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"Afterwards, Christian sat in the ring dejected as the fans chanted for him. After he went to the back, Orton returned to remind everyone that when they go home, remember he is the new World champion".

I am so mad right now. I wouldn't have minded if Orton had won at Over the Limit, but this is just depressing.
I don't understand. What did Christian cause the ratings to plummet before the show airs or something? They couldn't even give him a 3 week reign or something?
At least this didn't happen at the actual PPV. Poor Christian, he must be crushed.

That's what I'm most pissed about. Given the belt, getting an insanely emotional reaction from people around the world, only to get it yanked back at him not 48 hours later.

He made it to the top only to be shoved right off the the idiots in charge at the last second. But at least he's a champion. At least he had his moment. He's a former world champion, a Grand Slam Champion. And nothing can change that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry.
I knew this was going to happen I fucking knew it. As Doc said I wish they would have atleast waited to the next fucking ppv. Fuck you Randy Orton.... Fuck you.
You know, I just finally got the chance to sit down and watch Christian win the title, and it was one of the best Ladder Matches in WWE history. The end result was a man who worked his ass off for over a decade to get to this point.

Then they have the most boring wrestler and the biggest self-indulgent douchebag on the roster take the title away from him.

Fuck this company. With them sweeping the rug from under my favorite wrestler and Cena guaranteed another year long run, and Punk leaving, I'm taking another break.
I had a feeling this might happen and I had a feeling the complaining would come. He got the one thing all of his fans demanded and shockingly enough, they blame Vince immediately after he gets what everyone was begging for.
Full TNA5/12 spoilers
* Christy Hemme comes out for the ring announcer's role again.

* Jeff Jarrett and Karen open the show up to lots of heat from the crowd. Jeff wants a truce with Kurt Angle and so does Karen. Karen goes on about how she's sorry and calls out Kurt, and here he comes. Kurt comes out and tells Karen she's crazy. He wants a mixed tag match at Sacrifice with he and his partner vs. Karen and Jeff. Kurt says he would bring her out now but the network wants to wait. Angle tells Jarrett that he knows who the mystery woman is and says it's real, damn real.

* Mickie James and Miss Tessmacher defeat Madison Rayne and Tara.

* Beer Money comes out and addresses Matt Hardy. Hardy comes out and disses Beer Money, saying they wouldn't be here if it weren't for him and Jeff Hardy. Matt says they will take their tag titles at Sacrifice. Hardy introduces his partner and it's not Jeff - it's Storm's former partner Wildcat Chris Harris.

* Sangriento defeated Suicide.

* Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come out. Flair attacks Suicide. Hogan cuts a promo and out comes Mick Foley. Foley says the show is now called Impact Wrestling and it's all about wrestling. A 25 man battle royal for the #1 contendership is announced for tonight. Foley also introduces Angle's partner for Sacrifice and out comes Chyna.

* Crimson defeated Abyss and Samoa Joe in a three way. Abyss attacked after the match and stared Joe down.

* Hogan, Flair and Bischoff with the Jarretts come out and re-tape the segment from earlier. Foley comes out and pushes Bischoff down. Foley gets in Hogan's face and says what he said earlier basically, re-introducing Chyna also.

* The 25 man battle royal comes down to Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson and Brother Ray. Chyna comes down and eliminates Jarrett then attacks Karen until he makes the save. Mr. Anderson ends up winning to become the new #1 contender after eliminating Ray.
This got ruined for me and I'm PISSED. This is the first time I'm posting in here because normally I avoid spoilers like the plague, but this has me infuriated.

That's the final straw for me and Orton. I was starting to warm up to him, but I just can't find anything good about him now. I suppose it's possible that he was 0% involved with getting this to happen, but I doubt it. I'll just always associate him with robbing Christian of his title reign.

Fuck that.
At the end of the day, Christian eventually will be in the HOF as champion and no one is going to look at the length of the reign. Mick Foley comes to mind.
I had a feeling this might happen and I had a feeling the complaining would come. He got the one thing all of his fans demanded and shockingly enough, they blame Vince immediately after he gets what everyone was begging for.

Are you saying the complaining isn't justified? If ever there was a time that IWC complaining was justified, it would be now. I never thought Christian should be a world champion as a WWE superstar, but he most certainly did deserve it as an employee. Then they finally gave it to him and it looked like it would be his chance to show the world that he deserved it.

But no, that title reign was finished just two days after it began, five if you set your clocks to WWE Standard Time.

Yes, Vince gave Christian a title reign, but none of Christian's fans wanted to see him hold on to that belt for all of two days. They have every right to complain.

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