The Survivor Series LD on 11/21 Will See Where The Winds of Change Blow John Cena!

My fucking goodness people, he fucking hugged Cole becuase him getting fired is bigger than on screen characters. Thats fucking all.

Fuck sake.

Dude, relax. It's just people discussing wrestling on a wrestling forum. Them downplaying kayfabe for something that, er, kayfabe is inconsistent. That's where the confusion is coming from.
Er, way to leave out the mechanism on how that went down.

They wouldnt pull that shit in the main program of the company. This aint TNA for fuck sake

I'm well aware of the mechanism of how it all went down. No reason to re-state it here because I'm sure pretty much everyone here knows how it went down as well. By the way, this is not intended to be a criticism of WWE, quite the opposite, and trust me, I know damn well this isn't TNA, because WWE has capitalized on the hype of this storyline (as opposed to "they" at BFG, but we won't get into that here).

They definitely would pull this on the main program of the company and I'm quite sure they will. They'll do a superb job of making it look real. His profile will come off The annoouncers will call him a former wrestler. Hell, apparently he's already a former wrestler on wikipedia. What's the alternative? We all know he's coming back somewhere, somehow, sometime. How better to do it than 2 months later, when lots of WWE fans will have forgotten the fine wording of the stipulations and will buy into his return as a SD superstar, and all of the hype of a surprise return at the Rumble, hook, line and sinker.
Here in the Uk we used to get them all FREE!

Now they charge us for most of em - screw that, I only pay for WM as thats the big show no pun but the rest I watch on stream or if its free on sky sports.

I wonder how many other people think that if bringing it up wasn't blasphemy around here.
Easily a waste of £14.95, easily one of the worst pay per views I've seen all year.

Very dissapointed.
you're joking or a fool. Take your pick. If I could, I would be willing to spend the money to watch it AGAIN. It was that fucking good.
Irrelvent. Nexus is Wade Barrett. Has been since day one. The other guys are just there to support Barrett. And bollocks is he not a good enough wrestler. I admit, he's not great in the ring. But he's good enough. He doesn't stink up the joint when he performs, gets good heat and is good enough everywhere else to make up for his weakness in that department.
he's sloppy. He's green. He's not ready to be the top guy in the entire company. He's also been on TV for 5 months. Sheamus was on for 9 or so.

No he isn't.
You're right, since the right guy was just fired. Orton is the #2 option, since he's the #2 guy behind Cena.

Busy with Morrison. And they just finished feuding and it sucked.
That feud is probably not over, and it hasn't sucked. The match they had tonight was very good. The buildup was very good. Hell, I'd say it was the #2 feud behind CENA's current feud that happened to involve Nexus and good booking.

If Barrett's not ready, Miz Sure as hell isn't.
You're a fool if you think Barrett>Miz. Miz is 9000034987 times better on the mic, and better in-ring.

See above two people.
JoMo is ready for a 1-off PPV title match against a top guy. Much like what Jeff Hardy had, as was mentioned before in this LD.

Who? There are no top heels not occupied other than Wade Barrett.
Doesn't need to be a heel. 2 faces can have a 1-off PPV Title match feud.
How about Daniel Bryan. How about Justin Gabriel (furthering the Nexus infighting, and Gabriel might be good in a Ladder match at TLC).

Had Barrett won we'd have seen the obvious rematch at TLC where Barrett can heelishly retain before the blowoff match with Cena at the Rumble.Which would have concluded the angle which has been dominating Raw since June.
Sorry, the Orton/Barrett stuff has gotten stale. Needed to change. Barrett winning kept it going. Barrett moves on, Orton moves on. And Cena's off TV for a while, so he's out of the picture.

Fuck off should Orton have won. He, like Sheamus has been booked as less important than Wade Barrett for fucking months and he's the top champion. Should not be happening. No way, no how.
Orton, while not being booked solidly right now, doesn't need to be booked strong to win that match. Cena called it down the middle, and since that's what he did, Orton should have won 100 times out of 100, since he's a MUCH stronger kayfabe in-ring performer.

Except that nobody but Barrett has any reason to face Orton. Sheamus is feuding with Morrison, because if you think they're done you're deluded. and Miz isn't going to seek open confrontation with Orton, because he's got the briefcase and gets a shot when it suits him, not anybody else. At TLC, Barrett will be facing Orton for the title again, with the same shit happeneing in the background. Nexus taking up more screentime, Orton being less important than the top heel. It's bullshit. They're going to pull the trigger soon, so why the hell not at one of the big 4?
1. The crowd shouldn't end the night booing at a Big 4.
2. I DO think Barrett's done with the title now, since I don't think he's the top heel. Sheamus (while not in the title hunt right now) is the top heel on RAW.
3. Maybe Jericho comes back soon. He can feud with Orton.

And had he won the title, would have continued to feud with CENA like he has been while Orton was getting diminished screen time despite being THE WWE CHAMPION. Barrett and Cena have been the thing on Raw, Randy is a third wheel. Keeping Cena and giving the title to Barrett would have given the angle a nice conclusion in time for Cena to wrap up Barrett at the Rumble and have a money feud with somebody for 'Mania. But whatever, it's done.
1. Randy WAS a third wheel. Now he's the primary wheel.
2. Cena is likely taking time off. Hence why he was written off TV tonight. He's out of the picture.
3. Cena isn't in the picture if he screws Orton out of the title. He feuds in Orton (likely into Mania). Barrett then makes the WWE Title a Midcard title since Orton/Cena >>>>>>>>>>>> Barrett/anybody.

No denying that. But that's no reason for Orton not to have dropped the title.
There is reason. It made no sense to give Barrett the title, especially if Cena is taking time off. And if Cena carried Barrett, why would you be willing to remove Cena from the equation, meaning the WWE Championship matches at PPVs would be shit. At least with Barrett currently in the Main Event being babied by Cena the angle makes the matches passable.
I think the Rock and Stone Cold are involved. Ultimate takeover The Rock is going to TNA to take over with Immortal and Cena and Stone cold is taking over wwe with Nexus and it turns out that Triple H designed it all with Shane O mac. Setting up Taker vs Sting Kane vs Matt Morgan Aj Styles vs Daniel Bryan Cena vs Orton Barrett vs Wolfe and Hogan vs Hart what a wrestlemania....
Here we are, a great big bunch of marks, right after Survivor Series, in a match with John Cena possibly being fired, and none of us have a damn clue what's coming.

But WWE is totally predictable. We know EVERYTHING that's going on.
The stipulation said if Cena didn't give Barrett the title, he was fired. So why not continue that storyline and actually do it and say it?

This makes it like Cena left on "his own terms," which he didn't.
Why tell the audience what they already know?

This never once made it seem like he left on his own terms. He did the right thing (call the match down the middle), knew the consequences (as did the rest of the WWE Universe), and got himself fired. No need to shove it down our throats. And since they want us to believe he left, they are giving us this sad feeling that he is leaving, hence the lap around the arena.
I think the Rock and Stone Cold are involved. Ultimate takeover The Rock is going to TNA to take over with Immortal and Cena and Stone cold is taking over wwe with Nexus and it turns out that Triple H designed it all with Shane O mac. Setting up Taker vs Sting Kane vs Matt Morgan Aj Styles vs Daniel Bryan Cena vs Orton Barrett vs Wolfe and Hogan vs Hart what a wrestlemania....

thoughts on my idea should i post a thread when i get 10 posts?
Here we are, a great big bunch of marks, right after Survivor Series, in a match with John Cena possibly being fired, and none of us have a damn clue what's coming.

But WWE is totally predictable. We know EVERYTHING that's going on.

"Cena to TNA?" thread, will probably appear in the TNA section soon aswell.
My fucking goodness people, he fucking hugged Cole becuase him getting fired is bigger than on screen characters. Thats fucking all.

Fuck sake.
NorCal is correct as always. Voice of reason right there.

Besides, Cole isn't really a heel yet. He is yet to do any heelish actions. He just talks down Danny Bry and loves Miz (and talks up a couple other heels). A heel would have to actually DO something heelish.
Remixie Steamboat

Why tell the audience what they already know?

This never once made it seem like he left on his own terms. He did the right thing (call the match down the middle), knew the consequences (as did the rest of the WWE Universe), and got himself fired. No need to shove it down our throats. And since they want us to believe he left, they are giving us this sad feeling that he is leaving, hence the lap around the arena.

I see from where you are coming but the current batch of WWE fans is still young. This isn't the Attitude Era any longer. You need to explain more things, it seems like.

I believe the lap around the arena was Cena himself doing it. Not the WWE saying to do so.

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