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This has been a weird week in wrestling. Look at the TNA taping results as theyre also weird.
I'm going to have a hearty laugh if the ratings for this week and next week go up. Especially since by boycotting the show, you're making Vince think no one wants to see Christian as champion since the majority of the audience doesn't know the title change is coming and for those that do know, you're saying you don't want to watch Christian. Yes, clearly by having a lower audience for Christian as champion he's going to be seen as a main event level star and draw.
I found the whole Orton getting on the house mike to tell the crowd not to forget that he is the World Heavyweight Champion intriguing.

It could easily be a test to see how the fans react not only to Christian having the legs cut out from underneath him but also what the reaction to Orton will be
For the record.... Getting this pissy over this is putting you up in the ranks of this guy, here.


This is a guy that says, "This is a darker day than when Owen Hart died." And you, yes you, are on his level right now.

Think about it, boys. The word is, perspective
For the record.... Getting this pissy over this is putting you up in the ranks of this guy, here.


This is a guy that says, "This is a darker day than when Owen Hart died." And you, yes you, are on his level right now.

Think about it, boys. The word is, perspective

No it isn't.
No it isn't.

Essentially, yes. Maybe not nearly as bad, but people are acting like this is one of the worst decisions the WWE has ever made, when really, it's giving the title to the more popular guy.

And the inherent logic missing here... is?
I can't remember the last time in wrestling something's gone from such a high to such a low in such a short time for me as a fan.
And he got the belt. The length of the reign is a bonus after that.

That's bullshit. His title reign of two/five days puts him in a very exclusive group of guys who held World Title gold for less than a week. When one wins the title they are all but guaranteed a reign of at least one PPV.

Christian: You took my title when I only had 90 to prepare. I'm invoking my rematch clause.

Proper build is covered.

But going back to the undeniable fact that Christian deserved a reign, proper build could have been achieved with Orton as the challenger.

Orton: The only reason you even had a shot at the belt was because your best friend got hurt.

Proper build... check.

1. By having a title change, you're saying it's possible for the title to change hands on Smackdown. It makes people want to watch again because it could happen again.

2. People are going to tune in to see a change they know is coming more than a possible change. Foley anyone?

This is all true... but did it have to happen now? Did it have to happen to Christian after he waited so long for a world title reign in the WWE? Keep in mind, we're not arguing about whether or not this was a good move by the WWE, we're arguing about whether Christian fans have a right to complain. They finally got to taste a little bit of the promised land before they were kicked right back out into the desert.

Plus, people were already going to tune in to watch Orton. And why'd this have to happen to Christian? Why couldn't they have had Alberto Del Rio win the title in controversial fashion at Extreme Rules and then let Christian win on Smackdown? Surely that would have boosted ratings even more, because in addition to seeing a title change you get to see Christian win his first. Why couldn't they have waited a month or so and done it to Sheamus, a guy who has already had two title reigns in his short tenure with the WWE? No matter how you look at it, Christian got a raw deal.

Highly, highly doubt that, especially since WWE hasn't said there's a new champion, not taht I've seen at least. To fans that have no idea it's coming it's a great surprise. That being said it would be better to build to a match, but it's a nice idea at least.

You're contradicting yourself. You just said fans are going to tune in to see a title change, and now you're saying they aren't aware of it and that it will be a surprise. Which one is it?

Orton's fans have the attention span of a dog with ADHD. They're kids. Three weeks is an eternity to them.

That's shit. First of all, as Nick said, Orton also appeals to the older fans, more so than many other of WWE's top stars even. Secondly, kids are always given this bum rap for having short attention spans, but I think that's a huge crock of shit, and a lie that is perpetuated by advertisers which feeble minded consumers gobble up. Kids, unlike adults, spend their entire week learning, not just in school, but learning about the world around them. When they grow up into adults they stop trying to learn and that's when they become brain dead drones. Kids are much more intelligent than you give them credit for.

And now they'll (likely) tune in to Over the Limit to see if he gets the title back.

Still would have if Christian was champ.

Not by my grading standards. He'll have a total of about two hours on screen as champion. Way too short to grade.

So then what's the point of having a title reign at all if you can't grade it?

Actually the minimum would be as little as possible, which would be either zero or if you count the minimum as an actual title reign, the shortest would be about 30 seconds. Christian's dwarfs a lot of reigns.

So like, what, 2% of all title reigns? What a victory.

Hardly satisfied. Just don't think it's nearly as big of an issue as the masses do.

You've waited for years to see your favorite superstar get a World Title reign in the WWE, and then when he finally does get it, it gets cut extremely short because Vince feels the need to put the belt on one of his golden boys.

So tell me: who do you like for the World Series? Since you know his title reign is already worthless when it technically hasn't ended yet.

Actually, it technically has, it theoretically hasn't because WWE operates in a separate reality known as kayfabe. In reality, he lost the title on Tuesday.

It's hardly a low blow. As you said he was getting something he probably shouldn't have. That's like complaining that your Christmas gift isn't expensive enough. You don't have to get anything in the first place.

No, it's more like getting a really great Christmas present but then having your dad take it away from you before you even got to play with it.
Just a few of the rants I've seen so far, and it hasn't even happened yet.

I don't think I've ever been more pissed at WWE than I am right now after reading that.

Warning: Severe rant incoming. Women,children and men uncertain of their sexuality close now.

I'll just leave this here to summarize what just happened to Christian:


Seriously Vince you Erectile dysfunction riddled fuck. Why do you think every turd you produce doesn't stink? You can't hold a new fresh idea for 2 whole days without falling back on your reserves because you don't have any fucking balls. Your arrogance is allowing your company to be utterly raped in PPV buys by competitors and you can't see the reasons your fans are leaving? Yeah its true remember when you'd pull 500k+ buys a month you half inched dong jacker. Keep pulling this shit watch all your superstars not named Randy Orton or John Cena leave. Its true, Its damn true. First will be CM Punk, followed by Rey Mysterio followed by (insert Wrestlers 3-30 you don't give pushes to) Look at all the hard workers you lost last year you twat.

Vince is a lucky mutherfucker. He lucked into Austin. He lucked into Rock. He lucked his way out of the Monday Night Wars. If he played the fucking lottery he'd win it. Thank god the combination of Dixie Carter being a stupid nympho and Hulk Hogan making talents wax his balls to get a match on Impact, is letting your company get away with the shit it pulls. Wheres the man who took risks? The man who showed WCW how to do a real title change with a man they rejected. I hope Christian goes back to a company that knows his worth. Can't wait for Wrestlemania 37 where Cena will beat Orton for his 30th fucking title.

::Endrant:: All opinions and views are only extended to this post.

2: This is the biggest load of horseshit ever.

And then there's this guy, who I'm pretty sure was right up on the YOUTOOBES!!! posting the same type of videos.

ince, you fucking ******, no wonder your stock has dropped more than the god damn economy. Because of shit like this, y'know I could handle Orton ucking up the nexus, burying Dibiase, Rhodes and Kofi. Hell, I could even take Orton burying Barrett and kill all his momentum. I could forgive his promos and laugh softly and feel sorry for your failing movie studio which is selling DVD's in wall mart next to The Matrix.

I could forgive the fact that you tried ever so hard to bring your company back into the Media's good graces only to be humiliated and ridiculed by almost every single main stream person with a god damn brain. A 12 year old could figure this shit out Vince. Its not a conspiracy anymore. You're hanging by a thread you fucking moron, XFL failed, so did your senate run and so did your studio. You're damn lucky the Rock said "I'll fight" because if not we'd have to endure through John Cena vs Orton "I vipe vindows cause I can't fucking wrestle" and Mania 34 would be held in a local school arena. And I'm a fan of Cena.

You're pathetic attempts to separate yourself from Pro Wrestling is also laughable because quite frankly it has shown that this company so badly wants to be mainstream but can't. You're like that little skinny kid that wants the lollipop but can't have it. You know why? Cause UFC does.

UFC's kicking your ass vince. Sleep at night and pump iron with that shit eating away in your brain you dim witted buffoon. You're getting a million buys at Mania? UFC just sold out Air Canada Center in record time. Your stock has dropped 55% since 1999 and UFC is climbing higher and higher. You know why? Cause they don't do stupid shit like this.

When Brock Left, Dana White didn't blow his balls out and give the title back to Randy Couture (oh and by the way...this IS entertainment, unlike yours which is a complete and utter stupidity that 8 year olds fall for). He left Velázquez run with it (not like he had a choice, but you get my point).

This is why you're PPV buy rates are fucking up, this is why you're constantly wondering "what am I doing wrong?" you're a fucking moron that can't see past T-shirt sales you dumass. You're not a business man, remember that. You're a fucking wrestling promoter and a damn good one. Stick to it and stop giving us this bullshit.

Vince, I own some stock in your company and thank the fucking' god when I saw the rise of UFC I bought some of that too. Wait till the next Shareholders meeting Vince. I'm gonna make sure you cry like a bitch, you no good, paranoid, steroid junkie, old fart.

Yo Paul, retire his ass already. He's clearly lost his mind on how to build superstars like he used to.

Yeah and I don't care if people say "Oh he's a genius he knows what he's doing."

Yeah, in the wrestling world. Business wise, he's a fuck up in almost everything except wrestling.

Your stock has dropped considerably. That smart Vinnie?
Your getting you ass kicked in PPV buys That smart too Vinnie?
If Dana White moved to Monday Night, you'd lose half your audience? Wanna bet? Cause UFC's bigger than your ass and if you keep this shit up they'll buy you out like you did with WCW.

One of the main reasons UFC is popular is because they said "This is a show for fighers" they don't try to mask who they are you dumbfuck, neither do they try to tone down violence because some ******* had too many concussions and killed his kids.

As a WWE fan, I'm pissed the fuck off.

I know now how the TNA fans feel like. I feel for you.

...Not really.

Yeah, I know it doesn't look like I'm taking the smartest possible posters. Never said I was. These are people on these forums, who are showing pretty much the same level of ire, all over a title change.
There's a video up on the main page of the SmackDown spoiler. KB was right, the pop is pretty huge, and a kid next to the camera is cheering for Orton the entire time, just to help clear up a couple points being argued.
There's a video up on the main page of the SmackDown spoiler. KB was right, the pop is pretty huge, and a kid next to the camera is cheering for Orton the entire time, just to help clear up a couple points being argued.

I'm pretty sure no one in this thread has argued that Orton isn't popular.

The only thing sadder than the people saying this is "worse than Owen Hart's death" are the people in this thread rubbing it in that Christian lost the title so quickly to a thread full of Christian fans. I didn't realize you guys got hard-ons from seeing other people upset. If you don't care about Christian then move the fuck along and stop being a dick. Which is exactly what you're being by remaining in this thread and continuing to insult and argue with the people upset by this while "trying to hold back laughter". Go be a condescending prick somewhere else.
Барбоса;3088811 said:
Schadenfreude, Xy

Personally, I am still happy enough to focus on this


Yeah atleast we'll always have Sunday.

The article on the main page about this whole thing is an interesting little read if it's true.
I'm pretty sure no one in this thread has argued that Orton isn't popular.

The only thing sadder than the people saying this is "worse than Owen Hart's death" are the people in this thread rubbing it in that Christian lost the title so quickly to a thread full of Christian fans. I didn't realize you guys got hard-ons from seeing other people upset. If you don't care about Christian then move the fuck along and stop being a dick. Which is exactly what you're being by remaining in this thread and continuing to insult and argue with the people upset by this while "trying to hold back laughter". Go be a condescending prick somewhere else.

I just noticed those two things in the video and I know they were points being argued by JGlass, KB, and maybe Nick. I'm not happy about this move, but I'm going to wait to pass completely judgement
That's bullshit. His title reign of two/five days puts him in a very exclusive group of guys who held World Title gold for less than a week. When one wins the title they are all but guaranteed a reign of at least one PPV.

All I saw was "group of guys that held the world title". That's a big upgrade for him and you know it.

But going back to the undeniable fact that Christian deserved a reign, proper build could have been achieved with Orton as the challenger.

And Orton didn't deserve a reign? The guy has been more popular than anyone naot named Cena for a long time. He hasn't had one in months and he's FAR bigger of a star than Christian.

Orton: The only reason you even had a shot at the belt was because your best friend got hurt.

Proper build... check.

Yeah, and now with Christian as champion he can prove Orton wrong, thereby making him look even stronger and not look like a champion that got lucky.

This is all true... but did it have to happen now? Did it have to happen to Christian after he waited so long for a world title reign in the WWE? Keep in mind, we're not arguing about whether or not this was a good move by the WWE, we're arguing about whether Christian fans have a right to complain. They finally got to taste a little bit of the promised land before they were kicked right back out into the desert.

Better a taste than nothing at all. Tell a person dying of thirst that you didn't think they'd like a drop of water and see their reaction.

Plus, people were already going to tune in to watch Orton. And why'd this have to happen to Christian? Why couldn't they have had Alberto Del Rio win the title in controversial fashion at Extreme Rules and then let Christian win on Smackdown? Surely that would have boosted ratings even more, because in addition to seeing a title change you get to see Christian win his first. Why couldn't they have waited a month or so and done it to Sheamus, a guy who has already had two title reigns in his short tenure with the WWE? No matter how you look at it, Christian got a raw deal.

Because Alberto was going to Raw. Why would you watch a show with no world champion? Most fans aren't as smart as you, which means the twist wouldn't be as obvious.

You're contradicting yourself. You just said fans are going to tune in to see a title change, and now you're saying they aren't aware of it and that it will be a surprise. Which one is it?

Not a contradiction. Fans would tune in to see a title change if they knew about it. They're not at the moment so people will tune in to see what Christian is doing. It's a bonus for them, which is one of the ideas.

That's shit. First of all, as Nick said, Orton also appeals to the older fans, more so than many other of WWE's top stars even. Secondly, kids are always given this bum rap for having short attention spans, but I think that's a huge crock of shit, and a lie that is perpetuated by advertisers which feeble minded consumers gobble up. Kids, unlike adults, spend their entire week learning, not just in school, but learning about the world around them. When they grow up into adults they stop trying to learn and that's when they become brain dead drones. Kids are much more intelligent than you give them credit for.

He appeals to children just as much if not more as there are more kids than adults. Intelligent for kids, not on our level as you know.

Still would have if Christian was champ.

No harm no foul then.

So then what's the point of having a title reign at all if you can't grade it?

What's the point of a squash? You can't grade those either but it doesn't mean there isn't a point.

So like, what, 2% of all title reigns? What a victory.

Sounds like being the poorest millionaire. It's a problem I'd like to have.

You've waited for years to see your favorite superstar get a World Title reign in the WWE, and then when he finally does get it, it gets cut extremely short because Vince feels the need to put the belt on one of his golden boys.

Let's say Foley had lost the title on the next Raw after 1/4/99 (next show at the time). I'd have been incredibly happy because he had an incredible moment which you can't take away from him. That's huge to say the least.

Actually, it technically has, it theoretically hasn't because WWE operates in a separate reality known as kayfabe. In reality, he lost the title on Tuesday.

Reality has nothing to do with pro wrestling unless Russo is booking and you know it.

No, it's more like getting a really great Christmas present but then having your dad take it away from you before you even got to play with it.

I'd rather have that than get nothing and be told that I'm not worth the time or effort.
Went to work. Came home. Hopped on wrestlezone and saw the bullsjit article on the main page.

Looks like it's going to be a Fuck Vince McMahon type of night.
From F4WOnline

According to Dave Meltzer, the original plan for Extreme Rules was for Alberto Del Rio to win the World Title and then lose it to Randy Orton on Smackdown two days later. The change was made to Christian either the day before or the morning of the show.

Huh. Well, ain't this a little nugget of gushiness. Not only does it look like it wasn't even supposed to be Christian's reign, but that this exact same thing would have happened to Alberto Del Rio, who's definitely someone Vince has in his good graces. Vinny saw the moment to give to Christian, and Christian, just like Alberto Del Rio, was gonna give up the title, at some point.

I don't like to rub it in people's faces, I really don't. I'm not that much of a troll. But when people are behaving so irrationalely, that's when trolls be trollin. As of now, the only person that makes a fair point about this whole thing is Xfearbefore, in that this ruins the chance of making a new star, or building up a new star. But given the choice between the two, I'd have rather seen Christian job to Orton, as opposed to Del Rio.

Face it, Vinny was always gonna put the strap on Orton. It was just who was gonna job to him.
As of now, the only person that makes a fair point about this whole thing is Xfearbefore, in that this ruins the chance of making a new star, or building up a new star.

And that's really the only point I was ever trying to make. Like Christian or hate him, he's over, and Vince was presented with an opportunity to take a guy with a lot of heat over the last few weeks (the good kind), and use that to propel him to a main eventer. No shit he'll always be seen as a midcarder if you never push him past the midcard, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's no doubt that the WWE is in dire need of some new main event players, especially with Edge gone, and they took that opportunity and totally squandered it. Like Christian, hate him, or don't care at all about him, that's a flat-out stupid move.

Then there's of course my personal feelings as a Christian mark that piss me off about this, but that's totally secondary to my main point and is totally subjective.
And that's really the only point I was ever trying to make. Like Christian or hate him, he's over, and Vince was presented with an opportunity to take a guy with a lot of heat over the last few weeks (the good kind), and use that to propel him to a main eventer. No shit he'll always be seen as a midcarder if you never push him past the midcard, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's no doubt that the WWE is in dire need of some new main event players, especially with Edge gone, and they took that opportunity and totally squandered it. Like Christian, hate him, or don't care at all about him, that's a flat-out stupid move.

Then there's of course my personal feelings as a Christian mark that piss me off about this, but that's totally secondary to my main point and is totally subjective.

I listen to the subjective; it's something that most wrestling fans don't do, but then again that's why we're called fans. I'll say this; the idea of taking the belt off Christian in two days may hurt him. That said, he did lose to the second most dominant wrestler in the company (currently). It isn't as though he jobbed out to Khali and the like, this was Orton, so I'm not entirely sure that this will kill Christian. If Christian were given the run to go with for three weeks, would we view him as a star?

Or, to use the past; Did Chris Benoit's reign do anything to make him a bigger star? Did Kane's last run? Sure, Christian is more talented than Kane, and a better entertainer than Benoit. But I feel even with three weeks, Christian would be viewed the same way as Benoit, Kane, et all. That would be a mid card star, who can rotate to the main event for a fresh face. And that's perfectly fine, really.
All I saw was "group of guys that held the world title". That's a big upgrade for him and you know it.

Puts him at the bottom of that group, a group that includes The Great Khali and Jack Swagger.

And Orton didn't deserve a reign? The guy has been more popular than anyone naot named Cena for a long time. He hasn't had one in months and he's FAR bigger of a star than Christian.

He's already had one... no, wait, he's already had 8... and he's been in the WWE for the same amount of time as Christian. Not to mention nobody is saying he doesn't deserve one, just that Christian deserves a chance too.

Yeah, and now with Christian as champion he can prove Orton wrong, thereby making him look even stronger and not look like a champion that got lucky.

Except he won't, another kick in the nads to Christian fans. You've said it yourself, Christian doesn't deserve to have a title reign, much less go over Orton.

Better a taste than nothing at all. Tell a person dying of thirst that you didn't think they'd like a drop of water and see their reaction.

Except Christian wasn't going to die if he didn't get a championship belt. What a horrible analogy.

Because Alberto was going to Raw. Why would you watch a show with no world champion? Most fans aren't as smart as you, which means the twist wouldn't be as obvious.

To see how the show regains champ. Everyone and their mother knows that Smackdown wouldn't have a belt for long.

Not a contradiction. Fans would tune in to see a title change if they knew about it. They're not at the moment so people will tune in to see what Christian is doing. It's a bonus for them, which is one of the ideas.

But if they don't know about the title switch they'd be just as likely to tune in. And they'd still get the thrill of watching a title match and a retention.

He appeals to children just as much if not more as there are more kids than adults. Intelligent for kids, not on our level as you know.

What are you getting at? My point is that kids aren't going to lose interest during a three week feud and buildup for a title match.

What's the point of a squash? You can't grade those either but it doesn't mean there isn't a point.

Of course you can grade a squash, just because you choose not to doesn't mean it's ungradable.

Sounds like being the poorest millionaire. It's a problem I'd like to have.

Once again, he's in company with Jack Swagger and Great Khali. Not exactly great.

Let's say Foley had lost the title on the next Raw after 1/4/99 (next show at the time). I'd have been incredibly happy because he had an incredible moment which you can't take away from him. That's huge to say the least.

Heresay, not to mention the fact that we already discussed how 10 years down the road this wouldn't be such a bad thing. At the time, little 11 year old KB would have been upset.

Reality has nothing to do with pro wrestling unless Russo is booking and you know it.

Doesn't change the fact that Christian's title reign was less than a week, which is a total joke.

I'd rather have that than get nothing and be told that I'm not worth the time or effort.

How very masochistic of you.
And that's really the only point I was ever trying to make. Like Christian or hate him, he's over, and Vince was presented with an opportunity to take a guy with a lot of heat over the last few weeks (the good kind), and use that to propel him to a main eventer. No shit he'll always be seen as a midcarder if you never push him past the midcard, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's no doubt that the WWE is in dire need of some new main event players, especially with Edge gone, and they took that opportunity and totally squandered it. Like Christian, hate him, or don't care at all about him, that's a flat-out stupid move.

I agree they could have, and maybe should have gone this route. But, as an Orton fan (which I understand you're not), this works.

Orton has been working in the shadow of John Cena for an entire year now, despite live crowds going absolutely insane for the guy. No matter what he did, Cena was #1. Orton wasn't even the featured guy when he held the strap last fall. This is his chance to headline a show, and not work in someone else's shadown.

For this reason, I think it was important to establish Orton quickly, as the face of the program. Did it need to be done this week? No, it could have taken all Summer, actually, and I wouldn't have cared. But had Christian held the title for a good amount of time, the younger and more popular Orton may have lost steam. I understand that doesn't mean much to you, since you dislike the guy, but it means something to his fans who have been waiting all year for him to have his own show.

Orton is younger and more popular. If you want him to be the other face of the company, it's time to build him up on Smackdown, not have him play second fiddle, again, like he did to John Cena.

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