The NEW Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Sorry to be a bother but could someone delete the picture in the rep Coco gave me? It was funny at first but now it's just kinda annoying and I also don't want it to show up while I'm at school or my parents are upstairs or whatever. Awkward.
Howdy! I'm not sure if a post like this has been made, neither did I know where to place it in the forums, so if you could tell me, thank you!

Anyway, back to the topic, as I've noticed for quite a while now the Raw (and to an extent smackdown, cause it was never done as much) ladder post has stopped being put up on wrestlezone, I quite miss it as I always used to find it entertaining, and I always like to see who they thought went up, down and stayed in the same place, and what they thought of the show over all, and I would like to see it come back sometime in the future if thats possible.

Does anyone here know why they stopped it?
Firstly WZCW is NOT the place for this thread :lmao:

Secondly we on the forum don't have any real link with the main site. Your best way is to drop them an e-mail and they should help.
Can someone explain to me what a "wrestling e-fed" is?

Is it a role playing game?

Is it just coming up with storylines?

Are there any rules, or dice rolls, or simulations of matches?

I like pen and paper RPG's along with computer ones, and this e-fed thing looks kind of interesting, but I don't quite get it.
Hi, BR. I am one of the E-Fed mods and I would like to answer some of your questions.

Firstly, an E-Fed is like a fantasy wrestling federation that allows users to create and maintain a character of their own choosing. You create a character and then RP against other characters. An RP is a promo that you write in RP boards and the Creative team decided which is best. If that is yours, then you pick up a win and progress further in the E-Fed.

Hope that helps. If you need any more information, PM me.
is there any way to tell when and where our threads get moved too? i made a thread pretty much right after ec about how all the heels won and what that meant for the weeks leading up to wrestlemania. i then go back to find it the next day and i couldnt. i figured it got deleted for some reason. then, just today i find out that it became the official road to wrestlemania thread. while i think it is cool that a thread i made got to become the official thread on such a huge topic, i was never made aware of it. the thread title changed too so i couldnt even look for it.

so is there a way we can find our threads if you have moved them and given them a new name?

thanks a bunch.
is there any way to tell when and where our threads get moved too? i made a thread pretty much right after ec about how all the heels won and what that meant for the weeks leading up to wrestlemania. i then go back to find it the next day and i couldnt. i figured it got deleted for some reason. then, just today i find out that it became the official road to wrestlemania thread. while i think it is cool that a thread i made got to become the official thread on such a huge topic, i was never made aware of it. the thread title changed too so i couldnt even look for it.

so is there a way we can find our threads if you have moved them and given them a new name?

thanks a bunch.
Really the only way to do it is to do a "Search" and put in your name to see all the posts you've made, OR do a Search to see threads you've created. You'll get a list of threads that you have posted in, and if you don't see the thread you remember, check and see if there are any thread names you don't remember.

That's about the only way.
is there any way to tell when and where our threads get moved too? i made a thread pretty much right after ec about how all the heels won and what that meant for the weeks leading up to wrestlemania. i then go back to find it the next day and i couldnt. i figured it got deleted for some reason. then, just today i find out that it became the official road to wrestlemania thread. while i think it is cool that a thread i made got to become the official thread on such a huge topic, i was never made aware of it. the thread title changed too so i couldnt even look for it.

so is there a way we can find our threads if you have moved them and given them a new name?

thanks a bunch.

I made this change to your thread because, at the time, there were about 5 threads that pretty much all spoke about the same subject. It just made sense to consolidate them all and rename them to reflect the broad subject that you were all covering, anyway.

That's why our wrestling forums are one of the best on the internet... we keep them neat, organized, and clean.

If you find that you cannot find a thread you started or a post you made because it might have been merged, moved, or deleted, you should click on USER CP and then click on "List Subscriptions". If your account is set up to automatically "subscribe" you to all threads that you create and/or post in, the newly merged/modified thread should show up in there.

I hope that helps, BB.
I posted a new thread in a forum...and it never posted. I tried again like 4 hours later to respond to a post topic and it still never posted. What is going on? Is it me?
No, the post was deleted as it was pretty much spam, we did feel it was technically not against the rules, hence no infraction HOWEVER we do require a bit more effort on your behalf.
No, the post was deleted as it was pretty much spam, we did feel it was technically not against the rules, hence no infraction HOWEVER we do require a bit more effort on your behalf.

Sweet...thanks for at least letting me know!! Now I don't feel so stupid. :shrug: One of those days I guess.
No problem, any other queries the people in bold are here!
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