WMD : Official Spoiler Page

Little Guido (Nunzio) 41
Shark Boy 38
Devon Storm (Crowbar) 39
2 Cold Scorpio 47
Funaki 44
Johnny Swinger 37
Gunner 30
Sam Shaw 29
Crimson 28
- TNA taped their One Night Only World Heavyweight Tournament pay-per-view event tonight in Orlando. Here are spoilers:

* Samoa Joe defeated Jeff Hardy

* Mr Anderson defeated James Storm

* James Storm defeated Bully Ray via DQ

* Austin Aries defeated Kurt Angle

* Bobby Roode defeated Sting

* Bobby Roode defeated James Storm

* Samoa Joe defeated Austin Aries

* Bobby Roode defeated Samoa Joe
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Cincinnati:

* The Miz kicks off SmackDown with MizTV. His guests are Randy Orton and Sheamus, talking about the six-man match at WrestleMania 29 and how they need a partner. They talk about Big Show and here he comes. Booker T ends up coming out and says tonight, Sheamus, Orton and Big Show will team up to see if they can get on the same page.

* Mark Henry squashed Zack Ryder. After the match, Henry hit Ryder with more World's Strongest Slams until Ryback came out and stared him down. Ryback send Henry flying out of the ring with a clothesline.

* Teddy Long and Booker t have words backstage about Teddy working with Vickie Guerrero on RAW to make Ryback vs. Mark Henry at WrestleMania.

* Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston is up next. AJ Lee joins JBL and Michael Cole on commentary. Kofi ended up taking out Big E Langston on the floor but Ziggler got the win. After the match, Big E laid Kofi out.

* Backstage segment with Sheamus and Big Show arguing.

* Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and talk about Ricardo Rodriguez getting injured on RAW. Chris Jericho interrupts Swagger and their match is up next.

Fandango interrupted during the match with his big lit-up display. He appeared on the stage and distracted Jericho. Fandango comes down and hits Jericho while the referee is distracted, allowing Swagger to get the win. After the match, Fandango came in and beat Jericho up. Fandango hit a top rope leg drop to end it.

* Backstage interview with Big Show talking about tonight's main event.

* Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes come out with The Bella Twins. Tensai, Brodus Clay, Cameron and Naomi are out next. The match ends in a no contest when The Bellas interfere. Naomi took them out and danced.

* Backstage interview with Orton and Sheamus talking about the main event.

* Wade Barrett comes out for commentary. The Miz defeated Antonio Cesaro by submission. Barrett teased Miz with the Intercontinental Title.

* Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus vs. Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal is up next. Sheamus got the pin and sort of upset Big Show. They got into it and out comes The Shield. Orton, Sheamus and Show regrouped and stopped them from entering the ring to end the show.
- TNA taped their One Night Only World Heavyweight Tournament pay-per-view event tonight in Orlando. Here are spoilers:

* Samoa Joe defeated Jeff Hardy

* Mr Anderson defeated James Storm

* James Storm defeated Bully Ray via DQ

* Austin Aries defeated Kurt Angle

* Bobby Roode defeated Sting

* Bobby Roode defeated James Storm

* Samoa Joe defeated Austin Aries

* Bobby Roode defeated Samoa Joe

How did James Storm move on if he already lost to Anderson?
Seeing as Anderson didn't make the 2nd round and Storm faced Bully, probably A&8 interference, followed by a new match.

That smack down looks abysmal. Even the heroes welcome I would have given Ambrose was not enough to go to that show. They should save money and just use the old hall for Raw to film smackdown.
- WWE taped five new episodes of NXT last night at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. Here are full spoilers:

Airing April 4th:

* Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville defeated Erick Rowan and Luke Harper

* William Regal came out and attacked Kassius Ohno, who was on commentary.

* Sasha Banks and Paige beat Audrey Marie and Summer Rae when Summer ran away from the match.

* NXT Champion Big E Langston defeated Conor O'Brian with the title on the line

Airing April 11th:

* Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns beat Scott Dawson, Axl Keegan and Percy Watson. They hit the triple powerbomb on Dawson after the match. Ambrose said justice has been served for NXT. Rollins and Reigns also cut a promo. Corey Graves appeared on the big screen and said he doesn't believe in The Shield. Graves issues a challenge for next week.

* The Bella Twins beat Cameron and Naomi

* William Regal defeated Kassius Ohno in the match of the night

Airing April 18th:

* Tonight's show has a champions theme and will feature title matches.

* WWE US Champion Antonio Cesaro defeated NXT Tag Team Champion Andrian Neville

* WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn beat AJ Lee

* WWE NXT Champion Big E Langston beat Brad Maddox

* WWE IC Champion Wade Barrett beat Bo Dallas

Airing April 25th:

* Emma defeated Bayley

* Leo Kruger beat Justin Gabriel

* Bray Wyatt beat Yoshi Tatsu. After the match, The Wyatt Family attacked Yoshi.

* Seth Rollins beat Corey Graves in a Lumberjack Match. The Lumberjacks were a bunch of NXT stars. After the match, Reigns and Ambrose came down and attacked the Lumberjacks, getting the upperhand.

Airing May 2nd:

* The Wyatt Family defeated Primo & Epico and Adrien Neville & Bo Dallas in a tag team elimination match.

* Paige beat Summer Rae

* Chris Jericho defeated Bray Wyatt
Ugh, Bo Dallas, why must he ruin all that is good?

Can't wait for remix to hate on the Ohno/Regal match.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Hershey, PA:

* The Rock kicks off SmackDown and gets a massive pop from the crowd. Rock tells a story about Hershey from when he was younger and cuts a promo on John Cena. He's interrupted by John Laurinaitis. Rock asks who the hell Laurinaitis is. Laurinaitis says Teddy Long gave him permission to come out.

Laurinaitis says John Cena is the reason he was fired and he wants to be in Rock's corner at WrestleMania. Rock says we'll let the people decide and they boo. Rock says he and Laurinaitis should send Cena a message together but they need a handshake first. Rock lays Laurinaitis out with a spinebuster and a People's Elbow. Rock pulls a giant Hershey bar from under the ring, signs it and gives it to kids in the crowd.

* Chris Jericho defeats Wade Barrett. Jericho speaks after the match and says he would love to face the Intercontinental Champion at WrestleMania but guesses he will face Fandango instead. The Fandango silhouette drops down on the stage. Jericho picks on Fandango's name. Fandango comes out, walks to the ring but turns around and leaves.

* While they set up for the weight lifting competition, an interview from earlier in the day with Paul Heyman talking to Matt Striker about Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H is shown.

* Booker T, Teddy Long, Ryback and Mark Henry come out for the weight lifting challenge. Ryback is up first. Henry and Ryback get the same score. Booker reminds them of a no-contact policy. Henry drops the weight bar across Ryback's neck and Ryback rolls around choking.

* Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston and AJ Lee vs. Kane, Daniel Bryan and Kaitlyn is up next in mixed-tag action. Kane gives the boot to Big E and Kaitlyn pins AJ for the win.

* The Shield cut a promo on the big screen.

* Jack Swagger and The Great Khali wrestle in what was said to be a very bad match. They both get counted out. Swagger puts the Patriot Lock on Hornswoggle when Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and tells Swagger to come and get him. Alberto Del Rio sneaks in the ring and puts the armbreaker on Zeb Colter. Del Rio holds Zeb and Ricardo hits him with the crutch. Swagger comes back and Del Rio hits him.

* Backstage interview with Sheamus, Randy Orton and Big Show.

* They show Arnold Schwarzenegger's tweet talking about inducting Bruno Sammartino.

* Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro vs. Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton is up next. Orton, Show and Sheamus get the win. The Shield appears but get chased into the crowd. Orton, Show and Sheamus beat them up bad and pose at the top of the stairs.
- TNA taped the April 4th episode of Impact Wrestling in Jonesboro, Arkansas last night. Here are full spoilers:

* A contract signing with Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez kicks off the show. Their April 11th match ends up being 2 of 3 Falls and if Hernandez & Guerrero lose, they have to break up their team.

* Adam Pearce defeated Magno in a Gut Check match.

* Tara and Gail Kim beat Velvet Sky and Taryn Terrell. Joey Ryan was the referee. Tara hit him with a low blow after the match.

* Aces & 8s try to get AJ Styles to join them. D-Lo Brown gets a notice from the office saying he's fired. Kurt Angle interrupts with Magnus, Samoa Joe, Joseph Park and Eric Young.

* Hulk Hogan comes out and calls AJ to the ring. AJ came out with the Aces & 8s vest he was offered earlier. Hogan tries to talk AJ into helping TNA. James Storm interrupts and has words with AJ. Hogan makes Storm vs. Styles for the April 11th show.

* Petey Williams beat Sonjay Dutt and Mason Andrews to become the new X Division #1 contender.

* Devon, Doc, Knux, Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff beat Kurt Angle, Magnus, Samoa Joe, Eric Young and Joseph Park in the main event.

* Bully Ray came out and talked about his Full Metal Mayhem match against Jeff Hardy on April 11th. Bully calls out Brooke Hogan and insults her. Bully gives her front row tickets to next week's Impact. She ends up slapping him and out comes Jeff Hardy. They brawl and a ladder and table is brought into the fight. They brawl some more and Hardy puts Bully through the table to end it.
- According to F4Wonline.com, here are scripted times for the WrestleMania 29 matches, not counting entrances:

* Chris Jericho vs. Fandango has been given 10 minutes

* Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston has been given 12 to 15 minutes

* Ryback vs. Mark Henry has been given 12 minutes

* The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus has been given 15 minutes

* CM Punk vs. The Undertaker has been given 20 minutes

* Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio has been given 15 minutes

* Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar has been given 20 to 30 minutes

* The Rock vs. John Cena has been given 25 to 30 minutes

* A Diddy musical performance has been given 8 minutes

* The WWE Hall of Famers coming out to wave to fans has been given 7 minutes

* The show opener and National Anthem has been given 7 minutes

* Other assorted segments throughout the show have been given 10 minutes

Episode 1 (April 13th 2013)

- First segment starts with Nigel McGuinness leading the ROH locker room to the ring. Nigel says this is a dawn of a new era in ROH, with honor finally being restored. He then introduces the NEW ROH World Champion, Jay Briscoe. He says that he plans on holding the title for a long time and has always been proud of being a part of ROH. However, Adam Cole interjects and says he is the future of pro wrestling, and that Jay’s reign will be over in Toronto.

- Bobby Fish def. Eddie Edwards via a jacknife pin

- QT Marshall & RD Evans def. Alabama Attitude.

- #1 Contendership for TV Title: Mark Briscoe def. BJ Whitmer, Mike Mondo, Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander. Mark picked up with the win with a Froggy ‘Bow, and will face Matt Taven at Border Wars.

Episode 2 (April 20th 2013)

- Show kicks off with Steen & Corino in the ring. Steen singles out Matt Hardy, says he doesn’t want him as a part of SCUM. Corino says that Matt Hardy is the next ROH World Champion candidate, and SCUM then beats down Steen. Hardy finishes Steen off with a Twist of Fate.

- Roderick Strong def. Mike Bennett via suplex backbreaker. Mike Mondo was on commentary for this one (#BOOM). He then attacks Strong after the match.

- TaDarius Thomas vs. Jorge Santi ended in a No Contest when SCUM interfered. Corino did a promo about SCUM’s mission, and says that Steen will never be seen again.

- Jay Lethal & Michael Elgin vs. SCUM set for Border Wars. If SCUM wins, Hardy gets an ROH Title shot, and Corino becomes commentator. If Lethal & Elgin win, Corino is gone from ROH.

- TV Title: Matt Taven (c) def. ACH. Truth and Scarlet caused the distraction allowing Taven to retain. Mark Briscoe was on commentary for this one.

Episode 3 (April 27th 2013)

- Jimmy Jacobs, Cliff Compton & Rhett Titus def. BJ Whitmer, Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander. Titus used a chain to hit BJ Whitmer and get the win for SCUM. Lethal and Elgin came out to make the save.

- Jay Lethal def. Rhett Titus. Lethal challenged Rhett to this match, saying he was disappointed in Rhett for turning his back on ROH.

- Up next is a contract signing for Border Wars between Adam Cole and Jay Briscoe. SCUM interrupt which leads to the next match

- Jay Briscoe & Adam Cole def. Rhino & Matt Hardy. Briscoe & Cole have a staredown to end the show.

Episode 4 (May 4th 2013)

- Karl Anderson def. Michael Elgin with an Ace Crusher. Said to have been a fantastic match.

- MsChif def. ???. Veda Scott attacked MsChif after the match.

- Davey Richards def. Kyle O’Reilly via submission. Bobby Fish was on commentary and Eddie Edwards was at ringside. The crowd were really hot for this main event, which went on for over 20 minutes.

The following matches have been set for the Border Wars iPPV:

-ROH champion Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole

-Michael Elgin & Jay Lethal vs. S.C.U.M.

-ROH TV champ Matt Taven vs. Mark Briscoe

-Naomich Marufuji will return to the company as well
It was also announced Adam Cole has signed on to stay with Ring of Honor through 2013, great move on his part. Wouldn't be surprised if he turned heel, joined SCUM and became ROH World Champion in Canada.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Boston, MA:

* SmackDown kicks off with Big E Langston mocking Ricardo Rodriguez. He introduces Dolph Ziggler, who gets a big reaction. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out and Swagger wants a title shot. Out next comes Alberto Del Rio, selling the leg injury from Swagger on RAW. Del Rio wants his rematch but is interrupted by Chris Jericho, who also wants a title shot. Jericho vs. Ziggler will happen tonight.

* Kane and Daniel Bryan defeated Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. The Shield appeared on the big screen and threatened Kane and Bryan.

* Backstage segment with Booker T, Teddy Long, Randy Orton and Sheamus. Booker announces Orton and Sheamus vs. Big Show in a handicap match for tonight.

* Wade Barrett beat Santino Marella.

* The Bella Twins and Tamina Snuka defeated Kaitlyn, Cameron and Naomi.

* Triple H is out next to talk about WrestleMania 29 and his match with Brock Lesnar. He's interrupted by 3MB. The Shield comes out and attacks 3MB, then surround Triple H. Before they can attack, Kane and Daniel Bryan come out and chase them into the crowd. Triple H and Team Hell No clear the ring of 3MB. They try to hug Triple H but he doesn't want to hug Bryan. Vince McMahon comes out and teases a group hug but leaves before they do. More comedy and hugging with HHH and Team Hell No. Lilian Garcia announces The Shield vs. John Cena and Team Hell No for the live crowd later tonight.

* Backstage segment with Booker T and Big Show. Show isn't happy about being put in the handicap match.

* Big Show vs. Sheamus and Randy Orton is up next. Good back and forth match. Orton hits a RKO and Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick, sending Show out of the ring. Show walks away from the match and they win by count out.

* Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston is up next. Kofi gets the non-title win out of nowhere.

* Fandango comes out next. Many fans are singing his theme song again but not nearly as many as RAW. Fandango stays at ringside to watch tonight's main event.

* Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho is up next. They go several minutes in a good back and forth match. Fandango distracts the referee while Big E Langston lays out Jericho. Ziggler takes advantage and rolls up Jericho for the win. Jericho tried to get revenge on Ziggler and lays out Big E after the match. Fandango taunts Jericho, allowing Ziggler to hit a Zig Zag from behind. Fandango hit a big top rope leg drop as the crowd sang his theme song.
Looks like Kofi may be getting another pointless midcard title run soon.

Also good to see the singing of Fandango's theme is still alive, Surprised 3MB came out before Shield but I guess they needed 2 guys to get their asses kicked.

Still nothing special enough for me to tune into Smackdown though.
- TNA taped the April 18th episode of Impact Wrestling last night in Corpus Christi. Here are spoilers:

* Mickie James beat Brooke Tessmacher

* Kurt Angle accepts a handicap match against Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff, and loses when Aces & 8's attack.

* Sting cuts a promo on Bully Ray

* Kenny King beat Petey Williams and Zema Ion

* Aces & 8s attack Magnus during his match with Devon. Samoa Joe makes the save.

* Kazarian and Daniels are out to talk about AJ Styles. Austin Aries and Bobby Roode come out which leads to a fight with Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero.

* Devon beat Samoa Joe with help from Mr. Anderson

* AJ Styles beat James Storm. After the match, Styles turns on Kazarian and Daniels, walking out. Aces & 8s attack Kazarian, Daniels and Storm.

* Bully Ray says they have taken out all of TNA and the only one left is Hulk Hogan, who will get his next week. Sting, Storm and Joseph Park beat Bully Ray, Devon and Doc in the main event.
- Brock Lesnar, who has not appeared for WWE since his loss to Triple H at WrestleMania, is backstage at the site of tonight's Raw, Bi Lo Center in Greenville, South Carolina, and expected to participate in angle furthering his feud with "The Game."
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Knoxville, Tennessee:

* Michael Cole and JBL are out for commentary.

* Fandango's set is lowered and out he comes to a big pop from the crowd, who tried to sing his theme song. Fandango danced and flirted with Lilian Garcia but she wasn't having it.

* Santino Marella comes out and mocks Fandango. Fandango defeats Santino by pinfall.

* WWE United States Champion Kofi Kingston defeated WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett.

* Sheamus attacks Mark Henry backstage and then walks off.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Jack Swagger by pinfall.

* The Shield appears on the big screen and cuts a promo on The Undertaker. They say he's undefeated at WrestleMania but they have never been defeated at all.

* Hornswoggle, Natalya and The Great Khali defeated Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes in mixed tag team action.

* Big Show and Mark Henry beat Randy Orton and Sheamus in the main event.
Former ROH Champ Teases Signing with WWE
At this past Friday's St. Louis Anarchy Wrestling event, former Ring of Honor Champion Davey Richards teased joining WWE by saying that he is "headed to Connecticut" to prove he's the "real best in the world."
We are Live from O2 Arena in London, England:

* Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler are out for commentary. Big pops for JBL and Lawler.
- WWE taped the following matches today in London, England to air on WWE Superstars:

* Jimmy Uso vs. Michael McGillicutty

* Layla and Kaitlyn vs. Tamina and Aksana

- The dark match before today's tapings in London saw Zack Ryder defeat Heath Slater. Ryder reportedly got a strong reaction from the crowd.

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