face turn, like Orton's turn leaving Evolution. Root for this guy who was a creep until his creep friends beat him up.
Honestly, not one time the whole night was I even thinking about that monster Chris Benoit. Nothing TNA did came across to me that they were even trying to bring up Benoit memories. People are stretching really far on that one. And he turned face because that was the right thing to do. He was protecting one of his own and he tried to talk to both Bischoff, Flair, and Jarrett but no one would listen to him. If they listened he would still be heel, but they didnt so he did the right thing and stood up for Anderson.
Gotta applaud TNA that show was great they made the Knockout's Division be a lot more than 1 minute matches, MAtt Morgan segments were great, Jeff Hardy's one was weird but great gotta love TNA when they pull it off =].

Always liked Matt Morgan and I recall saying I want him to be top heel but the reaction he was getting as a badass face was better than I expected, so why not? Him and Anderson will be great together both have great mic skills and are good in ring *I prefer Matt Morgan in ring though I must add*... Great stuff =].

I seriously doubt it had anything at all do with Benoit, even if the characters are heels they will never ever bring up a fellow wrestler's *amazing one at that* death in a bad way.

Another thing this Fortune-Immortal domination should have been at least 4-5 months long and then the turns should have started but I guess something might have happened backstage or they thought starting the turns now would get more viewers (gotta admit I loved it though... so not a bad thing =]) But I sure as hell hope they keep the Immortal-Fortune domination of TNA side continue for at least a year *including their downfall ofcourse or maybe not including their downfall O.O*.

*I got an idea for a thread... coming up =] --> once I figure out exactly how to make it work lol*
I think its a conspiracy. Ric Flair obviously was coerced into attacking Morgan. He found out that he could save 15% by switching to Geico. And the gecko guy is Brittish and/or Australian, and so is Douglas Williams. It all comes down to business. They will wrestle the faces, who are the good guys, and good guys are on our side, which reminds me of the slogan "Nationwide is on your side". So there you have it, its official, Geico vs Nationwide in Lethal Lockdown for the rights to be the official insurance company of TNA. Seriously, how has no one figured that out?

OK, maybe thats a stretch. I am a big fan of Morgan's and I wouldnt mind seeing him as a top face. I think its safe to say that he wont be winning the belt anytime soon though. I just hope he doesnt get put on the back burner when Anderson can wrestle again.
Matt Morgan turning face and leaving Fortune/Immortals doesn't make any sense.

It was only last week on Reaction that Morgan was singing the praises of Hogan, Bishoff, Flair, Hardy etc. and the many reasons he supported what Fortune & The Immortals did to Dixie Carter.

Why would a heel walk away from the most powerful stable in the company? Especially after that stable has had its power and influence grow by forming a partnership with the owner's of the company? A heel wouldn't do that.

Storywise, it makes no sense.

I'm with Muffin Top here.

Just three weeks ago, Morgan was the enforcer of a dual-stable that was taking over TNA. Now, all of a sudden, after all the beatdowns and bloody attacks, his conscience kicks in when it comes to concussions??

I said it in another thread so I'll repeat it here:

I have no problem with their being a new world title contender. But TNA just got finished with creating the "most powerful stable in TNA history" and they're already kicking out the largest and most dominant member of the faction?? Seriously?!?

This is just stupidity. It's almost as if Russo said to himself, "Oh, shit... I made the Immortal stable too big... it's like the nWo now. Ok, how can I correct this... I GOT IT!! We'll kick out Matt Morgan!!"

It's just a cluster-fuck.

Enough said.
As I said before the hanging was fine but not with everything leading upto it. Someone up top should have known better than to OK all of that in one night.

But I'm sure you're perfectly fine with Daniel Bryan's use of the Crossface submission move, right? You can't cherry pick which parts of whatever you think references the Benoit tragedy and leave the others, son — but if you wanna be done with TNA, be done with TNA — I highly doubt a self-derived reference to Chris was the reason for you quitting in reality anyway.
Has it occured to someone that this could be a conspiracy on the part of immortal? I mean if Anderson is injured why not give a title shot to RVD who was next in line? Why give it to Matt Morgan who is still a member of immortals?

I think Morgan will lay down in the middle of the ring and let Jeff cover him so that Jeff can retain the title. Then they will hug and celebrate while Anderson and RVD watch on.
This is just stupidity. It's almost as if Russo said to himself, "Oh, shit... I made the Immortal stable too big... it's like the nWo now. Ok, how can I correct this... I GOT IT!! We'll kick out Matt Morgan!!"

stop blaming vince russo...he aint booking this stuff hogan and bischoff are booking this angle...russo is prolly just an idea man on this angle. and the most dominant member of immortal is abyss...i like morgan and now he's outta the pack and gets his chance to be more important than just being another guy in immortal.

most of you on here started watching wrestling during the monday night wars and wwe attitude era stuff...well that would make you a vince russo fan as he was the guy who wrote that stuff.
Personally I hated it. Morgan in my opinion is the one who fitted the most in Fourtune with Beer Monmey and Styles. Williams and Kaz should have been out a long time ago.

The Big heel was bringing credibility as an enforcer to Fourtune. Well now maybe it will be credible when they gang on the face since he is a "giant" but I know it's because Anderson is injured but it just felt rush. They could have used the Pope for that yesterday or Joe but turning Morgan like that just felt rushed and was bad in muy opnion.
I was caught offguard last night by all this, where people are complaining about a rushed faceturn, I look at it as a nice little swerve.

Matt Morgan was quickly fading into the background over the past couple of months, in Fourtune, and then in the Immortals. he's got great mic skills if given a chance. and the problem with the Immortals is there were too many people that have great mic skills, and not all of them were given the opportunity to use them.

the Goodguy side needed someone, and someone monsterous. Matt Morgan is the logical choice, now they got a monster to go after Abyss, since Kevin Nash is gone now, although Kevin isnt nearly the wrestler that Matt is.

this is a LOT better then a few months ago when he was parading around with the tag belts acting like a psycho referring to himself as "we".

I think this faceturn is gonna work out fine!!!
Ok so there's definitely some good and bad associated with this.

I like Matt Morgan as a face. He was just a face not too long ago and the crowd really liked him. He's one of the monsters that can actually pull it off.
Another good thing is that TNA needs more faces since Immortal is pulling half the relevant roster already.

Biggest problems...This is out of fucking nowhere. I don't care if Anderson is out for awhile, you can't just blatantly turn someone for no good reason. I don't give a crap about his excuse being concussions. For all the crap he's done in the past few months, concussions...really? Give me a break. I'll beat the crap out of you for no good reason, but I'll make sure I don't give you a concussion in the process. Yeah right. Turn him at least over a couple weeks geez. But this leads into my second issue, which has been a major issue in TNA for years...
He was just face earlier this year! Then they turned him heel, which is fine normally, but back to a face already?! TNA changes people waaaayy too often. I remember before I got a DVR and only could watch TNA every couple weeks or so I had a hard time following it. I'd turn it on one week and 2 guys/factions would be feuding. Turn it on a couple weeks later and they'd be on the same damn side fighting someone else. And this would happen to me all the time. How can you build a program off of that?

I'm a fan of wrestling so I will continue to watch, but seriously they do some stupid things sometimes.
My issue is it being out of nowhere, and the fact that Morgan's turns never lead anywhere. He's had a run or 2 with the tag belts with TNA but he's constantly turning from face to heel and back again immediately when it looks like he's lost in the shuffle. I don't think he's ever been one or the other for more than 6 months.
hey guys! this is my first post. after last nights TNA Impact i feel inspired to make a comment on the events that took place on impact. i want to say that i love the way some of impact was played out. i think the way they icorporated current media events played out well and will keep things fresh. i like the fact that they are bringing more reality into the mix. the reality that matt morgan made positive comments and had legitament concerns about anderson having a concussion and not being able to wrestle. i also like the way they used the heels and rick flair by making a point that we are wrestlers not football players, we work hurt and banged up. it made the point that wrestlers are tough and not a bunch of whiny scared to take a hit overpaid nfl players. they are bringing real into the story lines. what i didn't like is that they spent so much time telling a story that they didn't have enough wrestling. this is a wrestling show right. just my thoughts.
First off, enough with the name-calling. Craig_83 was bothered by it and we should respect his opinion. There is NO POINT to calling the guy a douchebag and namby-pamby. Chris Benoit's tragedy hit a lot of wrestling fans hard and not everyone can accept a storyline that involves elements of it. The studies Morgan was talking have direct correlation to what said about Benoit's head, and with the studies getting much more serious, and the fact that there have been a LOT of wrestler death in the 6 years, it still bothers people on a personal level. To sink to name-calling is low and immature.

In terms of Morgan and Williams, it's goes to the point that Anderson isn't a guy to be the face of the franchise. The guy is just injury prone. He can't stay healthy for longer than a year straight, and it's sad because he has massive potential. This screams a panic button where creative had to make up for Anderson, but Morgan? I guess they're selling the injury to Joe, and I have no idea where Angle was. Matt Morgan, who has been probably the worst bodyguard in the history of wrestling, and who couldn't beat Brian Kendrick two months ago, is now a top face? I actually like how they turned him, with the concussion\head trauma concern, because it IS a realistic turn for a heel to show concern for going too far, and it shows a really smart side of Morgan as well, but I question why was he put into this so quickly, and why him?

And let's say he does take Anderson's place at Turning Point. Why would you throw Jeff Hardy the biggest guy in the company? Shouldn't he face someone more his size so he's not overcoming the odds? Isn't this a monster vs. small guy match that the crowd usually supports Hardy in these situations? I'd rather see Morgan face Jarrett at Turning Point, or another member of Fourtune like Abyss or Styles, or team up with Williams to face Beer Money. It looks like we're heading toward Pope vs. Abyss, Joe vs. Jarrett, and EV2 vs. Fourtune again, which leaves Morgan the only face to take on Hardy. There's no way Jeff loses the belt, so we're sacrificing Morgan to have Hardy look good.
Its odd hearing about how dangerous and serious concussions are on one show, and then watch Eric Young wrestling with "brain damage" on another.

Will this route Morgan's gone down affect Eric's current gimmick? Maybe they aren't re-signing Eric Young once his contract is up? Who knows
Its odd hearing about how dangerous and serious concussions are on one show, and then watch Eric Young wrestling with "brain damage" on another.

Will this route Morgan's gone down affect Eric's current gimmick? Maybe they aren't re-signing Eric Young once his contract is up? Who knows

Damn. Just when I was going to try and re-justify Matt's face turn and how this was something personal that goes beyond his part in Fortune, this shows up.

Now, suddenly, Matt Morgan's face turn makes no sense. :shrug:
Well here is the thing about EY. Everyone knows that is just a comedic character that he is playing. The Ken Anderson thing is real. People need to balance that out. If Matt Morgan came out crying over Eric Young everyone would say it was stupid because it is fake injury. To add to that who says EY has a concussion? He doesn't show any symptoms. He just acts like a moron. Some one with a bad concussion can't do what EY does. Back to Mr. Anderson. They showed what really happened to him. You saw the gash on live TV and that was done from a steel chair. They showed the segment of him getting stitched up. There is a big difference between EY and Anderson and a legitimate concern from Matt Morgan why Anderson shouldn't be in the ring.
people are reaalllyyy reaching trying to connect this to Chris Benoit. this had 0% to do with Benoit. the reason TNA even brought up concussions was a reason to turn Morgan face. it's realative in sports right now because of what has been going on in the NFL, not wrestling.

the hanging at the end was great. build even more heat on the heels and make Morgan seem even more face. again, too much trying to connect this to Morgan/TNA dealing with injuries.
the reason Jarrett/Bischoff/ect wanted the chain match was to permanently take out Anderson to eliminate him from being able to be a threat to the heel stable.

the reason to turn Morgan face right now is probably because of the chair shot Anderson took and a legit injury to his head. reason you didn't even see Anderson last night, except for what was shown from the previous week. TNA probably didn't replace Anderson with another current face because everyone else was already in planned story lines. Morgan was the bodyguard/insurance policy in Fortune and not really doing much right now. it's fortunate that Morgan face turn could really work well.

this guy could be a huge face. it doesn't even matter how he can wrestle in the ring. dude is great on the mic and his image is incredible. don;t expect him to win a title anytime soon as the heels will continue to dominate, but Morgan will continue to be a strong face. this is legitimately someone who could take on multiple people and still kick ass!
I wasn't too thrilled about this last night. I like Morgan, but TNA can't seem to make up their mind when it comes to his heel/face status. He's turned so frequently over the past couple of years, and I don't think he's really had a chance to get into a rhythm when it comes to being a good guy or a bad guy. It'll be interesting to see if Morgan will stay in the main event scene this time.

As far as Doug Williams goes, I think he will join Morgan shortly. You could see the tension between Doug and Fortune during a segment last night, and things became worse after the tag match with AJ Styles. Immortal is a mega stable, so of course more people will be needed to combat the new evil power in TNA. Joe and Anderson will eventually join these two, because a lot more people are going to be needed to fight Immortal.
I just feel we need to get out of the frame of mind of guys "turning" face, or guys "turning" heel. TNA is looking to change how we view wrestling, and him "turning" face was neither rushed or required.

Based on the events that transpired, why would a guy need more than a couple of minutes to know if he wants to run with a certain crew or not. He's already seen all they've done throughout the months, and he runs with them in kayfabe ALL week even when there is not Impact show. He knows what they are about, and he felt what they were doing was over the edge.

He didn't turn face, he just did what he felt was right at the time. He didn't necessarily want to leave Immortal, but he just stood up for something he believed in, which is what heels do as well right?

TNA is trying to make a television show about wrestling, not a wrestling show that's on television.

Anyway, I thought it was played out nicely...but Morgan is going to get complete hell from the crew on this one. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he stays with Immortal, and his beat down gets put over to him as a "lesson".

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