TNA iMPACT! LD for 05/27

It's not like Lacey sat on the dude's face or let him motorboat her glorious titties. That being said, bet she's slightly moist after that. Even if it is pretend.

She probably is, but if a midget gets her moist, I could make a swimming pool in her pants. With that said, court will show a video of Lacey tonguing a midget and wonder "is this the behavior for a young mother?" I'm not sayin I agree with it, but I'm just sayin'.
Aw man. If I EVER get to go to TNA live. The interaction between the BPs and The NorCasl will need to be documented. Ill do something crazy, I promise :lmao:

Keep your destroyer away from Lacey, NorCal. :(

Velvet or Madison... lay waist to their poon...or talk trash to them. Either way, good times should be had.
She probably is, but if a midget gets her moist, I could make a swimming pool in her pants. With that said, court will show a video of Lacey tonguing a midget and wonder "is this the behavior for a young mother?" I'm not sayin I agree with it, but I'm just sayin'.

This is going to sound real bad, but unless Lacey's a rabid drug user or beats her kid, she'll win custody based on the fact that she's nuclear level hot and jiggling while she walks. :D.
This is going to sound real bad, but unless Lacey's a rabid drug user or beats her kid, she'll win custody of based on the fact that she's nuclear level hot.

Also I'd bet she makes a good deal more money than the dad. That has to help somehow. If nothing else she's likely better able to provide.
Never faced Jeff Hardy?Ever? I remember a tag team handicap match involving Angle, The Rock Triple H and the Hardys. I think Angle kissed Steph that day. But we'll have to fix that next week.
Now remember people: Desmond is NOT a guy that can be pushed as a legit guy. The fans don't know what they're talking about when they chant for him and he can't wrestle. So sayeth the Hogan.
Oh, look, ANOTHER PPV event they're wasting.

There is not a bigger bullshit line on the face of the Earth than this one.

1) Are wrestlers incapable of wrestling more than one match together now?

2) On what planet does Jeff Hardy vs. Desmond Wolfe main event a TNA PPV?

3) Just shut up Zero. Just shut up.
This is what's irritating as hell about TNA: this is a decent match. The crowd is into it and you have two solid workers in there. It's following a midget slapping the ass of a woman and making out with another after a terrible women's match. If they just toned things WAY down, this would be a solid as hell show.

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