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Basically Christian fans complaining about how his reign was short and how the fans wanted to see Christian as champion. They did, then they popped for Orton far more.
I dont know why you would worry about it. You gotta take the word of those lunatic fringe fanboys with the saltiest grain of salt.

I mean come on. Be serious, folks
A wise man once said "I don't watch wrestling for anybody else's gratification but my own." Besides, I don't even know what any of you are talking about. Nothing happened. I thought it was odd that there was no championship match at Extreme Rules and they just presented the title to Orton on Smackdown too, but does it really warrant this much discussion?
Because I've spent three days arguing it.

Also, Cara's stuff on Smackdown is FAR better. I don't know if it's the editing or the lack of being live but it's much better.
Little of both, im sure.

Oh how I chuckled at the main news site reporting the "news" the he was put on SD because of all the botches.

Gee, some crack fucking "reporting" did that. their inside source Gil G. Assumptions must have really went to bat for them on that one
Almost all reporting cracks me up anymore. I love the "inside" reports too, namely when they're nowhere near correct.
Little of both, im sure.

Oh how I chuckled at the main news site reporting the "news" the he was put on SD because of all the botches.

Gee, some crack fucking "reporting" did that. their inside source Gil G. Assumptions must have really went to bat for them on that one

I noticed that. Real genius's sometimes ain't they?
Again that translates to them being greedy. For years I heard them begging for him to get a title win and he got that. That's all anyone ever said they wanted and he got it. Be happy for him that he got it even for a little while. It's better than not getting one at all.

Now you're arguing with semantics. They said they wanted him to win the title, and more often than not (overwhelmingly more often than not), that includes a title reign that lasts more than two days. Having such a short reign totally cheapens the entire experience, and nobody was looking for that.
Doesn't cheapen a thing. The title win was great, the match was great, the moment when he comes out is great, the match with Orton is great. It's a bit annoying that he lost so fast but it's not worth getting upset over.
Well at least they are replying one or two sentences at a time, and not entire posts. It's the Cage, long posts just seem like a waste of space.
It's pretty amusing watching KB tell other people that are Christian fans that his title reign wasn't cheapened. To some of us it WAS cheapened KB, so I don't know why the fuck you're arguing with us about our OWN opinions.

As Sam said, I don't watch wrestling for other people's enjoyment. I watch wrestling for my OWN enjoyment. So if I don't like something, that's my prerogative. I have no idea what you're hoping to accomplish by trying to change other people's opinions on this. We're allowed to be upset by a booking decision if we want to.
That your opinions are unreasonable.

What the fuck is unreasonable about wanting someone who you're a fan of to be successful? That's kind of the whole point of being a fan---you enjoy their work, and want to see more of it as well as that person succeed. Same way the fan of a band would want that band to make it, or a fan of a sports player would want that player to put up great stats.

There's absolutely nothing unreasonable about wanting someone to hold a World title for more than two days. If anyone is being unreasonable here, it's you. I've yet to hear a single rational reason from you about how having Christian hold the belt a few extra weeks or even days is going to hurt the WWE, Smackdown, or Randy Orton.

There's nothing unreasonable whatsoever about our thoughts here. You're the one being unreasonable by trying to FORCE other people to think the way you do. Newsflash: we're allowed to have a different opinion, whether you think that opinion is silly or unreasonable or not. I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to accomplish here by trying to force other people to think like you when it's blatantly obvious that those of us who dislike this move aren't going to change our minds just because you don't care.
X talking about people being unreasonable.

I needed a good laugh.

Awesome job at dodging everything I said. I bet you were captain of the debate team in high school, weren't you?

Ah you're right Coco, I should probably stop feeding the troll at this point. Which by the way KB, is all you're doing at this point. Trolling. You know damn well people in this thread are Christian fans, and you continue to come in here for the sole purpose of riling us up to get a rise out of us. That's the definition of trolling.
Doesn't cheapen a thing. The title win was great, the match was great, the moment when he comes out is great, the match with Orton is great. It's a bit annoying that he lost so fast but it's not worth getting upset over.

Of course it cheapens it. The win is only part of the reign. People don't remember Hulk Hogan's reign simply because he beat the Iron Sheik, they remember the fact that it was four years long, that he defended it against foes like Andre the Giant and Roddy Piper and warring with guys like Heenan. Having a title reign with nothing but the win to remember it by certainly is cheaper than a title reign with even a miniscule feud to add to it.

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