The NEW Ask a Forum Question Thread

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I'm looking to get news out about a wrestling show we are doing in Perth, Australia. If I refrain from putting any links in the post, would it still count as advertising? (There would be a poster included in the post which does have the homepage of the wrestling promotion)
I'm having trouble logging in on the computers at my school. I am set to Remember Me on my personal computers so I don't know if it extends everywhere. I try to log in and it says my information was entered incorrectly. I also cannot click on the WZF logo. Is this a forum problem or a computer problem?
Sounds like a computer problem Doc. Try manually entering your username/password, etc.
I'm having trouble logging in on the computers at my school. I am set to Remember Me on my personal computers so I don't know if it extends everywhere. I try to log in and it says my information was entered incorrectly. I also cannot click on the WZF logo. Is this a forum problem or a computer problem?
Sounds like you have forgotten your password and/or your school is block part/s of the forum.
I tried to get on to the forums on my school CPU as well, but it said it got IP banned. Is there anyway I can get that IP unbanned?
It worked by the end of the day. Either the filters were down or whatever was not letting me log in fixed itself.
I'm having similar issues like Doc. Sometimes I can't log into my account, but other times I get through. I spell my username/password correct everytime and I'm using an IP from which the computer is familiar with. I've had to change my password a couple of times to attempt logging on and that still has a 50/50 chance of accepting.

What would usually cause this?
I've been having the same problems as Doc and Falkon. I could log on at my dorm computer, but the computer in the APO office blocked me from logging on.

Then I tried Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, and voila. Try that guys.

I have a unrelated question. Do the admins look over every infraction given out? I remember reading that Sid gave out 70-100 infractions a week. Do you, meaning Sly and IC, go over everyone of those?
For people with IP issues, get a different IP and log in. Usually that will fix the problem you're having. For some reason, there have been IP issues on the forums.

Razor, usually at least one person on Staff will review every Warning/Infraction. It may not always be the same person, but most are reviewed.
Ah. I figured someone reviewed them, but I didn't know if that responsibility fell only on the Admins. Thanks.
Can someone please explain to me what it means when you see a poster's name with a black line drawn through it, with the message "Future Endeavoured?" Does this mean they have been kicked off of the site permanently, or have they been banned/suspended for a pre-determined period of time, or have they left of their own accord?

I have seen some posters who I feel are good posters who, while I may not always agree with everything they say, usually put together legible and well thought out posts, yet I see they are "future endeavoured." For example, I noticed the guy SCHIZOPHRENIC has been future endeavoured. I'm not asking for any of the particulars as it's none of my business, but has he been kicked out, or suspended, or what, because personally I thought he was pretty good and was surprised to see his name crossed out and the note "future endeavoured" attached to him. Same applies to several other guys as well, whose names I cannot think of at the moment.

Without invading the guy's privacy here, what does this mean? Can we expect him back, or is he gone?
Might seem trivial but is there a way that I can change the date stamp to read 27/2/2010 rather then the american way? I can live with it but its annoying sometimes.
Might seem trivial but is there a way that I can change the date stamp to read 27/2/2010 rather then the american way? I can live with it but its annoying sometimes.
I did a little research, and unfortunately, vBulletin does not support allowing users to select their own date format. There is a way, supposedly, to add a different language format, and then associate the date format with the language format, however, we do not have the ability to upload products to Crave servers.

You're stuck. Sorry.
Hi I got a question.

I was going to give this one guy some good rep, but the rep button wasn't where it was supposed to be. I looked at the other people's posts, and their rep button was there.

Also, I was going to send this guy a PM. But it didn't have a PM option. I looked at other people's user CP's, and they had a PM option.

So I was wondering why someone wouldn't have those options to choose for some people?
Hi I got a question.

I was going to give this one guy some good rep, but the rep button wasn't where it was supposed to be. I looked at the other people's posts, and their rep button was there.

Also, I was going to send this guy a PM. But it didn't have a PM option. I looked at other people's user CP's, and they had a PM option.

So I was wondering why someone wouldn't have those options to choose for some people?
I imagine the poster you were trying to give it to is banned.
Here is my question. If I want to reply to multiple people's posts in the same thread can I do it in multiple posts? It's alot of work to go back and quote every single person I want to reply to in the same thread I'd much rather reply to each person individually. This isn't to shamelessly boost my post count more to save time and convenience other posters by allowing them to just look for my post to them instead of looking through and reading all of the quotes in one post.
Quick question, more out of curiosity than anything else.

Can G-Mods and admins see further back in rep than an individual user? For example, I can see my last 20 but can Admins see further back than that?
Quick question, more out of curiosity than anything else.

Can G-Mods and admins see further back in rep than an individual user? For example, I can see my last 20 but can Admins see further back than that?
I can see every reputation that you have ever been given. I can also see every reputation you have ever given.
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