Dear arindam.roy,
You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.
Reason: Spamming
You have been infracted for spamming. We do have very high standards here at WrestleZone - we're like the Four Horsemen of Forums.
Posts in the non-spam zones (everywhere except for the Bar Room, Prison, and the Spam Zone) need to have some sort of purpose or direction. One line responses, pointless or off-topic responses, lists, etc. are considered spam. All we ask for is a reason for your opinion - back it up. If you gave a list, please explain why your list contains what it does. Little things like this keep the forums clean and keep discussion going.
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I hope this helps. If you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of the mod staff.*
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Thank you!
Dagger Dias
WrestleZone Moderation Staff
This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Original Post:
The internet is largely discussing The Rock vs John Cena promos (mostly the bad parts); but nobody is talking about the negatives of The Undertaker-HHH-HBK promos. Most of their dialogues so far week in and week out have been something like this:
"It's the end of an era", "I can decide the ending", "I will overcome all your tactics to keep my streak!". "I know what it takes to end you undertaker"
It's always the same s**t.
All the best,
WrestleZone Forums