"They" Are Revealed; Fourtune Turns on Immortal!

To those disappointed by the revelation, I have to ask: would you really prefer for TNA to have brought in more 40+ wrestlers to fill the role of 'They', rather than giving the role to four of their brightest 'homegrown' stars?

That's the one good thing about this. But who are they going to feud with exactly? Beer Money vs. Gunner & Murphy? Kazarian vs. Rob Terry? AJ Styles vs. Matt Hardy? Flair & Bischoff, if Flair comes back and sides with Fortune, screaming at each other like a couple of old women? And that's without putting Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner and allies like Anderson & Matt Morgan into the mix. It's Fortune vs. EV2.0 all over again.
Didn't Crimson choke out AJ a couple of weeks back?

Crimson choked Styles. then Styles said he was having trouble breathing and couldn't get iced by Flair.
some will say that is a flaw.
however. back before Immortal, it was Abyss with Hogan when Abyss rammed Hogans ring down Hogan's throat, and then they were actually together to make Immortal.

#1 I wouldn't hold AOL/Time Warner as the sole reason for the WCW death. Hogan was a big part. His backstage politics and all. Not just him. Almost everybody. The same old guys in WCW. Kevin Nash helped kill the company with his politics and what he was doing as being WCW's booker. Not to mention Russo. The fingerpoke of doom, Bash at the Beach, Halloween Havoc, David Arquette, etc.

#2 For the Mr. Hashasheen saying Crimson choked A.J., yes he did. But you need to remember Abyss also cut a promo on Hogan and all those guys saying they are coming when he was staring at the original they right in the face. So it cancels both things out.
Don't see how this is anti climatic. I didn't see this coming. I didn't watch wrestling the MEM/Frontline storyline was going on but I think I will prefer the Immortal/Fortune feud.

You want anti climatic? How about at the Royal Rumble, almost everybody in the IWC and at the Rumble wanted Awesome Kong but we got Eve. I heard the crowd was chanting for Kong's name. THAT was a let down.

How was it a let down exactly? The WWE never promised or hyped any sort of huge debuts at the Rumble now did they? No. As usual, it's was just the IWC taking rumors that they hyped out of proportion to the point where they were convinced that Awesome Kong was going to debut.

TNA promised and hyped a huge storyline and it was little more than a Vince Russo special. You know, the old "I bet they didn't see that one coming" rather than try something original. Or, even attempt something original for that matter. Just more cliche` Vince Russo antics.
Wow Really? TNA fans have to love ya lol. The event happen on monday in the tna ass-cave. But I did enjoy the vintage easy E giving away wwe spoilers just like wcw style. He gave let 2-21-11 out of the bag after that the rest of the show was average. And I do watch all type of wrestling and to be honest Kevin Nash made a solid point by saying that Dixie needs to throw down the dollars for guys like John Cena, Randy Orton or the next big thing Mason Ryan.
I assume AJ will feud with Jeff Hardy, seeing that Styles gave him the clash.
Kazarian as the X division champion. would Matt Hardy fit there?
I guess by default it's a tag team of Gunner/Murphy against Beer Money. who else is there? Jeff and Matt Hardy?
that's why I think Immortal's next step is addition. but who?
could Bischoff and Immortal use say Generation Me? they seem to be similar to a young Hardy Boys.
personally I would love to see Bobby Lashley, but would that happen?

it would be great to see Crimson take the US title off of Abyss.
How was it a let down exactly? The WWE never promised or hyped any sort of huge debuts at the Rumble now did they? No. As usual, it's was just the IWC taking rumors that they hyped out of proportion to the point where they were convinced that Awesome Kong was going to debut.

TNA promised and hyped a huge storyline and it was little more than a Vince Russo special. You know, the old "I bet they didn't see that one coming" rather than try something original. Or, even attempt something original for that matter. Just more cliche` Vince Russo antics.

Another Russo special? You automatically throw Russo's name whenever you consider something to be bad as if the guy was still doing the same shit he used to before WCW's death, when infact if you got your head out of your ass you'd find out that Russo has booked TNA in a better and more exciting way than WWE has in a LONG time. If Russo's specials are delivering a shocker like WWE never could, by wrestlers who can run circles around 99.9% of WWE's roster and adding much needed life into a storyline that was going nowhere until Fourtune turned face - then fuck yeah it was a Russo special.

The Rumble WAS a let-down. As usual, the WWE marks loved the shit out of it because it's WWE, and that's what has to happen.

Maybe TNA should've had a 60 years old man compete for the TNA World Title in a Main Event at Against all Odds, I bet you'd like that. Have a few dance offs too, you know for "entertainment" value. Is Pee Wee Herman taking bookings? Nah, fuck him, let's have a fucking MIDGET take out grown ass men. That's entertaining and makes total sense.
I guess by default it's a tag team of Gunner/Murphy against Beer Money. who else is there? Jeff and Matt Hardy?

I totally forgot about another group. Ink Ink. they would fit perfect! there is history with Shannon Moore and the Hardy's right?

and yes I quoted myself.
I personally loved the way this turned out. I have watched wrestling for almost 30 years and have so much respect for the legends but I think it was a great move giving Fortune the push instead of MEM. I hope they do not ruin it by trying to push old talent into the mix. Bischoff and Hogan are way outta their league here since they dont have Ted Turners money to play with. The whole JJ and Angle family thing is boring for real and I am super excited to see where they take this new fued. I think they are on the right track and the only thing I would like to see is Paul Heyman taking Eric Biscoffs spot.
Oh and by the way, this is just tailor made for Lethal Lockdown.

Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Abyss, Double J, Gunner, Murphy, Rob Terry VS AJ, Storm, Roode, Angle, Crimson, Steiner, Kazarian, Anderson.

My guess is that at March 3rd it'll be announced that the fate of TNA will be decided at Lethal Lockdown. Fourtune wins - Dixie gets TNA back, Immortal wins - Hogan takes over.

I could be wrong, though. When's Lockdown?
Cant believe people are actually bitching and moaning.. cant please anyone and lay off the Dirtsheets.

Do you guys honestly believe the MEM was going to return with a no name Crimson as a member? He was always going to be there people and Steiner left on good relations and has come to a few impacts to visit. MEM was a decoy and TNA just trolled you all, again.

Tonight was awesome and the only thing that would have made it better was doing it somewhere other than the iMPACT zone. AJ proved once again he doesnt suck on the mic and looked like an absolute badass and the Star that he is.
Can't make the IWC happy. If it was Nash/Booker/Sting they would hate it because its the 50 year olds getting the tv time.

Its not them and they still hate it because it was a last minute change.

My question is where did TNA make it out to be M.E.M? Did they say "they" are familiar faces? No. Did they say "they" are legends or something? No. Everyone just assumed because Steiner was brought back. Because Crimson wore a suit. Guess what a lot of people in TNA wear suits.

I didn't see it coming but AJ and Bishoff have been going at it for weeks now. So there was a clue there. I will say Immortal looks crappy all of a sudden losing those 4 guys. Maybe new guys will be joining Immortal now. They need new people.
This was great. Unexpected personified! This storyline has gotten 80% better. I hated the debut of Immortal, it was stupid and pointless. I hated their alliance with Fortune, but now Fortune is a face group! Talk about AWESOME!!! I was getting so bored with TNA, nothing was going on. It was boring, but I thought this was awesome. AJ Styles is a face again thank god, why the hell was he a heel again? He's shit on the mic, so I didn't know the point. But anyway, I'm glad it was't MEM. MEM returning sounded so stupid, who wanted it in the first place? I loved the ending angle, AJ Styles cut a great promo surprisingly, and this feud will be great. It was a tremendous face turn, TNA was smart for a change. Great angle, I'm actually looking forward to TNA next week. I can't wait to see what happens next and also Hulk Hogan's response.
How was it a let down exactly? The WWE never promised or hyped any sort of huge debuts at the Rumble now did they? No. As usual, it's was just the IWC taking rumors that they hyped out of proportion to the point where they were convinced that Awesome Kong was going to debut.

TNA promised and hyped a huge storyline and it was little more than a Vince Russo special. You know, the old "I bet they didn't see that one coming" rather than try something original. Or, even attempt something original for that matter. Just more cliche` Vince Russo antics.

No they never promised. You are right. You could say we hyped it out of proportion; but we knew Kong's debut was coming. It wasn't promised when, but the way it just suddenly went from a handicap match to a Fatal Four Way, we all were anticipating Kong. Who would you rather see? Kong or Eve? I would rather see Kong. I know when Eve came out, I was hugely disappointed.

You wanted something original? You got something original. You call it a Russo special. The MEM is not original. How is MEM more original than Fortune? It's isn't. The difference between the anticipation for MEM and getting Fortune as opposed to wanting Kong but getting Eve. Eve's appearance was a let down, random and out of nowhere. So was Fortune; but with the tension between A.J. and Bischoff, some people were anticipating an A.J. face turn, just not a Fortune face turn. And this was ANYTHING but a letdown IMO.
Another Russo special? You automatically throw Russo's name whenever you consider something to be bad as if the guy was still doing the same shit he used to before WCW's death, when infact if you got your head out of your ass you'd find out that Russo has booked TNA in a better and more exciting way than WWE has in a LONG time.

:lmao: Did you really just seriously compare Russo's booking to WWE's? That is fucking priceless. Russo hasn't made a logical booking decision in his life. Seriously, proof read your posts.

If Russo's specials are delivering a shocker like WWE never could, by wrestlers who can run circles around 99.9% of WWE's roster and adding much needed life into a storyline that was going nowhere until Fourtune turned face - then fuck yeah it was a Russo special.

Did you see the reaction that Nash and Booker got in the Rumble? They lasted maybe a combined total of 5 minutes in the match and got more of a reaction than Styles, Beer Money, Kaz, or Anderson have had in their entire careers. If you're seriously calling this a bigger shocker than the WWE has pulled off in years, you have no business speaking in public.

The Rumble WAS a let-down. As usual, the WWE marks loved the shit out of it because it's WWE, and that's what has to happen.

You're full of shit homie. Though I can't say I'm surprised, you're defending TNA. You can't be all there. This Rumble was one of the most completely satisfying events in years. It had something for everyone. Except for TNA fans apparently, due to the LOGICAL booking.

Maybe TNA should've had a 60 years old man compete for the TNA World Title in a Main Event at Against all Odds, I bet you'd like that.

No you're right, I'd rather have a hapless drug addict who is facing time in jail. TNA! TNA!

Have a few dance offs too, you know for "entertainment" value. Is Pee Wee Herman taking bookings? Nah, fuck him, let's have a fucking MIDGET take out grown ass men. That's entertaining and makes total sense.

Apparently it's working. The PPVs they present have an actual buyrate and their tv ratings aren't barely beating out tv shows that are on the verge of cancellation.
I honestly did not expect this from TNA, great job by them. Some smarks on here complaining better shut their mouths, I'm not even that much of a TNA fan, and I know this angle was AWESOME.
Another Russo special? You automatically throw Russo's name whenever you consider something to be bad as if the guy was still doing the same shit he used to before WCW's death, when infact if you got your head out of your ass you'd find out that Russo has booked TNA in a better and more exciting way than WWE has in a LONG time. If Russo's specials are delivering a shocker like WWE never could, by wrestlers who can run circles around 99.9% of WWE's roster and adding much needed life into a storyline that was going nowhere until Fourtune turned face - then fuck yeah it was a Russo special.

How in the HELL was Fourtune turning on Immortal a shocker? I called it weeks ago. There wasn't anything shocking at all about it. The only thing shocking was how clearly it was all thrown together last minute, since none of the clues leading up to the "swerve" make any sense now. Nor does it make any sense that Fourtune's cutting a promo against Bischoff and Hogan bringing in all of these outside stars and old stars when they've been lackeys led by RIC FLAIR for how long now? When they're doing a rehash of the Four Horsemen as a gimmick. When AJ Styles was choked out by Crimson a few weeks ago when "They" were first mentioned.

And before you talk about Abyss attacking Hogan and yadda yadda leading up to the original "They" storyline.. THAT didn't make any damn sense either, and was just bad writing, too. But if you think illogical writing and illogical swerves is SHOCKING then I'll agree, this is definitely shocking.

It was definitely well done for a band aid solution, but it was not shocking in any way at all. And you claiming TNA is delivering shockers that WWE never could just proves how little and delusional you really are. Both Booker T and Kevin Nash appearing in the Royal Rumble were FAR more shocking then this. The beginning of Nexus was also far more shocking then this was. Let's at least try to be realistic here.

The Rumble WAS a let-down. As usual, the WWE marks loved the shit out of it because it's WWE, and that's what has to happen.

And you're a hypocrit, because exactly what you said right here could be turned around and said about you, a TNA mark, loving the shit out of something because it's TNA. Because, this swerve really wasn't anything special. It wasn't some ground breaking, brilliant, thing like you're trying to pretend it was. Like you were with the original "They" swerve and Jeff Hardy's illogical and random heel turn, too, I bet.

Maybe TNA should've had a 60 years old man compete for the TNA World Title in a Main Event at Against all Odds, I bet you'd like that. Have a few dance offs too, you know for "entertainment" value. Is Pee Wee Herman taking bookings? Nah, fuck him, let's have a fucking MIDGET take out grown ass men. That's entertaining and makes total sense.

Now I know you're not really tossing this shit out, are you? Really? Jerry Lawler is just a transitional feud and the WWE isn't seriously making him one of their top stars. They're certainly not giving him the championship. And you saying this when TNA's World championship has been held by Sting countless times (whose 51) and Mick Foley (whose 45) is both hypocritical and pathetic. Let's not make this into a TNA vs. WWE thread, like every other thread in this TNA section becomes.

#2 For the Mr. Hashasheen saying Crimson choked A.J., yes he did. But you need to remember Abyss also cut a promo on Hogan and all those guys saying they are coming when he was staring at the original they right in the face. So it cancels both things out.

:wtf: It doesn't work like that. Two plot-holes don't cancel each other out.

Crimson choked Styles. then Styles said he was having trouble breathing and couldn't get iced by Flair.
some will say that is a flaw.
however. back before Immortal, it was Abyss with Hogan when Abyss rammed Hogans ring down Hogan's throat, and then they were actually together to make Immortal.

This is gibberish.

it would be great to see Crimson take the US title off of Abyss.

And this shows you're not even watching TNA. I admit it changing its title 3 times doesn't help, but it is the TELEVISION title Abyss is holding. Not US.

@dogmanx23, Derrtown: Just because someone dislikes week to week booking changes doesn't mean they're whining. Nor does it mean they're following the dirtsheets when one follows simple logic as to where a storyline is heading. 80% of booking & storylines are meant to be predictable, to be the bone upon which the other 20% of meat and sizzle surprises are built on. TNA's booking is rarely that for any long period of time.
Tonight was a good case of "don't judge the show by the spoilers".

None of the spoilers could have possibly relayed exactly how well this whole swerve actually played out in the ring. Styles delivered a believable performance, in that his promo truely sold the turn. He seemed to make it all make sense. And they gave the angle a feeling of quasi-reality beyond mere suspended-belief.

Also anyone who didn't know how this story was going to play out in the end, should go back and re-watch the backstage segment between AJ and Bischoff. You can truely appreciate the work AJ did in that segment once you know what he is really telling Biscoff while appearing to tell him what he wants to hear.

Overall, nice execution by TNA in making this work(thanks mostly to the Phenomenal One). Now the question is, considering Immortal's shortcomings in the numbers game, etc... Can they build on this momentum and continue to make this story pay-off??
This just goes to show, once again, that noone knows how to deliver a shocker like TNA.

MEM was never going to come back, Dixie confirmed it in her questions session. MEM was just a decoy, that's why Steiner came back a week before "they" were revealed, to make people believe it'll be M.E.M and BOOM - it's Fourtune, and they made their reasons clear and hopefully will elaborate on it next week. TNA's fucking exciting now, Fourtune will be the group that will take down the heels, and it's FULL of guys who deserve a Main Event spot, with AJ as the main guy in that stable. How's that for shitty booking?

I like TNA, but saying stuff like this is nonsense.

No one knows how to deliver a shocker like TNA, huh? How about CM Punk jumping Cena from the announce booth then leading Nexus? How about the way Nexus debuted on Raw in the first place? I'd call those shockers. Lets go back a bit. I think it was pretty shocking when HBK superkicked Hogan to end Raw a few years ago. A lot of people were shocked when Orton got kicked out of Evolution. Lets not forget AUSTIN JOINING WITH MCMAHON AT THE END OF WRESTLEMANIA 17! Nobody saw WCW and ECW joining forces against the WWF. I know I was pretty shocked when DDP was the Undertakers stalker. How about Ric Flair coming out as the co owner of WWE the night after the Invasion was over. A lot of people sure were shocked when Edge first cashed in the money in the bank shot on Cena. Sure wasn't dull TV when Goldberg came out and speared the Rock. How about when Triple H came back to save Flair and ended up beating him to a bloody pulp. Lots of people didn't think Bret would make up with Shawn in the middle of the ring. Oh yeah, an hour later McMahon attacked Hart in the middle of the ring to end the show. I think shocking would be a good word to describe Orton cuffing HHH to the ropes, giving Steph the DDT, and then making out with her in front of him. And lets not forget Diesel and Booker showing up in the Rumble last week!

I thought the angle was good tonight. I like AJ and am glade he's getting to shine again, but calm down, this isn't quite on par with Hogan turning heel at Bash at the Beach 96.

I love how you say that the MEM was never going to happen because Dixie said so AFTER NASH AND BOOKER WHERE IN THE RUMBLE. I don't blame her, but that's called damage control. Angle and the returning Steiner come out in suits, suits they haven't worn since the Mafia. They then say that They are coming. Wrestling Zone (the site we all go to for our backstage info) says that TNA is in negotiations to bring back Nash, Booker, and Sting to form the Mafia. That didn't happen and all Dixie has to do to not look silly is Tweet that that wasn't the plan? I guess you think that Nash is a liar for saying that TNA wanted him to come back and be in the Mafia? I'd trust the word of the guy that has nothing to lose over the woman who is worried about her company looking foolish. Again, I like TNA. I liked the surprise tonight, but don't try to make this seem like the biggest thing in the history of professional wrestling.

You do realize that TNA is tapped don't you? Steiner didn't come back a week ago. He came back a month ago when they tapped that episode. Oddly, the last month was when Nash and Booker backed out of their TNA offers. I'm sure there's no correlation. We all know of the long history Steiner, who was let go a year ago, has with Fourtune. Try to look at things in the real world.

I'm sure you will reply to this by calling me a hater and a WWE mark since I don't think there's anything logical you can dispute. If I were you, I'd take a long look in the mirror before I called anyone a mark.
:lmao: Did you really just seriously compare Russo's booking to WWE's? That is fucking priceless. Russo hasn't made a logical booking decision in his life. Seriously, proof read your posts.

He didn't book Miz vs Jerry fucking Lawler, that's all I know. He didn't bring out a midget in the middle of "one of the most satisfying" Royal Rumbles in recent years to take out half the roster with Cena. He doesn't make wrestlers dance or sing, he doesn't have a laptop for a general manager, and even if he did - he'd have a conclusion to the storyline, he wouldn't alow John Cena (who was fired) to come out to his own music, wearing knee pads and roaming around the arena as if he was still emlpoyed.

Did you see the reaction that Nash and Booker got in the Rumble? They lasted maybe a combined total of 5 minutes in the match and got more of a reaction than Styles, Beer Money, Kaz, or Anderson have had in their entire careers. If you're seriously calling this a bigger shocker than the WWE has pulled off in years, you have no business speaking in public.

I saw the reaction Nash got. I want to see if he'll get the SAME reaction on three RAWs in a row. He's a returning wrestler who has not been in WWE for YEARS. Fuckin' X-Pac could come back and they'd cheer. You can't be that stupid.

Nash was a shocker? Is that why we all knew he was coming with T?

You're full of shit homie. Though I can't say I'm surprised, you're defending TNA. You can't be all there. This Rumble was one of the most completely satisfying events in years. It had something for everyone. Except for TNA fans apparently, due to the LOGICAL booking.

First half of the RR was Nexus eliminating people one by one. Then John Cena comes out and eliminates ALL of them without breaking a sweat. Then the event continued with a MIDGET taking people out, a midget who by the way lasted longer than your butt-buddy Kevin Nash AND Booker T combined, and all of that ended in a mediocre mexican winning THE BIGGEST ROYAL RUMBLE in history and the runner up was Santino Marella. If that's satisfying then I'm not the one who's full of it.

No you're right, I'd rather have a hapless drug addict who is facing time in jail. TNA! TNA!
Yet you'd jizz your pants if he came back tomorrow.

Apparently it's working. The PPVs they present have an actual buyrate and their tv ratings aren't barely beating out tv shows that are on the verge of cancellation.

It's Television for the simple minded. Bright colors, loud music - just what a boy with the attention span of a 5 years old needs. That and some Cena balls in his mouth.
Mr. Hashasheen, nearly the exact same thing happened. It was a mirror reflection you could call it. How do they not cancel out? Abyss was playing Immortal messenger and saying they are coming when Abyss was looking at the head of Immortal right in the eyes in the middle of the ring. Hogan tried to say it was "Flair and his band of idiots," but Abyss and Hogan were in on it all along.

The exact same thing happened with this new they. Crimson tried to throw us off saying they are coming but the exact same thing happened. A.J. was being choked out by Crimson with the they message when A.J. Styles turned out to be part of they, just like how Hogan turned out to be part of the original they.
Cant believe people are actually bitching and moaning.. cant please anyone and lay off the Dirtsheets.

Do you guys honestly believe the MEM was going to return with a no name Crimson as a member? He was always going to be there people and Steiner left on good relations and has come to a few impacts to visit. MEM was a decoy and TNA just trolled you all, again.

Tonight was awesome and the only thing that would have made it better was doing it somewhere other than the iMPACT zone. AJ proved once again he doesnt suck on the mic and looked like an absolute badass and the Star that he is.

:lol::lol: Wow buddy. You're fucking delusional. TNA didn't swerve us by placing false reports. Booker, Nash, and even apparently Sting backed out of the angle after seeing how poorly it was being managed. I can't blame them. After seeing Abyss stumble onto the stage with Janice or whatever embedded in his back, TNA solidified itself as a joke of epic proportions. But are you honestly trying to say this was the plan from the beginning? Get your head out of your ass bro. This was a last minute replacement after TNA management screwed the pooch by greenlighting an angle for which the talent hadn't been signed yet. Just go ahead and believe your non sense, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I can't wait to see Mark Madden destroy them for this.
:lol::lol: Wow buddy. You're fucking delusional. TNA didn't swerve us by placing false reports. Booker, Nash, and even apparently Sting backed out of the angle after seeing how poorly it was being managed. I can't blame them. After seeing Abyss stumble onto the stage with Janice or whatever embedded in his back, TNA solidified itself as a joke of epic proportions. But are you honestly trying to say this was the plan from the beginning? Get your head out of your ass bro. This was a last minute replacement after TNA management screwed the pooch by greenlighting an angle for which the talent hadn't been signed yet. Just go ahead and believe your non sense, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I can't wait to see Mark Madden destroy them for this.

:lmao: Please. Hey when is your book coming out? How to be a IWC mark 101? I loved to hear all you have to say about being a blind mark who doesnt ever think for themselves and takes what people who arent associated with any company say as fact. Fancy lights and Rock music arent what make a wrestling show great, bro.

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