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Orton's fans have the attention span of a dog with ADHD. They're kids. Three weeks is an eternity to them.

This is like the exact opposite of people who enjoy Randy Orton. He works a slow pace, so that automatically eliminates those with ADD. Also, who cheers for Orton? The adults. Cena and Rey Rey take care of the kiddies.

EDIT: And no, this wasn't an important part of the debate. I pay far too much attention to detail.
Went to bed, slept on it, had time to think about my haste in criticizing Vince McMahon.

After careful consideration I come to the conclusion that it's still a Fuck Vince McMahon type of day.
I still think this is a better move than wasting what felt like an hour of television time on Rock's birthday blowjob.
Well, I've slept on it, and I'm not mad anymore.

This video that someone on /wooo/ made helped.

And we got a glorious GIF out of it:

My take on it is although it seems like a kick in the nuts to Christian now, it could turn out better in the long run.

Orton is an established champion and main eventer. Christian is a tag team wrestler and upper mid carder at best up until Extreme Rules. There is also the feeling that Christian was rushed in to the title picture because of Edges retirement.

If it is booked the right way taking the belt of Christian and a program with Orton could make Christian a much more credible champion/Main eventer. Over the next few weeks/months they could put on a series of great matches, both could show what they can do, show Christian in a good way, show he can work at the highest level. Then at a PPV down the line Chritian wins the title back and can then have a longer reign and seem a lot more credible.

Of course it could end up goin the complete opposite direction, but lets see where it goes before we rubbish the move completely.
You are fucking shitting me, I was so excited after Sunday. Fuck this.
Highly doubtful. Smackdown will get it's usual rating in the 2.0 range.
Highly doubtful. Smackdown will get it's usual rating in the 2.0 range.

If Orton going to Smackdown doesn't bump the ratings, I'll be surprised. If ratings do not see an increase, I will finally buy into Smackdown being the B-show, not only in the eyes of Vince (which has been clear for years), but the audience (as a whole, not just smarks) as well.
For the record, they pulled very similar bullshit on Chris Jericho and he turned out pretty fucking fine to me.

I think this is just a test to see how the crowd reacts to Christian losing that belt. That way, it gets the audience behind him even more for a future title reign. If he wasn't ready to carry the title and the entire television show right now, he would be after this is over and the crowd is behind him.

In my eyes, this is a bigger push than having him carry the belt for a while. So you should all be happy.
For the record, they pulled very similar bullshit on Chris Jericho and he turned out pretty fucking fine to me.

I think this is just a test to see how the crowd reacts to Christian losing that belt. That way, it gets the audience behind him even more for a future title reign. If he wasn't ready to carry the title and the entire television show right now, he would be after this is over and the crowd is behind him.

In my eyes, this is a bigger push than having him carry the belt for a while. So you should all be happy.

I dont agree but I certainly see the logic.
Who's down to tune out during the Christian/Orton match on SD this week, SD has low numbers to begin with, who knows if we could actually cause a dent; but if we spread the word and commit to tune out perhaps there's a chance our voices can be heard.


A bunch of people on Twitter are claiming that they are boycotting the episode on Friday. I'll believe it when I see it.

Just saw this, and I agree, obviously.
Doubtful, SSC. We're merely hundreds... viewer ratings are in the millions.

I know we couldn't do it on our own, but if the word spread enough through the multiple social networking sites, well there just might be enough support. I know it's highly doubtful, but the IWC is always looking to make an impact, now's there chance.

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