TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/08's GPS Says Turn in 3 Days for Victory Road

Abyss calling his foreign object a girl.

That's totally not similar to "Barbie".
I really enjoyed that Impact. I'll have to check out the VR LD if I have free time during my service project.
...So just because he's not sad I shouldn't be? That's ridiculous.

Yeah, you're right. Forget I said that. Took sad in a different way.

You're right he's old, and though he's still good on the mic he's fucking up more and more these days. There are tons of people whose glory days have passed and we've been sad to see them still convinced they can go. Snuka, for example. Flair is rapidly reaching that point on the mic and is already WAY past that point in the ring. He'd be best as ONLY a manager and nothing more until eventually actually really retiring for real.

He still can talk though. He's good in the ring for his age, even if that isn't saying anything. Until he completely loses it I'm being entertained by him.

Hey, did I miss something or did they mention Sting's suspension? I lost audio for a while during the beginning because of the Amber alert.

They didn't say anything I'm pretty sure.
Good show, but they advertised Sting's suspension and then didn't mention it?

TNA has some wrinkles to sort out, but overall this was quite enjoyable.

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