TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/15

This ain't Nexus. Not even close. Just because it's an invasion doesn't mean it's Nexus.

Except it started off with Foley standing on the ramp, distracting Abyss while everyone else jumped out of the stands and crowded the ring, attacking Abyss.

Otherwise, you're right, this isn't Nexus. At least the Nexus looks like they've seen the inside of a gym in the last 3 months.
I'm glad she came out quickly.

WAIT. Are we supposed to believe after this every one just packed up and went home.

"Gee, guess well have to find out next week."
Except it started off with Foley standing on the ramp, distracting Abyss while everyone else jumped out of the stands and crowded the ring, attacking Abyss.

Otherwise, you're right, this isn't Nexus. At least the Nexus looks like they've seen the inside of a gym in the last 3 months.

Cool. Who are they again? Wade Barrett, and a bunch of guys no one gives a fuck about, right? That's what I thought. One of them does a 450 splash. I know that much.
Cool. Who are they again? Wade Barrett, and a bunch of guys no one gives a fuck about, right? That's what I thought. One of them does a 450 splash. I know that much.

So there's Foley and a bunch of other guys no one cares about here. The biggest star they have other than him or RVD is....Raven?
Cool. Who are they again? Wade Barrett, and a bunch of guys no one gives a fuck about, right? That's what I thought. One of them does a 450 splash. I know that much.

You really aren't that bright. That first attack was brilliant... People were booing like a mother fucker. That Nexus shit was well done. This was a generic ripoff, and a bad generic ripoff, at that..
Lol I called it. WWE fans saying this is a Nexus rip-off, even though this has been in the works before the Nexus invasion.

But the Nexus invasion isn't a ripoff of any of the other invasion angles done many times before in pro wrestling? Give me a fucking break.
Except it started off with Foley standing on the ramp, distracting Abyss while everyone else jumped out of the stands and crowded the ring, attacking Abyss.

Otherwise, you're right, this isn't Nexus. At least the Nexus looks like they've seen the inside of a gym in the last 3 months.

You're right, GC, this isn't Nexus. Too old. Too fat.

Plus, Dixie invited them. What a cliffhanger!

Unwatchable. Again. The only thing missing was Dixie promising a big announcement next week in the iMPACT zone.
You really aren't that bright. That first attack was brilliant... People were booing like a mother fucker. That Nexus shit was well done. This was a generic ripoff, and a bad generic ripoff, at that..

Yeah, brilliance. First invasion angle I've ever seen in pro-wreslting. All hail Nexus and the genius of VKM and the WWE! :worship::worship::worship::worship: :rolleyes:
You're right, GC, this isn't Nexus. Too old. Too fat.

Plus, Dixie invited them. What a cliffhanger!

Unwatchable. Again. The only thing missing was Dixie promising a big announcement next week in the iMPACT zone.

Unwatchable. Again. Yet you continue to watch. No failure in logic there, man...
Cool. Who are they again? Wade Barrett, and a bunch of guys no one gives a fuck about, right? That's what I thought. One of them does a 450 splash. I know that much.

Yeah, because the likes of Balls Mahoney, Rhino, Team 3D, and a Mick Foley who can barely walk at this point sets off alarms of gripping television for me.

The WWE gives you a reason to care about the Nexus. The only reason why I checked out the last 10 minutes of Impact was because I wanted to see how this actually played out, and it was horrible.

At least we got D-Lo in a wrestling ring again though!
Like two hours ago you said it was an excellent PPV, but yea I liked this ending too, some flaws, but I liked it.
I did?
Are you kidding me? After the amazing Victory Road PPV? Hyping us up for absolutely nothing? Brilliant! Linda won't make it to the senate elections. Her husband will be too busy declaring bankruptcy./angrysarcasm]
Oh yeah, I did.
It's been an excellent invasion. This "ECW" invasion is full of guys who have been irrelevant for like 10 years.. Good job TNA :rolleyes:
Lol I called it. WWE fans saying this is a Nexus rip-off, even though this has been in the works before the Nexus invasion.

But the Nexus invasion isn't a ripoff of any of the other invasion angles done many times before in pro wrestling? Give me a fucking break.

Because, unsurprisingly, to them WWE does everything right and everyone else does everything wrong.

And are you people really going to tell me that Steve and Rhino are fat and worse at what they do than the NXT rookies not named Wade Barrett? You're all pretty fucking stupid if you believe that.
Nexus has been nothing but repetitive beat downs and 10 second fights. This is already better than that. Only 2 members of Nexus have any potential and will do anything after Nexus is done, Tarver is good but I doubt WWE feel that same. This isn't Nexus just because it's an invasion.
See, here's the problem with this angle.

Let's say it's completely unaffected by Nexus. Let's say that no one in TNA has ever heard of Nexus. Ok that's all fine and good. One problem: 95% of fans minimum are going to compare it to Nexus whether it's the same thing or not and that is where it's going to look like a ripoff and a miserable imitation. You can stand on the highest mountain you want and say it's different, but most fans flat out will not buy it.
Yeah, because the likes of Balls Mahoney, Rhino, Team 3D, and a Mick Foley who can barely walk at this point sets off alarms of gripping television for me.

The WWE gives you a reason to care about the Nexus. The only reason why I checked out the last 10 minutes of Impact was because I wanted to see how this actually played out, and it was horrible.

At least we got D-Lo in a wrestling ring again though!

I know!! D Lo is the shit.

I did?

Oh yeah, I did.


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