TNA Ask a Question Thread

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TNA began almost 6 years ago within NWA. Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter formed it together with the help of Jerry Jarrett and one other guy I forgot his name. They were a reincarnation of NWA, but they broke away from NWA and even made new titles to show their independence recently. The first ever TNA World Champ was Kurt Angle and Women's was Gail Kim.
I apologize if this seems an odd question, but why should one begin to watch TNA (I'm sure there's reasons posted, but seeing as how I know next to nothing about TNA I wouldn't know where really to start reading)? I realize that I'd most likely recognize several former WWE stars, but besides the oddly shaped ring, what makes TNA different? The Knockouts sound entertaining, but I don't want to watch it purely for them (it sounds like a lot of their viewers do). Does the creative team do a better job? Is booking done better or worse? Just some general questions I suppose. I've seen it on but can't really get into a broadcast. Maybe I'm a WWE-loyal fantard. I dunno. That's what got me into wrestling anyways, so maybe it's how your first love (bad image) seems to be the best.

Just curious.
There's no definative answer to that question. I wouldn't get into TNA now, if I hadn't got into it years ago. It's terrible. Find some TNA from 2004-late 2006. That's a wrestling promotion with potential. You Tube is your friend.
Ech, you'll know this. Was the "fan" who faced Kong on iMPACT! a reputable wrestler? She was obviously trained and a plant, but is she well-known? What's her name? She's dreamy. I want those tree trunk arms wrapped around me.
It's on the main site actually for a change. Her name is Mimi Wolfram (Crazy Mimi). She's being trained by the Dudleys. And her arms scared me. They were huge!!!
No, Shantelle Taylor is not with TNA, she was contacted by them, but not given a contract

Apparently you're wrong, there Echelon. On her official fansite, it clearly states that Traci Brookes had been on an radio show and said that Shantelle was signed by TNA.
And during her time in WWE, she wrestled a few Dark Matches for Smackdown, in a mask and costume to make her look like a Japanese male wrestler, since she wrestled the likes of Jamie Noble. Apparently she was also in the crowd as a plant for last Thursdays Impact but wasn't the picked plant this time.
Thanks to Wrestling Radio , we have a audio interview with TNA Knockout, Traci Brooks. Traci confirms that Shantelle Taylor has officially signed a contract with Total Nostop Action.

"There's so many great Ontarian wrestlers. I mean there's Gail Kim and I. Shantelle Taylor just got signed. Angel Williams is Angelina Love. He [Scott D'Moore] is the one that got us all there."

Since the news of Shantelle's signing is out in the open now, we here at Ultimate Knockout would like to re-confirm that Shantelle has indeed signed a Total Nonstop Action contract. Shantelle had told me a few weeks back now, but wanted to keep it as a supprise.

Thats the fansite quote it's taking about. Again, take a fansite quote whatever way you like. She was on Impact though as a plant. I personally adopt the until she wrestles, it's not official approach on it
Odd question. Has Angle been in any matches since Lockdown? If so, has he worn the singlet or the MMA-style shorts? I'm not sure which to root for. He may be too skinny for the singlet now...
i know this is silly, but wouden't it be funny if at Slammiversary "eric the snake roberts" interupted with a snake during the weeding and remade the summerslam 91 thing. does anyone think this will happen?
Have Don West and Mike Tenay been the only commentators since the beginning of TNA?

For the most part, yes. Shane Douglas, Konnan, and sometimes random Nascar Drivers have all stepped in to do commentary.. however Mike Tenay & Don West have been their from beginning to current, as the main two.
Does Kaz come off looking respectable in the most recent iMPACT!? If so, is his match after appearances from the Guns and Angle?
What is the role of Jeff Jarrett in TNA?

I've always known that he has alot of pull is he in charge of booking or rosters?
He's Vice President. And from Disco's ramblings I've picked up that he is on the booking team and has say as to what ideas are used. PM gginferno to find out exactly what he does, he might tell you
Does anyone have any news on Jim Mitchell's status with TNA? According to the website, he is still on the roster with TNA however, he has not been on the show since Mesias left in March. Is he back stage? working as an agent? on the creative team? coming back to the show? being considered for an announcing team position? Manager to Mikal Judas or another new character that TNA signs? Manager of Abyss again?
I am a fan of Mitchell. I think he is one of the best when it comes to mic skills and cutting promos. I have said before that you can't hold him responsible for the content but, he executes and sells what they give him in scripts to the tee. He would be a great asset to any developmental wrestlers out there who need training on mic skills. Or established wrestlers (like Kaz) who need help with mic skills and cutting promos.
The three highest rated shows on TNA for this year all contained Jim Mitchell. I guess the staff at TNA does not realize that this man has a fan base. After Mesias left and Mitchell disappeared from the show, the ratings have went from 1.1 and 1.2 to a measly .90. I guess the fan base of Mitchell and Mesias are watching something else. The 1.2 rated show for TNA was the show when Mitchell told Abyss that he was his Father. Honestly, I have stopped watching the show since there is nothing on there that "trips my trigger" anymore. If you know what I mean. I have been keeping up to date on the TNA storyline by reading about it on this website. I keep hoping to read something that gets me interested in watching again but, nothing yet. I haven't seen Mitchell's name on the house shows or any news online. Should I start looking for him on milk cartons?
So, if anyone has any news on where's James Mitchell and what TNA is doing with him, please post here. Hopefully, they will find a good use for him and get him back on the show soon. If not, maybe Florida championship, ROH or WWE might find some use for him. He has alot of potential and a fan base.
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