WMD : Official Spoiler Page

Agreed Doc. I doubt that they will head to Florida. The team is crisp & are very established. Florida wont do anything for them.

Having a debut on TV will be great for the fans & breathe some life back into the tag division. No reason to go to FCW. They arent green & have mic skill. HHH & Co will likely throw them right in the mix. Give it a month & those belts will be theirs.
I doubt it. If the KoW sign they're going straight to FCW, not passing Go and not collecting $200.

It's already been reported a bunch of times that the plan is for them to completely skip FCW and be brought straight up to the main roster.
There were also reports that ADR was going to skip and Kharma wasn't. I'll believe they're skipping when I see them on WWE TV before FCW spoilers indicate that they are infact being developed.
I believe this is DBD's new theme. I believe it was used during NoC 2010:

As far as I'm concerned, the two most exciting things to happen on Smackdown this Friday are:

I almost started an argument about how thinking D Bryan's theme needed changing is a sign of how moronic most wrestling fans are. Then I remembered that you or someone in your posse enjoys the music of Staind, and realized the truth would be falling on deaf ears. Carry on.
Yep, this is it. I like it, but it really needs a better intro.
And then a better everything else.

Surely this is a new way to keep him from getting over while management shrugs afterwards and dumbly says "Fuck it, we tried." It's like a musical version of the Bellas.
I approve. Hopefully there's a concerted effort going forward to play up his Irishness. Burning the villainous with scolding potato soup has my vote.
They took away Daniel Bryan's unique them to replace it with something so generic that it would make WCW undercarders blush. Sorry, I thought my view wasn't quite clear enough.
Impact Wrestling spoilers for 8/11/11:

1. Impact starts with Immortal in the ring (Steiner, Gunner, Abyss, Ray, Anderson). Ray gets on Abyss for losing to many matches then praises Anderson for taking such a beating at Hardcore Justice. Immortal then beats up Anderson and he leaves on a strecher.

2. In a #1 contenders match for the knockouts title Mickie beat Madison Rayne.

3. In an x-division title match Kendrick defeated Robbie E to retain. Aries on commentary.

4. In a BFG series match Beer Money defeated the team of Rvd and A.j Styles and the team of Pope and Devon in a 3 way tag team match. Roode pinned Pope picking up 7 points in the series.

5. Kurt Angle comes to the ring and apologizes for what he did to Sting at Hardcore Justice. Angle says he did what he did at Hardcore Justice because Dixie Carter lied to him about Jeff and Karen. Angle
then says he's never going to let Dixie get her company back. As Angle walks up the ramp Sting comes
out to the top of the stage as a staredown with Angle and is attacked from behind with a steel chair by hulk Hogan. Angle egged on Hogan as he attacked Sting. Sting had to be helped to the back.

6. In a knockout tag match Tara and Tessmacher defeated ODB and Jackie.

7. Jeff and Karen came out and cut a promo insulting Mexico. Jeff then brought out two Mexican janitors who didn't speak English and Jeff kept asking them who the king of Mexico was. The janitors kept saying "Que" and Jeff beat them up until Hector Guerrero made the save. Actually the janitors said Guerrero before Jeff attacked them. Chavo coming to Tna soon?

8. In the main event in a four way BFG series match Crimson defeated Ray, Gunner, and Steiner. Crimson pinned Gunner with a roll up and after the match Angle came to the ring and beat up Crimson.
I try to defend TNA from hate and be optimistic but holy shit that main event sounds awful. I'm trying to think of what the WWE equivalent of that would be. I've come up with Alex Riley vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Mark Henry vs. Goldust. Sounds about accurate to me!
So Angle has turned heel again to be the 3rd world champion to join immortal thus losing it back to Sting in a few... wait he is kurt angle that won't happen. So they are just replacing the failure of Jeff with Anderson, Anderson with Angle.

So all three people in the bound for glory 2010 main event have now been apart of Immortal since they have all joined it at some point now (well Kurt isn't official yet but third times the charm right?). Essentially why wasn't it Fortune vs Immortal from the get go 10 months ago. TNA's booking... reading the spoilers is enough to tell me don't bother.

They could of just stuck Angle in immortal 10 months ago and we would be where we are at now yet it would of been 10 months ago.
It seems like it could be a pretty good show actually. I'm glad the BFG series is actually main eventing a show.

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