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I was going to suggest that at Summerslam we'd be seeing a rematch between Nexus and The Uso's but then I remembered that Cee Lo Green will be performing so that won't be happening.

* Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali cut a promo in Punjabi from the second level of the arena. "USA" chants fill the arena.

* Randy Orton vs. R-Truth. I'm told Truth had a lot of heat on him. World Heavyweight Champion Christian comes out to watch the match from the top of the ramp
Truth won via DQ when Orton attacked him with a chair. He RKO'd him through the table afterwards.
Let's hope Rhodes gets the strap sooner rather than later. And hopefully it transitions to Bryan.

Bryan vs Barrett sounds like a good feud. Let Barrett just wrestle for a change instead of all his stable crap.

I don't quite understand the logic of bringing Truth and JoMo over to SD for the night, but what the hell. Sounds like good wrestling if nothing else.

Face Sheamus sounds good. There were hints here and there that he might be good at it. Every so often a crowd would cheer him. Nice to see them try it out. I wonder how long it will last.
The Sheamus face push is long over due. All they have to do is give him a bottle of whiskey and we're talking mega face. What's not to love about a drunk bad ass Irishman?
Why does every TNA promo require that the wrestlers talk about their life/back stories? Just cut a fucking promo about the feud, for cryin out loud. It's not that hard.
Cole probably will be moved to SmackDown permanently...I hope.

I think I'm part of the few guys that think that Michael Cole is awesome...
He knows how to call a match, he is funny, a "good" actor and he is really good hyping a feud.
I don't really know why the IWC hate him so much..

Just pass to 30 seconds.

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