The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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It's kinda ridiculous that the staff is considering articles as "spoilers" for the show.

That's like saying WWE spoiled Raw when they mentioned there will be a Big Show/Orton match on It's an advertisement, not a spoiler. Same goes with *******'s win. The purpose of the article is to advertise *******'s appearance in the Chamber. And if we on the forum want to talk about the Chamber, we should be allowed to base our posts on WWE's advertisements. If ******* appearing in the SD Chamber is a spoiler, then WWE has been spoiling us for weeks with the advertisements that The Big Show, The Great Khali, Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes are all going to be in the Chamber.

This is not a question, thus it will be deleted and Infracted for Spam. Please have a question, and not one about something which has already been answered.
This is not a question, thus it will be deleted and Infracted for Spam. Please have a question, and not one about something which has already been answered.

You're infracting me because I didn't ask a question? WTF? I read the rules of this thread in the first post. It says that you can either ask questions or lodge a complaint. There used to be two different threads for each, but they were both merged so both types of posts are allowed here.

Please eliminate the infraction you gave me as it is completely uncalled for.
You're infracting me because I didn't ask a question?
No, I'm infracting you for Spamming. Like I said.

I read the rules of this thread in the first post. It says that you can either ask questions or lodge a complaint. There used to be two different threads for each, but they were both merged so both types of posts are allowed here.
Clearly you didn't bother to comprehend the entire first post:

I've decided we don't need two different threads for questions or Complaints anymore, so we're just going to have one thread for both. If you have any questions for the Staff member here on the WrestleZone forums, or if you wish to dispute a Warning/Infraction, you may do so in this thread. Please be advised if you ask a question or lodge a Complaint, you may get an answer you don't want. Please be ready to take this maturely.

The first bold says nothing about complaining on a subject which has already been put to rest, just lodging a complaint about an Infraction. Which is why your second post is allowed and your first was not. However, it says nothing about this thread being used for regular members to discuss our policies, in fact the following line...

Also, to all regular members, please note the title of the thread says WZ Staff members. That means we'll answer the questions, and don't need regular members to do so.
...specifically tells you NOT to respond to questions by regular members.

The second bold tells you that if you do post in this thread, you may not get an answer you like, and to handle it maturely.

Again, I suggest you not only read the first post, but also comprehend it in its entirety, and not just the little bits and pieces you think supports you.

Please eliminate the infraction you gave me as it is completely uncalled for.
Your infraction has been reviewed and the reversal denied. Infraction stands.
This was not "an issue put to rest". It was an issue I was bringing up on my own. I was infracted for creating a thread about Randy's replacement and, needless to say, I do not agree with said infraction. WWE is the company that wrote Smackdown and they revealed the winner of the main event before their show aired. Obviously, that means that they do not intend for the viewers to be surprised by the winner. They intend for the viewer to know of the outcome before watching the show. How is it that you can say with a straight face that this is a "spoiler" when WWE wants you to know this information before watching the show?

I don't understand why you're recapping those specific rules from the first post. Are you implying that I broke one of those rules? Well, first of all, I never answered anyone's questions or complaints so that's completely irrelevant to this situation. This is my own complaint about my own infraction, anyone else's complaints are not relevant.

I also never complained about "an answer I did not like". I never received an answer as you deleted my complaint and called it "spam". For some reason, you're shooting in the dark to come up with something I did wrong.

All I did was write up a complaint, post it here, wait for an answer, and instead I got an infraction for "spamming"? Come on, it's obvious that my post was a real complaint and not spam. I'm not holding it against you. I just want you to reverse the last infraction, restore my complaint, and let me discuss my original infraction about the spoiler situation with the staff.

You complained about something that transpired here and got a reply from not only our moderating staff, but from one of the admins who run the forum. Not only did you receive one perfectly clear reply, you received multiple.

We don't play the "last word" game here. You asked a question, received an answer, was asked to drop the subject, and are still complaining. I apologize if the answers you received are not the ones you wish to hear but fact of the matter is that you got your answers... multiple times. Now, your posts are spamming up this thread so here is another infraction.

I suggest you either end this tirade or change it into a PM directly with our admins, otherwise you're going down a slippery slope that will eventually lead to being banned. Oh, wait... it's too late.

As for said conversation in this thread, it's a closed issue. When you come back, please refrain from posting in here about it any longer.
Is there anyway to delete a rep? Somebody repped me with a picture that takes up my whole screen. How can I remove it?

You can't. You can hide your rep and wait for it to cycle out, but unless it breaks any rules, you're stuck with it.

Nate is correct. The only other option is to place that poster on your ignore list. You will not get back the rep points that their red took away (or added if this was a green rep), but it makes the picture along with any rep comment from them vanish until you remove him/her from ignore.
Is there anyway to delete a rep? Somebody repped me with a picture that takes up my whole screen. How can I remove it?

You can't. You can hide your rep and wait for it to cycle out, but unless it breaks any rules, you're stuck with it.

Nate is correct. The only other option is to place that poster on your ignore list. You will not get back the rep points that their red took away (or added if this was a green rep), but it makes the picture along with any rep comment from them vanish until you remove him/her from ignore.

Yeah... or you could just nicely ask a G-Mod or Admin to take the image out of your rep for you.
This has been answered MANY times in this thread...

We have nothing to do with the main page of Wrestlezone.

I suggest you read through our Rulebook and this thread before inquiring about anything else.
Regarding custom avatars...obviously, that option is not enabled for members, however according to the FAQ, GMods and Admins have the ability to change avatars for users. Does this mean that custom avatars may be used, if a GMod or Admin consents to make the change for a user?

Specifically, I am thinking of something like Shocky's Cincinnati Bearcats logo, and I am wondering if it would be possible to get a Michigan Wolverines or Detroit Red Wings logo for myself?
Regarding custom avatars...obviously, that option is not enabled for members, however according to the FAQ, GMods and Admins have the ability to change avatars for users. Does this mean that custom avatars may be used, if a GMod or Admin consents to make the change for a user?

Specifically, I am thinking of something like Shocky's Cincinnati Bearcats logo, and I am wondering if it would be possible to get a Michigan Wolverines or Detroit Red Wings logo for myself?

Uploading custom avatars to the forum's server is turned off on the server end. It's not something we control. In order for us to have custom avatars, I have to link them from a Photobucket account. Only KB and I have access to the Photobucket account, and we are the only ones who are able to link to the images. And since I don't believe KB knows how to do this, basically it comes down to whether or not I'll consent to the change.

And I won't. Nothing personal, just not going to open those floodgates. We'll eventually open requests for the 2012 Avatar collection, and you can submit your request then. Say nice things to me, and you might get the one you want uploaded. :)
I posted a thred today in the World Wrestling Entertainment section. The thread was about a presale code for the Raw Supershow tickets that went on sale today for the May Raw in Pittsburgh. And its nowhere to be found. I'm wondering why? Did I do somthing wrong? And if so thats pretty gay, Or I could just be over looking it.
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