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1. Regarding the TNA #1 contender: AGAIN, they change the PPV title match. What is this, the fourth time or so that a #1 contender loses that spot in a row now?

2. To JGlass, no they don't have a right to complain. Christian got his moment, he got his win, he got his title. He got every single thing that the fans demanded he get and yet they're still not happy because Vince didn't appease them more than enough. I definitely think it was too short but the way people are talking you would think he never won it in the first place and is having to compete on NXT or something.
I'm glad Christian got his win and his moment. He's a former world champion now and a Grand Slam Champion. I just hate Orton. I also don't want to see Cody join with Orton, if that's what the run-in was teasing. Cody is doing just fine by himself and reuniting Legacy would just hold him back.

At least the rest of SD seemed really good.

Cena guaranteed another year long run

You can't seriously believe this.
Warning: Severe rant incoming. Women,children and men uncertain of their sexuality close now.

I'll just leave this here to summarize what just happened to Christian:


Seriously Vince you Erectile dysfunction riddled fuck. Why do you think every turd you produce doesn't stink? You can't hold a new fresh idea for 2 whole days without falling back on your reserves because you don't have any fucking balls. Your arrogance is allowing your company to be utterly raped in PPV buys by competitors and you can't see the reasons your fans are leaving? Yeah its true remember when you'd pull 500k+ buys a month you half inched dong jacker. Keep pulling this shit watch all your superstars not named Randy Orton or John Cena leave. Its true, Its damn true. First will be CM Punk, followed by Rey Mysterio followed by (insert Wrestlers 3-30 you don't give pushes to) Look at all the hard workers you lost last year you twat.

Vince is a lucky mutherfucker. He lucked into Austin. He lucked into Rock. He lucked his way out of the Monday Night Wars. If he played the fucking lottery he'd win it. Thank god the combination of Dixie Carter being a stupid nympho and Hulk Hogan making talents wax his balls to get a match on Impact, is letting your company get away with the shit it pulls. Wheres the man who took risks? The man who showed WCW how to do a real title change with a man they rejected. I hope Christian goes back to a company that knows his worth. Can't wait for Wrestlemania 37 where Cena will beat Orton for his 30th fucking title.

::Endrant:: All opinions and views are only extended to this post.
Yeah I'm pretty aggravated. 2 days? 2 fucking days? The IWC is going to be in an uproar, and for once I'm going to be right there with them. I can take solace in the fact that he got his reign, but this was just horseshit.
2. To JGlass, no they don't have a right to complain. Christian got his moment, he got his win, he got his title. He got every single thing that the fans demanded he get and yet they're still not happy because Vince didn't appease them more than enough. I definitely think it was too short but the way people are talking you would think he never won it in the first place and is having to compete on NXT or something.

Christian didn't get every single thing the fans demanded. They wanted a REIGN. What did they get? One match. Christian wrestled one match as champ before dropping it to a man who is literally less talented in every way.

There wasn't a single Christian fan that would be okay with the idea of having him hold onto the belt for two days before dropping it in a match with no build-up, to a guy that he has no history with, in a match that was pre-recorded. I don't see how it could be any more insulting.

I'd almost prefer he didn't win the title at all rather than have this mockery of a title reign. Kane's had more respectable title reigns than this, and that's not even a joke.
And just like that I have absolutely zero interest in watching smackdown. What is the point of letting Christian win in the first place if you're just going to take it off of him? So we can have one moment of glory? Randy Orton is by far the most boring main event wrestler of the past decade. So what if a portion of the kids think he's cool? It'd be more interesting to have Ted Dibiase. Barely, but still more interesting.
Here's the sad part, I was talking to Lee after Christian won the title and we were discussing how fast they'd put the title on Orton:

Lee: Not until the next PPV at least.
Me: What if they give Christian the Kane treatment?
Lee: That doesn't happen anymore in this era.

Christian didn't get every single thing the fans demanded. They wanted a REIGN. What did they get? One match. Christian wrestled one match as champ before dropping it to a man who is literally less talented in every way.

There wasn't a single Christian fan that would be okay with the idea of having him hold onto the belt for two days before dropping it in a match with no build-up, to a guy that he has no history with, in a match that was pre-recorded. I don't see how it could be any more insulting.

I'd almost prefer he didn't win the title at all rather than have this mockery of a title reign. Kane's had more respectable title reigns than this, and that's not even a joke.

That's because IWC fans will never be happy. He had a reign, just a very short one. He'll get to make a big appearance on SD with the title and gets to hold the belt. He's officially a former world champion and now has the credibility to go after it again. I completely fail to see how this is a bad thing and the idea that it would be better off not happening is absurd.
1. Regarding the TNA #1 contender: AGAIN, they change the PPV title match. What is this, the fourth time or so that a #1 contender loses that spot in a row now?

2. To JGlass, no they don't have a right to complain. Christian got his moment, he got his win, he got his title. He got every single thing that the fans demanded he get and yet they're still not happy because Vince didn't appease them more than enough. I definitely think it was too short but the way people are talking you would think he never won it in the first place and is having to compete on NXT or something.

I think it's a colossal slap in the face to a guy who's busted his ass by putting on great matches for the company before he left for TNA and since he returned from TNA. He constantly is among biggest pops in the company. Why not give the guy a chance to run with the ball a little bit?

It just reeks of a complete panic move, and they completely shit on the guy.
I think it's a colossal slap in the face to a guy who's busted his ass by putting on great matches for the company before he left for TNA and since he returned from TNA. He constantly gets the biggest pops in the company. Why not give the guy a chance to run with the ball a little bit?

It just reeks of a complete panic move, and they completely shit on the guy.

I'm not the biggest fan of this move, but that part is a huge exaggeration.
loooks like I am going back to TNA.

1: I really don't wanna watch anything with Cole on it.

2: This is the biggest load of horseshit ever.

I may tune into raw every now and then but on the whole FUCK wwe (mostly Vincent Kennedy McMahon)
That's because IWC fans will never be happy. He had a reign, just a very short one. He'll get to make a big appearance on SD with the title and gets to hold the belt. He's officially a former world champion and now has the credibility to go after it again. I completely fail to see how this is a bad thing and the idea that it would be better off not happening is absurd.

You're a part of the IWC too, KB.

I can only hope this leads to an Orton heel turn (without any fucking *****s Legacy bullshit) and Christian chasing the title again and winning. This is sad, but I'm sure something will happen in the coming weeks. I hope. :(
That's because IWC fans will never be happy. He had a reign, just a very short one. He'll get to make a big appearance on SD with the title and gets to hold the belt. He's officially a former world champion and now has the credibility to go after it again. I completely fail to see how this is a bad thing and the idea that it would be better off not happening is absurd.

Because his title reign will forever be remembered as a joke. You're shitting yourself if you think people are going to remember this as Christian finally getting his moment. People are going to look back at this and remember Christian finally getting his moment and then getting fucked in the ass.

And let's not pretend that being a Grand Slam Champion makes you one of the best wrestlers to ever come through the WWE. Names like Hulk Hogan and Undertaker aren't on that list, but names like Rob Van Dam and Booker T are. Christian joins a mixture of elite and... not so elite wrestlers by joining that club, and truthfully, he falls towards the bottom of that group as well, settling right under Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.

There's not a single Christian fan who can look at this and be satisfied. He wasn't even given a chance, and he has shown nothing but promise since rejoining the WWE.
loooks like I am going back to TNA.

1: I really don't wanna watch anything with Cole on it.

2: This is the biggest load of horseshit ever.

I may tune into raw every now and then but on the whole FUCK wwe (mostly Vincent Kennedy McMahon)

we get your not liking ths tonight but instead of bitching how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Loved RAW tonight and fuck everyone who was bitching the entire time.

That's because IWC fans will never be happy. He had a reign, just a very short one. He'll get to make a big appearance on SD with the title and gets to hold the belt. He's officially a former world champion and now has the credibility to go after it again. I completely fail to see how this is a bad thing and the idea that it would be better off not happening is absurd.

You know, even when I disagree with you I can usually see things from your perspective. This is not one of those times. You're right, the IWC will never be happy, but there are a select group of folks like me who would've been content with a month long title reign regardless who he dropped it to. At least that way there would be a decent amount of happy customers. But doing it this way is not going to please anyone.

You say that this gives him the credibility to go after it again, but I completely disagree. Giving him a win over Alberto is not some huge feat and jobbing him out to Orton Clean a few days later doesn't make it any better. He looks like the weakest champion that I can remember in the past few years.
Silver lining in all this is that maybe Jericho comes back and they have an Orton/Jericho feud for the title with him trying to get revenge for getting punted.

Except like Punk, Jericho will probably look like shit throughout the entire feud.
You know, even when I usually disagree with you I can see things from your perspective. This is not one of those times. You're right, the IWC will never be happy, but there are a select group of folks like me who would've been content with a month long title reign regardless who he dropped it to. At least that way there would be a decent amount of happy customers. But doing it this way is not going to please anyone.

You say that this gives him the credibility to go after it again, but I completely disagree. Giving him a win over Alberto is not some huge feat and jobbing him out to Orton Clean a few days later doesn't make it any better. He looks like the weakest champion that I can remember in the past few years.


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