The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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I'm just wondering, what's an infraction?

An infraction is the more severe penalty for breaking the forum's rules (less severe is a warning). Each infraction (depending on what it's for) is worth a specified amount of points. Too many points get you banned.

This is better explained in our rulebook. Please read it before posting any further.
Just a quick question about something I did not see in the FAQ, the Rules or via search.

Is there anything preventing me from logging into my account from multiple locations? Such as my phone and my laptop provided it's the same account?

I understand multiple accounts is prohibited.

Thank you for your time.
Not that I know of. I have logged on at my computer after having forgotten that I still had a forum thread open in a window on my iPhone. It didn't log me off of either location so you should be fine provided it's the exact same account. From what I noticed it works the same as having multiple tabs open. The forum software recognizes whichever action you did last as what you are currently doing, so if you were viewing the members list on your phone but then open a Cena thread on your computer then the forum recognizes you as viewing the Cena thread since it happened last even if you were still logged on at both locations.
Thank you dagger, I didn't figure there would be a problem just wanted to make sure maintenance bot wasn't going to see it as an alt or something.
No, they'd just ignore you.

I turned it off for you. Leave it off for a day or so, and then let me turn it back on. I suppose I don't have to say that you need to make sure your PM box isn't full in order for you to get the quote notification, correct?

I guess now is as good a time as ever to give it a shot?
I'm having a hard time accessing some of the old school wrestling reviews from the table of contents.

When I tried to look at the No Mercy 2001 reviews, and a few Raw reviews from 2001 I got a screen asking for a password, but my forum password doesn't work(it also says something about cookies.)
Why were some of my posts in the Randy Orton out of the Elimination Chamber thread deleted? I did not post spoilers as what I posted is on the WWE website and it was not spamming. This was adding to the thread.
Why were some of my posts in the Randy Orton out of the Elimination Chamber thread deleted? I did not post spoilers as what I posted is on the WWE website and it was not spamming. This was adding to the thread.

It happened on Smackdown, Smackdown hasn't aired yet, it's a spoiler. There are people here who choose not to read these and since our rule is "ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS, NO EXCEPTIONS," they should be able to go into a thread expecting not to see spoilers.
I still don't see how it's a spoiler. It's been mentioned on, their official Facebook and Twitter pages. Therefore they have officially announced that he is in the match. Even though the match he one is due to air on Smackdown.

WWE have announced that he is officially in the Elimination Chamber match. How can it be a spoiler if it's posted all over official WWE pages?

I wouldn't have posted it if it hadn't been announced on WWE's twitter. I hadn't even read the Spoilers for Smackdown when I posted it.
I still don't see how it's a spoiler. It's been mentioned on, their official Facebook and Twitter pages. Therefore they have officially announced that he is in the match. Even though the match he one is due to air on Smackdown.

WWE have announced that he is officially in the Elimination Chamber match. How can it be a spoiler if it's posted all over official WWE pages?

I wouldn't have posted it if it hadn't been announced on WWE's twitter. I hadn't even read the Spoilers for Smackdown when I posted it.

It's a spoiler because it has not aired yet. Someone reading that post will have something from Smackdown spoiled. Basically, once something has happened onscreen, it's no longer a spoiler. Announcements on or the Wrestlezone front page don't mean it isn't still a spoiler on the forum. Once it's announced on Smackdown it becomes "common knowledge" rather than a spoiler and can be discussed without spoiler tags.
Dagger Dias, Thank you for clearing that up.

Initially, I did post in a spoiler tag, but I guess rules is rules.

I apologise.
I still don't see how it's a spoiler.
Then you obviously haven't read the rules.

Rules said:
K. Posting Spoilers: Do not post spoilers. A “spoiler” is any information that will happen in the future that is not already common knowledge. For example, revealing the results of a taped episode of WWE Smackdown before the show airs would be considered a “spoiler”. The posting of Spoilers will automatically result in a one point Infraction, and depending upon the severity of the offense, you may be given anywhere from a one point Infraction all the way up to a permanent ban. For the sake of clarity, and because of the locations of the primary wrestling promotions discussed on this board, the WrestleZone Forums will go by the American schedule of television programming. If it has not aired on television in America, it is considered a spoiler.

Things really are much simpler if you do as you were instructed in the first post of this thread.
That's fair enough but the spoiler I mentioned was in a spoiler tag and had been mentioned by wwe. How is it "information for the future" if it has been posted by WWE? I think that you need to add that to the spoiler rule. "If news is broken by WWE but still hasn't been mentioned on broadcast it is still a spoiler."
That's fair enough but the spoiler I mentioned was in a spoiler tag and had been mentioned by wwe.
So? Is there any place in our rules that says "except when news is broken by WWE"?

How is it "information for the future" if it has been posted by WWE?
You cannot be serious. Do I need to post the same thing for the third time?

I think that you need to add that to the spoiler rule. "If news is broken by WWE but still hasn't been mentioned on broadcast it is still a spoiler."
That would be stupidly redundant. "No spoilers at all on the forum, and no spoilers if *conditions A, B and C*".

How about you just read the rules and follow them. Now that your question has been answered multiple times, please do not continue to spam up this thread asking the same question over and over. Thanks.
That's fair enough but the spoiler I mentioned was in a spoiler tag and had been mentioned by wwe. How is it "information for the future" if it has been posted by WWE? I think that you need to add that to the spoiler rule. "If news is broken by WWE but still hasn't been mentioned on broadcast it is still a spoiler."

Just to give you another point of view I will use myself as an example. I don't go to I am not on twitter. I don't follow WWE on facebook. Other than this forum I have no connection to WWE besides what I see on tv. I know this forum has a rule against posting spoilers so I assume I can safely browse the forum without having a show spoiled for me. Your post spoiled the upcoming show for me. The spoiler tags don't help because even if I don't click on the tag you're still inviting people to respond to your spoiler.
Ok, Once again I apologise.

The Brain, Thank you for explaining your situation and I am very sorry for spoiling an up coming Smackdown for you. I also commend you for being able to avoid, spoilers and such like.
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