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Watching KB defend this absolutely ******ed move is just amusing.

It's not a bad move just because Christian deserved more than this or that his fans believed he did. It's a terrible fucking move because they had the opportunity to get somebody NEW over at a time when they desperately need to do just that, and they totally screwed the pooch and buried Christian a few days later to Orton, completely killing all of his title win heat and knocking him back down to the upper midcard. And it's not like Christian couldn't run with the ball either, because they didn't even give him a fucking chance. I could understand losing it at the PPV to Orton, but 2 days later on TV? Way to take a golden opportunity to have a new main event babyface that the fans were actually hot as fuck for, and then completely squander that opportunity without even giving Christian a chance. Like Christian or hate him, they atleast owed him a fucking chance, he could have filled the gaping hole that Edge is leaving but instead they'll probably treat him like "former World champion" Jack Swagger, and nobody wins. Not Christian, not the fans, not the WWE, not Vince's bank account. We all lose.

Unbelievably STUPID move by the WWE here. I'm pissed, though I should know better at this point than to trust Vince.
All these wars over Christian. Now I know what jihadists feel like.

I think it's a colossal slap in the face to a guy who's busted his ass by putting on great matches for the company before he left for TNA and since he returned from TNA. He constantly is among biggest pops in the company. Why not give the guy a chance to run with the ball a little bit?

It just reeks of a complete panic move, and they completely shit on the guy.

No, it doesn't. Christian got the big title win. He got that. He was world champion of the top company in the world. He was THE top guy. This is the kind of exaggeration I'm talking about. If you consider being made to look like a bigger star than you really are, getting in essence a promotion and getting the top prize to be a slap in the face, sign me up for a few slaps.

You're a part of the IWC too, KB.

I can only hope this leads to an Orton heel turn (without any fucking *****s Legacy bullshit) and Christian chasing the title again and winning. This is sad, but I'm sure something will happen in the coming weeks. I hope. :(

Yes, and you don't see me complaining about this do you? It isn't sad and it's not going to lead to an Orton title win. The fans wanted to see Christian vs. Orton and they saw it plus a title win. What do you think the pop is going to be like? I'll give you a hint: It's going to be really, really big.

Because his title reign will forever be remembered as a joke. You're shitting yourself if you think people are going to remember this as Christian finally getting his moment. People are going to look back at this and remember Christian finally getting his moment and then getting fucked in the ass.

Most fans won't. His insane fans will.

And let's not pretend that being a Grand Slam Champion makes you one of the best wrestlers to ever come through the WWE. Names like Hulk Hogan and Undertaker aren't on that list, but names like Rob Van Dam and Booker T are. Christian joins a mixture of elite and... not so elite wrestlers by joining that club, and truthfully, he falls towards the bottom of that group as well, settling right under Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.

Seems to me he joins a list of world champions which the IWC in general BEGGED and DEMANDED to see. That's just me though.

There's not a single Christian fan who can look at this and be satisfied. He wasn't even given a chance, and he has shown nothing but promise since rejoining the WWE.

That's because they're never going to be satisfied.

You know, even when I usually disagree with you I can see things from your perspective. This is not one of those times. You're right, the IWC will never be happy, but there are a select group of folks like me who would've been content with a month long title reign regardless who he dropped it to. At least that way there would be a decent amount of happy customers. But doing it this way is not going to please anyone.

You say that this gives him the credibility to go after it again, but I completely disagree. Giving him a win over Alberto is not some huge feat and jobbing him out to Orton Clean a few days later doesn't make it any better. He looks like the weakest champion that I can remember in the past few years.

It never ceases to amaze me how short sighted fans can be. Yes, he lost the title in his first defense. Know what I've heard? I've heard.....wait for it......wait for it......HE COULD WIN IT AGAIN! You people are acting like he got shot worse than bin Laden. Freaking KANE won a world title last year. If you think this is the end of Christian's career and time in the main event you're a fool.
Here's what I don't get. Christian fans would be ok with him dropping the title at a PPV that is three weeks away. What could Christian do in those three weeks that would have validated him as a deserving champion. Hell, Swagger got a clean win over Orton and looked what happened to him.
Here's what I don't get. Christian fans would be ok with him dropping the title at a PPV that is three weeks away. What could Christian do in those three weeks that would have validated him as a deserving champion. Hell, Swagger got a clean win over Orton and looked what happened to him.

Swagger was jobbing clean to the Undertaker in under five minutes twice in the same week a week after winning his title. He too was never even remotely given a chance, but atleast they gave him more than two fucking days with the belt. You can give Jack Swagger a decent reign but not Christian, who's actually over and has earned it?
Most fans won't. His insane fans will.

Untrue. Anyone with a good memory of the WWE will not think back to Christian's first title reign and think, "great moment." It will always come with a but, "Great moment, but shitty reign."

Seems to me he joins a list of world champions which the IWC in general BEGGED and DEMANDED to see. That's just me though.

So then we agree that joining the Grand Slam superstars is not an accomplishment to be proud of? Great, so his reign is even less meaningful now.

That's because they're never going to be satisfied.

Bullshit. Nobody ever wanted him to hold the title until Mania. I doubt any of his fans even expected he'd hold it for more than a couple months. You're right to think there would be a few fans who would complain if he dropped it at Over the Limit. You'd be right if you thought there would be a few fans who would complain if he dropped it at Capitol Punishment. You'd be dead wrong if you thought there would be anymore than a handful of Christian fans who would complain if he dropped it at whatever comes after Capitol Punishment, I guess Summer Slam maybe?

It never ceases to amaze me how short sighted fans can be. Yes, he lost the title in his first defense. Know what I've heard? I've heard.....wait for it......wait for it......HE COULD WIN IT AGAIN! You people are acting like he got shot worse than bin Laden. Freaking KANE won a world title last year. If you think this is the end of Christian's career and time in the main event you're a fool.

He could, but you know he won't. Yeah, Kane won the world title last year... twelve years later. Christian is 37, and he maybe has 3 or 4 years left maximum. He already suffered a pretty severe injury recently, that's not going to do him any favors in terms of longevity.

Christian may not be done in the main even scene, but I sincerely doubt we'll ever see him get his hands on a world title ever again.
Here's what I don't get. Christian fans would be ok with him dropping the title at a PPV that is three weeks away. What could Christian do in those three weeks that would have validated him as a deserving champion. Hell, Swagger got a clean win over Orton and looked what happened to him.

I don't know. I'm not happy about this, but I really feel like no matter when, how, or to whom he lost the belt to, a shit-ton of people would be pissed. Was this the best way to do it? No. Was this kind of reaction going to happen pretty much whenever he lost the belt? Probably yes.
Swagger was jobbing clean to the Undertaker in under five minutes twice in the same week a week after winning his title. He too was never even remotely given a chance, but atleast they gave him more than two fucking days with the belt. You can give Jack Swagger a decent reign but not Christian, who's actually over and has earned it?

My memories might be a little fuzzy but I read that as horse shit? What 2 jobs are we talking about?
Bah my fault. Meant to say "Orton heel turn."
It was teased. Cody came out to distract Christian and Orton told the live crowd smugly to remember that he's the new champion, WHILE they were chanting for a dejected-looking Christian.
It was teased. Cody came out to distract Christian and Orton told the live crowd smugly to remember that he's the new champion.

God, Legacy was bad near the end.

Enjoy it because all 3 are now on Smackdown. Did you really think Vince was going to feud Mark Henry and Christian or something?
Untrue. Anyone with a good memory of the WWE will not think back to Christian's first title reign and think, "great moment." It will always come with a but, "Great moment, but shitty reign."

That's assuming this is his only title reign. Kane got a second and his joke reign is completely and utterly forgotten about.

So then we agree that joining the Grand Slam superstars is not an accomplishment to be proud of? Great, so his reign is even less meaningful now.

I missed when the grand slam was even brought into this. It didn't occur to me until you mentioned it. That would be because title reigns and amount of titles won means nothing. If they did, Austin and Rock are about the 5th and 6th most important wrestlers ever and Roddy Piper is miles below Jack Swagger.

Bullshit. Nobody ever wanted him to hold the title until Mania. I doubt any of his fans even expected he'd hold it for more than a couple months. You're right to think there would be a few fans who would complain if he dropped it at Over the Limit. You'd be right if you thought there would be a few fans who would complain if he dropped it at Capitol Punishment. You'd be dead wrong if you thought there would be anymore than a handful of Christian fans who would complain if he dropped it at whatever comes after Capitol Punishment, I guess Summer Slam maybe?

A few months is way too long. Christian was a stretch to put as world champion. He's been in the midcard his entire life and was definitely talented there, but he's still viewed as a midcard guy. I was skeptical about him getting the title in the first place but I definitely see why he did it. I think he should have gotten a longer reign, but people are acting like this is the end of the world and the end of Christian meaning anything in the company which I assure you it isn't.

He could, but you know he won't. Yeah, Kane won the world title last year... twelve years later. Christian is 37, and he maybe has 3 or 4 years left maximum. He already suffered a pretty severe injury recently, that's not going to do him any favors in terms of longevity.

Again, he isn't going to be curtain jerking Superstars this week. With MITB, the ridiculous amounts of PPVs and TV title matches getting more play, I'd be shocked if he doesn't have a minimum of three more world title matches in high profile situations this year, the first of which will likely be at Over the Limit in his rematch.

Christian may not be done in the main even scene, but I sincerely doubt we'll ever see him get his hands on a world title ever again.

So in other words, he's going to be on the list of former world champions forever? I fail to see how this is a bad thing.
It was teased. Cody came out to distract Christian and Orton told the live crowd smugly to remember that he's the new champion, WHILE they were chanting for a dejected-looking Christian.

Teasing means very little at the end of the day. Angle flat out said "my mistress is someone no one knows" and it's Chyna. Edge and Christian used to be brothers and now they're friends. Things change and they change in a heartbeat in wrestling.

actually I was taking about being jobbed out to everyone and their grandmother.

Actually I'm thinking that's incorrect.
My memories might be a little fuzzy but I read that as horse shit? What 2 jobs are we talking about?

Raw 4/19/10:

The Undertaker pinned World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger in an impromptu non-title match at 15:48 with the chokeslam and tombstone

Excuse me it was only once. Still, jobbing clean within a little over a week on TV.
That was a very good and long match where Swagger was made to look very good. Difference between jobbing and losing.
Raw 4/19/10:

The Undertaker pinned World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger in an impromptu non-title match at 15:48 with the chokeslam and tombstone

Excuse me it was only once. Still, jobbing clean within a little over a week on TV.

Swagger cashed in the contract during the SmackDown taping on March 30, 2010, after the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho had been speared by Edge. Swagger went on to defeat Jericho to win the World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. Following his championship win, Swagger began to develop a more serious persona: previously he had been known for doing pushups and beating his chest during his ring entrance. He successfully defended his championship against Edge and Jericho in a triple threat match on the April 16 episode of SmackDown, and against Randy Orton in an Extreme Rules match at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view

Well over a week since his World Heavyweight Championship win. I remember that match, It was the RAW where all the RAW wrestlers were trapped in Belfast and Taker came on to fill in. A near 16 minute match isn't a job. Its a back and forth hard-fought match, unless of course they went and did push-ups for 15 and half minutes. This was also after Swagger beat Chris Jericho and Edge at the same time in a triple threat match. Less then a week later he beat Randy Orton cleanly at Extreme Rules.

I remember Swaggers reign pretty vividly because it doesn't deserve half the shit people give it.
That's assuming this is his only title reign. Kane got a second and his joke reign is completely and utterly forgotten about.

Probably because by the time he got his second title reign the audience had changed COMPLETELY. 11 years passed between then, the people watching the WWF in 98 had moved on, and the kids watching the WWE in 2010 had no knowledge of Kane's first title reign.

I missed when the grand slam was even brought into this. It didn't occur to me until you mentioned it. That would be because title reigns and amount of titles won means nothing. If they did, Austin and Rock are about the 5th and 6th most important wrestlers ever and Roddy Piper is miles below Jack Swagger.

Further proving my point not having this joke of a title reign would be better.

A few months is way too long. Christian was a stretch to put as world champion. He's been in the midcard his entire life and was definitely talented there, but he's still viewed as a midcard guy. I was skeptical about him getting the title in the first place but I definitely see why he did it. I think he should have gotten a longer reign, but people are acting like this is the end of the world and the end of Christian meaning anything in the company which I assure you it isn't.

Oh I agree that Christian was a career midcarder, but so were Benoit and Guerrero, and they both had respectable title reigns. Having a two day long title reign isn't just a slap in the face, it's a kick in the nads. Please provide me with reasons that Christian shouldn't have held the title until Over the Limit, a show exactly three weeks after Extreme Rules.

Again, he isn't going to be curtain jerking Superstars this week. With MITB, the ridiculous amounts of PPVs and TV title matches getting more play, I'd be shocked if he doesn't have a minimum of three more world title matches in high profile situations this year, the first of which will likely be at Over the Limit in his rematch.

I'll give him two, and even so it doesn't matter. So he stays in the main event, big deal, he was going to be in the main event of Smackdown whether he won or lost at Extreme Rules. This was likely his only shot to be champion, and he got robbed.

So in other words, he's going to be on the list of former world champions forever? I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

Yes, and he'll be right at the bottom of the list with the other all-time worst title reign contenders.
Probably because by the time he got his second title reign the audience had changed COMPLETELY. 11 years passed between then, the people watching the WWF in 98 had moved on, and the kids watching the WWE in 2010 had no knowledge of Kane's first title reign.

You're giving the intelligence and attention span of the average fans way too much credit. Things have happened in the past 365 days that have had people screaming from the rooftops that so and so is dead. This hasn't even aired yet. He's going to get a rematch and he's going to be in at least the upper midcard. This isn't the armageddon that you're making it out to be.

Oh I agree that Christian was a career midcarder, but so were Benoit and Guerrero, and they both had respectable title reigns. Having a two day long title reign isn't just a slap in the face, it's a kick in the nads. Please provide me with reasons that Christian shouldn't have held the title until Over the Limit, a show exactly three weeks after Extreme Rules.

Christian is nowhere near those two and I find Guerrero to be one of the most overrated main eventers of all time.

I'll give him two, and even so it doesn't matter. So he stays in the main event, big deal, he was going to be in the main event of Smackdown whether he won or lost at Extreme Rules. This was likely his only shot to be champion, and he got robbed.

So you'd rather he be right back where he was before? As in no great emotional moment on Sunday? I find that hard to believe.

Yes, and he'll be right at the bottom of the list with the other all-time worst title reign contenders.

Not even close. Not as long as guys like Swagger are around.

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