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You are flat out wrong if you think Alberto Del Rio has more star power than Daniel Bryan. He doesn't. At all. Even slightly. Nobody knows who the fuck Alberto Del Rio is. You could say the same for Bryan, but ADR sure as fuck does not have ANY star-power whatsoever. He was barely a "star" in Mexico.

Oh yes cause I'm always so negative right?

Except I'm not, and I'm sick of being labeled with that stereotype when I do nothing but talk positively about just about every wrestling promotion under the sun. I'm a very positive person when it comes to wrestling, and I enjoy marking out and talking to people about the possibilities my favorite wrestlers might have in the WWE.

You, on the other hand, just like to sit around, criticize, and rain on people's parade anytime they start to enjoy themselves. You're the "NO FUN!" brigade, and the shit is older than dirt. And this entire thread? Nothing but you trolling DB fans to get a reaction out of them while spouting some bullshit so laughably misinformed and flat out wrong about DB that I'm going to giggle and chuckle with the power of a thousand marks the day when he wins the WWE title. I'm going to think of you, on your knees, bawling your eyes out because everything you thought you knew has been shattered. And I shall laugh, uproariously. In my head I'll just imagine you on your knees looking to the sky, asking God why he has forsaken you before breaking down and looking something like this:


ANYWAYS, onto something else besides the topic of people who aren't *********ing to misery while using the tears of marks for lubrication. Smackdown sounds groovy this week (GAH I'M SO NEGATIVE) and I actually look forward to the Christian/Zeke match, they had a solid match back at the 2010 Rumble.


And again, when he doesn't cash in at Mania, I'm banning you. I'm not kidding either.
Then I'll be banning X. Since he's oh so sure of it and there's no such thing as someone using previous events, logic or common sense to refute his arguments, he'd have no issue with these conditions.
Also you'd think for an alleged Brown University education, he'd be able to read instead of making up statements about what I said.
And again, when he doesn't cash in at Mania, I'm banning you. I'm not kidding either.

Since you so very clearly missed it the first time I pointed this out to you, I'll just re-quote myself so you can read it again, and maybe this time actually listen to me.

Did I say that's what was unquestionably going to happen KB? No, I didn't. I simply explained that if they chose that path with Bryan (waiting until Mania) it would make perfect sense, and explained why. I didn't make any proclamations about how that's what 100% WAS going to happen.

Again, never said I was confident he was going to cash in at Mania. I said I'm confident that he's a future world champ. Didn't say shit about when it would happen or how, just that it will. People don't just "win" MITB for no reason, they win it because they're in line for major pushes in the future, as DB clearly is.

Then I'll be banning X. Since he's oh so sure of it and there's no such thing as someone using previous events, logic or common sense to refute his arguments, he'd have no issue with these conditions.

Do you just like plug your fingers into your ears and scream "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" while selectively reading only excerpts of my posts? I never once tried to assert that DB was going to win the title at 'Mania, just that he will be a future champ someday in the future. Didn't say shit about when or how.

Yeesh KB, you need to relax. Chillax even.
I like it when you act like you know everything and then get proven wrong. The backtracking and "well that's not what I said" is my favorite.
I like it when you act like you know everything and then get proven wrong. The backtracking and "well that's not what I said" is my favorite.

My goodness you really really just want to get into a little hissyfit slapfight this morning don't you? Fine KB, you're the prettiest girl at the ball, you win, I'm the homely fat girl in the corner who gets the one pity dance. Happy?

Christ I try to lighten the mood with some humor and it's right back to super-serious KB-mode. Fine, I'll bite.

Where in this conversation at any point have you "proven me wrong" KB? How the fuck can one even "prove" one another wrong on a topic that involves hypothetical situations in the future? Do you have a crystal ball that sees the future and can tell me 100% what's going to happen? No? Then you didn't "prove" anything here at all, except that you don't have much of a sense of humor.

I'm not backtracking whatsoever, I'm re-posting the same thing I said to you the first time you tried this, and that's that not once in this entire thread have I even insinuated that I absolutely believed Daniel Bryan was going to win the WWE title at Wrestlemania. The only thing I did was explain how that scenario might work if they chose it. The only claim I've made in this thread is that Bryan will be a future world champ in the WWE one day, and again, that's not something you can definitively "prove" right or wrong because it deals with hypothetical situations in the future.

Good God man. Get a sense of humor.

Didn't X get demodded and banned before?

Indeed, it was right around the time that the Benoit murders happened. I said something along the lines of "Fuck Chris Benoit, that absolutely heartless piece of shit" and kept going on about how I thought Benoit was scum if what we learning at the time was true, and Jonny was all "WAIT UNTIL WE KNOW EVERYTHING MAN!" and got so upset by the whole thing that he briefly demodded and banned me for about 3 or 4 days before bringing me back on staff and apologizing. Kind of a funny situation.
All this coming from X cracks me up.

He's not winning at Mania, because WWE isn't that stupid.

X never said that he would. He said

I fucking love it. I just want to laugh in the faces of all those people who doubted Bryan or said he couldn't make it or that the WWE would never push him because he's not good enough et , etc, blah blah blah, well FUCK THAT SHIT SON CAUSE DANIEL BRYAN WON MONEY IN THE BANK AND WILL BE A FUTURE WORLD CHAMP.


and that

No, but in this situation for once it actually makes sense to wait until Mania.

Take your negative nancy shoes and put them in the closet. This here is a Dickbutt mark thread.


At no point did he say that DBD would become world champion at 'Mania 28. He thinks he will be a World Champion in the future because he thinks DBD is very tallented, he justified cashing in at WM28 with Kayfabe. You're putting words in his mouth KB.
Well let's see.

Top stars usually get top storylines. Lower stars usually get lower storylines. Not sure what is being missed here.
That the spot someone is booked in isn't in and off itself representative of star power. Then again, you're not a moron and already know this. Stop trolling. And everyone else: Stop reacting.
Not sure I'm buying that one. Replace Alberto Del Rio with Primo and will people buy that Primo has more star power than Bryan? No.

I can easily see Bryan cashing in at WM 28 especially since he's on Smackdown. Orton/Christian has been milked to the max. I envision Christian vs. Bryan which probably means Christian will lose and win back the title until then.

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