WMD : Official Spoiler Page

AMW were an awesome team - helped me get into TNA, they're not as good as BMI in TNA's history, but both are two of the best tag teams ever.
For tonight Impact tapings.

Lindsay Howard, the giant female who was going to be part of WWE NXT before being let go, is backstage at the TNA Impact tapings and will be debuting tonight. The word I am hearing is that she will be unveiled as Kurt Angle's mistress.

Former WWE talent Joanie "Chyna" Laurer is backstage at tonight's TNA iMPACT tapings in Orlando and will be debuting as Kurt Angle's "mistress" in the feud with Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett.

Isis The Amazon had previously agreed to sign with TNA for the role of Angle's mistress but that obviously has changed. Stay tuned for full spoilers.
Wow. Just wow. I was a fan of hers about 10 years ago. Since then she's become a train-wreck, I can't imagine this will go over very well. Will be interesting to see her again though.
5/12 TNA ongoing spoilers.

- Thanks to Eric for the following TNA iMPACT spoilers from tonight's tapings in Orlando, Florida. These will air on May 12th:

* Christy Hemme comes out for the ring announcer's role again.

* Jeff Jarrett and Karen open the show up to lots of heat from the crowd. Jeff wants a truce with Kurt Angle and so does Karen. Karen goes on about how she's sorry and calls out Kurt, and here he comes.
Kurt comes out and tells Karen she's crazy. He wants a mixed tag match at Sacrifice with he and his partner vs. Karen and Jeff. Kurt says he would bring her out now but the network wants to wait. Angle tells Jarrett that he knows who the mystery woman is and says it's real, damn real.
Well hey, Chyna and Jarrett had a great feud back in the fall of 1999, so it was only a matter of time before TNA decided to try and re-do another angle from a decade ago. Good Housekeeping Match Part II? Shit I wouldn't mind seeing Chyna smash another kitchen sink over Jarrett's dome piece.

Seems like a terrible idea though given her drug addiction and personal problems.

recent pic
Well hey, Chyna and Jarrett had a great feud back in the fall of 1999, so it was only a matter of time before TNA decided to try and re-do another angle from a decade ago. Good Housekeeping Match Part II? Shit I wouldn't mind seeing Chyna smash another kitchen sink over Jarrett's dome piece.

Seems like a terrible idea though given her drug addiction and personal problems.

They prob needed to fill their quota of drug dependent wrestlers. Not funny jokes aside, IDC what anyone says if it is her I am interested. I honestly don't think another female could have had me this interested.(besides Mae Young)

* Christy Hemme comes out for the ring announcer's role again.

* Jeff Jarrett and Karen open the show up to lots of heat from the crowd. Jeff wants a truce with Kurt Angle and so does Karen. Karen goes on about how she's sorry and calls out Kurt, and here he comes. Kurt comes out and tells Karen she's crazy. He wants a mixed tag match at Sacrifice with he and his partner vs. Karen and Jeff. Kurt says he would bring her out now but the network wants to wait. Angle tells Jarrett that he knows who the mystery woman is and says it's real, damn real.

* Mickie James and Miss Tessmacher defeat Madison Rayne and Tara.

* Beer Money comes out and addresses Matt Hardy. Hardy comes out and disses Beer Money, saying they wouldn't be here if it weren't for him and Jeff Hardy. Matt says they will take their tag titles at Sacrifice. Hardy introduces his partner and it's not Jeff - it's Storm's former partner Wildcat Chris Harris.
Seriously, they ARE aware Chyna hasn't wrestled in 9 years, right? Jesus she's going to be awful in the ring.
Literally the best Impact ever continues(non sarcastic)

The Jarretts come out and offer a truce to Kurt Angle as Jeff doesn't want her to be put in harm's way at the Sacrifice PPV on Sunday. The crowd is chanting for Angle. Karen says that Kurt's been hurt too many times and now that's made him believe that she's out to get him. She says they have a restraining order out for his own well being and asks Angle to come out. Kurt comes out and says he can't believe he stayed married to her. Angle announces a mixed tag match between himself & "his business partner" against the Jarretts for the PPV. He says that Jarrett knows who she is and she's real, damn real.

*Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher defeated Madison Rayne & Tara.

*Beer Money cut a promo and pretty much intimate that they are waiting for Matt Hardy to call Jeff Hardy to face them at Sacrifice without using Jeff's name. Matt comes out and says they showed guts when they dared call out Hulk Hogan, but they still make him sick and are worthless. Matt says he and Jeff Hardy were raised to be champions and he and his partner are going to take the belts at Sacrifice. But, his partner isn't Jeff Hardy. Out comes, I swear to God, Chris Harris. It's Harris and Hardy vs. Beer Money.

*Sangriento pinned Suicide.

*Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come out immediately after the match. Flair kicks Suicide low. Hogan says that he runs the show and he's tired of waiting. He wants to know who is running games for the network right now or else. Out comes Mick Foley. Foley said that Hulk may have conned his way into the company and they might think that they were the smartest men in wrestling, but now things are going to start to unravel. He said that on 3/3, Jeff Hardy was the champ but then the Network saw what what happening and brought Sting back to TNA and now he's the champion. Foley said that Hogan won't be able to ruin this show and more because this show is called "Impact Wrestling" because it's supposed to be about wrestling. He announces a Battle Royal to determine the number one contender to the TNA title and then says he'd like to introduce Kurt Angle's partner at Sacrifice. A video appears, eventually spelling the word Chyna and she comes out on the stage with Foley. She got, seriously, a MONSTER pop. Everyone chanted her name.

*Crimson defeated Abyss and Samoa Joe. Abyss attacked Crimson and left him laying.

*They re-tape the ENTIRE segment with Mick Foley coming out to confront Immortal. Crowd was dead for this. There were a few small line changes, including Mick saying this show wasn't "TNA" but "Impact Wrestling" so there's the marketing stuff you guys wrote about last week or so.
TNA was so good I forgot about smackdown so here's this weeks ongoing spoilers

Dark Match:

* Ted DiBiase defeated the returning Daivari.

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* World Champion Christian comes out to open the show. He talks about winning at Extreme Rules and out comes Mark Henry then Randy Orton and The Great Khali wanting title shots. Teddy Long comes out and lets the fans vote and they choose Christian vs. Orton.

*Backstage, Khali and Ranjin Singh run into Jinder Mahal, who says that it was interesting Singh let Khali dress up in a tutu on Raw.

*Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan in a good match.
That's fucking hilarious.

OK, in a way, it all makes sense. I mean, Braden Walker talked to Matt Hardy backstage, once, and Chyna/Jarrett had a feud. But man, on paper I just can't help but laugh.

At least they delivered with a big name for Kurt's mistress, though, and the reveal of the Network did lead to something that will CHANGE TNA FOREVER. I'm...actually pretty impressed in a weird way.

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