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Impact Wrestling Spoilers for 1/24/13

* In a Knockout's Title Match, Tara w/Jesse defeated Velvet Sky via Tara pinning Velvet and Jesse holding Velvet's feet down so she couldn't kick out. Velvet at one point hit her finisher and had the match won if not for a distraction from Jesse.
* Joseph Park came out for a promo. He said how hd has learned that his place is not behind a desk but as an active member of the Impact roster. He said he is looking for that win, or "W" as the boys call it and mentioned that next week in the UK was Open Fight Night and mentioned how he is excited to have his televised debut as a trained wrestler. He mentions how next week he promises to get that W. He doesn't know who he will call out yet but he is going to study tapes/ take notes and keep "Kay fab" about it before saying that next week the UK, the US, and the whole world will see what he can do.
* Zema Ion & Kenny King defeated Christian York & Rob Van Dam.
* Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan came out and looked for Taz who was not at the announce table with Mike Tenay and Todd Keneley. They then went to the ring and Ray said he expected a move like this from Devon but t not Taz. He mentioned how the thing that made Ray the most angry was how this hurt everyone around him from Sting to Hulk to Brooke. He threatened to take out each member of Aces & Eights one by one but said he cannot do that while he is suspended. He said he knows Hulk Hogan is not in the building but he knows he is watching at home and implored Hogan to lift the suspension. Sting's music hit and he defended Ray and told Hulk to "let his new son-in-law" get back into things and said how we will get the answer next week in the UK.
* Bobby Roode beat Hernandez via bulldog. As the match progressed and Hernandez was going for his trademark dive to the outside, Austin Aries came out and moved Roode out of the way. Chavo Guerrero and Aries got into a brawl and the ref was distracted allowing Roode to hit a bulldog and win. After, Aries was trying to tell Ray "we did it" but Roode was saying it was all him. Aries celebrated anyway.
* Kurt Angle came out and said that Aces & Eights are in it for the long haul and he wants
payback. Hementions Open Fight Night is next week and calls out Mr. Anderson for it as
well as calling him to the ring to say something to him personally. Anderson came out
(notably to his own music despite wearing in A&8's cut). Anderson mocked Angle for a bit
before saying he wanted to do things right now. He attacked Angle but Angle made a
comeback and nearly out him in an Ankle Lock but Anderson bailed. Angle then said that
next week the two will face in a Steel Cage Match.
* For the TNA World Title, Jeff Hardy retained over Christopher Daniels w/Kazarian. Kazarian attempted to get involved before Hardy shoved Daniels into him, hit the Twist of
Fate and a Swantonfor the defense.
* After, Taz came down from the announce table and chastised Hardy a bit. Taz mentioned how Hardy may have a target on his back and an Aces & Eights member came
in the ring and hit Hardy in the back of his leg with a hammer, requiring Hardy to need help to the back from referees.
Smackdown spoilers for 1/25/13

* Kane and Daniel Bryan come out and we see footage from their graduation on RAW. Kane talks about their title match at Royal Rumble and they start arguing. Kane promises he will win the Rumble 30-man match and out comes Big Show. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes end up coming out. Sandow proposes they take out Team Hell No. Alberto Del Rio comes out and we have a six-man elimination match for later tonight, thanks to Booker T.
* Sheamus defeated Wade Barrett in a non-title match. Good back and forth match but Sheamus won clean with the Brogue Kick.
* Natalya beat Rosa Mendes with the Sharpshooter. The Great Khali, Hornswoggle, Primo and Epico were at ringside.
* CM Punk comes out and talks about The Rock and Royal Rumble. Paul Heyman has an executive order for the stipulation made by Vince McMahon. Punk called out The Shield. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come down. They have a staredown and he tells them to get out of his business. They leave and out comes The Rock. Punk rips Rock and the fans but Rock comes back again. This time they brawl and Rock lays Punk out with a Rock Bottom.
* Randy Orton defeated Drew McIntyre by disqualification after Jinder Mahal interfered. Orton gave them and Heath Slater RKO's after the match.
* The Miz defeated Darren Young with the Figure Four. Titus O'Neil was at ringside and Antonio Cesaro was on commentary.
* Kane, Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow
in the main event. Sandow is eliminated first. Kane and Bryan are eliminated then by Big
Show. Show gets counted out and Del Rio pins Rhodes to win the match. After the match,
Big Show went nuts on Del Rio and pinned him under the announcers table. Show
counted to ten to end smackdown.
Impact wrestling spoilers for 1/31/13

Kurt Angle defeated Mr. Anderson in a steel cage match. After the match, a masked member of Aces and Eights hit the ring and attacked Angle. The member revealed themselves as Garett Bischoff. Wes Brisco, dawning an Aces and Eights jacket, came out and joined in.
* Christopher Daniels and Kazarian come out dressed in kilts. They talk about beating up Hardy. Magnus chases them off. Magnus then challenges Devon as part of “Open Fight Night.”
* Joseph Park defeated Robbie E w/Robbie T.
* Austin Aries w/Bobby Roode defeated Chavo Guerrero. The stipulation was, if Aries won, he would get a TNA Tag Team Championship shot.
* Bully Ray & Brooke request Hogan lifts his suspension in an in-ring segment. Sting comes out and also asks for the request. Eventually Hogan ends up reinstating Bully Ray. * Bully Ray & Sting vs. Aces and Eights next week in a tables match is announced.
* Velvet Sky & James Storm defeated Tara & Jessie Godderz. Sky initiated the match, Storm came out to join her.
* RVD defeated Zema Ion & Kenny King in a three-way.
Impact Wrestling Spoilers for 2/7/13

* The show kicks off with British Boot Camp winner Rockstar thanking the UK fans before he is interrupted by Robbie E. Rock star beats him down before dancing with Robbie T.
* Austin Aries & Bobby Roode defeated Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez to win the TNA Tag team titles.
* James Storm defeated Jessie Godderz with Last Call.
* Aces & 8′s in ring promo. Wes Briscoe rips Kurt Angle and says his dad trained Kurt. They call Kurt out and said if he shows tonight, they will end him.
* Bully Ray & Sting defeated Aces & 8′s in a table match when Bully put Devon through a table. After the match Brooke and Hulk Hogan came out to celebrate
So to clarify:

Aces and 8's lose twice but officially add the two people that everyone knew were on the team and are either unproven or universally hated. Good to know.
Missed some stuff:

Daniels comes out and rips on the UK crowd before Samoa Joe comes out a huge pop. Great great match with Joe winning clean at the end with his finisher after catching Daniels mid air. Lot of love for Joe

The arena was taped off at the top but must have had 5,000 in tonight. Really good double taping and Tna really needs To take TNA on the road more often for TV .
Ugh did they really have to put Garrett and Wes in their? Is there NOBODY else that could've been in the group instead of them? I knew it was coming but still blows.

On the bright side a title change and 2 members of Aces & Eights revealed. At least there giving the UK fans some big stuff for their money which I like considering their only there once a year.
People got those spoilers up quick eh? Yep, I think if you want crowd reaction you'll enjoy the Manchester taped shows which air in Feb 3rd and the week after I believe. Nobody has done a report yet have they?

EDIT: The Joe/Daniels match was for Xplosion.

EDIT EDIT: On the first set of spoilers, Magnus beat Devon by DQ after Doc and 'the man formerly known as Mike Knox' made a run in. He successfully fought off all three men, classic overbooking, TNA might just have big plans for Magnus.
- PWInsider reports that former WWE Intercontinental Champions Shelton Benjamin and Carlito are confirmed to make their returns at Sunday's Royal Rumble pay-per-view in the 30-man main event.

Both talents are currently in Phoenix, Arizona and are scheduled for the Rumble.
Impact Wrestling Spoilers for 2/14/13

* Hulk Hogan kicks off Impact with an in-ring segment where he puts over London fans and announces a number one contenders tournament for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
* Matches in the tournament include: RVD vs. James Storm, Christopher Daniels vs. Magnus, Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe and Austin Aries Vs Bobby Roode. Hogan will then announce the number one contender afterwards.
* Hogan then puts Sting over as the greatest wrestler of all time. Sting makes his way out and puts over the London fans as well. Sting says he will pick three wrestlers from the World Heavyweight tournament to be his partners in a match against the Aces & 8′s at Lockdown. *Magnus defeated Christopher Daniels after a elbow drop off the top rope.
* Bobby Roode & Austin Aries argue before their match. Match ends in a double count-out when they are distracted by Chavo and Hernandez.
* Kurt Angle wrestled Samoa Joe to a no contest. Wes Briscoe and Garett Bischoff interfered in the match. Angle appeared to have his hamstring taped up.
* Tara, Gail Kim and Jessie defeated The Blossom Twins and Party Marty.
* Gail Kim asks for a Knockouts title match. Brooke gives her the match for next week’s Impact. The match will be a four way elimination with Tessmacher, Gail Kim, Velvet Sky and Tara.
* James Storm pinned RVD after a Last Call following RVD missing a Van Terminator.
* Hulk Hogan comes out to announce the number one contender but Aces & 8′s circle the
ring. Bully Ray comes out with chain in hand followed by Sting with a baseball bat. Aces & 8's leave. Show ends.
Impact Wrestling Spoilers for 2/21/13

* Impact kicks off with Rockstar Spud defeating Robbie E.
* Joseph Parks, James Storm, Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero defeated Christopher Daniels, Kaz, Roode and Aries.
* X Division Title match: RVD defeated Kenny King with a five star frog splash.
* Bully Ray, who was not apart of the tournament, is announced as winner. So Bully Ray will face Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship. Bully puts over other guys in the tournament and said all he wanted was to earn Hulk Hogan’s respect. Bully suggests the main event of Impact be a six man tag with Sting, Hogan and Bully Ray facing Aces & 8′s.
* Samoa Joe defeated Garret Bischoff by DQ after Wes Briscoe interfered and Angle made the save.
* Kurt Angle announces he'll face Wes Briscoe at Lockdown.
* Doc, Devon and Mr. Anderson defeated Sting and Bully Ray. Hulk Hogan no showed the match.
* After the match Aces beat down on Sting and the faces on the roster come out to make the save. End of show.
F4Wonline.com reports that Hurricane Helms and Chris Masters have been spotted with Benjamin and Carlito, all hanging out with the WWE crew in Phoenix. No word yet if Helms and Masters will be in the Rumble.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in San Diego:

* SmackDown opens with Booker T and Teddy Long in the ring for their big World Title announcement. Sheamus, Randy Orton, The Great Khali, Daniel Bryan, Kane and Dolph Ziggler are also out as Elimination Chamber participants. Ziggler interrupts and isn't interested in all this because he already has a guaranteed shot. Booker makes Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio for later tonight. Also, Team Hell No vs. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio. Jack Swagger returned and wanted in the Chamber but Booker says he has to earn it, as does everyone else tonight.

* Alberto Del Rio is shown looking for Big Show and he is ready to fight.

* Cara and Rey vs. Team Hell No is up next. Mysterio and Cara get the win in what was said to be a great tag team match. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.

* Matt Striker interviews Alberto Del Rio outside. Del Rio is waiting with a baseball bat but tells Striker he's just getting some fresh air.

* The Great Khali defeated Jinder Mahal. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre tried to get involved but Hornswoggle stopped them.
First Lesnar, now Swagger?

It's like the WWE is getting me an early Christmas present.

Or a late one, depending on how you loo at it.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in San Diego:

* SmackDown opens with Booker T and Teddy Long in the ring for their big World Title announcement. Sheamus, Randy Orton, The Great Khali, Daniel Bryan, Kane and Dolph Ziggler are also out as Elimination Chamber participants. Ziggler interrupts and isn't interested in all this because he already has a guaranteed shot. Booker makes Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio for later tonight. Also, Team Hell No vs. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio. Jack Swagger returned and wanted in the Chamber but Booker says he has to earn it, as does everyone else tonight.

* Alberto Del Rio is shown looking for Big Show and he is ready to fight.

* Cara and Rey vs. Team Hell No is up next. Mysterio and Cara get the win in what was said to be a great tag team match. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.

* Matt Striker interviews Alberto Del Rio outside. Del Rio is waiting with a baseball bat but tells Striker he's just getting some fresh air.

* The Great Khali defeated Jinder Mahal. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre tried to get involved but Hornswoggle stopped them.

* Teddy Long tells Booker backstage that it was his idea to bring Jack Swagger back. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow come in. Booker books Sandow vs. Sheamus for tonight.

* Lots of recap videos from RAW. They show video of Vince McMahon being stretchered out of the arena with Stephanie McMahon at his side.

* Sheamus vs. Sandow is up next. The Shield ended up interfering and attacking Sheamus.

* Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton is up next. Orton wins after a RKO.

* Barrett is being interviewed backstage when he sees Bo Dallas. They brawl and Barrett gets the upperhand.

* Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston is up next. Good back and forth match. Swagger got the win with the ankle lock.

* Del Rio is outside as Big Show's tour bus arrives. Del Rio attacks him as he gets out. They end up fighting on top of a car. Del Rio chases Show but he jumps into another car and drives away.

* Alberto Del Rio beats Dolph Ziggler with the cross armbreaker.

* Big Show is backstage and he has Ricardo Rodriguez held hostage. Del Rio runs to the back but Show knocks Ricardo out with a knockout punch.
* Matt Striker interviews Alberto Del Rio outside. Del Rio is waiting with a baseball bat but tells Striker he's just getting some fresh air.


* The Great Khali defeated Jinder Mahal. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre tried to get involved but Hornswoggle stopped them.
Hornswaggle stopped two guys? lol..

Overall, seems like quite an interesting episode.
When Rhodes & Sandow entered the office, it was to announce they've officially split as a tag team, as Sandow wanted to be a singles competitor. somebody reported it in the WZ Comments bit.
Then Sandow quoted somebody, they hugged, then Booker made the match.
Just reported on the Main Page, Dixie Carter's BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is that Impact will be going on the road in 2013. They'll be recording two episodes at one venue. One will be live, followed by the next week's episode immediately afterwards.

Good news.
Also announced on the Main Page, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff (in a move that surprised absolutley no one) were revealed as members of the Aces and Eights.
NXT Spoilers said:
Episode 1; Airing February 13th
* Axl Keegan vs. Mike Dalton is about to begin when suddenly Paige enters the ring and goes after Summer Rae, who ends up running to the back. Paige says she wants Summer to come back out to settle their score from a few weeks ago. NXT Commissioner Dusty Rhodes comes out on stage and tells Paige to leave the ring, which she declines. Summer comes back out and trash talks Paige, causing Paige to head up the ramp and start a fight. Referees break it up and Dusty says they’ll settle it later.

* Corey Graves b. Alex Riley with the 13th Step.

* Summer Rae b. Paige. After the match, referees had to help Paige to the back.

* NXT Commissioner Dusty Rhodes came out and talked about the NXT Tag Team Championship tournament and what it means to be a champion. The finals are happening next.

* Adrian Neville and Oliver Grey b. The Wyatt Family in the finals of the NXT Tag Team Championship tournament to be crowned the first-ever champions when Neville hit a corkscrew from the top rope. After the match, Grey and Neville celebrate the victory. Grey cracks an “Adrian, we did it” joke. NXT Commissioner Dusty Rhodes congratulates them on the win to close the show.

Off-Air: Damien Sandow comes out and is once again searching for an apprentice. Sandow argues with several members of the audience until NXT Commissioner Dusty Rhodes comes out. Sandow reminds Dusty tat his best friend his his son. Dusty invites Sandow to come back during the next tapings set for February 21st to face Randy Orton. Sandow says it’s unfair and Dusty says too bad.

Episode 2; Airing February 20th
* Bray Wyatt w/Erick Rowan and Luke Harper b. Yoshi Tatsu in a squash match. After the match, Bray ordered Harper and Rowan to get into the ring. Bray introduced a video package showing The Wyatt Family losing in the finals of the NXT Tag Team Championship tournament. Bray scolded both Harper and Rowan for losing the match, mostly Harper.

* Xavier Woods b. El Locale.

* Audrey Marie b. Sasha Banks.

* Tony Dawson enters the ring and introduces Tyson Kidd to a thunderous welcome. Dawson brings up Kidd’s injuries and surgeries and Tyson talks about asking WWE management to continue to compete the next night. Tyson addresses the rumors of how long he’ll be out of action and says rest assured he will be back. Leo Kruger comes out and says Tyson is vulnerable. Kruger approaches the ring and Justin Gabriel makes the save.

* NXT Champion Big E Langston vs. “The Ascension” Conor O’Brian ends in a no contest. After the match, Corey Graves attacked Langston from behind and snatched the NXT Title to close the show.

Episode 3; Airing February 27th
* Justin Gabriel w/Tyson Kidd b. Leo Kruger with the 450 splash. After the match, Kruger attacks Gabriel from behind and leaves as Kidd goes to check on him.

* Aksana b. Emma with a spinebuster.

* Backstage, Bo Dallas is shown to have been attacked and is non-responsive. It is revealed by Renee Young that Bo was scheduled to compete in a #1 contender’s match for the NXT Championship before the assault.

* Corey Graves vs. “The Ascension” Conor O’Brian in a #1 contender’s match is interrupted by the Shield.

Fucking yes. I cannot wait for this match to air. The guys have great chemistry (on account of having worked together for longer than Regal/Bryan) and because of their relationship Gabriel can pull shit out of his bag of tricks that he normally can't. Personally, I'm hoping for his batshit springboard Japanese armdrag. And the ending makes it seem like they'll be having another match :D.

Also, Ohno's nowhere near the match. This pleases me greatly.
- According to a fan in Australia who has already seen tonight's WWE SmackDown broadcast, WWE will announce 5 of the 6 Superstars that will compete in the Elimination Chamber match.

Randy Orton, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Jack Swagger and The Great Khali will compete in the match. A sixth participant will be revealed later. The winner will challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 29. This was not announced to the live crowd at Tuesday's tapings.

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