The LD That Will Not Die

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RVD debuts, jumps Sting from behind, quick pin, gets the living fuck beaten out of him immediately afterwards. Nicely done.
I read Lance Storm's blog about it and he raised some great points. I don't agree with all of it but he made a ton of sense as he always does.
Yeah the Sting and Hogan issues never made sense to me.

Again: maybe if they advertised their big names, people would watch. But hey, let's shock the people watching in order to...uh...get them to watch....yeah.
Jericho pretty much said the same thing that Storm did. But of course, those people don't know what they are talking about.
I love Storm and Jericho, but they're both entirely full of shit if they think RVD beating motherfucking STING in five seconds is considered "being buried".
Nah. TNA was AWESOME. So what if RVD's debut was sacrificed to further Sting's heel turn

You mean the heel turn that IMMEDIATELY got over with the fans like no other Sting heel turn before, or ever? The one that had the fans chanting "Sting Sucks!" in the first time I can ever recall having heard that in his entire career?
Again, if you think the IZ crowd is a good judge of a crowd, you're crazier than I am.

That was about RVD for maybe 30 seconds and about Sting and Hogan for the rest of it. The bigest star they could have brought in got 30 unannounced seconds and peopel can't figure out why they can't break a 1.3 more than once.
Upon further viewing, the main event wasn't as horrible as I thought. Brooke is still a cunt though.
It sounds like people would rather form their opinion based on a wrestler's opinion instead of their own. Most of the people on here Monday night enjoyed Impact, now some are changing their tune because of the ratings or its the "cool" thing to do. RVD pinned Sting and received a huge reaction and Sting pummeled RVD and got some of the hugest heat ever. I don't see the problem. Some people need to just enjoy the show and put down their stop watches and critique books.
It absolutely 100% was. Impact blew Raw out of the water last week.

It didnt though, did it?

Perfectly enjoyable show. Nothing to write home about, though.

Better than RAW? Yea, probably, but only becuase of how rockin the ME segment was.

the only other thing that I was even remotely impressed by was the KO segment.

Angle/Kennedy - shit

abyss - shit

Jeff Jarrett - dont give a fuck

X-Division match sans the last 2 minutes - dont give a fuck

Sting - dumb heel turn


Ive seen much better episodes of Impact. RAW was fine this week, hardly earth shattering.

I would go Impact - B+

RAW - B-
It sounds like people would rather form their opinion based on a wrestler's opinion instead of their own. Most of the people on here Monday night enjoyed Impact, now some are changing their tune because of the ratings or its the "cool" thing to do. RVD pinned Sting and received a huge reaction and Sting pummeled RVD and got some of the hugest heat ever. I don't see the problem. Some people need to just enjoy the show and put down their stop watches and critique books.
Um, KB and I formed our own opinion, sometime Tuesday afternoon.

And RVD beating Sting "clean" is a loaded statement and a half. He came in the crowd, jumped sting from behind, and won. His reward, getting the shit beat out of him by a 50 year old man for the next ten minutes, the focus entirely on Hogan.
Again, if you think the IZ crowd is a good judge of a crowd, you're crazier than I am.

Excuses, excuses. Now someone getting over in the place where TNA holds 99.9% of it's shows is a bad thing. Gotcha.

That was about RVD for maybe 30 seconds and about Sting and Hogan for the rest of it. The bigest star they could have brought in got 30 unannounced seconds and peopel can't figure out why they can't break a 1.3 more than once.

Think about what you're saying. If you're Hulk Hogan and you just got beat up on by Sting, why the fuck wouldn't you go out and try to attack him for payback? This is pretty much wrestling booking 101. Why wouldn't Hogan come out to try and stop Sting who was beating up RVD, the newest and one of the biggest acquisitions in Hogan's new TNA with the same damn bat he was beating Hogan up with earlier? Why would he stand by and do nothing?

It sounds like people would rather form their opinion based on a wrestler's opinion instead of their own. Most of the people on here Monday night enjoyed Impact, now some are changing their tune because of the ratings or its the "cool" thing to do. RVD pinned Sting and received a huge reaction and Sting pummeled RVD and got some of the hugest heat ever. I don't see the problem. Some people need to just enjoy the show and put down their stop watches and critique books.

Listen to this man.

It didnt though, did it?

It did.

Perfectly enjoyable show. Nothing to write home about, though.

How the fuck is RVD, Jeff Hardy, a Sting heel turn and Hogan and Flair facing off for the first time on TV in over a decade "nothing to write home about"?

Better than RAW? Yea, probably, but only becuase of how rockin the ME segment was.

the only other thing that I was even remotely impressed by was the KO segment.

That was probably one of the poorest segments of the night.

Angle/Kennedy - shit

Bullshit. Both put on a good match at Genesis, and their feud is the most interesting thing Angle has been involved in for-fucking-ever. Did you not see his promo after Genesis where he basically broke down and talked about all of his real life divorce issues and his arrest? Not shit at all and TNA fans fucking love it.

abyss - shit

Meh, he's not that bad. He's a bigger, less talented Mick Foley.

Jeff Jarrett - dont give a fuck

That's nice, but the TNA fans sure do.

X-Division match sans the last 2 minutes - dont give a fuck

Yes because you have no appreciation for junior heavyweight wrestling. Unfortunately for you the TNA fans again love it, and that's why the next PPV will feature a shitload of matches featuring these wrestlers.

Sting - dumb heel turn

How? Sting has been the stalest fucking character in wrestling for the last decade, he hasn't been relevant since the NWO. A heel turn has been direly needed for a long time, it's just never been booked right at all. How was the heel turn dumb if the crowd ate it up?

Why the fuck would Sting want to help out Hulk Hogan anyways?

Ive seen much better episodes of Impact. RAW was fine this week, hardly earth shattering.

I would go Impact - B+

RAW - B-

I'd give Impact an A-, and Raw a C+/B- as well. The thing was though, it was just far more entertaining television because Raw absolutely fucking nothing happened, it was business as usual just like any other episode of Raw on any other week on any part of the year. Did you see those Criss Angel segments? Some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Impact had the surprises and twists and turns and kept you wanting to keep watching the show and not switch over. Raw absolutely lacked that feeling.

Um, KB and I formed our own opinion, sometime Tuesday afternoon.

Actually KB had nothing but good things to say about Impact on Monday night, he kept saying how much he liked the show. Then suddenly the ratings are out and now it was just one big fat pile of shit, despite the fact that he kept telling me he enjoyed it.

And RVD beating Sting "clean" is a loaded statement and a half. He came in the crowd, jumped sting from behind, and won. His reward, getting the shit beat out of him by a 50 year old man for the next ten minutes, the focus entirely on Hogan.

Sting had a bat. RVD is only about 10 years younger than Sting is. How is this unrealistic that he could get his ass kicked by a man with a BASEBALL BAT? And the focus was not entirely on Hogan, the fans were chanting for RVD and it was about RVD getting the win, but somebody had to come out and make the save after Sting kept beating up on RVD and why wouldn't it be Hogan, the man who was attacked by Sting with that same damn bat earlier int he night? Why would Hogan just stand by backstage while the newest acquisition in "his" new company gets the shit beat out of him by the same guy who just did the same thing to Hogan himself?

Can we all just put away our WCW glasses and stop being pessimistic alarmists?
Or it's a crowd that isn't proof of shit and is in no way a good way to tell if something is working or not.

AJ Styles' words, not mine.

And wrestling booking 101 would be to have RVD come out, destroy some jobber like he did Sting and stand tall with TNA being able to point to him and say THIS is what we have that WWE doesn't. Same with Jeff which they got closer to right than RVD. The point is Sting and RVD shouldn't have interacted at all. Sting could have beaten up some crowd favorite and Van Dam could have destroyed Tomko. Both ways you win. We'll ignore that turning Sting heel is stupid as all hell because it makes no sense as he's way over and has never worked as a heel though.
Sorry, couldn't hear what you were saying about Sting not being a good heel, the fans on that episode of Impact are chanting "STING SUCKS!" too loudly.
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