Does anyone have any news on Jim Mitchell's status with TNA? According to the website, he is still on the roster with TNA however, he has not been on the show since Mesias left in March. Is he back stage? working as an agent? on the creative team? coming back to the show? being considered for an announcing team position? Manager to Mikal Judas or another new character that TNA signs? Manager of Abyss again?
I am a fan of Mitchell. I think he is one of the best when it comes to mic skills and cutting promos. I have said before that you can't hold him responsible for the content but, he executes and sells what they give him in scripts to the tee. He would be a great asset to any developmental wrestlers out there who need training on mic skills. Or established wrestlers (like Kaz) who need help with mic skills and cutting promos.
The three highest rated shows on TNA for this year all contained Jim Mitchell. I guess the staff at TNA does not realize that this man has a fan base. After Mesias left and Mitchell disappeared from the show, the ratings have went from 1.1 and 1.2 to a measly .90. I guess the fan base of Mitchell and Mesias are watching something else. The 1.2 rated show for TNA was the show when Mitchell told Abyss that he was his Father. Honestly, I have stopped watching the show since there is nothing on there that "trips my trigger" anymore. If you know what I mean. I have been keeping up to date on the TNA storyline by reading about it on this website. I keep hoping to read something that gets me interested in watching again but, nothing yet. I haven't seen Mitchell's name on the house shows or any news online. Should I start looking for him on milk cartons?
So, if anyone has any news on where's James Mitchell and what TNA is doing with him, please post here. Hopefully, they will find a good use for him and get him back on the show soon. If not, maybe Florida championship, ROH or WWE might find some use for him. He has alot of potential and a fan base.