TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/08's GPS Says Turn in 3 Days for Victory Road

I thought I heard Tazz mention it early on in the show. I think he said he wondered if Sting was going to come back after the 30 days were up.
RVD vs. Joe, AJ vs. Kaz, Douglas vs. Buck #1, and Morgan & Beer Money vs. Super Mex & The Guns were all worth my time. Kudos to TNA. All it really needed was more Leonardo Spanky.

Although they could spoil all this good will with an Anderson win on Sunday. That reign'd really give my fast forward button a workout. Which it sorta needs, the lazy cunt.
IDR, I owe you rep, remind me

I won't remember, but thanks.

Good show, but they advertised Sting's suspension and then didn't mention it?

TNA has some wrinkles to sort out, but overall this was quite enjoyable.

They mentioned it – you must have missed it. They mentioned it early on. Taz even noted that he wasn't sure they'd ever see Sting in TNA again because of it.
They mentioned it – you must have missed it. They mentioned it early on. Taz even noted that he wasn't sure they'd ever see Sting in TNA again because of it.

Ah, OK. The sound cut off for a really long time at the beginning of the show for me, because there was an Amber alert issued.
Good. Kaz shaved the sideburns. The two time international Antonio Banderas shaved the sideburns.
Woah, Angelina is fucking hot! I burn my hands with grills every night. I might burn something else if I try to touch her.

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