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No but that's certainly how you're coming off. As you said you would rather the title win never have happened if this was the outcome. If that's the case, then his title reign was worthless, which no world title reign is.

Like I said, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Short term, like, 1-5 years, it's pretty despicable how this title "reign" panned out. Maybe after he retires I'll find peace with this situation, knowing that he got an opportunity most others don't, even if it was for a humiliating two days.

Eddie and Benoit weren't midcarders. Well Eddie was but Benoit had multiple world title shots and high level feuds before he won the title. Christian came more out of nowhere than both of them to win it.

And this means he only deserves to hold onto it for two days? Edge came out of nowhere to win it at New Year's Revolution 06, and he got to hold it until the next PPV. In fact, there have been plenty of surprise champions that got to hold onto the title longer than two days.

He won the world title. He's now a bigger star than he was before. He got the moment every Peep has been begging for for years. I completely fail to see how him losing the title could possibly take all that away.

Because it's just as big a low blow as him winning the title was a high point. Basically what the WWE is saying is, "We're just giving you this title reign because it's what you want, not because we think Christian deserves it." That's not what Christian's fans wanted to see, they wanted to see the WWE reward Christian for his hard work and superior performance.

Losing time after time would be a good place to start.

As opposed to just losing once? Not to mention Swagger did win a few matches as champion. Not buying, next.

Winning the title when someone else did the work for you would be a second step in that.

So then I guess The Miz was a pretty shitty champion too then, huh?

Christian won the title in a fair match. Swagger didn't come close to that and had a reign where he was made to look like a joke.

Swagger retained his title in a fair match against Orton, does that count for nothing? Yes, Christian had a great match to kick off his title reign, but that's all he has going for him. Swagger at least held onto the belt for three PPVs.
Like I said, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Short term, like, 1-5 years, it's pretty despicable how this title "reign" panned out. Maybe after he retires I'll find peace with this situation, knowing that he got an opportunity most others don't, even if it was for a humiliating two days.

The thing I find interesting about this is people are making it out to be an indictment on Christian as a champion. Even in Vince's warped mind that's not possible. This was planned the second Orton went to Smackdown and probably would have happened to Alberto if he had won the title.

And this means he only deserves to hold onto it for two days? Edge came out of nowhere to win it at New Year's Revolution 06, and he got to hold it until the next PPV. In fact, there have been plenty of surprise champions that got to hold onto the title longer than two days.

And Edge's first title reign was looked as as weak also. Just like just about every other MITB winner not named RVD. Christian is FAR ahead of all of them in terms of how he got the title as he got a clean win so he doesn't have to deal with people complaining about how he just stole it.

Because it's just as big a low blow as him winning the title was a high point. Basically what the WWE is saying is, "We're just giving you this title reign because it's what you want, not because we think Christian deserves it." That's not what Christian's fans wanted to see, they wanted to see the WWE reward Christian for his hard work and superior performance.

No, it really isn't. It's a stupid moment, but again, you're coming off like this is the last match he's ever going to have ever. He's now a legit world title contender rather than a guy that has never won the big one. As for "not what Christian's fans wanted to see", they're being greedy. Their boy got his world title win in one of the best put together moments of all time. Anything, and I mean anything, after that is a bonus.

So then I guess The Miz was a pretty shitty champion too then, huh?

Not quite. Again, this is like saying that Christian's loss is saying that he was a bad champion. It doens't prove anything about his ability or inability to draw on top. Miz proved he can hang there, Christian didn't have the chance yet. That doesn't mean it's the end of the world.

Swagger retained his title in a fair match against Orton, does that count for nothing? Yes, Christian had a great match to kick off his title reign, but that's all he has going for him. Swagger at least held onto the belt for three PPVs.

If winning a world title like Christian won it classifies as "that's all he has going for him", I'd like a piece of that.
The thing I find interesting about this is people are making it out to be an indictment on Christian as a champion. Even in Vince's warped mind that's not possible. This was planned the second Orton went to Smackdown and probably would have happened to Alberto if he had won the title.

But what's the harm in letting him hold the belt until Over The Limit? There is none. I just don't understand why they had to pull the trigger on this so soon.

And Edge's first title reign was looked as as weak also. Just like just about every other MITB winner not named RVD. Christian is FAR ahead of all of them in terms of how he got the title as he got a clean win so he doesn't have to deal with people complaining about how he just stole it.

So you do think Miz's title reign was weak? I would say Christian's title reign is literally worse than every title reign that came as a result of a money in the bank cash in, even if he did have a great match to win the title.

No, it really isn't. It's a stupid moment, but again, you're coming off like this is the last match he's ever going to have ever.

I fail to see how this is the case as I have said multiple times that he will continue to participate in the main event.

He's now a legit world title contender rather than a guy that has never won the big one. As for "not what Christian's fans wanted to see", they're being greedy. Their boy got his world title win in one of the best put together moments of all time. Anything, and I mean anything, after that is a bonus.

How is asking for a mere three weeks as champion greedy? Seriously, this isn't Zack Ryder fanboys thinking he should get a main event feud against John Cena or even Daniel Bryan fanboys looking for him to go on a 200 match undefeated streak. No, this is Christian's fans asking for just above the bare minimum and not getting it. They're asking for a saltine to dip into their gruel, and Vince McMahon is saying no.

Not quite. Again, this is like saying that Christian's loss is saying that he was a bad champion. It doens't prove anything about his ability or inability to draw on top. Miz proved he can hang there, Christian didn't have the chance yet. That doesn't mean it's the end of the world.

The argument isn't about being a good champion though, it's about having a good title reign. Miz had a great title reign, Christian did not.

If winning a world title like Christian won it classifies as "that's all he has going for him", I'd like a piece of that.

I see you're willing to settle for mediocrity. Well that's all well and good, but you must know that you're in the minority there. Most fans want to see their favorite wrestlers have great success, and create career defining moments. They were not given anything remotely close to that with this feud, just a brief moment of happiness before it was ripped away. It's like the WWE was teasing them more than appeasing them.
***Warning, angry fan rant, please ignore***

Vince, you fucking ******, no wonder your stock has dropped more than the god damn economy. Because of shit like this, y'know I could handle Orton ucking up the nexus, burying Dibiase, Rhodes and Kofi. Hell, I could even take Orton burying Barrett and kill all his momentum. I could forgive his promos and laugh softly and feel sorry for your failing movie studio which is selling DVD's in wall mart next to The Matrix.

I could forgive the fact that you tried ever so hard to bring your company back into the Media's good graces only to be humiliated and ridiculed by almost every single main stream person with a god damn brain. A 12 year old could figure this shit out Vince. Its not a conspiracy anymore. You're hanging by a thread you fucking moron, XFL failed, so did your senate run and so did your studio. You're damn lucky the Rock said "I'll fight" because if not we'd have to endure through John Cena vs Orton "I vipe vindows cause I can't fucking wrestle" and Mania 34 would be held in a local school arena. And I'm a fan of Cena.

You're pathetic attempts to separate yourself from Pro Wrestling is also laughable because quite frankly it has shown that this company so badly wants to be mainstream but can't. You're like that little skinny kid that wants the lollipop but can't have it. You know why? Cause UFC does.

UFC's kicking your ass vince. Sleep at night and pump iron with that shit eating away in your brain you dim witted buffoon. You're getting a million buys at Mania? UFC just sold out Air Canada Center in record time. Your stock has dropped 55% since 1999 and UFC is climbing higher and higher. You know why? Cause they don't do stupid shit like this.

When Brock Left, Dana White didn't blow his balls out and give the title back to Randy Couture (oh and by the way...this IS entertainment, unlike yours which is a complete and utter stupidity that 8 year olds fall for). He left Velázquez run with it (not like he had a choice, but you get my point).

This is why you're PPV buy rates are fucking up, this is why you're constantly wondering "what am I doing wrong?" you're a fucking moron that can't see past T-shirt sales you dumass. You're not a business man, remember that. You're a fucking wrestling promoter and a damn good one. Stick to it and stop giving us this bullshit.

Now...onto Christian. I officially hate Orton. Not in a kayfabe kind of way. That was in like '08. Now I just fucking can't stand the prick.

Vince, I own some stock in your company and thank the fucking' god when I saw the rise of UFC I bought some of that too. Wait till the next Shareholders meeting Vince. I'm gonna make sure you cry like a bitch, you no good, paranoid, steroid junkie, old fart.

Yo Paul, retire his ass already. He's clearly lost his mind on how to build superstars like he used to.
So let me get this straight. Now we're supposed to see losing to the second biggest star in the company as bad? Right, Orton was always gonna be the face of Smackdown, no matter how much of a chance Christian got. WWE put the strap on their best star. What's to be pissed about?

Also, where did I miss Christian never getting a chance? Seriously, the guy's had his whole career to earn his chance.us He had a huge chance in like 06 moving to Smackdown, and went to TNA. The dude's had his whole career to prove himself. You don't give the World Title as a lifetime achievement award. Didn't believe in it for Kane, Benoit, Guerrero, and didn't believe it for Christian.
I'm still pissed. Let him run with the belt for a while. I knew Orton would eventually win it, but I'm pissed it came this quickly.
But what's the harm in letting him hold the belt until Over The Limit? There is none. I just don't understand why they had to pull the trigger on this so soon.

Get people talking, get more people to watch SD because they might see a world title change, get Orton fans happy and make them want to see if he can do it again at the PPV?

So you do think Miz's title reign was weak? I would say Christian's title reign is literally worse than every title reign that came as a result of a money in the bank cash in, even if he did have a great match to win the title.

....uh.....not quite. Christian's reign isn't something you can grade. There wasn't much to it. We saw him on TV for a total of 12 seconds as champion prior to Friday. It's like saying Dreamer was a bad ECW champion in 2000.

I fail to see how this is the case as I have said multiple times that he will continue to participate in the main event.

You mean as I said in the first place?

How is asking for a mere three weeks as champion greedy? Seriously, this isn't Zack Ryder fanboys thinking he should get a main event feud against John Cena or even Daniel Bryan fanboys looking for him to go on a 200 match undefeated streak. No, this is Christian's fans asking for just above the bare minimum and not getting it. They're asking for a saltine to dip into their gruel, and Vince McMahon is saying no.

Asking for more than the moment and reign that you demanded for so long is being greedy, yes. The bare minimum would have been no title reign.

The argument isn't about being a good champion though, it's about having a good title reign. Miz had a great title reign, Christian did not.

.....isn't that what I said?

I see you're willing to settle for mediocrity. Well that's all well and good, but you must know that you're in the minority there. Most fans want to see their favorite wrestlers have great success, and create career defining moments. They were not given anything remotely close to that with this feud, just a brief moment of happiness before it was ripped away. It's like the WWE was teasing them more than appeasing them.

When am I not in the minority most of the time on here?

You don't think the title win was a career defining moment? I beg to differ very strongly there.
So let me get this straight. Now we're supposed to see losing to the second biggest star in the company as bad?

Yes because Orton has had multiple title reigns. Christian has had 1. For 2 days.

Right, Orton was always gonna be the face of Smackdown, no matter how much of a chance Christian got.

Just cause you're the face doesn't mean you should hold on the championship. Look at Cena. Face, didn't hold it for ten months.

WWE put the strap on their best star. What's to be pissed about?

Christian deserved a reign not two fucking days with a shiny belt. A reign as a champion. I used to want to throw something at my TV when Kane jobbed to guys like Mcintryre. When he got the champion, I was ecstatic. When he lost, I didn't feel bad anymore. Know why? Closure. If Christian goes back to jobbing on superstars, that's fine. People want him to be a champion and defeat some god damn opponents while he's at it. Putting the title on Orton is basically saying to Christian "You won the match, he still gets the belt though. Oh why you ask? Cause he sells T-shirts.

Also, where did I miss Christian never getting a chance? Seriously, the guy's had his whole career to earn his chance.us He had a huge chance in like 06 moving to Smackdown, and went to TNA. The dude's had his whole career to prove himself.

Right because politics never played a part, not to mention Vince never liked jim after he came back from TNA and considering the fact that he was one of the biggest heels in the company before TNA.

You don't give the World Title as a lifetime achievement award. Didn't believe in it for Kane, Benoit, Guerrero, and didn't believe it for Christian

Your opinion's your opinion. But world title means that the company has said "You've reached that level where we can actually trust you with carrying this belt" and Christian's done it a long time ago. So did Kane, so did Benoit and so did Guerrero.
By the way I meant 2005, when he was wrestling Cena, main evented a PPV against him (a triple threat, albeit) and was likely to be Smackdown's top heel. And, oh yeah, royally pissed off Vince by going to TNA. If anything, Vince has done nothing but give him his due.

Oh yeah, and there's also paying him a crapload of money. Yes, that makes me feel soooooo bad for Christian
A few random thoughts here, since I'm not responding to everyone.

-On the surface, this seems really stupid. I'm a bigger mark for Orton than I am Christian, but I like Christian, and this didn't sit very well when I first read it.

However, we have no idea where this is going. Christian could turn heel, have a huge feud with Orton over the summer, win the belt back at some point, etc. They could have a face vs. face match at Over the Limit, with Christian pinning the #2 Superstar in the company (a much bigger deal than pinning Del Rio, who wasn't even champion). Or, Christian could fall back into the mid-card, meaning Vince really doesn't see anything in him. Either way, we know nothing as of right now. Calm down.

-I've read a few people say they wouldn't have cared had this taken place at Over the Limit, and I say bullshit. Orton haters are going to hate, same way Cena haters do. His winning the title would piss off most of you, no matter when it happens.

(talking about Christia) Heel turn possibly? I have no idea what's going on here.

I'll be waiting on that Christian heel turn now.

I'm hoping this is the case. Christian, like Orton, is far more entertaining as a heel, and those two could have a fantastic feud. But right now, Orton is more over than Christian, he's a bigger star, a bigger deal, etc., so expecting Orton to turn heel before Christian is a little out there.

I can only hope this leads to an Orton heel turn

I suppose this could be what they're going for, but I don't think it would work. Remember -- the WWE did not turn Orton face, the fans did. They marked out for him doing heelish shit, so having him go even further heel might not do the job.

If this is an actual burial of Christian, I won't be happy. But we have no idea where this is going, so I'm seeing nothing but overreaction at this point.
By the way I meant 2005, when he was wrestling Cena, main evented a PPV against him (a triple threat, albeit) and was likely to be Smackdown's top heel. And, oh yeah, royally pissed off Vince by going to TNA. If anything, Vince has done nothing but give him his due.

Oh yeah, and there's also paying him a crapload of money. Yes, that makes me feel soooooo bad for Christian

Sorry, you know how much money Christian makes?


Then shut the fuck up.
Yeah not even gonna bother with the quote for quote bs. I just want a few things answered.

1. Did Kane, Benoit, and Guerrero do anything memorable during their little victory lap?

2.Why is it everytime a smark favorite isn't main eventing, it has to be the unholy vague "politics" keeping him down? Maybe he just isn't that good.

3.They could keep the belt off Cena because someone good enough was able to carry the slack until he was ready again. Smackdown doesn't have that luxury
Sorry, you know how much money Christian makes?


Then shut the fuck up.

Right, because it's not fair to assume he's making more than anyone on these forums, or for that matter likely 95% of the population.

Perception; you rack it rike you rack a disciprine.
Right, because it's not fair to assume he's making more than anyone on these forums, or for that matter likely 95% of the population.

Again, your basing this on pure conjecture. And so what if he does make more money than us? This isn't a conversation about whether or not he deserves to be paid what he's paid. This a conversation about the possibility of a NEW star for the company being presented to them, and them squandering it to hand the title to an established guy again who not only doesn't need the title but will gain absolutely nothing from holding it. This does nothing positive for anyone, and I've yet to hear a single reason from you or anyone as to how this is going to help anyone in any way.

Perception; you rack it rike you rack a disciprine.

***** don't take the South Park Asian shit on me, I will straight up kung-fu your mother in her penis and then impregnate your college roommate. Don't test me MOTHERFUCKER.
For the record, because that's how I roll, Christian was allegedly offered 950,000 by TNA, balked, and took 550,000 from WWE.

Yes, yes, tears will chase my whiskey for Christian, tonight. The fuck will I survive knowing a man who's living pretty well off is having his fictional character raped and pillaged before our very eyes.

Oh and I fucked up. That word I was looking for earlier is perspective. Yes, that is what you rack

As for the business point. You know that's kinda fair.us Cept Christian ain't exactly new. He'd be more of a body to tide over fans.us Though i see your point
Get people talking, get more people to watch SD because they might see a world title change, get Orton fans happy and make them want to see if he can do it again at the PPV?

Reasons Christin should have held the belt until the PPV...
1) He deserves it after putting in 9 years of work in at WWE, often putting his body through hell or doing very strong work in shitty positions.

2) Proper build to a title match. People would have to pay to watch this match, and would.

3) People would still tune into Smackdown to see who gets the title shot against Christian, they'd watch on a consistent basis rather than a one and done.

4) This could back fire and now people won't watch on Friday because they know the results (I fall into this category).

5) Orton's fans would be just as happy if it happened three weeks from now.

6) Christian fans would by Capitol Punishment to see if he could do it again at that PPV.

....uh.....not quite. Christian's reign isn't something you can grade. There wasn't much to it. We saw him on TV for a total of 12 seconds as champion prior to Friday. It's like saying Dreamer was a bad ECW champion in 2000.

Yes, yes you can grade it. and it gets a D+. I didn't give it an F because it does help keep Christian relevant (even though he probably would have remained relevant anyway) and because it sets up a heel turn for someone.

You mean as I said in the first place?

Yes, because you were the only person in all of WrestleZone that realized that Christian would still go onto main event Over the Limit and probably continue to have a main event presence :shrug:

Who the fuck cares who said it first? The point is we agree upon it, making it a non-issue at this point.

Asking for more than the moment and reign that you demanded for so long is being greedy, yes. The bare minimum would have been no title reign.

No, the bare minimum is a short title reign, like this one. No title reign is nothing, it does not even meet the minimum. If you go to the store needing to buy a minimum of 10 bags of sugar, and you buy 8, you did not reach the bear minimum, you got below the bear minimum.

I suppose Vince could have made Christian drop the title on RAW, but then that would mean two world title defenses in one night, and that's the type of thing you should have to pay to see, no?

When am I not in the minority most of the time on here?

So, if you admit that you are in a fringe group of people that are satisfied with the bare minimum... unless you are extremely stubborn, you should at least understand why Christian's fans are complaining.

You don't think the title win was a career defining moment? I beg to differ very strongly there.

Not anymore. It could have been, but now his reign is such a non-factor that I'd say his legacy as a tag team specialist still outweighs it.

Look, I've been against a Christian title reign for a long time, and I firmly believe the only reason he got one is because Edge went down. That said, it's a fucking low blow by the WWE to just rip the title off of him a mere two days after he won it. That's why I think Christian fans have the right to complain, and that's why I'm mad about it too.
If I could be serious for a moment...

Randy Orton is one of the most boring wrestlers on the entire roster. Not to mention he's started to reach frightening Hulk Hogan/John Cena like Superhuman-like. He wins every fucking match he's ever in, always. Starting to get creepy.
If I could be serious for a moment...

Randy Orton is one of the most boring wrestlers on the entire roster. Not to mention he's started to reach frightening Hulk Hogan/John Cena like Superhuman-like. He wins every fucking match he's ever in, always. Starting to get creepy.

Remember when it used to be like, the exact opposite though?

I shudder to think of what would happen if Orton & Triple H had a feud now.
If I could be serious for a moment...

Randy Orton is one of the most boring wrestlers on the entire roster. Not to mention he's started to reach frightening Hulk Hogan/John Cena like Superhuman-like. He wins every fucking match he's ever in, always. Starting to get creepy.

I think the only one on one match he has lost this year was to Miz at the Rumble.
And he was pinned in the gauntlet match a few weeks ago but outside of multi man matches the Rumble match with Miz is his only loss this year.
I'm just gutted how we probably won't get a huge showdown with the two at SummerSlam which I thought could have made them some big money. I guess this could still occur so I won't be too angry. Not yet anyway.
Reasons Christin should have held the belt until the PPV...
1) He deserves it after putting in 9 years of work in at WWE, often putting his body through hell or doing very strong work in shitty positions.

And he got the belt. The length of the reign is a bonus after that.

2) Proper build to a title match. People would have to pay to watch this match, and would.

Christian: You took my title when I only had 90 to prepare. I'm invoking my rematch clause.

Proper build is covered.

3) People would still tune into Smackdown to see who gets the title shot against Christian, they'd watch on a consistent basis rather than a one and done.

1. By having a title change, you're saying it's possible for the title to change hands on Smackdown. It makes people want to watch again because it could happen again.

2. People are going to tune in to see a change they know is coming more than a possible change. Foley anyone?

4) This could back fire and now people won't watch on Friday because they know the results (I fall into this category).

Highly, highly doubt that, especially since WWE hasn't said there's a new champion, not taht I've seen at least. To fans that have no idea it's coming it's a great surprise. That being said it would be better to build to a match, but it's a nice idea at least.

5) Orton's fans would be just as happy if it happened three weeks from now.

Orton's fans have the attention span of a dog with ADHD. They're kids. Three weeks is an eternity to them.

6) Christian fans would by Capitol Punishment to see if he could do it again at that PPV.

And now they'll (likely) tune in to Over the Limit to see if he gets the title back.

Yes, yes you can grade it. and it gets a D+. I didn't give it an F because it does help keep Christian relevant (even though he probably would have remained relevant anyway) and because it sets up a heel turn for someone.

Not by my grading standards. He'll have a total of about two hours on screen as champion. Way too short to grade.

Yes, because you were the only person in all of WrestleZone that realized that Christian would still go onto main event Over the Limit and probably continue to have a main event presence :shrug:

Well of course I did. Why do you think it says genius on my WZ business cards?

Who the fuck cares who said it first? The point is we agree upon it, making it a non-issue at this point.

I dind't know it was an issue we had at the first place. Is it at least in good condition or are the corners worn a bit?

No, the bare minimum is a short title reign, like this one. No title reign is nothing, it does not even meet the minimum. If you go to the store needing to buy a minimum of 10 bags of sugar, and you buy 8, you did not reach the bear minimum, you got below the bear minimum.

Actually the minimum would be as little as possible, which would be either zero or if you count the minimum as an actual title reign, the shortest would be about 30 seconds. Christian's dwarfs a lot of reigns.

I suppose Vince could have made Christian drop the title on RAW, but then that would mean two world title defenses in one night, and that's the type of thing you should have to pay to see, no?

More often than not yes. Also it would have made the show too crowded.

So, if you admit that you are in a fringe group of people that are satisfied with the bare minimum... unless you are extremely stubborn, you should at least understand why Christian's fans are complaining.

Hardly satisfied. Just don't think it's nearly as big of an issue as the masses do.

Not anymore. It could have been, but now his reign is such a non-factor that I'd say his legacy as a tag team specialist still outweighs it.

So tell me: who do you like for the World Series? Since you know his title reign is already worthless when it technically hasn't ended yet.

Look, I've been against a Christian title reign for a long time, and I firmly believe the only reason he got one is because Edge went down. That said, it's a fucking low blow by the WWE to just rip the title off of him a mere two days after he won it. That's why I think Christian fans have the right to complain, and that's why I'm mad about it too.

It's hardly a low blow. As you said he was getting something he probably shouldn't have. That's like complaining that your Christmas gift isn't expensive enough. You don't have to get anything in the first place.

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