The LD That Will Not Die

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Matt Morgan is shit, but not as shit as Abyss. Morgan certainly has more options as a headliner, the Abyss character run it's course a while ago, much like Kane wasn't the 2nd coming of The Undertaker. Gimmick wrestlers have a limited shelf life, bar one, so it seems.
From what i am told, the monster heel abyss only was around for a short time, before they transformed him into a character off of Baby Looney Tunes, which is what he is now.

Speaking of Morgan, just realized he and Mexican Dinosaur guy weren't on the show in any capacity tonight. Lots of Bubba Teh Love Sponge, Dixie Carter, and Hulk's Girlfirends monster tits. I dont really mind the third one. but yea, SuperMexican and Morgan are much more grabbing than some other shit.

I have decided I like Beer Money.

My favorite things in TNA

The Beautiful People
Beer Money
Desmond Wolfe
Mr.Anderson's entrance

I will think of more. Probably.
You should find me a video or picture of these monster tits.

Afterything I like about TNA is swiftly undone once I watch TNA. Wolfe would be good, if TNA wasn't so shit. The Beautiful People are dying a slow and painful death. Beer Money deserve better and Kennedy is shit.
notice I said Kennedy's entrance. although I must say, he looks pretty competent in the ring these days.

Wolfe is awesome, but ye verily, he is involved in something stupid. his valet name is Chelsea, and when she spoke, she was clearly not from anyplace outside of America. Why the fuck even name her that, and stick her with Desmond Wolfe?

Speaking of Wolfe and stupidty, he attacks all the faces for seemingly no reason, with nothing to gain. Odd.
I haven't seen Chelsea yet, she's not trying to do an English accent is she? 'Cus not even most Hollywood actors can pull it off.
No tits, dont worry about it. and no she doesn't even attempt an accent, which is what makes it so stupid.

Unfotunate that Katie Lea wasn't released alongside Burchill, she could have been Wolfe's armpeice and made it much less dumb. For shame.
they should get Helms. Its TNA, so he can get on steroids and get back to looking the way he did in WCW. he could do well for the X Divison. For fucks sake, Kaz has been on my TV two damn weeks in a row now. surely Helms in good shape is better than that.
Well yea, becuase he has been out of shape. Thats why I mention Steroids, and a new start, you see.

The X Division certainley appears worthless. They should let RVD carry that division.
If you're TNA, what do you do: Hardy or RVD as the top face in the company? You know, that is of course TNA listens to teh damn crowd.
A 40 year old carrying the X-Division? They shouldn't book an X-Division, they should just dedicate one match per PPV to two individuals. If it's good they can have a rematch next month, if it's bad then they'll have to wait 6 months for another shot.

I'd have RVD on the same level that Abyss should be, dangerous hardcore wrestler in the middle of the card.
Hardy in the ME, RVD in the X Division. rather simple, really.

then again, fucking abyss is running on Hulkamania power now, so. Eh.
A 40 year old carrying the X-Division? They shouldn't book an X-Division, they should just dedicate one match per PPV to two individuals. If it's good they can have a rematch next month, if it's bad then they'll have to wait 6 months for another shot.

I'd have RVD on the same level that Abyss should be, dangerous hardcore wrestler in the middle of the card.

A super over 40 year old.

Kaz jake, fucking KAZ. Did you read that?
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