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ESPN.com is reporting that Bruno Sammartino will be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame this year.

Sammartino has been involved in a long-time feud with Vince McMahon and WWE, but has been reached out to by Triple H on numerous occasions about being inducted. After having various changes explained to him, including the detailed Wellness Policy and the shift from the edgier TV-14 product to a much more family-friendly TV-PG product, Sammartino agreed to be inducted.

“Being inducted into the Hall of Fame at Madison Square Gardens is the biggest thing in my life,” Sammartino said in an exclusive interview for ESPN Playbook. “Anytime that people feel that you accomplished enough to enter into a Hall of Fame, of course this is a tremendous, tremendous thrill for me. I had a lot of my success due to appearing at the Garden. I wrestled there over 200 times, it’s where I won the title, and it’s where I picked up 630-plus pounds of Haystacks Calhoun.”

Earlier reports that Sammartino would only agree to be inducted if he didn't have to see or talk to Vince McMahon were apparently incorrect, as Triple H is trying to organize a face-to-face meeting between Sammartino and McMahon.

“Clearly, Vince knew about this right from the get-go, and when I said I wanted to reach out to Bruno, Vince was probably thinking, ‘Well, good luck with that,’” Levesque said. “So Bruno and I established this relationship, and as we came to an understanding on all of this, Vince asked me, ‘Hey, do you think I should call Bruno? I’d like to talk to him.’ At the same time, Bruno said, ‘Do you think I should have a conversation with Vince?’ And I said no to both of them. I didn’t think it was right to do over the phone. They had bad blood for a long time, and we’ve all kind of buried the hatchet here, and it’s a new beginning and a fresh start and everybody is in a great place with this. But going back to what Bruno said about being old-school, I think we should all get in the same room together and the two of them should look each other in the eyes and shake hands. This should be in person. I don’t think it’s right to do over the phone. They both agreed to do that, and while it hasn’t happened yet, Hall of Fame is probably where we’ll make that happen. Vince and Bruno will see each other for the first time in years and officially, in person, look each other in the eyes and bury that hatchet.”

No word on if the official announcement will come during tonight's episode of Raw.

Credit: ESPN.com
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Jacksonville:

* Big Show is shown arriving on his bus. He comes to the ring and cuts a promo, announcing that Alberto Del Rio is suspended. Show blames Booker T for what happened and out he comes. Show vs. Kane is announced.

* Cody Rhodes beat Kofi Kingston.

* The Great Khali defeated Titus O'Neil.

* Mark Henry comes out and destroys Khali to a big pop. Henry announces the Hall of Pain is back open. Henry wants a spot in the Chamber match. Booker comes out and announces Henry vs. Randy Orton.

* Big Show quickly beat Kane.

* Alberto Del Rio is outside in the parking lot and he's taken the wheels off Show's tour bus. Show comes to the parking lot but gets a bunch of paint dropped on top of him from the roof. Del Rio laughs and drives off.

* Jack Swagger squashed Justin Gabriel.

* Tensai beat Drew McIntyre by DQ when 3MB attacked him. Brodus Clay made the save.

* Antonio Cesaro beat Sin Cara.

* Mark Henry defeated Randy Orton to earn a spot in the Elimination Chamber.
I just got home from the Smackdown taping. I can't say it was that good of a show. Mark Henry killing Khali got the biggest reaction of the night by far. The crowd was kind of burned out by the time Smackdown started since they taped 1.5 hours worth of Main Even and Saturday Morning Slam. Henry and Randy Orton had the longest match of the show, and it ran maybe six minutes. There were a ton of video packages from RAW, so it was basically a two hour long RAW Rebound.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Little Rock, Arkansas:

Dark Match:

* Kofi Kingston beat Corey Graves

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* Big Show opens SmackDown and is pissed off. He gets interrupted by Chris Jericho and they have words. Jericho challenges Show to a match. Out next are Booker T and Mark Henry.

* Mark Henry beat Randy Orton by DQ after Orton grabbed a steel chair and hit Henry in the back with it. Orton wailed on Henry with the chair until Henry turned it around and left Orton with a World's Strongest Slam.

* Tamina Snuka defeated Layla.

* Tensai and Brodus Clay beat 3MB. The Shield come out after the match and beat Tensai and Clay down to big time heel heat. Dean Ambrose cut a promo on Elimination Chamber and said it will be just like tonight for John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback.

* The Miz beat Cody Rhodes with a Figure Four.

* Jack Swagger beat Zack Ryder by submission with The Patriot Act.

* WWE Champion The Rock is out next to a big pop. Rock cuts a promo on CM Punk stealing the WWE Title belt and wants it back. Rock promises an ass whooping for Punk. Punk and Paul Heyman appear on the big screen. Punk says Rock stole the title from him at Royal Rumble. They have words and Rock ends it with some of his signature catchphrases.

Damien Sandow comes out and disses Little Rock and The Rock. Rock puts over the fans and ends up giving Sandow a Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow.

* Big Show beat Chris Jericho in the main event. Good back and forth match. Show blocked Walls of Jericho and hit the knockout punch for the win.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Biloxi, MS:

* JBL and Josh Mathews are out for commentary. Lilian Garcia welcomes the fans.

* The show opens with highlights from Elimination Chamber and RAW.

* Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio come to the ring. Del Rio talks about Jack Swagger's new attitude. Del Rio says this country was built by immigrants. Del Rio calls Swagger out but Randy Orton appears instead.

Orton enters the ring and says his opportunity was taken by Swagger. Orton wants a match with Swagger tonight. Booker T comes out and announces Wade Barrett vs. Del Rio and Swagger vs. Orton for tonight.

* Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus is up next. Sheamus gets the win after a lengthy match, using the Brogue Kick.

* Aksana and Tamina vs. Kaitlyn and Layla is next. Kaitlyn spears Tamina for the win.

* Backstage segment with Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Wade Barrett. Zeb says Barrett is part of the problem. Zeb hopes Del Rio and Barrett kill each other.

* Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton is up next. Swagger wins a good physical match with his feet on the ropes.

* Promo for Dead Man Down. Backstage segment with Sheamus and Wade Barrett. Sheamus picks on Barrett's acting and Barrett picks on Sheamus for losing to The Shield.

* The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes is up next. Miz wins with a Figure Four.

* Another immigration promo from Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter.

* A vignette for Fandango airs.

* Alberto Del Rio vs. Wade Barrett is up next. Swagger and Zeb come out and watch the match from the stage. Barrett dominates most of the match but Del Rio gets the win by submission. Swagger and Zeb approach the ring. Swagger and Del Rio have a staredown to end SmackDown.
- PWInsider is reporting that The Undertaker is not in Dallas, Texas tonight where RAW is being held, as of 7PM EST. They note that he could always be hidden but most likely he won't be appearing on RAW tonight.
WWE taped this week's episode of Main Event from the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma tonight. Here are the full results:

* Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are on commentary.

* Sheamus defeated Cody Rhodes with the Brogue kick.

* Mark Henry defeated Justin Gabriel with the World Strongest Slam.

* Video package highlighting Ryback.

* Backstage segment with Cody Rhodes and Kaitlyn

Saturday Morning Slam:

* Booker T announces Mick Foley as the new General Manager for Saturday Morning Slam.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Dolph Ziggler.

* Brodus Clay and Tensai defeated Primo and Epico.

WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Oklahoma City:

* SmackDown opens with Alberto Del Rio vs. Damien Sandow. They have words before the match after Sandow cuts a heel promo. Del Rio gets the win with a cross armbreaker.

* Backstage segment with Kane and Daniel Bryan arguing. They got a rematch against Darren Young and Titus O'Neil for later tonight. This time, Kane will be blindfolded and Bryan will have his arm tied behind his back.

* The Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro in a 2 of 3 Falls Match for the WWE United States Title is up next. Cesaro gets the first fall with a Neutralizer but Miz gets the second fall. After lots of counters, Cesaro gets the third fall and retains the title.

* Promo for Fandango's debut later tonight.

* Randy Orton and Sheamus are backstage. Orton vs. Big Show is revealed for later tonight.

* Jim Ross interviews Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger in the ring. JR talks about his history with Jack Swagger but Swagger rips the Sooners. Colter takes over the interview and talks about the same stuff he's been saying on RAW. Colter says an English speaking American will finally be World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania. JR and Colter get into an argument. Swagger knocks JR's cowboy hat off and backs him against the ropes. Alberto Del Rio comes out to make the save. Del Rio cut a promo on Swagger and they had a staredown.

* Darren Young and Titus O'Neil vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan is up next. Kane is blindfolded while Bryan has his arm behind his back. Kane and Bryan got into it mid-match which led to Titus rolling Bryan up for the win. Bryan ended up slapping Kane after they hugged after the match.

* Backstage interview with Big Show. Show says he's looking to make an impact tonight.

* Heath Slater vs. Sin Cara is up next. Cara gets the win.

* Fandango is backstage with Matt Striker. Striker can't get his name right so Fandango isn't debuting tonight. He says he will debut when Striker gets his name right.

* Randy Orton vs. Big Show is up next. The Shield comes out and surrounds the ring until Sheamus comes out. They beat down Orton and Sheamus. Big Show knocks out Roman Reigns. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins retreat and Show chokeslams Orton. Sheamus knocks Show out of the ring with a Brogue Kick.
That makes more sense now. It does make Big Show look a little bit more "dangerous", but at first it was non-sensical. Couldn't bare them making Show face to team with Orton & Sheamus.
- The Dish Network and Time Warner Cable guides list the following wrestlers for Monday's "Old School" episode of Raw:

Ric Flair
“Mean” Gene Okerlund
“American Dream” Dusty Rhodes
Jim Ross
“Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Albany, New York:

* Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter open up SmackDown this week. Alberto Del Rio interrupts and shows us a clip of he and Ricardo Rodriguez doing a spoof of Zeb and Swagger's "We The People" videos.

* Kane and Daniel Bryan beat Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater.

* Ryback is walking backstage and has another staredown with Mark Henry like on RAW.

* Matt Striker interviews Dolph Ziggler, who says he's going to make history tonight.

* Damien Sandow comes out and cuts a promo. Ryback beats Sandow with Shellshocked.

* Fandango is announced to debut later tonight.

* Ricardo Rodriguez came out and told everyone to help draw out Alberto Del Rio's name for as long as they could later.

* Backstage segment with Big Show. He blames Randy Orton and Sheamus for getting attacked by The Shield after RAW.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Dolph Ziggler by submission in a solid match.

* Backstage segment with Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee, who was soaking wet from Ricardo's water in the last match. AJ picks on Bryan for his 18 second World Title reign.

* Mark Henry squashed Yoshi Tatsu.

* Backstage segment with Sheamus. He says he's going to Brogue Kick Big Show's head off later tonight.

* Tamina Snuka beat Kaitlyn in a non-title match.

* Backstage segment with Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. Cody asks Sandow what he thinks of Kaitlyn. Sandow says she comes from an inferior gene pool but isn't bad.

* Sheamus and Big Show wrestled in the main event until The Shield interfered for a beatdown. Randy Orton made the save but The Shield beat him down too. Eventually The Shield were sent out of the ring and into the crowd. Big Show knocked out Sheamus but caught a RKO from Orton to end the show.
WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight's tapings in Fort Wayne, Indiana:

* Sheamus and Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. The Shield came out and told Orton and Sheamus to find a partner for WrestleMania. They accepted the challenge.

* Wade Barrett comes out for commentary. The Miz defeated Darren Young.

* Backstage segment with Big Show, Orton and Sheamus. Show wants to be their partner but they already chose Ryback.

* Kaitlyn and Layla beat Aksana and Tamina Snuka.

* The Bella Twins attack Cameron and Naomi backstage.

* Dolph Ziggler beat Kane. Daniel Bryan and Big E Langston got into it and a brawl broke out at ringside.

* Ricard Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio mock Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger again.

* The Great Khali comes out to face Fandango but the usual happens and Fandango doesn't debut.

* Booker T makes The Shield vs. Sheamus, Orton and Ryback official for WrestleMania 29. The Shield attacked Orton and Sheamus.

* Mark Henry vs. Ryback is next. The Shield came out and attacked Ryback. He fought them off but they came back in and beat him down and hit the triple powerbomb. Henry came back down and hit three World's Strongest Slams on Ryback.

* Jack Swagger defeated Chris Jericho in a solid main event.
TNA taped next week's episode of Impact Wrestling from the Sears Centre in Chicago, IL.

(1) X-Division Championship Match
Kenny King (c) def. Sonjay Dutt and Zema Ion

James Storm interrupts an interview with AJ Styles, confronting him for the attack last week. Styles says nothing and leaves.

(2) Matt Morgan def. Joseph Park

Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring and introduces the four men who will compete to take the title away from Bully Ray: Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Magnus and Jeff Hardy.

(3) Tag Team Championship Match
Austin Aries & Bobby Roode (c) def. Chavo & Hernandez

Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell come out to the ring and argue, until Brooke Hogan makes her way down and fires Taryn as a referee. However, she rehires Taryn as an active member of the TNA roster.

(4) #1 Contender's Match
Jeff Hardy def. Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and Magnus
Complete TNA "Knockout Knockdown" One Night Only PPV Taping Results

*Gail Kim defeated Alissa Flash.

*Lei’d Tapa defeated Ivelisse Velez.

*Tara defeated Mia Yim in Yim's PPV debut.

*Brooke Tessmacher defeated Santana Garrett in Garett's PPV debut.

*ODB defeated Trinity.

*Jackie Moore defeated Taryn Terrell.

*Hannah Blossom defeated Sojo Bolt and Taeler Hendrix in a Three-Way.

*Velvet Sky defeated Jillian Hall. Hall did her terrible singing gimmick.

*Mickie James defeated Serena Deeb.

The winners all went into a Battle Royal with the final two being Kim and James. Kim eventually beat her and was crowned the winner.

Notes: Madison Rayne appeared in a non-wrestling role.....Daffney was in the crowd.
TNA has brought back several past stars to work the ongoing TNA Ten pay per view tonight, reports PWInsider. While we'll have full spoilers from the event posted here on WrestleZone a bit later, here is the list of names that being used:

- Sonjay Dutt, Homicide, Petey Williams, Chase Stevens, Cassidy Riley, Johnny Swinger, Shark Boy and Johnny Devine.

- Homicide is there for an LAX reunion match with Hernandez.

- The main events for the pay per view are Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode vs James Storm.

- There is also a gauntlet match scheduled.

Again, check back later for complete taping results of the TNA Ten pay per view.
TNA taped its One Night Only "Ten" PPV tonight in Orlando, FL, celebrating the first ten years of the company, and the following are quick match results:

*Kenny King defeated Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt.

*Velvet Sky pinned Gail Kim.

*Matt Morgan won a Gauntlet, tossing out Joseph Park to win.

*Team 3D defeated LAX and Bad Influence.

*Jeff Hardy pinned Austin Aries.

*Bobby Roode pinned James Storm.

*Kurt Angle pinned Samoa Joe.
The following matches were taped today for TNA's "One Night Only" Hardcore Justice 2 PPV:

All bouts are contested under No DQ rules:

Hardcore Knockouts Match:
-Jackie Moore vs ODB

-LAX vs The New Church

Tag Team Ladder Match:
-Generation Me vs Bad Influence

Hardcore Gauntlet Match, each wrestler enters the match with a weapon. The participants are:
-Little Guido (Nunzio), Crimson, Shark Boy, Devon Storm (Crowbar), Sam Shaw, 2 Cold Scorpio, Funaki, Johnny Swinger and Gunner.

-James Storm, Bob "Hardcore" Holly and Magnus vs Aces & Eights (D.O.C, Knox and Wes Brisco)

Monster's Ball Match:
-Joseph Park vs Judas Mesias with Father James Mitchell

Tag Team Tables Match:
-Team 3D vs Jeff Hardy and Brother Runt (Spike Dudley)

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