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Oh please, nobody took The Miz seriously until he won the belt. Frankly I don't think anyone takes him seriously even after he held it. Sure he's got the skills to be an incredible ... mid carder, but still just imagine The Miz saying "I'm going to kick your ass!". Gets me every time. More like "I'm going to frown as hard as I can and look like I have a huge underbite while I mediocre my ass for fifteen minutes and accomplish abo****ely nothiiiiing". Yeah, he turned "mediocre" into a verb.

I don't know, I don't appreciate Chris Jericho clones. At least not the bad ones. I don't get his appeal. To me, Miz supporters are as mistifying as Zack Ryder supporters.

How in the blue hell you didn't take the Tag Team Miz and Morrison seriously?
Miz is great, and you probably missed last two raws, but he pinned Alex Riley and Kofi Kingston in one leg at the SAME NIGHT... Oh and he was fighting against Mysterio for the WWE Championship... Pretty strong now, don't you think?
Just think if Miz had won against Mysterio last week, would you be surprised?
I wouldn't ;)

You can hate all you want, but the truth is that The Miz has proven himself in every division, since the tag division, mid card division and now main eventer.
He is charismatic, good on the mic, probably the 2/3rd one better in the company and his moves are all over with the crowd (yes not the best wrestler, but still pretty good)
Nothing the Miz has ever done that didnt involve John Cena or Daniel Bryan has entertained me in the least bit. Probably the most overrated wretler in the buisness. his matches, 90% of the time range from "bearable" to "excruciating"
Miz is great,

No he's not.

you probably missed last two raws, but he pinned Alex Riley and Kofi Kingston in one leg at the SAME NIGHT...

In became very apparent if you rewatch the MITB match that Miz didn't actually injure himself so it was all in kayfabe. Your making a big deal out of the fact that he beat a guy who was a jobber up until 2 months(That had also beaten Miz on two separate occasions) ago and a career mid carder? Wow.

Oh and he was fighting against Mysterio for the WWE Championship... Pretty strong now, don't you think?

Lost the match. He has not beaten Mysterio yet and probably never will. Doesn't make him look strong at all.

Just think if Miz had won against Mysterio last week, would you be surprised?
I wouldn't

I think we'd all be upset that we would have to endure dozens of the same "I was told I would never suceed but I did!" promos week in week out.

The Miz has proven himself in every division, since the tag division

Morrison worked better in the ring and was funnier on the dirt sheet.

mid card division

So you remember any of his US title reigns aside from the one he lost to Daniel Bryan?

and now main eventer.

Still waiting on him to prove himself there.

He is charismatic, good on the mic, probably the 2/3rd one better in the company and his moves are all over with the crowd (yes not the best wrestler, but still pretty good)

I can think of at least 4 people who are better than Miz on the mic.
Nothing the Miz has ever done that didnt involve John Cena or Daniel Bryan has entertained me in the least bit. Probably the most overrated wretler in the buisness. his matches, 90% of the time range from "bearable" to "excruciating"

The Miz vs John Morrison for the WWE Championship?
The Miz and John Morrison vs The Brothers of Destruction.
The Miz vs Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

He has good matches, I could tell other ones, he is not overrated, he is better than 80/90% of the WWE Roster.
The Miz vs John Morrison for the WWE Championship?
The Miz and John Morrison vs The Brothers of Destruction.
The Miz vs Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

He has good matches, I could tell other ones, he is not overrated, he is better than 80/90% of the WWE Roster.

Really pulled the second match out of your ass, didn't you?
When has the Miz been great on the mic? I'm unaware of this.

He cut one good promo with MVP one time but hey everybody can look good once.

The Miz vs John Morrison for the WWE Championship?
Someone remind me of a great spot by the miz in that match. I can only remember Miz getting the shit kicked out of him for the majority.

The Miz and John Morrison vs The Brothers of Destruction

:lmao::lmao::lmao: A glorified squash is a good match now?

The Miz vs Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

Multiman match. Rey and Del Rio's chemistry cancelled out Miz's shitness

He has good matches, I could tell other ones, he is not overrated, he is better than 80/90% of the WWE Roster.

Yeah, The Miz is a pretty bad wrestler. But, I do enjoy his work on the mic. I mean it's not great, there are 4 I can think of right now who are better but at least he CAN talk. He didn't look too out of place in the promos with Dwayne and John. He can carry himself. He is a good midcarder but an average maineventer.
In terms of main event level Rohan, I'd put him on Jack Swaggers level except Swagger is better in the ring.
He cut one good promo with MVP one time but hey everybody can look good once.

Oh so his promos with The Rock/Cena are shit? His promo with SCSA is shit?
Oh shut the fuck up, you are just saying non-sense, The Miz is the 3rd best mic talker in the WWE, currently.. Saying otherwise is stupid, so shut up!!

Someone remind me of a great spot by the miz in that match. I can only remember Miz getting the shit kicked out of him for the majority.
What? Are you telling me that every match is crap just because one guy doesn't jump of a rope? The Miz is fine in the ring, he is a good ground wrestler, oh wait you want everybody to wrestle like CM Punk, don't you?

:lmao::lmao::lmao: A glorified squash is a good match now?
It was a good match, once again what you are expecting? Every match kicking out of Tombstones and Chockeslams? Oh you are really pulling your hate out of you ass.

Multiman match. Rey and Del Rio's chemistry cancelled out Miz's shitness
I don't get it, who won the match? And The Miz has a pinfall victory over Mysterio in a 1vs1 I think.

All of you fuckers were on the Miz's dick six months ago. Now he sucks? Yeah okay, whatever.

Miz is great at what he does and has been for a long time. He's not the second coming of Daniel Bryan in the ring or anything but he's a solid worker and has had good matches with almost everyone he's feuded with over the last year or so. He's got a ton of personality, and his mic work is solid. But I guess since he's actually a popular main event wrestler now that everyone has to turn on him and say he sucks. Figures.
I'm not being my usual fickle self on this one. I liked The Miz on two separate occasions - the first week after he won the title and for five minutes at WrestleMania. Before the match, natch.
All of you fuckers were on the Miz's dick six months ago. Now he sucks? Yeah okay, whatever.

I wasn't.

Miz is great at what he does and has been for a long time.

Translation: ....yeah, he pretty much sucks.

He's not the second coming of Daniel Bryan in the ring or anything but he's a solid worker and has had good matches with almost everyone he's feuded with over the last year or so. He's got a ton of personality, and his mic work is solid. But I guess since he's actually a popular main event wrestler now that everyone has to turn on him and say he sucks. Figures.

I think the problem most have with The Miz is simple - why him? What's special? That's the question I've been asking for a year, going all the way back to his Money in the Bank win. I don't think he's awful anymore, but I don't think he's any better than average. Yes, that includes mic work.
Why is Cena the top face? Why is Orton?
Even here in Portugal I've seen people using the "I'm Awesome" T-Shirt, and believe me WWE isn't that over in Portugal...

He is a draw now, he is a good talent...
But thats okay, I hate R-Truth and people give me shit about it... Tastes are tastes and I'm OK with it.

He grown on me since he started to wear a suit! :lmao:
Miz is entertaining to me. Also he's the reality star turned WWE Champion. He is solid on the mic and on the mic. Not great in either facet, but he can hold his own.
In terms of main event level Rohan, I'd put him on Jack Swaggers level except Swagger is better in the ring.

Remind me to rep you in 24 hours.
And, think of better mic workers than the Miz... Hmmm... Christian, R-Truth perhaps, Triple H perhaps, Santino perhaps, Sheamus perhaps, Jericho definitely if he counts, Wade Barrett perhaps. And, I'm one of the Miz's biggest marks.
If you honestly don't understand why the WWE is pushing The Miz, you're pretty clueless. The guy gives them MAINSTREAM attention just by being there, and his WWE title reign this year got more publicity in the press than any WWE title reign in many, many, many years. Reality star turned WWE champion? That story sells itself. It makes perfect sense why he's in the position he's in.

Plus, he's definitely way better than "average" on the mic, don't be silly. The guy gets good heat, he can work the stick, and he's a solid worker. What the fuck is there not to like about him, other than everyone who's had a bias against him from day fucking one because he was on the Real World? I'm pretty much convinced that's why most people hate him, because they wanted him to fail miserably because he was some douchebag MTV reality star that we all, and instead he worked his ass off and got to the top of the company, proving them all wrong. No shit they're all so pissy about him being on top, he proved all of you wrong and laughed in your faces, I'd probably hate him too if I had been a Miz hater from the start. I didn't like the guy but didn't think he was bad until around 07-08 when I started to realize he was actually pretty damn good in the ring and on the stick.

Who would you rather put in The Miz's spot right now? Who? Jack Swagger? Fuck that, Miz is far more talented and over. Miz is going to be a major player in this company for years to come, so get used to it.
Just remember that I'll be telling you to "get used to it" when the One Man Rock Band starts playing live and loud in the main event scene for years at a time.
Wow, I didn't expect all this Miz hate. Miz is okay, he's not great or anything but I find him to be a believable main eventer when against the right people. He's also improved a lot in the ring, he's actually had some pretty good matches this year.
Just remember that I'll be telling you to "get used to it" when the One Man Rock Band starts playing live and loud in the main event scene for years at a time.

Oh I shall. I shall let you rub the saltiest of salt in my wounds if a day comes when Heath Slater is the WWE champion and main eventing Wrestlemania my good chap. You can even squeeze a lemon up in that bitch.

Honestly I'm not even that big a Miz fan, not sure why I'm even sticking up for him so bad because honestly he wouldn't crack my Top 5 or even Top 10 guys that I love to watch the most in the WWE, but I respect the dude for working his ass off, shutting up all the haters, and making it to the top off his own hard work. It's a great story, and he's certainly no slouch as a performer either.
Honestly I'm not even that big a Miz fan, not sure why I'm even sticking up for him so bad because honestly he wouldn't crack my Top 5 or even Top 10 guys that I love to watch the most in the WWE, but I respect the dude for working his ass off, shutting up all the haters, and making it to the top off his own hard work. It's a great story, and he's certainly no slouch as a performer either.

I agree, he is definitely a company man, like Cena. He does all the interviews, all the chat shows, all the photoshoots and performs in every single house show. He works his ass off and really has brought a lot of mainstream attention to the WWE. I'm one of his biggest marks just because of this.

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